Romain Vimont 0bb3955b95 Split audio player
The audio player had 2 roles:
 - handle the SDL audio output device;
 - resample input samples to maintain a target latency.

Extract the latter to a separate component (an "audio regulator"),
independent of SDL.
2024-09-23 23:59:08 +02:00

416 lines
15 KiB

#include "audio_regulator.h"
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include "util/log.h"
//#define SC_AUDIO_REGULATOR_DEBUG // uncomment to debug
* Real-time audio regulator with configurable latency
* As input, the regulator regularly receives AVFrames of decoded audio samples.
* As output, the audio player regularly requests audio samples to be played.
* In the middle, an audio buffer stores the samples produced but not consumed
* yet.
* The goal of the regulator is to feed the audio player with a latency as low
* as possible while avoiding buffer underrun (i.e. not being able to provide
* samples when requested).
* To achieve this, it attempts to maintain the average buffering (the number
* of samples present in the buffer) around a target value. If this target
* buffering is too low, then buffer underrun will occur frequently. If it is
* too high, then latency will become unacceptable. This target value is
* configured using the scrcpy option --audio-buffer.
* The regulator cannot adjust the sample input rate (it receives samples
* produced in real-time) or the sample output rate (it must provide samples as
* requested by the audio player). Therefore, it may only apply compensation by
* resampling (converting _m_ input samples to _n_ output samples).
* The compensation itself is applied by libswresample (FFmpeg). It is
* configured using swr_set_compensation(). An important work for the regulator
* is to estimate the compensation value regularly and apply it.
* The estimated buffering level is the result of averaging the "natural"
* buffering (samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so it must be
* smoothed), and making instant adjustments resulting of its own actions
* (explicit compensation and silence insertion on underflow), which are not
* smoothed.
* Buffer underflow events can occur when packets arrive too late. In that case,
* the regulator inserts silence. Once the packets finally arrive (late), one
* strategy could be to drop the samples that were replaced by silence, in
* order to keep a minimal latency. However, dropping samples in case of buffer
* underflow is inadvisable, as it would temporarily increase the underflow
* even more and cause very noticeable audio glitches.
* Therefore, the regulator doesn't drop any sample on underflow. The
* compensation mechanism will absorb the delay introduced by the inserted
* silence.
#define TO_BYTES(SAMPLES) sc_audiobuf_to_bytes(&ar->buf, (SAMPLES))
#define TO_SAMPLES(BYTES) sc_audiobuf_to_samples(&ar->buf, (BYTES))
sc_audio_regulator_pull(struct sc_audio_regulator *ar, uint8_t *out,
uint32_t out_samples) {
LOGD("[Audio] Audio regulator pulls %" PRIu32 " samples", out_samples);
// A lock is necessary in the rare case where the producer needs to drop
// samples already pushed (when the buffer is full)
bool played = atomic_load_explicit(&ar->played, memory_order_relaxed);
if (!played) {
uint32_t buffered_samples = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ar->buf);
// Wait until the buffer is filled up to at least target_buffering
// before playing
if (buffered_samples < ar->target_buffering) {
LOGV("[Audio] Inserting initial buffering silence: %" PRIu32
" samples", out_samples);
// Delay playback starting to reach the target buffering. Fill the
// whole buffer with silence (len is small compared to the
// arbitrary margin value).
memset(out, 0, out_samples * ar->sample_size);
uint32_t read = sc_audiobuf_read(&ar->buf, out, out_samples);
if (read < out_samples) {
uint32_t silence = out_samples - read;
// Insert silence. In theory, the inserted silent samples replace the
// missing real samples, which will arrive later, so they should be
// dropped to keep the latency minimal. However, this would cause very
// audible glitches, so let the clock compensation restore the target
// latency.
