If the long operator name is not given by RIL,
try to get the short operator name.
Bug: 32791744
Merged-In: I4983ad708c57a650ce4a806e1f53837825bad2db
Depends-On: commit in frameworks/opt/telephony with the same Change-Id
Change-Id: I4983ad708c57a650ce4a806e1f53837825bad2db
Only the device owner will be able to set the restriction
and the restriction will prevent usage of Bluetooth on
the entire device - i.e. in all the users.
Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsDevicePolicyManagerTestCases --test com.android.cts.devicepolicy.UserRestrictionsTest
Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsDevicePolicyManagerTestCases --test com.android.cts.devicepolicy.DeviceOwnerTest#testBluetoothRestriction
Bug: 32895300
Change-Id: Iae77647b1e48be6b8efbeccdff6a3d468a0e174d
The dependencies to static libraries in frameworks should be removed
as many as possible to reduce a size of the system partition.
And that will improve coverage of the VNDK libraries because this
effort might find new necessary shared libs which were linked
statically before.
Size diffs of libs in /system/lib on angler-userdebug build are as
libandroidfw.so : 243748 -> 205196 (-38552)
libhwui.so : 562028 -> 562580 (+552)
libmedia_jni.so : 293652 -> 293656 (+4)
(All the others have the same size.)
total: (-37996)
Test: building succeeded, and the image was tested on angler.
Bug: 33056637
Change-Id: I3021fb438778eaea2be935b990ec85c4aec6c008
(cherry picked from commit 2b14c5eaf61635d1c3a69a2e59faa23cb6b7f7cb)
Replace byte[] representation with a List<byte[]> representation
which abstracts the LV (TLV without a type field) structure of
the match filters.
Tlv utilities: remove tag indicating that will be made public API.
That is no longer expected (will be an internal utility) since the
match filter structure is now parsed when exposed to API.
Lv utilities: removed. Was a simple wrapper around Tlv utilities -
no longer needed since will not be exposed as API.
(cherry-pick of commit c9870d0d431471bf1362e46fc4f2f1bc6722896a)
Bug: 32840891
Test: unit-tests and integration (sl4a) tests passing
Change-Id: I6d792c4d7584ce002f6c11692e83e7654ef3e764
Two birds with one stone: simplify the setup (including the modules
required in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) and work around a build system issue
wrt/ sanitized static libraries.
Bug: 33224213
Test: mmma frameworks/base/cmds/app_process && \
frameworks/base/cmds/app_process && \
ls $OUT/system/bin/asanwrapper && \
readelf -s $OUT/system/bin/app_process32 | grep asan && \
readelf -s $OUT/system/bin/asan/app_process32 | grep asan && \
Change-Id: Ieff0ea9a2209cf74cf06f813087b55cb0bcc3896
This stores a user's metered selection. This will be set by
Settings -> Data Usage -> Network restrictions and used in conjunction
with WifiConfiguration.meteredHint to properly track a Wifi network's
metered state.
Bug: 33106464
Bug: 26545374
Test: runtest --path
runtest --path
Change-Id: I1a378ef2946c1b5b6091bba379f2ab48a15d29d8
Clean up the definition of sanitized binaries. Clean up the
Android.mk to share values.
Bug: 33224213
Test: mmma SANITIZE_TARGET=address SANITIZE_LITE=true frameworks/base/cmds/app_process && ls $OUT/system/bin/asan
Change-Id: I70f8d95ff2ec6366fc0a7d252b91dce268186910
Data-path roles (initiator & responder) are hard-coded for discovery
session participants by the spec: subscriber <-> initiator and
publisher <-> responder. Remove API parameter which allowed caller
to specify role.
(cherry-pick of commit 9c7483fec41db681a2d6de93a9061fb8764ecba5)
Bug: 32883026
Test: unit-tests and integration (sl4a) tests passing.
Change-Id: I889eacda9416d9ecd04caa0c72413f984611d40c
Test: m
Test: angler boots
Test: Turn on Multiprocess WebView in Developer Options and launch the WebView
Shell. The sandboxed_service parent process is the webview_zygote.
Bug: 21643067
Change-Id: I9dab548853372fd91f6bbe204cc8686ef2e94448
Statically includes core-junit-static into legacy-test target so
that legacy-test can be used in place of core-test. Once that
switch over has been done then android.test classes that are
being removed from the public API can be safely moved into here.
Bug: 30188076
Test: make legacy-test and check contents of generated legacy-test artifacts
Change-Id: I75488303067c4ac34c46279bfce9a51273adcc34
Symptom: monkey crash caused system server killed.
Root Cause: when monkey crash or app crash before process bound,
calling AppErrors.crashApplication will first
clear binder identities, that will caused calling pid / uid
will become with current process (i.e. system server),
so in handleAppCrashInActivityController, when monkey registered
activityController would like to kill crash process,
but not found in AMS (monkey created by app_process)
then using calling pid / uid will become to kill system server.
Solution: add calling pid / uid parameters for
handleAppCrashInActivityController to prevent binder identities
cleared case.
Test: To simulate monkey or app crash before process bound may not easy
by using simple command, but we can write a sample program to
simulate RuntimeInit to call handleApplicationCrash when met
Below is test steps in Android 7.1.1 emulator.
1. start emulator
2. after emulater started, use "adb shell am monitor" to set
activityController & monitor process by console.
3. write a .jar program as monkey by below sample code to simulate null
application binder to call handleApplicationCrash() as RuntimeInit:
package com.android.test;
import com.android.internal.os.BaseCommand;
public class SimulateMonkeyCrash extends BaseCommand {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IActivityManager am = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();
try {
new ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo(new Throwable()));
} catch (RemoteException e) {
4. write a .sh file named SimulateMonkeyCrash.sh as below:
export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/SimulateMonkeyCrash.jar
exec app_process $base/bin com.android.test.SimulateMonkeyCrash "$@"
5. let .sh file is executable by "chomod 755".
6. push .jar file into /system/framework & .sh file into /system/bin
7 execute .sh file.
8. activityController will detected program crash in console as below,
press k:
Waiting after crash... available commands:
(c)ontinue: show crash dialog
(k)ill: immediately kill app
(q)uit: finish monitoring
9 you can see system server is crash.
Change-Id: Ibac4d88872f24af109d8e8522ecf5ac72fac0ce0
Expose whether a UI is single-threaded to avoid spawning threads
in actions.
Bug: 31961946
Test: manual
Change-Id: I37c8daa6a00784e833bad53b8e83ab4417955df7