Svetoslav Ganov
am 016e163f: am 13c64b1d: am 253b628d: Merge "Update all printers activity\'s empty state and avoid selected printer flicker." into klp-dev
* commit '016e163f301158c5a0243830e7517866e7d14cc5':
Update all printers activity's empty state and avoid selected printer flicker.
2013-10-06 18:34:43 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am f3f27382: am f2bbe037: am 589a5505: Merge "Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"" into klp-dev
* commit 'f3f27382830d29d0ba045f5c2680e2f6831ae274':
Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"
2013-10-06 18:34:39 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am 22df192a: am 455def39: am a99cedc6: Merge "Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec." into klp-dev
* commit '22df192aaf1875ebd534dfc0523b9012cee61eac':
Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec.
2013-10-06 18:34:36 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am 13c64b1d: am 253b628d: Merge "Update all printers activity\'s empty state and avoid selected printer flicker." into klp-dev
* commit '13c64b1d957b65a0cc0fc8e9ac8963b4e850baad':
Update all printers activity's empty state and avoid selected printer flicker.
2013-10-06 18:32:28 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am f2bbe037: am 589a5505: Merge "Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"" into klp-dev
* commit 'f2bbe03726df6dd24a34444ec3a583bf1f23d886':
Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"
2013-10-06 18:32:25 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am 455def39: am a99cedc6: Merge "Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec." into klp-dev
* commit '455def3967109c7553625bc0985c0699057afcb2':
Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec.
2013-10-06 18:32:22 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am 253b628d: Merge "Update all printers activity\'s empty state and avoid selected printer flicker." into klp-dev
* commit '253b628dac59c431e2c73c8f17fa14976d78db2c':
Update all printers activity's empty state and avoid selected printer flicker.
2013-10-06 18:29:29 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am 589a5505: Merge "Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"" into klp-dev
* commit '589a550596eea6deda1aa0701fb73f5c4fa4769d':
Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"
2013-10-06 18:29:27 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am a99cedc6: Merge "Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec." into klp-dev
* commit 'a99cedc6b8d58a1b4856b0cc8c9fa568a90466bd':
Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec.
2013-10-06 18:29:24 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "Update all printers activity's empty state and avoid selected printer flicker." into klp-dev
2013-10-07 01:27:28 +00:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "Update the empty state for the "all printers activity"" into klp-dev
2013-10-07 01:27:01 +00:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "Update the "add print service" dialog as per UX spec." into klp-dev
2013-10-07 01:26:31 +00:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am df3dea9c: (-s ours) am 81d1af26: am 65d949d7: am 458430d8: (-s ours) am 5ab9af41: am f76b5383: DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit 'df3dea9cc3c6add3f8abcf5217de34c5660c66e5':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:24:27 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am cad9b715: (-s ours) am 8070ffcc: am 97ac7132: am 0e591c28: (-s ours) am 8098bfac: am dd8e315b: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit 'cad9b715924cc2c38caf15ed676200d24a8ced02':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:24:24 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am d99f9854: am 6b027cc7: am e7dd3469: Merge "Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs" into klp-dev
* commit 'd99f9854e21b15af2ea9226d35c3662e3c542ce8':
Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs
2013-10-06 18:24:20 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 1a205e9a: am 846a482a: am ade5f387: Merge "Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died." into klp-dev
* commit '1a205e9a0c2587ec603d88e954bd89ca0c957e7a':
Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died.
2013-10-06 18:24:17 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am 12c0b66f: am a5c43674: am eb09f990: Merge "Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps" into klp-dev
* commit '12c0b66fcecee7671a2cf3e28fddfb9cfa0c679d':
Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps
2013-10-06 18:24:13 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am c9d48121: am 7ac5a9ac: am 4bc5909a: Merge "Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack" into klp-dev
* commit 'c9d481218b23ff72922ddc6bbc006be971ff252f':
Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack
2013-10-06 18:24:06 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 0fa2673e: am ae828e86: am f46bb1d9: Merge "Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity" into klp-dev
* commit '0fa2673e9b9ccabdaa1837b5e6ec0b91c75d1a89':
Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity
2013-10-06 18:24:02 -07:00 |
Chet Haase
am cdd59f0e: am e849cc1b: am febf33fe: Merge "Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet" into klp-dev
* commit 'cdd59f0e6040ccf6904eef7df0ce8cc5509133d8':
Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet
2013-10-06 18:23:59 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 6ebd6cb6: am c50738d6: am dd88879c: Merge "Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front." into klp-dev
* commit '6ebd6cb673f5c3e432c1e92d6aec7ce47ecdd2cf':
Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front.
2013-10-06 18:23:53 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 2478281d: am 3cb25e91: am 1703fd87: Merge "Resume user where they left off." into klp-dev
* commit '2478281de362c86825cd93d6395af4197d1adb73':
Resume user where they left off.
2013-10-06 18:23:49 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am 2aa93138: am e67ebcbc: am 4b4ad011: Merge "Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades" into klp-dev
* commit '2aa931380b759ec45602dd560aa4d4170ea93330':
Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades
2013-10-06 18:23:45 -07:00 |
Jim Miller
am 143f2e4c: am 1654f847: am 158fbd3a: Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
* commit '143f2e4c5c33d4cedf8dfa667f990e3957ee53f5':
Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
2013-10-06 18:23:41 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 81d1af26: am 65d949d7: am 458430d8: (-s ours) am 5ab9af41: am f76b5383: DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '81d1af2605f43a8f6722371a8d3f2d0f81a8d5f2':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:19:12 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 8070ffcc: am 97ac7132: am 0e591c28: (-s ours) am 8098bfac: am dd8e315b: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '8070ffccbbb55721edd4ac014d6a675439a9926e':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:19:09 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 6b027cc7: am e7dd3469: Merge "Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs" into klp-dev
* commit '6b027cc713659bbe2127c83fe8bc14e66a163727':
Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs
2013-10-06 18:19:06 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 846a482a: am ade5f387: Merge "Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died." into klp-dev
* commit '846a482a0d891a799bfd6e9b00ed5b401a791b30':
Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died.
