* changes:
modified: MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/MediaPlayerApiTest.java Fixed the passing incorrect media names and add the localH263AMRprepareAsync test.
Use the in-memory ssl preference table before posting a message to the WebCore
thread. Since the WebCore thread is blocked waiting for the ssl resource, we
cannot query the user for their preference. If the table does not contain the
user's decision, bail on the request to avoid a deadlock.
Also mark a few of the ssl handler's method's as synchronized. This was reported
by findbugs.
* changes:
The new webkit won't keep RAM cache if http header has "no-store". So remove it from StreamLoader. And fix the code where we only want to cache network result.
Also added ContactHeaderWidget accessor for passing along
this list when triggering Fast-Track. This is used so that
the header widget can hide the profile icon when launched
while already looking at the profile.
We currently allow the dither="true" flag to be set on
individual <bitmap> and <nine-patch> objects, but that flag
is overridden when they are included in a <selector>. This
change adds the dither="true" flag to StateListDrawable so
they can be dithered when desired.
Fixes http://b/issue?id=2068024
* changes:
Remove the decleration of com.android.im.plugin.jar in platform.xml Add a column definition for keep_signed_in when query the active account with a given provider
Merge commit '36d5aaec2ee1f11ea80639c8194e4aac2be3892d' into eclair
* commit '36d5aaec2ee1f11ea80639c8194e4aac2be3892d':
Add FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag when adding a word to the dictionary.
Fixed the passing incorrect media names and add the localH263AMRprepareAsync test.
modified: MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/MediaPlayerApiTest.java
* changes:
add a "display_sent_time" column to the message table, to provide a hint that the UI should display time stamp for this message always. Add Gservices settings for gtalk stuff.
HSDPA: High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSUPA: High-Speend Uplink Packet Access
HSPA: High-Speed Packet Access
Add support for HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA:
1) extend TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE for HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA
3) set radioTechnology into ServiceState in GsmServiceStateTracker
4) change the implementation of TelephonyManager.getNetworkType to
solve the competition timing issue between the time of setting
system property and the time of receiving notification through
4.1) add a getNetworkType interface in ITelephony.aidl
5) add icons resources for HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA
6) make use of HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA icons in StatusBarPolicy
- @hides relevant APIs
- removes relevant javadoc
- enforces that only system apps can participate
note: general support is still there, will be easy to reenable when we are ready.
This patch includes the plus code conversion clean up.
1. change the plus code conversion based on the current and default
number systems retrieved from MCC.
2. for format such as +NANP, replace the '+' with the current IDP (011).
3. comments changes.