The assumption that underflow and overbuffering are caused by jitter (and that the delay between the producer and consumer will be caught up) does not always hold. For example, if the consumer does not consume at the expected rate (the SDL callback is not called often enough, which is an audio output issue), many samples will be dropped due to overbuffering, decreasing the average buffering indefinitely. Prevent the average buffering to become negative to limit the consequences of an unexpected behavior. PR #4572 <>
488 lines
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488 lines
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#include "audio_player.h"
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include "util/log.h"
#define SC_AUDIO_PLAYER_NDEBUG // comment to debug
* Real-time audio player with configurable latency
* As input, the player regularly receives AVFrames of decoded audio samples.
* As output, an SDL callback regularly requests audio samples to be played.
* In the middle, an audio buffer stores the samples produced but not consumed
* yet.
* The goal of the player is to feed the audio output with a latency as low as
* possible while avoiding buffer underrun (i.e. not being able to provide
* samples when requested).
* The player aims to feed the audio output with as little latency as possible
* while avoiding buffer underrun. To achieve this, it attempts to maintain the
* average buffering (the number of samples present in the buffer) around a
* target value. If this target buffering is too low, then buffer underrun will
* occur frequently. If it is too high, then latency will become unacceptable.
* This target value is configured using the scrcpy option --audio-buffer.
* The player cannot adjust the sample input rate (it receives samples produced
* in real-time) or the sample output rate (it must provide samples as
* requested by the audio output callback). Therefore, it may only apply
* compensation by resampling (converting _m_ input samples to _n_ output
* samples).
* The compensation itself is applied by libswresample (FFmpeg). It is
* configured using swr_set_compensation(). An important work for the player
* is to estimate the compensation value regularly and apply it.
* The estimated buffering level is the result of averaging the "natural"
* buffering (samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so it must be
* smoothed), and making instant adjustments resulting of its own actions
* (explicit compensation and silence insertion on underflow), which are not
* smoothed.
* Buffer underflow events can occur when packets arrive too late. In that case,
* the player inserts silence. Once the packets finally arrive (late), one
* strategy could be to drop the samples that were replaced by silence, in
* order to keep a minimal latency. However, dropping samples in case of buffer
* underflow is inadvisable, as it would temporarily increase the underflow
* even more and cause very noticeable audio glitches.
* Therefore, the player doesn't drop any sample on underflow. The compensation
* mechanism will absorb the delay introduced by the inserted silence.
/** Downcast frame_sink to sc_audio_player */
#define DOWNCAST(SINK) container_of(SINK, struct sc_audio_player, frame_sink)
#define TO_BYTES(SAMPLES) sc_audiobuf_to_bytes(&ap->buf, (SAMPLES))
#define TO_SAMPLES(BYTES) sc_audiobuf_to_samples(&ap->buf, (BYTES))
static void SDLCALL
sc_audio_player_sdl_callback(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int len_int) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = userdata;
// This callback is called with the lock used by SDL_LockAudioDevice()
assert(len_int > 0);
size_t len = len_int;
uint32_t count = TO_SAMPLES(len);
LOGD("[Audio] SDL callback requests %" PRIu32 " samples", count);
bool played = atomic_load_explicit(&ap->played, memory_order_relaxed);
if (!played) {
uint32_t buffered_samples = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ap->buf);
// Wait until the buffer is filled up to at least target_buffering
// before playing
if (buffered_samples < ap->target_buffering) {
LOGV("[Audio] Inserting initial buffering silence: %" PRIu32
" samples", count);
// Delay playback starting to reach the target buffering. Fill the
// whole buffer with silence (len is small compared to the
// arbitrary margin value).
memset(stream, 0, len);
uint32_t read = sc_audiobuf_read(&ap->buf, stream, count);
if (read < count) {
uint32_t silence = count - read;
// Insert silence. In theory, the inserted silent samples replace the
// missing real samples, which will arrive later, so they should be
// dropped to keep the latency minimal. However, this would cause very
// audible glitches, so let the clock compensation restore the target
// latency.
LOGD("[Audio] Buffer underflow, inserting silence: %" PRIu32 " samples",
memset(stream + TO_BYTES(read), 0, TO_BYTES(silence));
bool received = atomic_load_explicit(&ap->received,
if (received) {
// Inserting additional samples immediately increases buffering
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ap->underflow, silence,
atomic_store_explicit(&ap->played, true, memory_order_relaxed);
static uint8_t *
sc_audio_player_get_swr_buf(struct sc_audio_player *ap, uint32_t min_samples) {
size_t min_buf_size = TO_BYTES(min_samples);
if (min_buf_size > ap->swr_buf_alloc_size) {
size_t new_size = min_buf_size + 4096;
uint8_t *buf = realloc(ap->swr_buf, new_size);
if (!buf) {
// Could not realloc to the requested size
return NULL;
ap->swr_buf = buf;
ap->swr_buf_alloc_size = new_size;
return ap->swr_buf;
static bool
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_push(struct sc_frame_sink *sink,
const AVFrame *frame) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
SwrContext *swr_ctx = ap->swr_ctx;
int64_t swr_delay = swr_get_delay(swr_ctx, ap->sample_rate);
// No need to av_rescale_rnd(), input and output sample rates are the same.
