This adds better support for Arabic script languages, Armenian,
Catalan, Hebrew, Kannada, Malayalam, Polish, Tamil, and Telugu by
adding various hyphenation types and edits appropriate for the
The actual implementations are in Minikin. This CL takes care of the
changes needed in frameworks, to support different end-of-line and
start-of-line hyphen edits.
Two bugs in are also fixed:
1. Where hyphen edits on non-spanned texts were not eliminated in
handleRun() when they should have. This had manifested itself in
double hyphenation in some bidi paragraphs.
2. Some no op assignments and comparions around the change for the
above bug are removed.
Test: thorough manual testing for various cases
Bug: 19756624
Bug: 19950445
Bug: 19955011
Bug: 25623243
Bug: 26154469
Bug: 26154471
Bug: 33387871
Bug: 33560754
Bug: 33752592
Bug: 33754204
Change-Id: I48c047d1f6a75c39a78a6ea38a0a3282f63326ec
* LRU cache of recently-used is dead, replaced
disk storage
* ASHMEM size is read from native by the system service,
no longer requires keeping a sizeof() in sync with a
constant in Java
* Supports dumping in proto format by passing --proto
* Rotates logs on a daily basis
* Keeps a history of the most recent 3 days
Bug: 33705836
Test: Manual. Verified log rotating works by setting it up to
rotate every minute instead of day. Confirmed /data/system/graphicsstats
only has the most recent 3 entries after several minutes
Change-Id: Ib84bafb26c58701cc86f123236de4fff01aaa4aa
- is not directly used. It is accessed by
Test: mm, and boot-up test on sailfish
Change-Id: I5742d2ee3b34ef09bcb997524408affce1ace8fd
Add more Skia pipeline unit tests and fix an issue
in backdrop/content bounds clip logic.
Test: built and run angler-eng and HWUI unit tests.
Change-Id: Ie41f80ff7ce9802a4d76e8b14f1695dbc9771a2b
Test: none. No new code; this just makes it explicit that HWUI is
depending on headers in Skia's src/utils directory.
This is needed for SkTextureCompressor.h, which itself is pulled in
transitively through SkGlyphCache.h. Adding this here means that Skia
need not list src/utils as an exported include dir.
Change-Id: I3f2b022504486b7a640236fb98a497b599b42a6b
For interpolators defined with a path, PathInterpolator is more accurate
and likely less costly for longer animations than what are currently
using as a substiute - LUTInterpolator.
Test: manual test and added a unit test
BUG: 32830741
Change-Id: I867c7a28e4261392cce9c45a2992ab4fd120c496
Fix Skia render node projection to match HWUI. Port
FrameBuilderTests_projectionReorder test for Skia pipeline.
Add new tests in both HWUI and Skia to cover more projection
use cases.
Test: built and run on angler-eng
Change-Id: Ibf27af211452ae95d595aca7723ea63f48b0b282
This adds support for debug.hwui.profile and
debug.hwui.show_dirty_regions to the Skia pipelines.
There still may be some follow up work for profiling
with visual bars. The speed at which the renderer
is able to draw the rects in the graph is having a
noticeable effect on the actual data in the graphs.
Test: Verified that the features work as expected.
Change-Id: I24430da2bab3eb54f6a771f9c984f8ae0008a5a7
Implement Skia pipelines for OpenGL and Vulkan:
base SkiaPipeline, SkiaOpenGLPipeline and SkiaVulkanPipeline.
Write unit tests for SkiaPipeline.
Test: Built and run manually on angler-eng.
Change-Id: Ie02583426cb3547541ad9bf91700602a6163ff58
Also speed up RenderNode creation:
Use finalizer() instead of NativeAllocationRegistry, this
shaves ~3us off of creation currently
Avoid instanceof, instead have SurfaceView explicitly ask
for updates.
Remove unused method call.
Test: ran benchmarks
Change-Id: I3117fdf72313a4e6a9965baca9f2a8b855c19b34
Implement SkiaRecordingCanvas, RenderNodeDrawable, GLFunctorDrawable,
LayerDrawable, StartReorderBarrierDrawable, EndReorderBarrierDrawable.
Move AnimatedRoundRect and AnimatedCircle in a separate file.
All Skia pipeline files are moved in hwui/pipeline/skia folder.
Add unit tests for RenderNodeDrawable, StartReorderBarrierDrawable,
EndReorderBarrierDrawable and SkiaRecordingCanvas.
