254 lines
8.7 KiB
254 lines
8.7 KiB
local mssql = require "mssql"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local tableaux = require "tableaux"
-- -*- mode: lua -*-
-- vim: set filetype=lua :
description = [[
Queries Microsoft SQL Server (ms-sql) for a list of tables per database.
SQL Server credentials required: Yes (use <code>ms-sql-brute</code>, <code>ms-sql-empty-password</code>
and/or <code>mssql.username</code> & <code>mssql.password</code>)
Run criteria:
* Host script: Will run if the <code>mssql.instance-all</code>, <code>mssql.instance-name</code>
or <code>mssql.instance-port</code> script arguments are used (see mssql.lua).
* Port script: Will run against any services identified as SQL Servers, but only
if the <code>mssql.instance-all</code>, <code>mssql.instance-name</code>
and <code>mssql.instance-port</code> script arguments are NOT used.
The sysdatabase table should be accessible by more or less everyone.
Once we have a list of databases we iterate over it and attempt to extract
table names. In order for this to succeed we need to have either
sysadmin privileges or an account with access to the db. So, each
database we successfully enumerate tables from we mark as finished, then
iterate over known user accounts until either we have exhausted the users
or found all tables in all the databases.
System databases are excluded.
NOTE: Communication with instances via named pipes depends on the <code>smb</code>
library. To communicate with (and possibly to discover) instances via named pipes,
the host must have at least one SMB port (e.g. TCP 445) that was scanned and
found to be open. Additionally, named pipe connections may require Windows
authentication to connect to the Windows host (via SMB) in addition to the
authentication required to connect to the SQL Server instances itself. See the
documentation and arguments for the <code>smb</code> library for more information.
NOTE: By default, the ms-sql-* scripts may attempt to connect to and communicate
with ports that were not included in the port list for the Nmap scan. This can
be disabled using the <code>mssql.scanned-ports-only</code> script argument.
-- @usage
-- nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-tables --script-args mssql.username=sa,mssql.password=sa <host>
-- @args ms-sql-tables.maxdb Limits the amount of databases that are
-- processed and returned (default 5). If set to zero or less
-- all databases are processed.
-- @args ms-sql-tables.maxtables Limits the amount of tables returned
-- (default 5). If set to zero or less all tables are returned.
-- @args ms-sql-tables.keywords If set shows only tables or columns matching
-- the keywords
-- @output
-- | ms-sql-tables:
-- | webshop
-- | table column type length
-- | payments user_id int 4
-- | payments purchase_id int 4
-- | payments cardholder varchar 50
-- | payments cardtype varchar 50
-- | payments cardno varchar 50
-- | payments expiry varchar 50
-- | payments cvv varchar 4
-- | products id int 4
-- | products manu varchar 50
-- | products model varchar 50
-- | products productname varchar 100
-- | products price float 8
-- | products imagefile varchar 255
-- | products quantity int 4
-- | products keywords varchar 100
-- | products description text 16
-- | users id int 4
-- | users username varchar 50
-- | users password varchar 50
-- |_ users fullname varchar 100
-- Created 01/17/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
-- Revised 04/02/2010 - v0.2
-- - Added support for filters
-- - Changed output formatting of restrictions
-- - Added parameter information in output if parameters are using their
-- defaults.
