# Connection

## Selection

If exactly one device is connected (i.e. listed by `adb devices`), then it is
automatically selected.

However, if there are multiple devices connected, you must specify the one to
use in one of 4 ways:
 - by its serial:
   scrcpy --serial=0123456789abcdef
   scrcpy -s 0123456789abcdef   # short version

   # the serial is the ip:port if connected over TCP/IP (same behavior as adb)
   scrcpy --serial=
 - the one connected over USB (if there is exactly one):
   scrcpy --select-usb
   scrcpy -d   # short version
 - the one connected over TCP/IP (if there is exactly one):
   scrcpy --select-tcpip
   scrcpy -e   # short version
 - a device already listening on TCP/IP (see [below](#tcpip-wireless)):
   scrcpy --tcpip=
   scrcpy --tcpip=        # default port is 5555

The serial may also be provided via the environment variable `ANDROID_SERIAL`
(also used by `adb`):

# in bash
export ANDROID_SERIAL=0123456789abcdef

:: in cmd
set ANDROID_SERIAL=0123456789abcdef

# in PowerShell
$env:ANDROID_SERIAL = '0123456789abcdef'

## TCP/IP (wireless)

_Scrcpy_ uses `adb` to communicate with the device, and `adb` can [connect] to a
device over TCP/IP. The device must be connected on the same network as the

[connect]: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb.html#wireless

### Automatic

An option `--tcpip` allows to configure the connection automatically. There are
two variants.

If the device (accessible at in this example) already listens on a
port (typically 5555) for incoming _adb_ connections, then run:

scrcpy --tcpip=       # default port is 5555
scrcpy --tcpip=

If _adb_ TCP/IP mode is disabled on the device (or if you don't know the IP
address), connect the device over USB, then run:

scrcpy --tcpip   # without arguments

It will automatically find the device IP address and adb port, enable TCP/IP
mode if necessary, then connect to the device before starting.

### Manual

Alternatively, it is possible to enable the TCP/IP connection manually using

1. Plug the device into a USB port on your computer.
2. Connect the device to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.
3. Get your device IP address, in Settings → About phone → Status, or by
   executing this command:

    adb shell ip route | awk '{print $9}'

4. Enable `adb` over TCP/IP on your device: `adb tcpip 5555`.
5. Unplug your device.
6. Connect to your device: `adb connect DEVICE_IP:5555` _(replace `DEVICE_IP`
with the device IP address you found)_.
7. Run `scrcpy` as usual.
8. Run `adb disconnect` once you're done.

Since Android 11, a [wireless debugging option][adb-wireless] allows to bypass
having to physically connect your device directly to your computer.

[adb-wireless]: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb#wireless-android11-command-line

## Autostart

A small tool (by the scrcpy author) allows to run arbitrary commands whenever a
new Android device is connected: [AutoAdb]. It can be used to start scrcpy:

autoadb scrcpy -s '{}'

[AutoAdb]: https://github.com/rom1v/autoadb