This makes the hidden API omit most parts
of HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP URLs to avoid leaking anything unsafe. Only
the host and port are retained for these URLs.
Bug: 19215516
Change-Id: I2e9e33d9afaa9de5dd07a40532d56f0a2179f62a
Expose ART's -Xzygote-max-boot-retry through a new system property
Bug: 19983101
Change-Id: Ib88f807e0082d71292c14c7af38e02cca5a5602c
Keymaster HAL currently requires that key validity start and end dates
always be specified. The framework API does not. This CL expresses
the framework API's "not specified" instants to Keymaster as instants
in distant past or future.
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: Ia9d66d5e57bfca30628cdef6e0925a2781a3acfb
scan.cpp gets sys/stat.h inherited from
private/android_filesystem_config.h it should
not rely on this in the future. The intent is
to move fs_config function into libcutils and
thus deprecate any need for sys/stat.h in this
include file.
Bug: 19908228
Change-Id: If547e86513b06c536972138ae571c3d9c714ffe9
app_main.c gets sys/stat.h inherited from
private/android_filesystem_config.h it should
not rely on this in the future. The intent is
to move fs_config function into libcutils and
thus deprecate any need for sys/stat.h in this
include file.
Bug: 19908228
Change-Id: I477b825e582742113f849aaa1df50c41e496b6f6
Report ANR on wrong activity.
Reproduce steps:
(All launchMode, taskAffinity are default and
without additional intent flag)
Case 1:
1.Launch activity A from launcher.
2.Activity A starts B activity.
3.Press home key.
4.Launch activity A from launcher (B is top).
5.Press back key twice to finish B and A,
A sleep 10s in onResume.
6.ANR will report on launcher.
Case 2:
1.Launch activity A from launcher.
2.Press home key.
3.Kill process of A.
4.Launch activity A from launcher.
5.A sleep 10s in onResume, press back key immediately.
6.ANR will report on launcher.
Possible root cause:
Focused activity will not be updated every time when activity
resumed. (the condition to call setFocusedActivityLocked)
Case 1:
Launcher was stopped and not waitingVisible due to launcher
is not the previous one, then getWaitingHistoryRecordLocked
has no chance to correct the real ANR activity.
Case 2:
Due to process of next activity is died, bring existed
task will not set mResumedActivity (it will be set when its
process is started), so when assigning waitingVisible from
processStoppingActivitiesLocked, the return value of
allResumedActivitiesVisible will be true even there is no
mResumedActivity. That results set waitingVisible to false
to previous activity (e.g. launcher), then also cannot
correct ANR target as case 1.
Change-Id: I0b24f46a8fab266382ebc6e2ed84ebeca9358768
Application may use many threads to load data from provider.
If the target provider needs to start process, each access
will occupy one binder thread of system server until the
provider process started and published.
Sometimes application uses more than 16 threads to access
the same provider, and the provider process needs a little
long time to start, then all binder threads of system server
are waiting. But when the provider is ready, it is unable to
publish to notify those waiting threads because no availabe
binder thread to use. And device will become almost hang.
If there is already a thread acquiring provider, let other threads
(which try to acquire the same provider) wait the result of the
first one. That reduces IPC to save binder thread of system server.
Remove calling removeContentProvider in installProvider because
we have ensured only get one provider holder for the same provider,
the original race that gets a new useless holder will not happen.
Change-Id: I521f2603db8ced56912f5dc54342a70451e68381
This adds AndroidKeyStore.getKeyStoreOperationHandle method which can
be used to obtain the KeyStore operation handle corresponding to the
provided JCA cryto primitive (provided it's backed by
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: Iaa3b6f9b2281b2ec2de8fd5946d353dc7fdb3d2d
This factory provides a way to obtain information about a SecretKey
backed by AndroidKeyStore. The information is provided in a form of an
instance of KeyStoreKeySpec class.
SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(
key.getAlgorithm(), "AndroidKeyStore");
KeyStoreKeySpec keySpec =
factory.getKeySpec(key, KeyStoreKeySpec.class);
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: I26c9dd544f80230fe7039501eeb471eaf875452b
System server crash.
Root Cause:
The value curProcState for array index is -1 if the process
has not attached yet.
Skip computing for process which is not attached or curProcState
is nonexistent state.
Change-Id: I71aaf45bb78d73097ebe9dfebf76b72f2d243232
Check dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threads in AndroidRuntime and pass to ART
with "-j" as a compiler option, if found.
Check dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-threads in AndroidRuntime and pass to
ART with "-j" as an image compiler option, if found.
Bug: 19992386
Change-Id: I5e7806cf560607d31a1d6901dffb14bee538c9cc
This also adds the MAC length constraint on imported HMAC keys. HMAC
doesn't work without this constraint at the moment.
Bug: 18088752
Change-Id: I8613f58f5d2a84df00bcf6179d13e30619440330
Also added references to arguments and global values in a closure to
keep them live in Java while native code may access them.
Change-Id: I1179d34aa67f845578740e71cc2da4f82419f251
generateKey and begin can now optionally take an array of bytes to add
to the rng entropy of the device before the operation. If entropy is
specified and the device does not support add_rng_entropy or the call
fails then that device will not be used, leading to fallback or error
depending on the situation.
Change-Id: Id7d33e3cc959594dfa5483d002993ba35c1fb134