This is a cleaned up version of a utility that I've had sitting around
for a while.
The bit tool can run an android platform build, then sync or install
the outputs of that, and then run instrumentation tests. It's better
than what we usually do:
make && adb shell stop && adb sync system && adb shell start
Here's the help text:
Build, sync and test android code.
The -b -i and -t options allow you to specify which phases
you want to run. If none of those options are given, then
all phases are run. If any of these options are provided
then only the listed phases are run.
-b Run a build
-i Install the targets
-t Run the tests
One or more targets to build, install and test. The target
names are the names that appear in the LOCAL_MODULE or
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME variables in or Android.bp files.
Building and installing
The modules specified will be built and then installed. If the
files are on the system partition, they will be synced and the
attached device rebooted. If they are APKs that aren't on the
system partition they are installed with adb install.
For example:
bit framework
Builds framework.jar, syncs the system partition and reboots.
bit SystemUI
Builds SystemUI.apk, syncs the system partition and reboots.
bit CtsProtoTestCases
Builds this CTS apk, adb installs it, but does not run any
Running Unit Tests
To run a unit test, list the test class names and optionally the
test method after the module.
For example:
bit CtsProtoTestCases:*
Builds this CTS apk, adb installs it, and runs all the tests
contained in that apk.
bit framework CtsProtoTestCases:*
Builds the framework and the apk, syncs and reboots, then
adb installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs all tests
contained in that apk.
bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest
bit CtsProtoTestCases:android.util.proto.cts.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest
Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs all the
tests in the ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest class.
bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\#testWrite
Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs the testWrite
test method on that class.
bit CtsProtoTestCases:.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\#testWrite,.ProtoOutputStreamBoolTest\#testRepeated
Builds and installs CtsProtoTestCases.apk, and runs the testWrite
and testRepeated test methods on that class.
Launching an Activity
To launch an activity, specify the activity class name after
the module name.
For example:
bit StatusBarTest:NotificationBuilderTest
bit StatusBarTest:.NotificationBuilderTest
Builds and installs StatusBarTest.apk, launches the activity.
Change-Id: I9cff7a23852fa1a67369e7807f7ae9f6e45d6131
Test: none
Incorrectly passing text XML and unprocessed PNG files to
the AAPT2 link phase should raise an error.
Test: manual incorrect invocation of aapt2
Change-Id: Iab47f99bc378b5d1c4f4d87098f08243b9a4dc6a
- This CL provides the framework for manipulating the pinned stack using
an input policy (to be determined later) provided by the SystemUI.
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerPinnedStackTests
Test: #testNonTappablePipActivity
Change-Id: I025c41fff26ed05a35d68e59f10330680ed11ea8
frameworks/base/tools/aapt2/util/Files.cpp:81:21: warning: Null pointer
passed as an argument to a 'nonnull' parameter
while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
Bug: None.
Test: Warning no longer appears.
Change-Id: If242598405e995928378ce317a2e909654e1e985
frameworks/base/tools/aapt/Images.cpp:845:17: warning: Assigned value is
garbage or undefined
row += bpp;
Bug: None.
Test: The warning is gone.
Change-Id: Idf4623d2510111a9188ed39922e109a8db225c76
The classes there add a way for the platform to write out
protocol buffers that doesn't require lots of small objects,
generate code, and extra copying.
Includes the plugin for protoc to generate the constants.
Test: proto cts tests
Change-Id: I6385c198cecda9ac6fa533151609e3ace341af01
NOTE: Linear blending is currently disabled in this CL as the
feature is still a work in progress
Android currently performs all blending (any kind of linear math
on colors really) on gamma-encoded colors. Since Android assumes
that the default color space is sRGB, all bitmaps and colors
are encoded with the sRGB Opto-Electronic Conversion Function
(OECF, which can be approximated with a power function). Since
the power curve is not linear, our linear math is incorrect.
The result is that we generate colors that tend to be too dark;
this affects blending but also anti-aliasing, gradients, blurs,
The solution is to convert gamma-encoded colors back to linear
space before doing any math on them, using the sRGB Electo-Optical
Conversion Function (EOCF). This is achieved in different
ways in different parts of the pipeline:
- Using hardware conversions when sampling from OpenGL textures
or writing into OpenGL frame buffers
- Using software conversion functions, to translate app-supplied
colors to and from sRGB
- Using Skia's color spaces
Any type of processing on colors must roughly ollow these steps:
[sRGB input]->EOCF->[linear data]->[processing]->OECF->[sRGB output]
For the sRGB color space, the conversion functions are defined as
OECF(linear) :=
linear <= 0.0031308 ? linear * 12.92 : (pow(linear, 1/2.4) * 1.055) - 0.055
EOCF(srgb) :=
srgb <= 0.04045 ? srgb / 12.92 : pow((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
The EOCF is simply the reciprocal of the OECF.