LOGD("[Audio] Buffer underflow, inserting silence: %" PRIu32 " samples",
memset(out + TO_BYTES(read), 0, TO_BYTES(silence));
bool received = atomic_load_explicit(&ar->received,
if (received) {
// Inserting additional samples immediately increases buffering
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&ar->underflow, silence,
atomic_store_explicit(&ar->played, true, memory_order_relaxed);
static uint8_t *
sc_audio_regulator_get_swr_buf(struct sc_audio_regulator *ar,
uint32_t min_samples) {
size_t min_buf_size = TO_BYTES(min_samples);
if (min_buf_size > ar->swr_buf_alloc_size) {
size_t new_size = min_buf_size + 4096;
uint8_t *buf = realloc(ar->swr_buf, new_size);
if (!buf) {
// Could not realloc to the requested size
return NULL;
ar->swr_buf = buf;
ar->swr_buf_alloc_size = new_size;
return ar->swr_buf;
sc_audio_regulator_push(struct sc_audio_regulator *ar, const AVFrame *frame) {
SwrContext *swr_ctx = ar->swr_ctx;
int64_t swr_delay = swr_get_delay(swr_ctx, ar->sample_rate);
// No need to av_rescale_rnd(), input and output sample rates are the same.
// Add more space (256) for clock compensation.
int dst_nb_samples = swr_delay + frame->nb_samples + 256;
uint8_t *swr_buf = sc_audio_regulator_get_swr_buf(ar, dst_nb_samples);
if (!swr_buf) {
return false;
int ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, &swr_buf, dst_nb_samples,
(const uint8_t **) frame->data, frame->nb_samples);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGE("Resampling failed: %d", ret);
return false;
// swr_convert() returns the number of samples which would have been
// written if the buffer was big enough.
uint32_t samples = MIN(ret, dst_nb_samples);
LOGD("[Audio] %" PRIu32 " samples written to buffer", samples);
uint32_t cap = sc_audiobuf_capacity(&ar->buf);
if (samples > cap) {
// Very very unlikely: a single resampled frame should never
// exceed the audio buffer size (or something is very wrong).
// Ignore the first bytes in swr_buf to avoid memory corruption anyway.
swr_buf += TO_BYTES(samples - cap);
samples = cap;
uint32_t skipped_samples = 0;
uint32_t written = sc_audiobuf_write(&ar->buf, swr_buf, samples);
if (written < samples) {
uint32_t remaining = samples - written;
// All samples that could be written without locking have been written,
// now we need to lock to drop/consume old samples
// Retry with the lock
written += sc_audiobuf_write(&ar->buf,
swr_buf + TO_BYTES(written),
if (written < samples) {
remaining = samples - written;
// Still insufficient, drop old samples to make space
skipped_samples = sc_audiobuf_read(&ar->buf, NULL, remaining);
assert(skipped_samples == remaining);
if (written < samples) {
// Now there is enough space
uint32_t w = sc_audiobuf_write(&ar->buf,
swr_buf + TO_BYTES(written),
assert(w == remaining);
(void) w;
uint32_t underflow = 0;
uint32_t max_buffered_samples;
bool played = atomic_load_explicit(&ar->played, memory_order_relaxed);
if (played) {
underflow = atomic_exchange_explicit(&ar->underflow, 0,
max_buffered_samples = ar->target_buffering * 11 / 10
+ 60 * ar->sample_rate / 1000 /* 60 ms */;
} else {
// Playback not started yet, do not accumulate more than
// max_initial_buffering samples, this would cause unnecessary delay
// (and glitches to compensate) on start.
max_buffered_samples = ar->target_buffering
+ 10 * ar->sample_rate / 1000 /* 10 ms */;
uint32_t can_read = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ar->buf);
if (can_read > max_buffered_samples) {
uint32_t skip_samples = 0;
can_read = sc_audiobuf_can_read(&ar->buf);
if (can_read > max_buffered_samples) {
skip_samples = can_read - max_buffered_samples;
uint32_t r = sc_audiobuf_read(&ar->buf, NULL, skip_samples);
assert(r == skip_samples);
(void) r;
skipped_samples += skip_samples;
if (skip_samples) {
if (played) {
LOGD("[Audio] Buffering threshold exceeded, skipping %" PRIu32
" samples", skip_samples);
} else {
LOGD("[Audio] Playback not started, skipping %" PRIu32
" samples", skip_samples);
atomic_store_explicit(&ar->received, true, memory_order_relaxed);
if (!played) {
// Nothing more to do
return true;
// Number of samples added (or removed, if negative) for compensation
int32_t instant_compensation = (int32_t) written - frame->nb_samples;
// Inserting silence instantly increases buffering
int32_t inserted_silence = (int32_t) underflow;
// Dropping input samples instantly decreases buffering
int32_t dropped = (int32_t) skipped_samples;
// The compensation must apply instantly, it must not be smoothed
ar->avg_buffering.avg += instant_compensation + inserted_silence - dropped;
if (ar->avg_buffering.avg < 0) {
// Since dropping samples instantly reduces buffering, the difference
// is applied immediately to the average value, assuming that the delay
// between the producer and the consumer will be caught up.
