2023-03-03 00:43:20 +01:00
#include "audio_player.h"
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include "util/log.h"
#define SC_AUDIO_PLAYER_NDEBUG // comment to debug
/** Downcast frame_sink to sc_audio_player */
#define DOWNCAST(SINK) container_of(SINK, struct sc_audio_player, frame_sink)
#define SC_AUDIO_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SAMPLES 240 // 5ms at 48000Hz
static inline uint32_t
bytes_to_samples(struct sc_audio_player *ap, size_t bytes) {
assert(bytes % (ap->nb_channels * ap->out_bytes_per_sample) == 0);
return bytes / (ap->nb_channels * ap->out_bytes_per_sample);
static inline size_t
samples_to_bytes(struct sc_audio_player *ap, uint32_t samples) {
return samples * ap->nb_channels * ap->out_bytes_per_sample;
static void SDLCALL
sc_audio_player_sdl_callback(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int len_int) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = userdata;
// This callback is called with the lock used by SDL_AudioDeviceLock(), so
// the bytebuf is protected
assert(len_int > 0);
size_t len = len_int;
LOGD("[Audio] SDL callback requests %" PRIu32 " samples",
bytes_to_samples(ap, len));
size_t read_avail = sc_bytebuf_read_available(&ap->buf);
if (!ap->played) {
uint32_t buffered_samples = bytes_to_samples(ap, read_avail);
// Part of the buffering is handled by inserting initial silence. The
// remaining (margin) last samples will be handled by compensation.
uint32_t margin = 30 * ap->sample_rate / 1000; // 30ms
if (buffered_samples + margin < ap->target_buffering) {
LOGV("[Audio] Inserting initial buffering silence: %" PRIu32
" samples", bytes_to_samples(ap, len));
// Delay playback starting to reach the target buffering. Fill the
// whole buffer with silence (len is small compared to the
// arbitrary margin value).
memset(stream, 0, len);
size_t read = MIN(read_avail, len);
if (read) {
sc_bytebuf_read(&ap->buf, stream, read);
if (read < len) {
size_t silence_bytes = len - read;
uint32_t silence_samples = bytes_to_samples(ap, silence_bytes);
// Insert silence. In theory, the inserted silent samples replace the
// missing real samples, which will arrive later, so they should be
// dropped to keep the latency minimal. However, this would cause very
// audible glitches, so let the clock compensation restore the target
// latency.
LOGD("[Audio] Buffer underflow, inserting silence: %" PRIu32 " samples",
memset(stream + read, 0, silence_bytes);
if (ap->received) {
// Inserting additional samples immediately increases buffering
ap->avg_buffering.avg += silence_samples;
ap->played = true;
static uint8_t *
sc_audio_player_get_swr_buf(struct sc_audio_player *ap, uint32_t min_samples) {
size_t min_buf_size = samples_to_bytes(ap, min_samples);
if (min_buf_size > ap->swr_buf_alloc_size) {
size_t new_size = min_buf_size + 4096;
uint8_t *buf = realloc(ap->swr_buf, new_size);
if (!buf) {
// Could not realloc to the requested size
return NULL;
ap->swr_buf = buf;
ap->swr_buf_alloc_size = new_size;
return ap->swr_buf;
static bool
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_push(struct sc_frame_sink *sink,
const AVFrame *frame) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
SwrContext *swr_ctx = ap->swr_ctx;
int64_t swr_delay = swr_get_delay(swr_ctx, ap->sample_rate);
// No need to av_rescale_rnd(), input and output sample rates are the same.
// Add more space (256) for clock compensation.
int dst_nb_samples = swr_delay + frame->nb_samples + 256;
uint8_t *swr_buf = sc_audio_player_get_swr_buf(ap, dst_nb_samples);
if (!swr_buf) {
return false;
int ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, &swr_buf, dst_nb_samples,
(const uint8_t **) frame->data, frame->nb_samples);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGE("Resampling failed: %d", ret);
return false;
// swr_convert() returns the number of samples which would have been
// written if the buffer was big enough.
uint32_t samples_written = MIN(ret, dst_nb_samples);
size_t swr_buf_size = samples_to_bytes(ap, samples_written);
LOGD("[Audio] %" PRIu32 " samples written to buffer", samples_written);
// Since this function is the only writer, the current available space is
// at least the previous available space. In practice, it should almost
// always be possible to write without lock.