While it is highly recommended to use the exact sRGB conversion
functions everywhere possible, it is sometimes useful or beneficial
to rely on approximations:
- pow(x,2.2) and pow(x,1/2.2)
- x^2 and sqrt(x)
The latter is particularly useful in fragment shaders (for instance
to apply dithering in sRGB space), especially if the sqrt() can be
replaced with an inversesqrt().
Here is a fairly exhaustive list of modifications implemented
in this CL:
to disable linear blending. This is only for GLES 2.0 GPUs
with no hardware sRGB support. This flag is currently assumed
to be false (see note above)
- sRGB writes are disabled when entering a functor (WebView).
This will need to be fixed at some point
- Skia bitmaps are created with the sRGB color space
- Bitmaps using a 565 config are expanded to 888
- Linear blending is disabled when entering a functor
- External textures are not properly sampled (see below)
- Gradients are interpolated in linear space
- Texture-based dithering was replaced with analytical dithering
- Dithering is done in the quantization color space, which is
why we must do EOCF(OECF(color)+dither)
- Text is now gamma corrected differently depending on the luminance
of the source pixel. The asumption is that a bright pixel will be
blended on a dark background and the other way around. The source
alpha is gamma corrected to thicken dark on bright and thin
bright on dark to match the intended design of fonts. This also
matches the behavior of popular design/drawing applications
- Removed the asset atlas. It did not contain anything useful and
could not be sampled in sRGB without a yet-to-be-defined GL
- The last column of color matrices is converted to linear space
because its value are added to linear colors
Missing features:
- Resource qualifier?
- Regeneration of goldeng images for automated tests
- Handle alpha8/grey8 properly
- Disable sRGB write for layers with external textures
Test: Manual testing while work in progress
Bug: 29940137
Change-Id: I6a07b15ab49b554377cd33a36b6d9971a15e9a0b
A lot of the vendor/locale specific code existed pre-1.0
and was reworked into the current system.
Test: refactoring CL, all code except setLocale() was not being executed.
Test: setLocale() change tested manually
Change-Id: Ifb098f9808763a6cf5fb4336e089430adc09e198
Added dominator tree analysis of resource configurations for each
resource entry to allow deduping of resource entries if:
1. The configuration for the resource entry's value is dominated by
a configuration with an equivalent entry value.
2. All compatible configurations for the entry (those not in conflict
and unrelated by domination with the configuration for the entry's
value) have an equivalent entry value.
Bug: 30051199
Test: make libaapt2_tests && libaapt2_tests
Change-Id: I66468d3014a2d6097a94b039ac1028f9f461c7d3
PngCrunching now has a slightly better heuristic of choosing to encode
an image as a palette or RGB. For small images, RGB compresses much better
than a palette.
The original PNG is used as-is (minus some optional chunks being stripped)
if the resulting crunched PNG is larger than the original.
9-patch handling is abstracted away from PNGs, paving the way
for other 9-patches, like WebP.
TODO: handle PNGs with 9-patch chunks already present, which
should just be passed through. This will allow for 3rd party
tools to generate 9-patches.
TODO: implement cheap transparency: when one color is used to represent
transparent, and all other colors are opaque.
Change-Id: I5167f53b91d1efa462d9f03d6b9108d9b541c0c1
This introduces a new feature of the IBinder command protocol
to allow the shell command implementation to call back into
its caller to ask it to open files in the calling context. This
is needed so that commands that have arguments specifying files
can open those files as the calling shell, not the system (or
whatever) process.
To test this all out, move the "am start" implementation over
to ActivityManagerShellCommand, in particular along with its
option to specify a file in which to write profiling data.
Test: Manual
Change-Id: I0c1e3857defefbd19a2ac29413aafbb34b1e48a3
StringPool:entry* are not trivially moveable, as they contain Vector<>
objects. The data in Vector<> is trivially moveable, but Vector<>
itself is a dynamic type with a vtable, which is not trivially
Impact on aapt for frameworks-res is negligible, ~3%.
Bug: 31595853
Test: m -j framework-res
Change-Id: I562a46ef8934aed7aab5c5377db53d9cf64a08b9
Permissions such as android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
and android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION assumed the underlying feature
technology and aapt dump badging would emit an implied feature.
This is no longer accurate, so the only implied feature is on the general
android.hardware.location when the target SDK of the app is 21+.
Change-Id: Ica9ebf7d4f360b137af54a8c8fd6c0358cd9be6a
If an attribute is not an actual theme reference, the call to
Resources.Theme.resolveAttribute will fail in layoutlib. This would
happen for example for color values.
The call in the Android framework simply returns the value.
Bug: 31553972
Change-Id: Idda768a659d94a6c3f848dc960303cf4241325c3