Adam Powell
am 79b08a49: am 2cfb9373: am 5dd8b008: Merge "add bouncer frame to glowpad." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '79b08a499f5ac7aa4f9dcba4e6c5d9a54463799b':
add bouncer frame to glowpad.
2012-11-08 15:46:58 -08:00
Adam Powell
am d7aaf3af: am f3eaabb9: am a9fa92e8: Keyguard - force showing the status bar
* commit 'd7aaf3af31f2f16753883c263eb7812493a3b123':
Keyguard - force showing the status bar
2012-11-08 15:46:51 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 670f5a52: am e0dd7c46: am 2cacda5f: Disable interactive mode for full-screen security views in keyguard.
* commit '670f5a52b0a6c9c74541af06929152a54e53fe8b':
Disable interactive mode for full-screen security views in keyguard.
2012-11-08 15:46:47 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 230719c7: am 640cf0ab: am 1e0f6faf: Merge "Clean up some flashy jank (issue 7454766)" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '230719c7b5da0d36bd4e475cfba258011ab32d95':
Clean up some flashy jank (issue 7454766)
2012-11-08 15:46:39 -08:00
Winson Chung
am 10bcc7d9: am 18825966: am 70c2f873: Synchronizing bouncer duration with page scaling duration.
* commit '10bcc7d95827884de2131fc316a24c9e6facee1e':
Synchronizing bouncer duration with page scaling duration.
2012-11-08 15:46:36 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am e7689b82: am 3a54aaed: am 838195db: Merge "Compress lockscreen\'s account login fallback to fit." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'e7689b82fa8a544289e7bcbb33ac6b33da6c9648':
Compress lockscreen's account login fallback to fit.
2012-11-08 15:46:32 -08:00
Amith Yamasani
am fda5c852: am 318d87fb: am 9eacab8a: am 3fe2cb4d: Merge "Don\'t cancel any notifications that are meant for all users, if no package is specified." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'fda5c8524d5d8971c392748a3d06a815e46276d3':
2012-11-08 15:46:28 -08:00
Adam Powell
am ef79efdc: am 868edfde: am e7e210cb: Merge "Fiddle with keyguard glowpad layouts" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'ef79efdc479ea8d5ec623c14260e775f9e6a474b':
Fiddle with keyguard glowpad layouts
2012-11-08 15:46:25 -08:00
Winson Chung
am 8c5ebad0: am 062e01c5: am 2635750f: Adding workaround to fix issue where the bouncer animation had the wrong pivot.
* commit '8c5ebad0033de401130d2367ec40d826691542ee':
Adding workaround to fix issue where the bouncer animation had the wrong pivot.
2012-11-08 15:46:21 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 426348ae: am e9c881c6: am ae0161e7: Merge "Don\'t handle click events on the emergency button in bouncer mode" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '426348ae8158f84c034310e08602362bd1a02072':
Don't handle click events on the emergency button in bouncer mode
2012-11-08 15:46:18 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am e8d02b31: am 1323fe3e: am 71b7d891: Merge "New asset for assist affordance on lockscreen." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'e8d02b315b4b8f76e53edb194591b6b46175ffe4':
New asset for assist affordance on lockscreen.
2012-11-08 15:46:14 -08:00
Adam Powell
am b4c8cf6a: am 75298e33: am d8e2fdf7: Merge "Use stable layouts for keyguard/SlidingChallengeLayout" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'b4c8cf6ac473c33d946043b2e4cc9f7ba91dd8ce':
Use stable layouts for keyguard/SlidingChallengeLayout
2012-11-08 15:46:11 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 3a191b49: am f3add313: am 3c9297c3: Merge "Attempt to fix NegativeArraySizeException crash in keyguard" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '3a191b495c886a654f33fe717467a74975137e58':
Attempt to fix NegativeArraySizeException crash in keyguard
2012-11-08 15:46:07 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 98a53594: am 0e767b29: am 5c533884: Merge "Make dismissKeyguardLw use KeyguardViewMediator.dismiss()." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '98a53594aebc86491641b44649d0178a7bec0d79':
Make dismissKeyguardLw use KeyguardViewMediator.dismiss().