bool lockless_write = swr_buf_size <= ap->previous_write_avail;
if (lockless_write) {
sc_bytebuf_prepare_write(&ap->buf, swr_buf, swr_buf_size);
size_t read_avail = sc_bytebuf_read_available(&ap->buf);
uint32_t buffered_samples = bytes_to_samples(ap, read_avail);
if (lockless_write) {
sc_bytebuf_commit_write(&ap->buf, swr_buf_size);
} else {
// Take care to keep full samples
size_t align = ap->nb_channels * ap->out_bytes_per_sample;
size_t write_avail =
sc_bytebuf_write_available(&ap->buf) / align * align;
if (swr_buf_size > write_avail) {
// Entering this branch is very unlikely, the ring-buffer (bytebuf)
// is allocated with a size sufficient to store 1 second more than
// the target buffering. If this happens, though, we have to skip
// old samples.
size_t cap = sc_bytebuf_capacity(&ap->buf) / align * align;
if (swr_buf_size > cap) {
// Very very unlikely: a single resampled frame should never
// exceed the ring-buffer size (or something is very wrong).
// Ignore the first bytes in swr_buf
swr_buf += swr_buf_size - cap;
swr_buf_size = cap;
// This change in samples_written will impact the
// instant_compensation below
samples_written -= bytes_to_samples(ap, swr_buf_size - cap);
assert(swr_buf_size >= write_avail);
if (swr_buf_size > write_avail) {
sc_bytebuf_skip(&ap->buf, swr_buf_size - write_avail);
uint32_t skip_samples =
bytes_to_samples(ap, swr_buf_size - write_avail);
assert(buffered_samples >= skip_samples);
buffered_samples -= skip_samples;
if (ap->played) {
// Dropping input samples instantly decreases buffering
ap->avg_buffering.avg -= skip_samples;
// It should remain exactly the expected size to write the new
// samples.
assert((sc_bytebuf_write_available(&ap->buf) / align * align)
== swr_buf_size);
sc_bytebuf_write(&ap->buf, swr_buf, swr_buf_size);
buffered_samples += samples_written;
assert(samples_to_bytes(ap, buffered_samples)
== sc_bytebuf_read_available(&ap->buf));
// Read with lock held, to be used after unlocking
bool played = ap->played;
if (played) {
uint32_t max_buffered_samples = ap->target_buffering
+ ap->target_buffering / 10;
if (buffered_samples > max_buffered_samples) {
uint32_t skip_samples = buffered_samples - max_buffered_samples;
size_t skip_bytes = samples_to_bytes(ap, skip_samples);
sc_bytebuf_skip(&ap->buf, skip_bytes);
LOGD("[Audio] Buffering threshold exceeded, skipping %" PRIu32
" samples", skip_samples);
// Number of samples added (or removed, if negative) for compensation
int32_t instant_compensation =
(int32_t) samples_written - frame->nb_samples;
// The compensation must apply instantly, it must not be smoothed
ap->avg_buffering.avg += instant_compensation;
// However, the buffering level must be smoothed
sc_average_push(&ap->avg_buffering, buffered_samples);
LOGD("[Audio] buffered_samples=%" PRIu32 " avg_buffering=%f",
buffered_samples, sc_average_get(&ap->avg_buffering));
} else {
// SDL playback not started yet, do not accumulate more than
// max_initial_buffering samples, this would cause unnecessary delay
// (and glitches to compensate) on start.
