VirtualViewDelegate was used by views providing virtual children to:
- auto-fill the chidren
- notify system about children changes
Since the notification logic moved to the AutoFillManager class, it's
kind of an overkill to provide a delegate just for autoFill(); instead,
it's simpler to add a new autoFillVirtual(virtualId, value) method on
BUG: 31001899
Test: manual verification
Test: CtsAutoFillServiceTestCases passes
Change-Id: Ia7670aa665918496a009017a11c3de72c4ed3fa2
ViewStructure.newChild(virtualId) uses the AutoFillId of the parent,
which was not set anymore due do a previous refactoring, and was
causing this method to crash a custom view when
onProvideAutoFillVirtualStructure() was called on it.
Test: manual verification
Bug: 31001899
Change-Id: I602b421b0ec3a926ffdd52253d5b2498c4217d02
getLockTaskPackages is currently hidden, and can only be
called by a device or profile owner, which doesn't make
much sense. Unhidding it to be consistent with the rest
of the DevicePolicyManager APIs that have a getter for
each setter.
Bug: 34614754
Test: cts-tradefed run cts-dev --module DevicePolicyManager --test
Test: cts-tradefed run cts-dev --module DevicePolicyManager --test
Test: Test: cts-tradefed run cts-dev --module DevicePolicyManager --test
Change-Id: I6e03c2f47c0f9e7a635e798a1bf7f131a8e37c65
Transitions in and out of multi-window were causing navigation history
losses + incorrect views to be displayed. The history loss was caused by
the fact that single-pane mode was using Activities but multi-pane mode
was using Fragments. Translating history between those two would be
challenging. Because of that Fragment approach was also applied to
single-pane mode. That required some changes in back press handling and
initial logic when creating the PreferenceActivity.
Test: Separate CTS CL being submitted along this one, see the topic.
Bug: 32201932
Change-Id: I5e6a6a21c34e813d1c3522ae7f5e33f43887c602
System server is no longer allowed to grant uri permission directly. As a result
we use grantUriPermissionFromIntent() to grant permission from the shell UID,
who is the owner of the bug report content.
Also fix a security bug where the broadcast to notify user consent of remote
bug report mismatches the <protected-broadcast> definition, causing it to be
sendable by anyone.
Bug: 34159108
Test: manual - Install TestDPC and request bugreport, try accept and decline
once the report is ready (Bullhead).
Change-Id: I66e3f2a16d4547549f09d3c96d52aed2330caedf
This is yet another big refactoring:
- AutoFillManager keeps track of its current AutoFillSession.
- Views call AFM.startSession(View) when they can trigger autofill.
(virtual views can call it as well). At this point, the manager
sets an AutoFillSession, gets the activity token, and passes it to
the service.
- Subsequent calls to AFM.start() will be ignored since the session
is set.
- When the Activity is gone, it calls AFM.finishSession().
- Simlilarly, virtual views could call it as well.
- Added getAutoFillValue() to View.
- Removed AFM.updateAutoFillInput(childId): virtual views should now
call startSession(childId) to start a session, and use the
VirtualViewListener callbacks for updates.
- Change AutoFillValue to use String (which is immutable) instead of
CharSequence for text values.
- Check if view is enabled before auto-filling.
- Removed 'cmd autofill fill' since it would require the appCallback
- Automatically dismiss the snack bar after 30s
- Moved the "don't change autofill value when autofilling" Inception
logic into the service side.
- Etc...
BUG: 34819567
BUG: 33269702
BUG: 31001899
Test: manual verification
Test: CtsAutoFillServiceTestCases passes
Change-Id: I5fad928d4d666701302049d142026a1efa7291cd
It was broken in I4bf6ac8d, meaning it was broken for the whole NYC.
Test: cts-tradefed run cts --skip-device-info --skip-preconditions --skip-system-status-check -a armeabi-v7a -l DEBUG -m CtsDumpsysHostTestCases -t android.dumpsys.cts.ProcessStatsDumpsysTest
Bug 34228624
Change-Id: I0f6c984e6902e688f00442cbc8b999b397a25aaf
Previously, getAuthenticatorId() simply returns the authenticator id
corresponding to the currently active user in FingerprintService.
However, this can cause bugs when, for example, KeyStore calls the
method before storing a fingerprint-bound key for a non-current user. In
such cases, the authenticator id of the calling user is desired, which
is not necessarily the same as the "current user" in FingerprintService.
This CL ensures the FingerprintService always returns the authenticator
id of the calling user.
Bug: 33459191
Test: manual
Change-Id: Ia9d6b869d16bd37f45358ba839cd12901ebc1076
Merged-In: I35c5a3a7082cffb8941eeaa219c8e20948ad41a9