// Add more space (256) for clock compensation.
int dst_nb_samples = swr_delay + frame->nb_samples + 256;
uint8_t *swr_buf = sc_audio_player_get_swr_buf(ap, dst_nb_samples);
if (!swr_buf) {
return false;
int ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, &swr_buf, dst_nb_samples,
(const uint8_t **) frame->data, frame->nb_samples);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGE("Resampling failed: %d", ret);
return false;
// swr_convert() returns the number of samples which would have been
// written if the buffer was big enough.
uint32_t samples = MIN(ret, dst_nb_samples);
LOGD("[Audio] %" PRIu32 " samples written to buffer", samples);
uint32_t cap = sc_audiobuf_capacity(&ap->buf);
if (samples > cap) {
// Very very unlikely: a single resampled frame should never
// exceed the audio buffer size (or something is very wrong).
// Ignore the first bytes in swr_buf to avoid memory corruption anyway.
swr_buf += TO_BYTES(samples - cap);
samples = cap;
uint32_t skipped_samples = 0;
uint32_t written = sc_audiobuf_write(&ap->buf, swr_buf, samples);
if (written < samples) {
uint32_t remaining = samples - written;
// All samples that could be written without locking have been written,
// now we need to lock to drop/consume old samples
// Retry with the lock
written += sc_audiobuf_write(&ap->buf,
swr_buf + TO_BYTES(written),
if (written < samples) {
remaining = samples - written;
// Still insufficient, drop old samples to make space
skipped_samples = sc_audiobuf_read(&ap->buf, NULL, remaining);
assert(skipped_samples == remaining);
// Now there is enough space
uint32_t w = sc_audiobuf_write(&ap->buf,
swr_buf + TO_BYTES(written),
assert(w == remaining);
(void) w;
uint32_t underflow = 0;
uint32_t max_buffered_samples;
bool played = atomic_load_explicit(&ap->played, memory_order_relaxed);
if (played) {
underflow = atomic_exchange_explicit(&ap->underflow, 0,
max_buffered_samples = ap->target_buffering
+ 12 * ap->output_buffer
+ ap->target_buffering / 10;
} else {
// SDL playback not started yet, do not accumulate more than
// max_initial_buffering samples, this would cause unnecessary delay
// (and glitches to compensate) on start.
max_buffered_samples = ap->target_buffering + 2 * ap->output_buffer;
uint32_t can_read = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ap->buf);
if (can_read > max_buffered_samples) {
uint32_t skip_samples = 0;
can_read = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ap->buf);
if (can_read > max_buffered_samples) {
skip_samples = can_read - max_buffered_samples;
uint32_t r = sc_audiobuf_read(&ap->buf, NULL, skip_samples);
assert(r == skip_samples);
(void) r;
skipped_samples += skip_samples;
if (skip_samples) {
if (played) {
LOGD("[Audio] Buffering threshold exceeded, skipping %" PRIu32
" samples", skip_samples);
} else {
LOGD("[Audio] Playback not started, skipping %" PRIu32
" samples", skip_samples);
atomic_store_explicit(&ap->received, true, memory_order_relaxed);
if (!played) {
// Nothing more to do
return true;
// Number of samples added (or removed, if negative) for compensation
int32_t instant_compensation = (int32_t) written - frame->nb_samples;
// Inserting silence instantly increases buffering
int32_t inserted_silence = (int32_t) underflow;
// Dropping input samples instantly decreases buffering
int32_t dropped = (int32_t) skipped_samples;
// The compensation must apply instantly, it must not be smoothed
ap->avg_buffering.avg += instant_compensation + inserted_silence - dropped;
if (ap->avg_buffering.avg < 0) {
// Since dropping samples instantly reduces buffering, the difference
// is applied immediately to the average value, assuming that the delay
// between the producer and the consumer will be caught up.
// However, when this assumption is not valid, the average buffering
// may decrease indefinitely. Prevent it to become negative to limit
// the consequences.
ap->avg_buffering.avg = 0;
// However, the buffering level must be smoothed
sc_average_push(&ap->avg_buffering, can_read);
LOGD("[Audio] can_read=%" PRIu32 " avg_buffering=%f",
can_read, sc_average_get(&ap->avg_buffering));
ap->samples_since_resync += written;
if (ap->samples_since_resync >= ap->sample_rate) {
// Recompute compensation every second
ap->samples_since_resync = 0;
float avg = sc_average_get(&ap->avg_buffering);
int diff = ap->target_buffering - avg;
// Enable compensation when the difference exceeds +/- 4ms.
