* changes:
Make ActivityManagerService just kill apps when they crash on headless devices.
Add support for disabling wallpaper service
Fix merge problem
Add the ability to pass float extras to AM.
Adding a feature to indicate specific support for Bluetooth API.
SystemServer: Add support for disabling AudioService and MountService
commit 43a2825a283e29c0f70100146394957af0598b0e
Author: John Grossman <johngro@google.com>
Date: Wed Apr 27 09:03:53 2011 -0700
Add the ability to pass float extras to AM.
Change-Id: I970ad3f76a65bd781099204019095c73ed8c09db
Signed-off-by: Mike J. Chen <mjchen@google.com>
Signed-off-by: John Grossman <johngro@google.com>
Using the same convention in system_init.cpp, you can disable these
services by setting system properties:
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@android.com>
* changes:
Fix problems dispatching media button events on headless devices
Add headless mode for running the framework without the surface flinger
SettingsProvider: Allow overridding default value for Setttings.Secure.DEVICE_PROVISIONED
Load lockscreen.disabled setting on database create as well as upgrade
SystemUI: Log an error instead of throwing an exception if navigation bar is enabled in tablet UI
SettingsProvider: Add support for overriding lockscreen.disabled default value
Allow overriding default STAY_ON_WHILE_PLUGGED_IN setting value in an overlay
Disable output processing when opening serial port.
Update aidl for new Broker API.
aidl: All flattenable types now must also be parcelable.
Update aidl to new APIs.
Suport RpcData as a parcelable type.
Modified AIDL to support authentication
Fix disconnect from wired ethernet issues.
Fix PresenterClass by adding a _listener field
add presenters to aidl.
Add SerialPort.sendBreak()
Generate fallthrough for unhandled actions in RPC methods.
PhoneWindowManager: Disable boot progress dialog on headless builds
Support custom flattenable types for RPC.
SystemServer: Don't start A2DP service if audio is not enabled
Add RpcData as a built-in marshallable type.
Add the full suite of RpcData types.
Checkpoint adding @home RPC support to aidl
ActivityManager: Make sure BOOT_COMPLETED Intent is sent when running headless
Enabled by setting system property ro.config.headless to 1
This will allow the framework to run without starting activities,
system UI and the keyguard.
Framework can still run services, content providers and broadcast receivers.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@android.com>
We need to pass an RpcContext with information
such as the caller's certificate. I also modified
the compiler so it does not use Container anymore
and uses Context
When a cable was unplugged, we were telling the driver to release the
ip address so if a cable on a different network was plugged in, it would
still try to use it's old ip address on the new network, which probably
didn't work.
Also, we didn't notify ConnectivityService about the state change in
the unplug case. Some of this was done in the interface removed case,
but we never remove the interface in Tungsten, just unplug. So refactor
the common disconnect code into a disconnect() function that's called
by both the link status change (unplug) and interface removal (only applies
to things like USB ethernet dongles) cases.
Signed-off-by: Mike J. Chen <mjchen@google.com>
SerialManager: provides access to serial ports
SerialPort: for reading and writing data to and from serial ports
IO with both array based and direct ByteBuffers is supported.
Accessing serial ports requires android.permission.SERIAL_PORT permission
Each platform must configure list of supported serial ports in the
config_serialPorts resource overlay
(this is needed to prevent apps from accidentally accessing the bluetooth
or other system UARTs).
In addition, the platform uevent.rc file must set the owner to the
/dev/tty* files to "system" so the framework can access the port.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@android.com>