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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Build the master framework library.
// Defaults for platform code that runs inside system_server
java_defaults {
name: "platform_service_defaults",
plugins: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// "-Xep:AndroidFrameworkBinderIdentity:ERROR",
// "-Xep:AndroidFrameworkUid:ERROR",
// NOTE: only enable to generate local patchfiles
// "-XepPatchChecks:refaster:frameworks/base/errorprone/refaster/EfficientXml.java.refaster",
// "-XepPatchLocation:/tmp/refaster/",
// Defaults for platform apps
java_defaults {
name: "platform_app_defaults",
plugins: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// We're less worried about performance in app code
// READ ME: ########################################################
// When updating this list of aidl files, consider if that aidl is
// part of the SDK API. If it is, also add it to the list in Android.mk
// that is preprocessed and distributed with the SDK. This list should
// not contain any aidl files for parcelables, but the one below should
// if you intend for 3rd parties to be able to send those objects
// across process boundaries.
// READ ME: ########################################################
[LSC] Add LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS to frameworks/base Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 to: apct-tests/perftests/autofill/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/blobstore/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/core/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/core/apps/overlay/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/core/apps/reources_manager/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/core/jni/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/apps/dummyapp/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/packagemanager/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/packagemanager/apps/query-all/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/textclassifier/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/utils/Android.bp apct-tests/perftests/windowmanager/Android.bp apex/Android.bp apex/blobstore/framework/Android.bp apex/blobstore/service/Android.bp apex/jobscheduler/framework/Android.bp apex/jobscheduler/service/Android.bp apex/media/Android.bp apex/media/aidl/Android.bp apex/media/framework/Android.bp cmds/am/Android.bp cmds/app_process/Android.bp 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SPDX-license-identifier-CPL-1.0 to: test-base/Android.bp test-runner/Android.bp Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 SPDX-license-identifier-GPL to: core/res/Android.bp Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 SPDX-license-identifier-GPL-2.0 to: libs/usb/Android.bp libs/usb/tests/accessorytest/Android.bp Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 SPDX-license-identifier-MIT to: tools/preload/Android.bp Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 SPDX-license-identifier-MIT SPDX-license-identifier-Unicode-DFS to: api/Android.bp boot/Android.bp cmds/device_config/Android.bp cmds/settings/Android.bp core/api/Android.bp core/tests/coretests/certs/Android.bp core/tests/overlaytests/remount/test-apps/certs/Android.bp core/tests/overlaytests/remount/test-apps/overlaid_apex/Android.bp core/tests/overlaytests/remount/test-apps/overlay_apex/Android.bp libs/tracingproxy/Android.bp services/startop/Android.bp test-legacy/Android.mk tests/ApkVerityTest/testdata/Android.bp 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2021-02-12 17:07:05 -08:00
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_base_license"],
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of
// 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect
// every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct.
// e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory.
// Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses,
// taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the
// default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed.
// For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private"
// to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be
// used in the current project.
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
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name: "frameworks_base_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
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name: "framework-non-updatable-sources",
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// Java/AIDL sources under frameworks/base
":framework-jobscheduler-sources", // jobscheduler is not a module for R
// AIDL from frameworks/base/native/
// AIDL sources from external directories
Block untrusted touches opt-in The feature is disabled by default and can be in one of 3 modes: disabled, permissive and block. In permissive we only log but don't block the touch. This knob is implemented in a global setting block_untrusted_touches. It can also be disabled per occluding app using app-compat infrastructure, so if you disable for a certain app, overlays of that app won't have the chance of blocking touches. More details on these on go/try-cross-uid-touches. Each window has 3 modes related to touch occlusion: ALLOW, USE_OPACITY or BLOCK_UNTRUSTRED. Check code comments for the meaning of each. If the feature is turned off for the app, then the mode is ALLOW. Else if it's a SAW, then it's USE_OPACITY. Else it's BLOCK_UNTRUSTED. These states are passed to InputDispatcher, who then perform the proper checks and blocks or not the touch. If input dispatcher deems the touch unsafe, depending on the feature mode, we filter out such touches and log a message to logcat. I also introduce a global (secure) setting MAXIMUM_OBSCURING_OPACITY_FOR_TOUCH which represents the maximum opacity allowed per UID that's obscuring the touch-consuming window according to some rules, which are discussed in topic CL for InputDispatcher code. This maximum is initially set to 0.8, but we'll be conducting local experiments to determine the final value. Test: atest WindowUntrustedTouchTest Test: atest inputflinger_tests inputflinger_benchmarks libinput_tests Test: go/try-cross-uid-touches for manual testing Bug: 158002302 Change-Id: I462858ad5f0d11b1261748489385e6409e38e4b1
2020-08-19 14:45:30 +01:00
// For the generated R.java and Manifest.java
// etc.
