93 lines
3.4 KiB
93 lines
3.4 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Sather/pSather
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <claudio@fleiner.com>
" URL: http://www.fleiner.com/vim/syntax/sather.vim
" Last Change: 2003 May 11
" Sather is a OO-language developped at the International Computer Science
" Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley, CA. pSather is a parallel extension to Sather.
" Homepage: http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~sather
" Sather files use .sa as suffix
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" keyword definitions
syn keyword satherExternal extern
syn keyword satherBranch break continue
syn keyword satherLabel when then
syn keyword satherConditional if else elsif end case typecase assert with
syn match satherConditional "near$"
syn match satherConditional "far$"
syn match satherConditional "near *[^(]"he=e-1
syn match satherConditional "far *[^(]"he=e-1
syn keyword satherSynchronize lock guard sync
syn keyword satherRepeat loop parloop do
syn match satherRepeat "while!"
syn match satherRepeat "break!"
syn match satherRepeat "until!"
syn keyword satherBoolValue true false
syn keyword satherValue self here cluster
syn keyword satherOperator new "== != & ^ | && ||
syn keyword satherOperator and or not
syn match satherOperator "[#!]"
syn match satherOperator ":-"
syn keyword satherType void attr where
syn match satherType "near *("he=e-1
syn match satherType "far *("he=e-1
syn keyword satherStatement return
syn keyword satherStorageClass static const
syn keyword satherExceptions try raise catch
syn keyword satherMethodDecl is pre post
syn keyword satherClassDecl abstract value class include
syn keyword satherScopeDecl public private readonly
syn match satherSpecial contained "\\\d\d\d\|\\."
syn region satherString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=satherSpecial
syn match satherCharacter "'[^\\]'"
syn match satherSpecialCharacter "'\\.'"
syn match satherNumber "-\=\<\d\+L\=\>\|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
syn match satherCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\($\|\s\+\)"
syn region satherComment2String contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=satherSpecial
syn match satherComment "--.*" contains=satherComment2String,satherCharacter,satherNumber
syn sync ccomment satherComment
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link satherBranch satherStatement
hi def link satherLabel satherStatement
hi def link satherConditional satherStatement
hi def link satherSynchronize satherStatement
hi def link satherRepeat satherStatement
hi def link satherExceptions satherStatement
hi def link satherStorageClass satherDeclarative
hi def link satherMethodDecl satherDeclarative
hi def link satherClassDecl satherDeclarative
hi def link satherScopeDecl satherDeclarative
hi def link satherBoolValue satherValue
hi def link satherSpecial satherValue
hi def link satherString satherValue
hi def link satherCharacter satherValue
hi def link satherSpecialCharacter satherValue
hi def link satherNumber satherValue
hi def link satherStatement Statement
hi def link satherOperator Statement
hi def link satherComment Comment
hi def link satherType Type
hi def link satherValue String
hi def link satherString String
hi def link satherSpecial String
hi def link satherCharacter String
hi def link satherDeclarative Type
hi def link satherExternal PreCondit
let b:current_syntax = "sather"
" vim: ts=8