// Disable compensation when the difference is lower than +/- 1ms.
int threshold = ap->compensation != 0
? ap->sample_rate / 1000 /* 1ms */
: ap->sample_rate * 4 / 1000; /* 4ms */
if (abs(diff) < threshold) {
// Do not compensate for small values, the error is just noise
diff = 0;
} else if (diff < 0 && can_read < ap->target_buffering) {
// Do not accelerate if the instant buffering level is below the
// target, this would increase underflow
diff = 0;
// Compensate the diff over 4 seconds (but will be recomputed after 1
// second)
int distance = 4 * ap->sample_rate;
// Limit compensation rate to 2%
int abs_max_diff = distance / 50;
diff = CLAMP(diff, -abs_max_diff, abs_max_diff);
LOGV("[Audio] Buffering: target=%" PRIu32 " avg=%f cur=%" PRIu32
" compensation=%d", ap->target_buffering, avg, can_read, diff);
if (diff != ap->compensation) {
int ret = swr_set_compensation(swr_ctx, diff, distance);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGW("Resampling compensation failed: %d", ret);
// not fatal
} else {
ap->compensation = diff;
return true;
static bool
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_open(struct sc_frame_sink *sink,
const AVCodecContext *ctx) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
assert(ctx->ch_layout.nb_channels > 0);
unsigned nb_channels = ctx->ch_layout.nb_channels;
int tmp = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(ctx->channel_layout);
assert(tmp > 0);
unsigned nb_channels = tmp;
assert(ctx->sample_rate > 0);
int out_bytes_per_sample = av_get_bytes_per_sample(SC_AV_SAMPLE_FMT);
assert(out_bytes_per_sample > 0);
ap->sample_rate = ctx->sample_rate;
ap->nb_channels = nb_channels;
ap->out_bytes_per_sample = out_bytes_per_sample;
ap->target_buffering = ap->target_buffering_delay * ap->sample_rate
uint64_t aout_samples = ap->output_buffer_duration * ap->sample_rate
assert(aout_samples <= 0xFFFF);
ap->output_buffer = (uint16_t) aout_samples;
SDL_AudioSpec desired = {
.freq = ctx->sample_rate,
.format = SC_SDL_SAMPLE_FMT,
.channels = nb_channels,
.samples = aout_samples,
.callback = sc_audio_player_sdl_callback,
.userdata = ap,
SDL_AudioSpec obtained;
ap->device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &desired, &obtained, 0);
if (!ap->device) {
LOGE("Could not open audio device: %s", SDL_GetError());
return false;
SwrContext *swr_ctx = swr_alloc();
if (!swr_ctx) {
goto error_close_audio_device;
ap->swr_ctx = swr_ctx;
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "in_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "out_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "out_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "out_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "in_sample_fmt", ctx->sample_fmt, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "out_sample_fmt", SC_AV_SAMPLE_FMT, 0);
int ret = swr_init(swr_ctx);
if (ret) {
LOGE("Failed to initialize the resampling context");
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
// Use a ring-buffer of the target buffering size plus 1 second between the
// producer and the consumer. It's too big on purpose, to guarantee that
// the producer and the consumer will be able to access it in parallel
// without locking.
uint32_t audiobuf_samples = ap->target_buffering + ap->sample_rate;
size_t sample_size = ap->nb_channels * ap->out_bytes_per_sample;
bool ok = sc_audiobuf_init(&ap->buf, sample_size, audiobuf_samples);
if (!ok) {
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
size_t initial_swr_buf_size = TO_BYTES(4096);
ap->swr_buf = malloc(initial_swr_buf_size);
if (!ap->swr_buf) {
goto error_destroy_audiobuf;
ap->swr_buf_alloc_size = initial_swr_buf_size;
// Samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so the buffering must be
// smoothed to get a relatively stable value.
sc_average_init(&ap->avg_buffering, 128);
ap->samples_since_resync = 0;
ap->received = false;
atomic_init(&ap->played, false);
atomic_init(&ap->received, false);
atomic_init(&ap->underflow, 0);
ap->compensation = 0;
// The thread calling open() is the thread calling push(), which fills the
// audio buffer consumed by the SDL audio thread.
ok = sc_thread_set_priority(SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
if (!ok) {
ok = sc_thread_set_priority(SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH);
(void) ok; // We don't care if it worked, at least we tried
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(ap->device, 0);
return true;
return false;
static void
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_close(struct sc_frame_sink *sink) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(ap->device, 1);
sc_audio_player_init(struct sc_audio_player *ap, sc_tick target_buffering,
sc_tick output_buffer_duration) {
ap->target_buffering_delay = target_buffering;
ap->output_buffer_duration = output_buffer_duration;
static const struct sc_frame_sink_ops ops = {
.open = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_open,
.close = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_close,
.push = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_push,
ap->frame_sink.ops = &ops;