Test: I tested manually on 6P devices and did run the unit tests.
Change-Id: If2a347bd1fc4689953822294ce5bf98c7f3f57c7
This allows us to delete utils/NinePatchImpl.cpp and
Test: Passed cts tests - DrawableTest, NinePatchTest,
Change-Id: I6b5d09fa3479e758d8b931fa0e977c25f4435a7c
Removing the direct uses of the BakedOpRenderer should make
it easier for the SkiaGL pipeline to take advantage of these
debugging features.
Test: Verified that debug.hwui.show_dirty_regions and
debug.hwui.profile still behave as expected.
Change-Id: I2818bda4a18ec183c9c39ca080ad34a4dc89b5cd
NOTE: Linear blending is currently disabled in this CL as the
feature is still a work in progress
Android currently performs all blending (any kind of linear math
on colors really) on gamma-encoded colors. Since Android assumes
that the default color space is sRGB, all bitmaps and colors
are encoded with the sRGB Opto-Electronic Conversion Function
(OECF, which can be approximated with a power function). Since
the power curve is not linear, our linear math is incorrect.
The result is that we generate colors that tend to be too dark;
this affects blending but also anti-aliasing, gradients, blurs,
The solution is to convert gamma-encoded colors back to linear
space before doing any math on them, using the sRGB Electo-Optical
Conversion Function (EOCF). This is achieved in different
ways in different parts of the pipeline:
- Using hardware conversions when sampling from OpenGL textures
or writing into OpenGL frame buffers
- Using software conversion functions, to translate app-supplied
colors to and from sRGB
- Using Skia's color spaces
Any type of processing on colors must roughly ollow these steps:
[sRGB input]->EOCF->[linear data]->[processing]->OECF->[sRGB output]
For the sRGB color space, the conversion functions are defined as
OECF(linear) :=
linear <= 0.0031308 ? linear * 12.92 : (pow(linear, 1/2.4) * 1.055) - 0.055
EOCF(srgb) :=
srgb <= 0.04045 ? srgb / 12.92 : pow((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
The EOCF is simply the reciprocal of the OECF.
While it is highly recommended to use the exact sRGB conversion
functions everywhere possible, it is sometimes useful or beneficial
to rely on approximations:
- pow(x,2.2) and pow(x,1/2.2)
- x^2 and sqrt(x)
The latter is particularly useful in fragment shaders (for instance
to apply dithering in sRGB space), especially if the sqrt() can be
replaced with an inversesqrt().
Here is a fairly exhaustive list of modifications implemented
in this CL:
to disable linear blending. This is only for GLES 2.0 GPUs
with no hardware sRGB support. This flag is currently assumed
to be false (see note above)
- sRGB writes are disabled when entering a functor (WebView).
This will need to be fixed at some point
- Skia bitmaps are created with the sRGB color space
- Bitmaps using a 565 config are expanded to 888
- Linear blending is disabled when entering a functor
- External textures are not properly sampled (see below)
- Gradients are interpolated in linear space
- Texture-based dithering was replaced with analytical dithering
- Dithering is done in the quantization color space, which is
why we must do EOCF(OECF(color)+dither)
- Text is now gamma corrected differently depending on the luminance
of the source pixel. The asumption is that a bright pixel will be
blended on a dark background and the other way around. The source
alpha is gamma corrected to thicken dark on bright and thin
bright on dark to match the intended design of fonts. This also
matches the behavior of popular design/drawing applications
- Removed the asset atlas. It did not contain anything useful and
could not be sampled in sRGB without a yet-to-be-defined GL
- The last column of color matrices is converted to linear space
because its value are added to linear colors
Missing features:
- Resource qualifier?
- Regeneration of goldeng images for automated tests
- Handle alpha8/grey8 properly
- Disable sRGB write for layers with external textures
Test: Manual testing while work in progress
Bug: 29940137
Change-Id: I6a07b15ab49b554377cd33a36b6d9971a15e9a0b
Bug: 30440166
If we are using HWC2, there's a change in timing
when in triple buffering with the pipelined offsets.
This changes JankTracker to recognize that and silently
erase that from the total duration
Change-Id: Ib1fd4209070f17dbd2baed707c8cf73fb11c3cf2
There is only one caller each for the static functions here so this
CL moves the logic to the caller. Also by moving some of the code
into the pipeline it makes it easier for future changes to configure
how a pipeline handles a layer.
Change-Id: Ib735b5154325cbb658fd151f7a19dbf434ab44b7