":statslog-framework-java-gen", // FrameworkStatsLog.java
java_library {
name: "framework-updatable-stubs-module_libs_api",
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "module_current",
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_library {
name: "framework-all",
installable: false,
static_libs: [
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
visibility: [
// AIDL files under these paths are mixture of public and private ones.
// They shouldn't be exported across module boundaries.
java_defaults {
name: "framework-aidl-export-defaults",
aidl: {
export_include_dirs: [
// TODO(b/147699819): remove this
// Collection of classes that are generated from non-Java files that are not listed in
// framework_srcs. These have no or very limited dependency to the framework.
java_library {
name: "framework-internal-utils",
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "core_platform",
installable: false,
filegroup {
name: "framework-jarjar-rules",
srcs: ["framework-jarjar-rules.txt"],
java_defaults {
name: "framework-minus-apex-defaults",
defaults: ["framework-aidl-export-defaults"],
srcs: [
aidl: {
generate_get_transaction_name: true,
local_include_dirs: [
// TODO: move to include_dirs when migrated to packages/modules
include_dirs: ["frameworks/av/aidl"],
dxflags: [
jarjar_rules: ":framework-jarjar-rules",
javac_shard_size: 150,
plugins: [
required: [
// TODO: remove gps_debug and protolog.conf.json when the build system propagates "required" properly.
libs: [
sdk_version: "core_platform",
static_libs: [
// If MimeMap ever becomes its own APEX, then this dependency would need to be removed
// in favor of an API stubs dependency in java_library "framework" below.
java_library {
name: "framework-minus-apex",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex-defaults"],
installable: true,
// For backwards compatibility.
stem: "framework",
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
visibility: [
// TODO(b/147128803) remove the below lines
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
java_library {
name: "framework-minus-apex-intdefs",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex-defaults"],
plugins: ["intdef-annotation-processor"],
// This "framework" module is NOT installed to the device. It's
// "framework-minus-apex" that gets installed to the device. Note that
// the filename is still framework.jar (via the stem property) for
// compatibility reason. The purpose of this module is to provide
// framework APIs (both public and private) for bundled apps.
// "framework-minus-apex" can't be used for the purpose because 1)
// many apps have already hardcoded the name "framework" and
// 2) it lacks API symbols from updatable modules - as it's clear from
// its suffix "-minus-apex".
java_library {
name: "framework",
defaults: ["framework-aidl-export-defaults"],
installable: false, // this lib is a build-only library
static_libs: [
"framework-connectivity.impl", // TODO(b/182859030): should be removed
"framework-appsearch.impl", // TODO(b/146218515): should be removed
sdk_version: "core_platform",
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
platform_compat_config {
name: "framework-platform-compat-config",
src: ":framework-minus-apex",
gensrcs {
name: "framework-javastream-protos",
depfile: true,
tools: [
cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/$(in) " +
"&& $(location aprotoc) " +
" --plugin=$(location protoc-gen-javastream) " +
" --dependency_out=$(depfile) " +
" --javastream_out=$(genDir)/$(in) " +
" -Iexternal/protobuf/src " +
" -I . " +
" $(in) " +
"&& $(location soong_zip) -jar -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/$(in) -D $(genDir)/$(in)",
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
output_extension: "srcjar",
gensrcs {
name: "framework-cppstream-protos",
depfile: true,
tools: [
cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir) " +
"&& $(location aprotoc) " +
" --plugin=$(location protoc-gen-cppstream) " +
" --dependency_out=$(depfile) " +
" --cppstream_out=$(genDir) " +
" -Iexternal/protobuf/src " +
" -I . " +
" $(in)",
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
output_extension: "proto.h",
filegroup {
name: "framework-annotations",
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
java_library {
name: "framework-annotations-lib",
srcs: [":framework-annotations"],
sdk_version: "core_current",
filegroup {
name: "framework-ike-shared-srcs",
visibility: ["//packages/modules/IPsec"],
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "framework-networkstack-shared-srcs",
srcs: [
// TODO: remove these annotations as soon as we can use andoid.support.annotations.*
// Build ext.jar
// ============================================================
java_library {
name: "ext",
installable: true,
sdk_version: "core_platform",
static_libs: [
dxflags: ["--core-library"],
// ==== java proto host library ==============================
java_library_host {
name: "platformprotos",
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
proto: {
include_dirs: [
type: "full",
// Protos have lots of MissingOverride and similar.
errorprone: {
javacflags: ["-XepDisableAllChecks"],
// ==== java proto device library (for test only) ==============================
java_library {
name: "platformprotosnano",
proto: {
type: "nano",
output_params: ["store_unknown_fields=true"],
include_dirs: ["external/protobuf/src"],
exclude_srcs: [
sdk_version: "9",
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
// ==== java proto device library (for test only) ==============================
java_library {
name: "platformprotoslite",
proto: {
type: "lite",
include_dirs: ["external/protobuf/src"],
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
exclude_srcs: [
sdk_version: "core_current",
// Protos have lots of MissingOverride and similar.
