Change-Id: I2492bffe57bded65fdbef5cf98e22cef3937e537
DrNo: eastham
Bug: 2089423
Joke: Why don't anteaters get sick? Because they're full of anty-bodies!
This introduces some hacks in the framework to try to clean up the
data we are getting from the touch screen. There are two main things
being done here:
1. Look for changes in position that are unreasonably large, and
ignore them. This is intended to eliminate the spurious jumps that
often happen when releasing.
2. Add some simple adaptive averaging of the touch data. If the
difference between the last and next point is large enough, we
disable the averaging; otherwise we average up to the last 5 points.
The goal is to get rid of the noise of small movements so that things
like taps don't look like short flings, while still responding quickly
to rapid movement.
For averaging pressure, we also weight each averaged coordinate by
the reported pressure at that point. This is intended to keep the
coordinates closer together during a release, when the pressure is
going down and the accuracy decreasing. It may also result in some
other interesting artifacts, but hopefully nothing problematic.
Change-Id: I1369e9ab015c406946a45c2d72547da9c604178f
With higher frame rates and larger preview frames, we can easily
flood the application with too much data. This patch fakes the
old camera preview mode by doing continuous one-shot frames.
After the previous frame is handled, if the application hasn't
cleared the preview callback, we start another one-shot preview
frame. With this change, the application should never have more
than one preview frame unless it is explicitly saving references
to them.
modified: core/java/android/hardware/
Allow the ERI overlay file to specify the text for any built-in strings.
Currently only the hard-coded strings are used for those.
Bug: 2170881
Change-Id: I5d6169696a4558e62587585e17f908f823c54a2b
This is to workaround an issue where SDP records will fail to register using
sdptool. When we run SystemService.start() it forks sdptool, so if we do this
four times in a row these forked processes can run in parallel, and one or
more of them fails. There is probably some thready safety issue in sdptool
or Bluez that makes it unsafe to run sdptool in parallel.
As a workaround, delay 500ms between each run of sdptool to register SDP
records when starting Bluetooth.
Before this fix it was easy to reproduce problems with service record
registration. If you turn BT off/on multiple times you can see that sometimes
one or more service records are missing. Repro rate is about 20% in my tests.
Result is that remote devices cannot connect to the missing service.
After this fix I am unable to reproduce any missing SDP records, after 30+
cycles of BT on/off. Motorola BT team also ran stress tests overnight with this
fix and were unable to reproduce the missing SDP records.
This is a low risk fix. It does delay some records from being registered
by an additional 1.5 seconds (on top of the 3 second delay we already had),
so if you try and very quickly connect a BT service after turning BT on it
won't work the first time.
Do not merge. (I will use a less hacky fix for MR2/Master)
Change-Id: I305c181c3194e8ce25e3825320cc2e1ef6d3d3cc
Bug: 2180800
DrNo: eastham
Joke: Why can't you play cards in the jungle? Because there's too many cheetas!
TokenWatcher.acquire() synchronizes on mTokens, not this,
so we need to synchronize on mKeyguardDisabled in disableKeyguard()
to synchronize properly with reenableKeyguard().
This should fix b/2180142 (Stuck in enable keyguard when receiving phone call)
Change-Id: Iad66a2748c7fbf2c516fdb8a00988696719ea80c
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
The dock app is forcing the screen to a particular brightness level. This
causes the window manager to often call into the power manager with the
new brightness. This causes us to go in to updateLightsLocked() to figure
out and apply the real brightness to use. When the screen is off the
real brightness always remains 0, but even if it didn't change from the
last one we would start an animation which would when done put the system
to sleep and fight with the user trying to turn the device on.
Now, if the new target brightness is the same as the last one, we leave the
animation as-is -- either running or not as appropriate.
Change-Id: I067d55ea2b39e294c5d5291587a4d8727c0b8083
Since the StatusBarPolicy is run in the System Process and shouldn't therefore call into
the Telephony process we decided to make sure all the needed info was passed along with the
original notifications.
bug: 2173053