-- Revised 02/01/2011 - v0.3 (Chris Woodbury)
-- - Added ability to run against all instances on a host;
-- - Added compatibility with changes in mssql.lua
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"discovery", "safe"}
dependencies = {"broadcast-ms-sql-discover", "ms-sql-brute", "ms-sql-empty-password"}
local function process_instance( instance )
local status, result, dbs, tables
local output = {}
local exclude_dbs = { "'master'", "'tempdb'", "'model'", "'msdb'" }
local db_query
local done_dbs = {}
local db_limit, tbl_limit
local DB_COUNT = tonumber( stdnse.get_script_args( {'ms-sql-tables.maxdb', 'mssql-tables.maxdb'} ) ) or 5
local TABLE_COUNT = tonumber( stdnse.get_script_args( {'ms-sql-tables.maxtables', 'mssql-tables.maxtables' } ) ) or 2
local keywords_filter = ""
if ( DB_COUNT <= 0 ) then
db_limit = ""
db_limit = string.format( "TOP %d", DB_COUNT )
if (TABLE_COUNT <= 0 ) then
tbl_limit = ""
tbl_limit = string.format( "TOP %d", TABLE_COUNT )
local keywords_arg = stdnse.get_script_args( {'ms-sql-tables.keywords', 'mssql-tables.keywords' } )
-- Build the keyword filter
if keywords_arg then
local keywords = keywords_arg
local tmp_tbl = {}
if( type(keywords) == 'string' ) then
keywords = { keywords }
for _, v in ipairs(keywords) do
table.insert(tmp_tbl, ("'%s'"):format(v))
keywords_filter = (" AND ( so.name IN (%s) or sc.name IN (%s) ) "):format(
table.concat(tmp_tbl, ","),
table.concat(tmp_tbl, ",")
db_query = ("SELECT %s name from master..sysdatabases WHERE name NOT IN (%s)"):format(db_limit, table.concat(exclude_dbs, ","))
local creds = mssql.Helper.GetLoginCredentials_All( instance )
if ( not creds ) then
output = "ERROR: No login credentials."
for username, password in pairs( creds ) do
local helper = mssql.Helper:new()
status, result = helper:ConnectEx( instance )
if ( not(status) ) then
table.insert(output, "ERROR: " .. result)
if ( status ) then
status = helper:Login( username, password, nil, instance.host.ip )
if ( status ) then
status, dbs = helper:Query( db_query )
if ( status ) then
-- all done?
if ( #done_dbs == #dbs.rows ) then
for k, v in pairs(dbs.rows) do
if ( not( tableaux.contains( done_dbs, v[1] ) ) ) then
local query = [[ SELECT so.name 'table', sc.name 'column', st.name 'type', sc.length
FROM %s..syscolumns sc, %s..sysobjects so, %s..systypes st
WHERE so.id = sc.id AND sc.xtype=st.xtype AND
so.id IN (SELECT %s id FROM %s..sysobjects WHERE xtype='U') %s ORDER BY so.name, sc.name, st.name]]
query = query:format( v[1], v[1], v[1], tbl_limit, v[1], keywords_filter)
status, tables = helper:Query( query )
if ( not(status) ) then
stdnse.debug1("%s", tables)
local item = {}
item = mssql.Util.FormatOutputTable( tables, true )
if ( #item == 0 and keywords_filter ~= "" ) then
table.insert(item, "Filter returned no matches")
item.name = v[1]
table.insert(output, item)
table.insert(done_dbs, v[1])
local pos = 1
local restrict_tbl = {}
if keywords_arg then
local tmp = keywords_arg
if ( type(tmp) == 'table' ) then
tmp = table.concat(tmp, ',')
table.insert(restrict_tbl, 1, ("Filter: %s"):format(tmp))
pos = pos + 1
table.insert(restrict_tbl, 1, "No filter (see ms-sql-tables.keywords)")
if ( DB_COUNT > 0 ) then
local tmp = ("Output restricted to %d databases"):format(DB_COUNT)
if ( not(stdnse.get_script_args( { 'ms-sql-tables.maxdb', 'mssql-tables.maxdb' } ) ) ) then
tmp = tmp .. " (see ms-sql-tables.maxdb)"
table.insert(restrict_tbl, 1, tmp)
pos = pos + 1
if ( TABLE_COUNT > 0 ) then
local tmp = ("Output restricted to %d tables"):format(TABLE_COUNT)
if ( not(stdnse.get_script_args( { 'ms-sql-tables.maxtables', 'mssql-tables.maxtables' } ) ) ) then
tmp = tmp .. " (see ms-sql-tables.maxtables)"
table.insert(restrict_tbl, 1, tmp)
pos = pos + 1
if ( 1 < pos and type( output ) == "table" and #output > 0) then
restrict_tbl.name = "Restrictions"
table.insert(output, "")
table.insert(output, restrict_tbl)
local instanceOutput = {}
instanceOutput["name"] = string.format( "[%s]", instance:GetName() )
table.insert( instanceOutput, output )
return stdnse.format_ouptut(true, instanceOutput)
action, portrule, hostrule = mssql.Helper.InitScript(process_instance)