#include "delay_buffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "util/log.h" /** Downcast frame_sink to sc_delay_buffer */ #define DOWNCAST(SINK) container_of(SINK, struct sc_delay_buffer, frame_sink) static bool sc_delayed_frame_init(struct sc_delayed_frame *dframe, const AVFrame *frame) { dframe->frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!dframe->frame) { LOG_OOM(); return false; } if (av_frame_ref(dframe->frame, frame)) { LOG_OOM(); av_frame_free(&dframe->frame); return false; } return true; } static void sc_delayed_frame_destroy(struct sc_delayed_frame *dframe) { av_frame_unref(dframe->frame); av_frame_free(&dframe->frame); } static int run_buffering(void *data) { struct sc_delay_buffer *db = data; assert(db->delay > 0); for (;;) { sc_mutex_lock(&db->mutex); while (!db->stopped && sc_vecdeque_is_empty(&db->queue)) { sc_cond_wait(&db->queue_cond, &db->mutex); } if (db->stopped) { sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); goto stopped; } struct sc_delayed_frame dframe = sc_vecdeque_pop(&db->queue); sc_tick max_deadline = sc_tick_now() + db->delay; // PTS (written by the server) are expressed in microseconds sc_tick pts = SC_TICK_FROM_US(dframe.frame->pts); bool timed_out = false; while (!db->stopped && !timed_out) { sc_tick deadline = sc_clock_to_system_time(&db->clock, pts) + db->delay; if (deadline > max_deadline) { deadline = max_deadline; } timed_out = !sc_cond_timedwait(&db->wait_cond, &db->mutex, deadline); } bool stopped = db->stopped; sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); if (stopped) { sc_delayed_frame_destroy(&dframe); goto stopped; } #ifdef SC_BUFFERING_DEBUG LOGD("Buffering: %" PRItick ";%" PRItick ";%" PRItick, pts, dframe.push_date, sc_tick_now()); #endif bool ok = sc_frame_source_sinks_push(&db->frame_source, dframe.frame); sc_delayed_frame_destroy(&dframe); if (!ok) { LOGE("Delayed frame could not be pushed, stopping"); sc_mutex_lock(&db->mutex); // Prevent to push any new frame db->stopped = true; sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); goto stopped; } } stopped: assert(db->stopped); // Flush queue while (!sc_vecdeque_is_empty(&db->queue)) { struct sc_delayed_frame *dframe = sc_vecdeque_popref(&db->queue); sc_delayed_frame_destroy(dframe); } LOGD("Buffering thread ended"); return 0; } static bool sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_open(struct sc_frame_sink *sink, const AVCodecContext *ctx) { struct sc_delay_buffer *db = DOWNCAST(sink); (void) ctx; bool ok = sc_mutex_init(&db->mutex); if (!ok) { return false; } ok = sc_cond_init(&db->queue_cond); if (!ok) { goto error_destroy_mutex; } ok = sc_cond_init(&db->wait_cond); if (!ok) { goto error_destroy_queue_cond; } sc_clock_init(&db->clock); sc_vecdeque_init(&db->queue); db->stopped = false; if (!sc_frame_source_sinks_open(&db->frame_source, ctx)) { goto error_destroy_wait_cond; } ok = sc_thread_create(&db->thread, run_buffering, "scrcpy-dbuf", db); if (!ok) { LOGE("Could not start buffering thread"); goto error_close_sinks; } return true; error_close_sinks: sc_frame_source_sinks_close(&db->frame_source); error_destroy_wait_cond: sc_cond_destroy(&db->wait_cond); error_destroy_queue_cond: sc_cond_destroy(&db->queue_cond); error_destroy_mutex: sc_mutex_destroy(&db->mutex); return false; } static void sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_close(struct sc_frame_sink *sink) { struct sc_delay_buffer *db = DOWNCAST(sink); sc_mutex_lock(&db->mutex); db->stopped = true; sc_cond_signal(&db->queue_cond); sc_cond_signal(&db->wait_cond); sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); sc_thread_join(&db->thread, NULL); sc_frame_source_sinks_close(&db->frame_source); sc_cond_destroy(&db->wait_cond); sc_cond_destroy(&db->queue_cond); sc_mutex_destroy(&db->mutex); } static bool sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_push(struct sc_frame_sink *sink, const AVFrame *frame) { struct sc_delay_buffer *db = DOWNCAST(sink); sc_mutex_lock(&db->mutex); if (db->stopped) { sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); return false; } sc_tick pts = SC_TICK_FROM_US(frame->pts); sc_clock_update(&db->clock, sc_tick_now(), pts); sc_cond_signal(&db->wait_cond); if (db->first_frame_asap && db->clock.range == 1) { sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); return sc_frame_source_sinks_push(&db->frame_source, frame); } struct sc_delayed_frame dframe; bool ok = sc_delayed_frame_init(&dframe, frame); if (!ok) { sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); return false; } #ifdef SC_BUFFERING_DEBUG dframe.push_date = sc_tick_now(); #endif ok = sc_vecdeque_push(&db->queue, dframe); if (!ok) { sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); LOG_OOM(); return false; } sc_cond_signal(&db->queue_cond); sc_mutex_unlock(&db->mutex); return true; } void sc_delay_buffer_init(struct sc_delay_buffer *db, sc_tick delay, bool first_frame_asap) { assert(delay > 0); db->delay = delay; db->first_frame_asap = first_frame_asap; sc_frame_source_init(&db->frame_source); static const struct sc_frame_sink_ops ops = { .open = sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_open, .close = sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_close, .push = sc_delay_buffer_frame_sink_push, }; db->frame_sink.ops = &ops; }