we can't use a texture of 1/4th of the screen for the dim layer, because the mdp internal input resultion is alwyas integers and for very small blits of a couple pixels the scale factor can get way out of range, for instance for a 7 pixels source, the scale factor would be either 7 (7/1) or 3.5 (7/2) instead of 4 (7/1.75). This caused the mdp to fail in some cases and revert to software. we now always use a texture of the actual screen size, so the problem will never happen. This burns 300KB of pmem instead of 21KB. On devices with a larger screen we might want to use a smaller texture and tile it by hand.
* changes:
* new screen resolution support impl. * use full window for activities, and shift & clip the content * refactored the compatibility code, and introdcued Translator class to handle cooridnate translations. * removed a workaround to handle an activity with configChagne=rotation in old implementation. * I'll fix background issue on rotation in next CL.
Merge commit '67669c9c1753b062fe2a71f89b589d01b32ba0f7'
* commit '67669c9c1753b062fe2a71f89b589d01b32ba0f7':
Modify the IBackupTransport API to support bulk restore operations.
* changes:
Modify the IBackupTransport API to support bulk restore operations. Change the BackupManagerService and LocalTransport to support the new API.
The am command is now the one that takes care of opening the target file,
handling the opened file descriptor to the process that will be profiled.
This allows you to send profile data to anywhere the shell can access, and
avoids any problems coming up from the target process trying to open the
Merge commit '0bc7b8490b1575bb8266a3b0c6652d4f460fcda1'
* commit '0bc7b8490b1575bb8266a3b0c6652d4f460fcda1':
Spell out the month names in the de_AT date format file.
Merge commit '956070383945db5f842ec05e507fd0233705738c'
* commit '956070383945db5f842ec05e507fd0233705738c':
Reverse the order in which RelativeLayout measures and positions children.
Merge commit 'ae7c980e8e5f5e8c78536f0b37fca50d1a7966ca'
* commit 'ae7c980e8e5f5e8c78536f0b37fca50d1a7966ca':
Added info about mcc and mnc, plus other changes per http://b/1918247; rewrote "How Android find best match" section per rgreenwalt's comments and added flowchart.
Merge commit 'e181409ced966f2bea6128bf32b0334e34fcf58c'
* commit 'e181409ced966f2bea6128bf32b0334e34fcf58c':
Fixing the synth function so that queue processing continues.
Merge commit 'df65b60ce33e5a56815864f8f0713e25378fa649'
* commit 'df65b60ce33e5a56815864f8f0713e25378fa649':
Only report "unknown metadata" once per restore helper
Merge commit '2cf6f5df59d466a729cc10b7688e17cd548a2fda'
* commit '2cf6f5df59d466a729cc10b7688e17cd548a2fda':
Fix the weird anchoring of the search dropdown when pivoting into an
Merge commit 'b28bf241c56264b915ec3ca0e81256bb1d009aa5'
* commit 'b28bf241c56264b915ec3ca0e81256bb1d009aa5':
Fix bug in TTS service where the language setting was using the default language
Merge commit 'a93466f5ca41c2ba6c3524c8d1edc2138bf753e3'
* commit 'a93466f5ca41c2ba6c3524c8d1edc2138bf753e3':
Cleanup header file. Disallow copy of Camera object by making copy
Merge commit '54118adb3766fdf73a409102b88d7494bb6889a3'
* commit '54118adb3766fdf73a409102b88d7494bb6889a3':
Put back LOGP -> printf in the backup helper code
Merge commit '6f8e592347d463044b7dd8999588840cec6e956e'
* commit '6f8e592347d463044b7dd8999588840cec6e956e':
Move to a single dropdown background for the search dialog. This one
* changes:
Added info about mcc and mnc, plus other changes per http://b/1918247; rewrote "How Android find best match" section per rgreenwalt's comments and added flowchart.