Daniel Sandler b5538e6421 Rebuild quick settings tile layouts.
The chief motivation here is to allow two lines of text when
necessary. So much refactoring over so small a thing, but
the result is satisfying: most quick settings tiles do not
need their own layouts. Additionally, tiles with odd-shaped
icons (I'm looking at you, alien potato mode) no longer fall
off the grid.

It should be possible to further reduce the complexity of
quick settings, but for now this will suffice.

Bug: 7216734 // vertical alignment issues
Bug: 7216868 // wrap text in QS tiles
Bug: 7365911 // NPE in some tiles
Change-Id: I0c6ef275e44f745dfac52c2a7303072ae48e3873
2013-04-15 22:09:55 -04:00

216 lines
10 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* Copyright (c) 2006, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<!-- Margin at the edge of the screen to ignore touch events for in the windowshade. -->
<dimen name="status_bar_edge_ignore">5dp</dimen>
<!-- Recent Applications parameters -->
<!-- Upper width limit for application icon -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_icon_max_width">48dp</dimen>
<!-- Upper height limit for application icon -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_icon_max_height">48dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of application thumbnail -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_thumbnail_width">164dp</dimen>
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_thumbnail_height">145dp</dimen>
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_thumbnail_bg_padding">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of application label text -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_label_text_size">14dip</dimen>
<!-- Size of application description text -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_description_text_size">14dip</dimen>
<!-- Size of fading edge for text -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_text_fading_edge_length">20dip</dimen>
<!-- Size of fading edge for scrolling -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_scroll_fading_edge_length">10dip</dimen>
<!-- Margin between recents container and glow on the right -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_right_glow_margin">100dip</dimen>
<!-- How far the thumbnail for a recent app appears from left edge -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_thumbnail_left_margin">20dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding for text descriptions -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_text_description_padding">8dp</dimen>
<!-- Width of application label text -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_label_width">88dip</dimen>
<!-- Left margin of application label text -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_label_left_margin">0dip</dimen>
<!-- Padding between recents items -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_item_padding">0dip</dimen>
<!-- When recents first appears, how far the icon and label of the primary activity
travel -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_icon_translate_distance">35dip</dimen>
<!-- Where to place the app icon over the thumbnail -->
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_icon_left_margin">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="status_bar_recents_app_icon_top_margin">8dp</dimen>
<!-- Amount to offset bottom of notification peek window from top of status bar. -->
<dimen name="peek_window_y_offset">-12dp</dimen>
<!-- thickness (height) of the navigation bar on phones that require it -->
<dimen name="navigation_bar_size">@*android:dimen/navigation_bar_height</dimen>
<!-- thickness (height) of the dead zone at the top of the navigation bar,
reducing false presses on navbar buttons; approx 2mm -->
<dimen name="navigation_bar_deadzone_size">12dp</dimen>
<!-- size of the dead zone when touches have recently occurred elsewhere on screen -->
<dimen name="navigation_bar_deadzone_size_max">32dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of notification icons in the status bar -->
<dimen name="status_bar_icon_size">@*android:dimen/status_bar_icon_size</dimen>
<!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar -->
<dimen name="notification_min_height">64dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of a large notification in the status bar -->
<dimen name="notification_max_height">256dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar plus glow, padding, etc -->
<dimen name="notification_row_min_height">70dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of a large notification in the status bar plus glow, padding, etc -->
<dimen name="notification_row_max_height">260dp</dimen>
<!-- size at which Notification icons will be drawn in the status bar -->
<dimen name="status_bar_icon_drawing_size">18dip</dimen>
<!-- opacity at which Notification icons will be drawn in the status bar -->
<item type="dimen" name="status_bar_icon_drawing_alpha">65%</item>
<!-- gap on either side of status bar notification icons -->
<dimen name="status_bar_icon_padding">0dp</dimen>
<!-- half the distance between notifications in the panel -->
<dimen name="notification_divider_height">3dp</dimen>
<!-- Notification drawer tuning parameters (phone UI) -->
<!-- Initial velocity of the shade when expanding on its own -->
<dimen name="self_expand_velocity">2000dp</dimen>