2012-11-08 15:46:03 -08:00
Winson Chung
am 29f16178: am 27ed0c2d: am 4181e8a4: Merge "Fixing issue where you can reorder/delete a non-widget page. (Bug 7493984)" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '29f161781c4544c7b1e78c8d1ae07605b3dcde86':
Fixing issue where you can reorder/delete a non-widget page. (Bug 7493984)
2012-11-08 15:45:59 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 79d4bf6e: am efacf143: am 85c4281a: Merge "Fixing up overscroll asset / sizing" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '79d4bf6e2f241d9d648789cdd5170e48614cc764':
Fixing up overscroll asset / sizing
2012-11-08 15:45:55 -08:00
Jim Miller
am e7bb1f69: am 4bd4b78f: am 5da893c9: Merge "Add one more check for detecting crashes while inflating multiuser widget" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'e7bb1f690e3e9d6406dd27390ec35a0a81922541':
Add one more check for detecting crashes while inflating multiuser widget
2012-11-08 15:45:51 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am 8fa69381: am 0e538548: am cd1f3095: Merge "Slide unlock cannot get accessibility focus." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '8fa69381f212b85ec9156e0a95382cd3ff312444':
Slide unlock cannot get accessibility focus.
2012-11-08 15:45:48 -08:00
Jim Miller
am bb01e9b8: am b1938777: am 40962880: Merge "Implement fallback clock in keyguard" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'bb01e9b82f296102f9f5fdcf0545d61664e6ca06':
Implement fallback clock in keyguard
2012-11-08 15:45:43 -08:00
Michael Jurka
am b40f9408: am 090c790c: am fd8c388f: Merge "Fix bug where newly added widget wasn\'t always shown" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'b40f9408f59b06f75ffc7fbdcc6d833183d77d18':
Fix bug where newly added widget wasn't always shown
2012-11-08 15:45:39 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 24b1764e: am 9477f8de: am 3e66286f: Merge "Fixing up glowpad scaling issues (issue 7494378)" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '24b1764e6c1996926ecba280f236ab05cec68b2c':
Fixing up glowpad scaling issues (issue 7494378)
2012-11-08 15:45:35 -08:00
Adam Powell
am d921f604: am 0fcb5cda: am c717d110: Merge "Fix keyguard measurement bugs" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'd921f604409f5715dd65d59af81274b2614c2476':
Fix keyguard measurement bugs
2012-11-08 15:45:31 -08:00
Eric Laurent
am 2b988843: am 30717b68: Merge "AudioService: undock audio glitch - DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1.1-dev
* commit '2b9888439d4016ac4890b0c6018d2f5a9e5bd653':
AudioService: undock audio glitch - DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:45:27 -08:00
Eric Laurent
am 98e5c814: am 73176865: Merge "audio service fix dock after crash - DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1.1-dev
* commit '98e5c81438f36d907215eeba338ee834c29791de':
audio service fix dock after crash - DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:45:23 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am cc16a7ef: am 75993947: Reconcile with jb-mr1-release - do not merge
* commit 'cc16a7efaa5346fb3876ed729bbd4d954c18df2e':
2012-11-08 15:45:07 -08:00
Amith Yamasani
am 081c36de: am bfb8a7b1: am 3fe2cb4d: Merge "Don\'t cancel any notifications that are meant for all users, if no package is specified." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '081c36ded6a562ae2bde4238592a1e7bc13ba151':
Don't cancel any notifications that are meant for all users, if no package is specified.
2012-11-08 15:44:40 -08:00
Satoshi Kataoka
am 4424951f: am 1e29e49c: Merge "Reduce jankiness of the transition between a text field with FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN and a text field with FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI" into jb-mr1.1-dev
* commit '4424951fa566b3bf6e57b08f615facc680059164':
Reduce jankiness of the transition between a text field with FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN and a text field with FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI
2012-11-08 15:44:26 -08:00
Sascha Prueter
am ef378ae2: am 14c89330: am de974f6f: am 972dd431: Merge "Final icon for notifications panel" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'ef378ae2047e3095fbf135c07b8f470f7e07cb54':
2012-11-08 15:44:21 -08:00
Victoria Lease
am 5def8930: am d9da50ba: am eb6cbc22: am ad84f7f4: Merge "disable geofences for secondary users" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '5def893095e9e14cf79d1ac18345f578592f98cd':
2012-11-08 15:44:17 -08:00
Chris Wren
am 483483f8: am c0cbe8ab: am 8e3bf41d: Merge "add logging to enableUserSelectorIfNecessary." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '483483f85ecc193457b8c68c28e502f43389ec13':
add logging to enableUserSelectorIfNecessary.
2012-11-08 15:44:13 -08:00
Chris Wren
am 29cc9489: am 74c5d53e: am b524f4b9: Merge "add some defensive code to enableUserSelectorIfNecessary." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '29cc94898ff6e851ddd22d53e12f96524d9074a9':
add some defensive code to enableUserSelectorIfNecessary.
