As a preparation CL to work on Bug 7254002, this CL simplifies
the layoutlib mock class of TextServicesManager, which was mostly
as-is copied from the real one by a previous CL [1].
Although keeping maintaining one real class and one stub class is
still painful, it should be much better than maintaining the real
one and mostly the real one.
[1]: I8c25f4919a2e97b56f705b59747e81cb6f45b07b
Test: make layoutlib-tests layoutlib
Test: No new test failure in the following command.
java -Dtest_res.dir=frameworks/base/tools/layoutlib/bridge/tests/res -cp .:/usr/share/java/junit4.jar:prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/junit-4.12.jar:prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:prebuilts/misc/common/tools-common/tools-common-prebuilt.jar:prebuilts/misc/common/sdk-common/sdk-common.jar:prebuilts/misc/common/layoutlib_api/layoutlib_api-prebuilt.jar:prebuilts/misc/common/kxml2/kxml2-2.3.0.jar:prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/15.0/guava-15.0.jar:out/host/linux-x86/framework/layoutlib-tests.jar:out/host/linux-x86/framework/layoutlib.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore
Bug: 7254002
Change-Id: I03e95bae15dc04cc0df20c4fb7cc86c5f3c6ccde
Friction icons are added to the end of the Wi-Fi picker list items to
provide visual information such as whether a network is secured, or saved.
The first two badges added are a lock icon to indicate a secure network, and
an open lock to indicate a saved network that is also secure.
Test: manual inspection
Bug: 34281330
Change-Id: I04ce9bc4a5bd245398d5f3b308ccb30b7cf58270
SeekBarPreference provided by framework used the wrong text sizes for
title and summary for both material and non-material layouts. Made the
text appearance consistent with the rest of preference widgets in
Also note that the framework SeekBarPreference is hidden and cannot
be used externally. The support library version is provided under
v7 preference lib.
Bug: 34068978
Test: Making sure that the text styling matches the rest of framework
preference widgets.
Change-Id: I3947a0bdd995e183e07e73e088916c1a3359ffe0
It expects to have onConfiguration called at least once, so
make sure it has.
Test: runtest systemui
Bug: 34377261
Change-Id: Iba980b020ef2c175c7ffebedf946edb282be464c
StatusBarKeyguardViewManager was assuming that the navigation bar
was the root view in its window, which it isn't anymore. Add a
getRootView() to ensure it is always the root.
Change-Id: Ifeeecc1ae8d7b6c4235a1ce4767dad3919bf90e6
Fixes: 34452399
Test: lock device, tap on nav bar area
Tasks are some how leaking their dim layer. The root cause of Task
not properly cleaning-up its dim layer in Task.removeImmediately()
hasn't being identified, but the CL will prevent user devices from
getting into a bad state until we figure-out the cause for the leak.
Note that when this occurs the task has been completely removed from
the system and the only reference left to it is for the dim layer...
Bug: 34395537
Test: This is a workaround until the real problem is identified.
Change-Id: Id8d45edb3b6858be82e4f057ae3da480da4f4b59
The method is no longer used.
Test: adb shell am instrument -e class -w
Bug: 33781558
Change-Id: I2b4acd54a747bd480a4a91bac424d39e264ea882