Add a new option --mouse-bind=xxxx. The argument must be exactly 4 characters, one for each secondary click: --mouse-bind=xxxx ^^^^ |||| ||| `- 5th click || `-- 4th click | `--- middle click `---- right click Each character must be one of the following: - `+`: forward the click to the device - `-`: ignore the click - `b`: trigger shortcut BACK (or turn screen on if off) - `h`: trigger shortcut HOME - `s`: trigger shortcut APP_SWITCH - `n`: trigger shortcut "expand notification panel" This deprecates --forward-all-clicks (use --mouse-bind=++++ instead). Refs <https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/pull/2258#issuecomment-2182394460> PR #5022 <https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/pull/5022>