// However, when this assumption is not valid, the average buffering
// may decrease indefinitely. Prevent it to become negative to limit
// the consequences.
ar->avg_buffering.avg = 0;
// However, the buffering level must be smoothed
sc_average_push(&ar->avg_buffering, can_read);
LOGD("[Audio] can_read=%" PRIu32 " avg_buffering=%f",
can_read, sc_average_get(&ar->avg_buffering));
ar->samples_since_resync += written;
if (ar->samples_since_resync >= ar->sample_rate) {
// Recompute compensation every second
ar->samples_since_resync = 0;
float avg = sc_average_get(&ar->avg_buffering);
int diff = ar->target_buffering - avg;
// Enable compensation when the difference exceeds +/- 4ms.
// Disable compensation when the difference is lower than +/- 1ms.
int threshold = ar->compensation != 0
? ar->sample_rate / 1000 /* 1ms */
: ar->sample_rate * 4 / 1000; /* 4ms */
if (abs(diff) < threshold) {
// Do not compensate for small values, the error is just noise
diff = 0;
} else if (diff < 0 && can_read < ar->target_buffering) {
// Do not accelerate if the instant buffering level is below the
// target, this would increase underflow
diff = 0;
// Compensate the diff over 4 seconds (but will be recomputed after 1
// second)
int distance = 4 * ar->sample_rate;
// Limit compensation rate to 2%
int abs_max_diff = distance / 50;
diff = CLAMP(diff, -abs_max_diff, abs_max_diff);
LOGV("[Audio] Buffering: target=%" PRIu32 " avg=%f cur=%" PRIu32
" compensation=%d", ar->target_buffering, avg, can_read, diff);
if (diff != ar->compensation) {
int ret = swr_set_compensation(swr_ctx, diff, distance);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGW("Resampling compensation failed: %d", ret);
// not fatal
} else {
ar->compensation = diff;
return true;
sc_audio_regulator_init(struct sc_audio_regulator *ar, size_t sample_size,
const AVCodecContext *ctx, uint32_t target_buffering) {
SwrContext *swr_ctx = swr_alloc();
if (!swr_ctx) {
return false;
ar->swr_ctx = swr_ctx;
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "in_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "out_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "out_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "out_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "in_sample_fmt", ctx->sample_fmt, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "out_sample_fmt", SC_AV_SAMPLE_FMT, 0);
int ret = swr_init(swr_ctx);
if (ret) {
LOGE("Failed to initialize the resampling context");
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
bool ok = sc_mutex_init(&ar->mutex);
if (!ok) {
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
ar->target_buffering = target_buffering;
ar->sample_size = sample_size;
ar->sample_rate = ctx->sample_rate;
// Use a ring-buffer of the target buffering size plus 1 second between the
// producer and the consumer. It's too big on purpose, to guarantee that
// the producer and the consumer will be able to access it in parallel
// without locking.
uint32_t audiobuf_samples = target_buffering + ar->sample_rate;
ok = sc_audiobuf_init(&ar->buf, sample_size, audiobuf_samples);
if (!ok) {
goto error_destroy_mutex;
size_t initial_swr_buf_size = TO_BYTES(4096);
ar->swr_buf = malloc(initial_swr_buf_size);
if (!ar->swr_buf) {
goto error_destroy_audiobuf;
ar->swr_buf_alloc_size = initial_swr_buf_size;
// Samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so the buffering must be
// smoothed to get a relatively stable value.
sc_average_init(&ar->avg_buffering, 128);
ar->samples_since_resync = 0;
ar->received = false;
atomic_init(&ar->played, false);
atomic_init(&ar->received, false);
atomic_init(&ar->underflow, 0);
ar->compensation = 0;
return true;
return false;
sc_audio_regulator_destroy(struct sc_audio_regulator *ar) {