<!-- Initial velocity of the shade when collapsing on its own -->
<dimen name="self_collapse_velocity">2000dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum final velocity of gestures interpreted as expand requests -->
<dimen name="fling_expand_min_velocity">100dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum final velocity of gestures interpreted as collapse requests -->
<dimen name="fling_collapse_min_velocity">100dp</dimen>
<!-- Cap on contribution of x dimension of gesture to overall velocity -->
<dimen name="fling_gesture_max_x_velocity">200dp</dimen>
<!-- Cap on overall resulting fling speed (s^-1) -->
<dimen name="fling_gesture_max_output_velocity">3000dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum distance a fling must travel (anti-jitter) -->
<dimen name="fling_gesture_min_dist">20dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum fraction of the display a gesture must travel, at any velocity, to qualify as a
collapse request -->
<item type="dimen" name="collapse_min_display_fraction">10%</item>
<!-- Minimum fraction of the display a gesture must travel to qualify as an expand request -->
<item type="dimen" name="expand_min_display_fraction">50%</item>
<!-- Initial acceleration of an expand animation after fling -->
<dimen name="expand_accel">2000dp</dimen>
<!-- Initial acceleration of an collapse animation after fling -->
<dimen name="collapse_accel">2000dp</dimen>
<!-- The padding on the global screenshot background image -->
<dimen name="global_screenshot_bg_padding">20dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the view containing non-menu status bar icons -->
<dimen name="navigation_key_width">80dip</dimen>
<!-- The width of the view containing the menu status bar icon -->
<dimen name="navigation_menu_key_width">40dip</dimen>
<!-- Default distance beyond which snaps to the matching target -->
<dimen name="navbar_search_snap_margin">40dip</dimen>
<!-- Diameter of outer shape drawable shown in navbar search-->
<dimen name="navbar_search_outerring_diameter">340dp</dimen>
<!-- Diameter of outer shape drawable shown in navbar search. Should be 1/2 of above value -->
<dimen name="navbar_search_outerring_radius">170dp</dimen>
<!-- Threshold for swipe-up gesture to activate search dialog -->
<dimen name="navbar_search_up_threshhold">40dip</dimen>
<!-- Height of search panel including navigation bar height -->
<dimen name="navbar_search_panel_height">230dip</dimen>
<!-- Height of the draggable handle at the bottom of the phone notification panel -->
<dimen name="close_handle_height">36dp</dimen>
<!-- Amount of close_handle that will NOT overlap the notification list -->
<dimen name="close_handle_underlap">32dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of the notification panel header bar -->
<dimen name="notification_panel_header_height">48dp</dimen>
<!-- Extra space above the panel -->
<dimen name="notification_panel_padding_top">0dp</dimen>
<!-- Extra space above the clock in the panel -->
<dimen name="notification_panel_header_padding_top">0dp</dimen>
<!-- Layout parameters for the notification panel -->
<dimen name="notification_panel_margin_bottom">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="notification_panel_margin_left">0dp</dimen>
<!-- Gravity for the notification & quick settings panels -->
<!-- 0x37 = fill_horizontal|top -->
<integer name="notification_panel_layout_gravity">0x37</integer>
<integer name="settings_panel_layout_gravity">0x37</integer>
<!-- Fraction of the status bar that, when dragged, will produce the quick settings panel
instead of the notification panel. See also @dimen/settings_panel_dragzone_min.
If zero, the settings panel will not be directly draggable from the status bar. -->
<item type="dimen" name="settings_panel_dragzone_fraction">0%</item>
<!-- Quick settings dragzone, if used, should be at least this big (may be zero). -->
<dimen name="settings_panel_dragzone_min">100dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of the carrier/wifi name label -->
<dimen name="carrier_label_height">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The distance you can pull a notification before it pops open -->
<dimen name="one_finger_pop_limit">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The fixed height of each tile -->
<dimen name="quick_settings_cell_height">110dp</dimen>
<!-- The padding between each tile within the QuickSettings layout -->
<dimen name="quick_settings_cell_gap">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum fraction of the screen that should be taken up by the notification panel.
Not used at this screen size. -->
<item type="dimen" name="notification_panel_min_height_frac">0%</item>
<dimen name="blinds_pop_threshold">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The size of the gesture span needed to activate the "pull" notification expansion -->
<dimen name="pull_span_min">25dp</dimen>
<!-- How far to slide the panel out when you touch it -->
<!-- For phones, this is close_handle_height + header_height -->
<dimen name="peek_height">84dp</dimen>
<!-- Quick Settings tile geometry: top interior margin, above icon -->
<dimen name="qs_tile_margin_above_icon">27dp</dimen>
<!-- Quick Settings tile geometry: gap between icon and text -->
<dimen name="qs_tile_margin_below_icon">17dp</dimen>
<!-- Quick Settings tile geometry: icon size -->
<dimen name="qs_tile_icon_size">32dp</dimen>