errorprone: {
javacflags: ["-XepDisableAllChecks"],
// ==== c++ proto device library ==============================
cc_defaults {
name: "libplatformprotos-defaults",
proto: {
export_proto_headers: true,
include_dirs: [
cflags: [
srcs: [
Move role into module. These changes have to be in this CL together because: - Code in service-permission depends on IRoleManager in framework-permission, so the APIs in framework-permission and the code in service-permission need to be moved together. - The changes to service-permission build rules doesn't make sense without the code moved in, so they have to be together as well. Other details: - framework-annotations: Several annotations are added into framework-annoatations. Since the discussion with API council seems to allow user IDs in system server in-process APIs, @UserIdInt and @AppIdInt is added. @MainThread and @AnyThread is added since @WorkerThread is already added. @CallSuper is added since @CheckResult is also already added and they are similar in terms of category of functionality. - framework-permission-s-shared-srcs: 3 classes (and 2 AIDL files) from framework is copied as shared source files and jarjared for framework-permission, and an additional 3 is added for service-permission as service-permission-shared-srcs. Similar to framework-wifi and service-wifi, the 3 classes in framework-permission is also available to service-permission by the stub library framework-permission-pre-jarjar, and the other 3 classes used only for service-permission is included separately to minimize our impact on classes loaded into boot classpath. framework-permission and service-permission shares the same jarjar rules to make sure the classes remain available, and for the same reason framework-permission cannot be shrank during any optimization. - framework-permission-s-shared: A java_library target for framework-permission-shared-srcs is created to make sure that the public classes won't be counted as APIs, as it would be if directly included as srcs for framework-permission java_sdk_library. service-permission-shared is the same thing for service-permission. - framework-permission-s: A new java_sdk_library target created to be loaded into bootclasspath by Android S+. - Dumpsys Protobuf: The dumpsys protobuf file (rolemanagerservice.proto) is moved into the module, and both the platform (incident.proto) and the module uses protoc-gen-javastream to generate the Java classes from it. This should be fine since it's a "source level inclusion", and we jarjar the generated classes in our module to avoid conflict with platform copies. Bug: 158736025 Test: manual Test: device boots, default apps can be changed successfully. Change-Id: I1914774f631e51d0c587a7e527a1c9bc05ee1595
2021-01-21 15:45:56 -08:00
cc_library {
name: "libplatformprotos",
defaults: ["libplatformprotos-defaults"],
host_supported: true,
target: {
host: {
proto: {
type: "full",
android: {
proto: {
type: "lite",
shared_libs: [
shared: {
enabled: false,
// This library is meant for vendor code that needs to output protobuf. It links
// against the static version of libprotobuf-cpp-lite, for which we can not guarantee
// binary compatibility.
cc_library {
name: "libplatformprotos-static",
defaults: ["libplatformprotos-defaults"],
host_supported: false,
// This is okay because this library is only built as a static library. The C++
// API is not guaranteed. The proto API is guaranteed to be stable via Metrics Council,
// but is not authorized to be used outside of debugging.
vendor_available: true,
target: {
android: {
proto: {
type: "lite",
static_libs: [
shared: {
enabled: false,
// This is the full proto version of libplatformprotos. It may only
// be used by test code that is not shipped on the device.
cc_library {
name: "libplatformprotos-test",
defaults: ["libplatformprotos-defaults"],
host_supported: false,
target: {
android: {
proto: {
type: "full",
shared: {
enabled: false,
// utility classes statically linked into framework-wifi and dynamically linked
// into wifi-service
java_library {
name: "framework-wifi-util-lib",
sdk_version: "module_current",
min_sdk_version: "30",
srcs: [
libs: [
visibility: [
// TODO(b/145644363): move this to under StubLibraries.bp or ApiDocs.bp
metalava_framework_docs_args = "--manifest $(location core/res/AndroidManifest.xml) " +
"--hide-package com.android.server " +
"--hide-package android.audio.policy.configuration.V7_0 " +
"--error UnhiddenSystemApi " +
"--hide RequiresPermission " +
"--hide CallbackInterface " +
"--hide MissingPermission --hide BroadcastBehavior " +
"--hide HiddenSuperclass --hide DeprecationMismatch --hide UnavailableSymbol " +
"--hide SdkConstant --hide HiddenTypeParameter --hide Todo --hide Typo " +
"--error NoSettingsProvider " +
"--force-convert-to-warning-nullability-annotations +*:-android.*:+android.icu.*:-dalvik.* " +
"--api-lint-ignore-prefix android.icu. " +
"--api-lint-ignore-prefix java. " +
"--api-lint-ignore-prefix junit. " +
"--api-lint-ignore-prefix org. "
filegroup {
name: "framework-non-updatable-stub-sources",
srcs: [
":framework-mime-sources", // mimemap builds separately but has no separate droidstubs.
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
build = [