2013-10-06 18:19:03 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am a5c43674: am eb09f990: Merge "Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps" into klp-dev
* commit 'a5c436743c2d0343550d13f16ae557d4ea6101e1':
Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps
2013-10-06 18:19:01 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 7ac5a9ac: am 4bc5909a: Merge "Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack" into klp-dev
* commit '7ac5a9acb8c110620eac04db1eabecbbf64c0744':
Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack
2013-10-06 18:18:58 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am ae828e86: am f46bb1d9: Merge "Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity" into klp-dev
* commit 'ae828e869f1cc7506bc0d9329007c6fb990de39f':
Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity
2013-10-06 18:18:55 -07:00 |
Chet Haase
am e849cc1b: am febf33fe: Merge "Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet" into klp-dev
* commit 'e849cc1be608d672d318c5b7e56857ebe296de52':
Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet
2013-10-06 18:18:52 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am c50738d6: am dd88879c: Merge "Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front." into klp-dev
* commit 'c50738d67d92ce97f986b5f9371faf5a1a5e9f79':
Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front.
2013-10-06 18:18:49 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 3cb25e91: am 1703fd87: Merge "Resume user where they left off." into klp-dev
* commit '3cb25e91b419d4f18fec8ea2ceec33eb0915096a':
Resume user where they left off.
2013-10-06 18:18:46 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am e67ebcbc: am 4b4ad011: Merge "Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades" into klp-dev
* commit 'e67ebcbc0c5f03434aa756449f0cea6ecb1fde5b':
Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades
2013-10-06 18:18:44 -07:00 |
Jim Miller
am 1654f847: am 158fbd3a: Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
* commit '1654f84712d79a96083e039fc5b3cdaf05857d2f':
Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
2013-10-06 18:18:40 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 65d949d7: am 458430d8: (-s ours) am 5ab9af41: am f76b5383: DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '65d949d7f0110aea267036a284c683a27360700c':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:12:45 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 97ac7132: am 0e591c28: (-s ours) am 8098bfac: am dd8e315b: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '97ac713258fdac3ddb6963e68450316a4ca35116':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 18:12:43 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am e7dd3469: Merge "Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs" into klp-dev
* commit 'e7dd3469ffe9f0e631c41fd8fa22fe0270d44523':
Relax conditions for including windows behind dialogs
2013-10-06 18:12:34 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am ade5f387: Merge "Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died." into klp-dev
* commit 'ade5f387fa3e1c7d0de16a3d80fb8e3d5105a39b':
Revert to jb-mr2 handling of app died.
2013-10-06 18:12:32 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am eb09f990: Merge "Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps" into klp-dev
* commit 'eb09f9903807208d651a6cae38b9c9bc03984556':
Make sure to maintain privilege when downgrading bundled apps
2013-10-06 18:12:29 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 4bc5909a: Merge "Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack" into klp-dev
* commit '4bc5909a035b8b92be051762db2ee97cf55ea861':
Fix issue #11050678: Large memory leak in ActivityStack
2013-10-06 18:12:26 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am f46bb1d9: Merge "Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity" into klp-dev
* commit 'f46bb1d99bc168f1812fdd5aca4282eb37984016':
Fix issue #11086275: Thumbnail only created once for top activity
2013-10-06 18:12:24 -07:00 |
Chet Haase
am febf33fe: Merge "Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet" into klp-dev
* commit 'febf33fe4b4c20ad8eda9c4ddca53e08e8042397':
Fix resource-loading code for TransitionSet
2013-10-06 18:12:21 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am dd88879c: Merge "Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front." into klp-dev
* commit 'dd88879ce19332a5905699bc008504fd43d983d7':
Evaluate task on top of home when task is brought to front.
2013-10-06 18:12:18 -07:00 |
Craig Mautner
am 1703fd87: Merge "Resume user where they left off." into klp-dev
* commit '1703fd877f4dd1511a3758736d30da07c414eee5':
Resume user where they left off.
2013-10-06 18:12:16 -07:00 |
Christopher Tate
am 4b4ad011: Merge "Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades" into klp-dev
* commit '4b4ad01158415c6ed1ff3acc9c951add60c3cf75':
Notify that ASEC containers are being unmounted during upgrades
2013-10-06 18:12:14 -07:00 |
Jim Miller
am 158fbd3a: Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
* commit '158fbd3ab80eb75241fda9ada84eea43016d40ed':
Fix bug where pebble app triggers accessibility mode in navbar camera
2013-10-06 18:12:08 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 458430d8: (-s ours) am 5ab9af41: am f76b5383: DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '458430d823babdbe05a22e82b976c08d0e91f9c5':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 17:11:00 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 0e591c28: (-s ours) am 8098bfac: am dd8e315b: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
* commit '0e591c286ede084f5a01f9dc3569c51aa21a4e85':
DO NOT MERGE Un-deprecate getDhcpInfo
2013-10-06 17:10:57 -07:00 |