2012-11-08 15:44:09 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 5e6944bc: am e4e6c97e: am 2d09880d: am afc5210a: Merge "Fix docs to refer to the correct class." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '5e6944bc000c85160b19a0f96631165fd4a32b3f':
2012-11-08 15:44:06 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am 24ee3595: am 70869876: am 62e2374b: am 32226b73: (-s ours) Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '24ee3595dc481a9b45d92afebd9142e980a7da60':
2012-11-08 15:44:02 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am eeb747c5: am d9550886: am d44c4344: Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'eeb747c559f3dc8c7815e6ba25d600c204b40d10':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:43:59 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am fdfa4b7d: am b579714c: am 8f837a69: Merge "Storing boot completed in KeyguardUpdateMonitor so it is persistent (issue 7492235)" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit 'fdfa4b7d52d0e83f78b6b9fe6eb3c1da083cc4d8':
Storing boot completed in KeyguardUpdateMonitor so it is persistent (issue 7492235)
2012-11-08 15:43:55 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am 5c89a592: am 4d0e5e0e: am db60b675: am fc958f12: (-s ours) Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '5c89a59231e213a52a7557ee1362e093af1c0e2f':
2012-11-08 15:43:51 -08:00
Justin Koh
am cd38c32d: Merge "Catch exception of nonfound activities" into jb-mr1-aah-dev
* commit 'cd38c32d85c13fde87ca7bee501cbe35230078b6':
Catch exception of nonfound activities
2012-11-08 15:43:34 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 5c8e5585: am 1f6cf5fa: Merge "Re-use existing thread" into jb-mr1.1-dev
* commit '5c8e5585e254f9d24320ece18e850140b29236ac':
Re-use existing thread
2012-11-08 15:43:30 -08:00
Sascha Prueter
am 61026ab1: am eb3aa44c: am 972dd431: Merge "Final icon for notifications panel" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '61026ab15d03c309f2741f1eff708611e1407fd6':
Final icon for notifications panel
2012-11-08 15:42:59 -08:00
Victoria Lease
am bf328b40: am 4abe2d3d: am ad84f7f4: Merge "disable geofences for secondary users" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'bf328b4043e2f37aba8a5e86ee10726fe65ffc8a':
disable geofences for secondary users
2012-11-08 15:42:56 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am ccbfd617: am 7b5a9276: am afc5210a: Merge "Fix docs to refer to the correct class." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'ccbfd617e730e5c3660fb3b9edf4f272db4abfd0':
Fix docs to refer to the correct class.
2012-11-08 15:42:51 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am 6ee0c2b8: am 0d29833f: am 32226b73: Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '6ee0c2b868ebe69841d322b29a7261399249bb23':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:42:41 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am eaa70d72: am b97aadec: am fc958f12: Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'eaa70d7218b7d98649d51b9bc4b135224f8032ed':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:42:35 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am bc287eb8: am 63985103: Reconcile with jb-mr1-release - do not merge
* commit 'bc287eb8fe660bc1646aa6e87299cd00ac3935d6':
2012-11-08 15:42:23 -08:00
John Spurlock
am 5d561365: am 66453ff5: am 506fd3b0: Merge "Low battery dialog should use UserHandle.CURRENT." into jb-mr1-dev
* commit '5d5613651e3ec78f6b068a9455c8b5cd262508ae':
Low battery dialog should use UserHandle.CURRENT.
2012-11-08 15:42:20 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge commit '658e350d' into HEAD
2012-11-08 15:40:21 -08:00
Romain Guy
am de60dd2d: am fcd7ad4e: am 59d73ab6: Merge "Respond to ticks when a timezone is set and it doesn\'t display seconds Bug #7489774 " into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'de60dd2d136557ff7dce52c37625c4475ef42e7d':
Respond to ticks when a timezone is set and it doesn't display seconds Bug #7489774
2012-11-08 15:34:12 -08:00
Roman Nurik
am a62316b3: am 081e6b7d: am 0fc1b5ec: am 512950a9: Merge "docs: Minor Nexus 10 fix in Device Art Generator" into jb-mr1-dev
* commit 'a62316b393c7f2c34412ebce77547abda6446bf6':
2012-11-08 15:33:48 -08:00
Baligh Uddin
am 19068c08: am dac8d6d9: am a40ec75e: Merge "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE" into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '19068c088bf27defe64fe183cf133b1dee9adbcb':
Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2012-11-08 15:33:45 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 334d66ed: am 6f562e9f: am 1b803450: Merge "Show the assist ring on center-button longpress on lockscreen." into jb-mr1-lockscreen-dev
* commit '334d66ed41bbeb3456ee1366428076e85c875b7d':
Show the assist ring on center-button longpress on lockscreen.
2012-11-08 15:33:41 -08:00