uint32_t max_initial_buffering = ap->target_buffering
if (buffered_samples > max_initial_buffering) {
uint32_t skip_samples = buffered_samples - max_initial_buffering;
size_t skip_bytes = samples_to_bytes(ap, skip_samples);
sc_bytebuf_skip(&ap->buf, skip_bytes);
LOGD("[Audio] Playback not started, skipping %" PRIu32 " samples",
ap->previous_write_avail = sc_bytebuf_write_available(&ap->buf);
ap->received = true;
if (played) {
ap->samples_since_resync += samples_written;
if (ap->samples_since_resync >= ap->sample_rate) {
// Recompute compensation every second
ap->samples_since_resync = 0;
float avg = sc_average_get(&ap->avg_buffering);
int diff = ap->target_buffering - avg;
if (diff < 0 && buffered_samples < ap->target_buffering) {
// Do not accelerate if the instant buffering level is below
// the average, this would increase underflow
diff = 0;
// Compensate the diff over 4 seconds (but will be recomputed after
// 1 second)
int distance = 4 * ap->sample_rate;
// Limit compensation rate to 2%
int abs_max_diff = distance / 50;
diff = CLAMP(diff, -abs_max_diff, abs_max_diff);
LOGV("[Audio] Buffering: target=%" PRIu32 " avg=%f cur=%" PRIu32
" compensation=%d", ap->target_buffering, avg,
buffered_samples, diff);
int ret = swr_set_compensation(swr_ctx, diff, distance);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGW("Resampling compensation failed: %d", ret);
// not fatal
return true;
static bool
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_open(struct sc_frame_sink *sink,
const AVCodecContext *ctx) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
2023-02-27 21:41:27 +01:00
assert(ctx->ch_layout.nb_channels > 0);
unsigned nb_channels = ctx->ch_layout.nb_channels;
int tmp = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(ctx->channel_layout);
assert(tmp > 0);
unsigned nb_channels = tmp;
2023-03-03 00:43:20 +01:00
SDL_AudioSpec desired = {
.freq = ctx->sample_rate,
.format = SC_SDL_SAMPLE_FMT,
2023-02-27 21:41:27 +01:00
.channels = nb_channels,
2023-03-03 00:43:20 +01:00
.callback = sc_audio_player_sdl_callback,
.userdata = ap,
SDL_AudioSpec obtained;
ap->device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &desired, &obtained, 0);
if (!ap->device) {
LOGE("Could not open audio device: %s", SDL_GetError());
return false;
SwrContext *swr_ctx = swr_alloc();
if (!swr_ctx) {
goto error_close_audio_device;
ap->swr_ctx = swr_ctx;
assert(ctx->sample_rate > 0);
int out_bytes_per_sample = av_get_bytes_per_sample(SC_AV_SAMPLE_FMT);
assert(out_bytes_per_sample > 0);
2023-02-27 21:41:27 +01:00
2023-03-03 00:43:20 +01:00
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "in_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_chlayout(swr_ctx, "out_chlayout", &ctx->ch_layout, 0);
2023-02-27 21:41:27 +01:00
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
av_opt_set_channel_layout(swr_ctx, "out_channel_layout",
ctx->channel_layout, 0);
2023-03-03 00:43:20 +01:00
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "out_sample_rate", ctx->sample_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "in_sample_fmt", ctx->sample_fmt, 0);
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "out_sample_fmt", SC_AV_SAMPLE_FMT, 0);
int ret = swr_init(swr_ctx);
if (ret) {
LOGE("Failed to initialize the resampling context");
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
ap->sample_rate = ctx->sample_rate;
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ap->nb_channels = nb_channels;
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ap->out_bytes_per_sample = out_bytes_per_sample;
ap->target_buffering = ap->target_buffering_delay * ap->sample_rate
// Use a ring-buffer of the target buffering size plus 1 second between the
// producer and the consumer. It's too big on purpose, to guarantee that
// the producer and the consumer will be able to access it in parallel
// without locking.
size_t bytebuf_samples = ap->target_buffering + ap->sample_rate;
size_t bytebuf_size = samples_to_bytes(ap, bytebuf_samples);
bool ok = sc_bytebuf_init(&ap->buf, bytebuf_size);
if (!ok) {
goto error_free_swr_ctx;
size_t initial_swr_buf_size = samples_to_bytes(ap, 4096);
ap->swr_buf = malloc(initial_swr_buf_size);
if (!ap->swr_buf) {
goto error_destroy_bytebuf;
ap->swr_buf_alloc_size = initial_swr_buf_size;
ap->previous_write_avail = sc_bytebuf_write_available(&ap->buf);
// Samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so the buffering must be
// smoothed to get a relatively stable value.
sc_average_init(&ap->avg_buffering, 32);
ap->samples_since_resync = 0;
ap->received = false;
ap->played = false;
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(ap->device, 0);
return true;
return false;
static void
sc_audio_player_frame_sink_close(struct sc_frame_sink *sink) {
struct sc_audio_player *ap = DOWNCAST(sink);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(ap->device, 1);
sc_audio_player_init(struct sc_audio_player *ap, sc_tick target_buffering) {
ap->target_buffering_delay = target_buffering;
static const struct sc_frame_sink_ops ops = {
.open = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_open,
.close = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_close,
.push = sc_audio_player_frame_sink_push,
ap->frame_sink.ops = &ops;