131 lines
3.7 KiB
131 lines
3.7 KiB
local datafiles = require "datafiles"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
description = [[
Compares the detected service on a port against the expected service for that
port number (e.g. ssh on 22, http on 80) and reports deviations. The script
requires that a version scan has been run in order to be able to discover what
service is actually running on each port.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script unusual-port <ip>
-- @output
-- 23/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.8p1 Debian 7ubuntu1 (protocol 2.0)
-- |_unusual-port: ssh unexpected on port tcp/23
-- 25/tcp open smtp Postfix smtpd
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = { "safe" }
local svc_table
portrule = function()
local status
status, svc_table = datafiles.parse_services()
if not status then
return false --Can't check if we don't have a table!
return true
hostrule = function() return true end
-- the hostrule is only needed to warn
hostaction = function(host)
local port, state = nil, "open"
local is_version_scan = false
-- iterate over ports and check whether name_confidence > 3 this would
-- suggest that a version scan has been run
for _, proto in ipairs({"tcp", "udp"}) do
port = nmap.get_ports(host, port, proto, state)
if ( port and port.version.name_confidence > 3 ) then
is_version_scan = true
until( not(port) )
-- if no version scan has been run, warn the user as the script requires a
-- version scan in order to work.
if ( not(is_version_scan) ) then
return stdnse.format_output(true, "WARNING: this script depends on Nmap's service/version detection (-sV)")
portchecks = {
['tcp'] = {
[113] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "ident" ) end,
[445] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "netbios-ssn" ) end,
[587] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "smtp" ) end,
[593] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "ncacn_http" ) end,
[636] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "ldapssl" ) end,
[3268] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "ldap" ) end,
['udp'] = {
[5353] = function(host, port) return ( port.service == "mdns" ) end,
servicechecks = {
['http'] = function(host, port)
local service = port.service
port.service = "unknown"
local status = shortport.http(host, port)
port.service = service
return status
-- accept msrpc on any port for now, we might want to limit it to certain
-- port ranges in the future.
['msrpc'] = function(host, port) return true end,
-- accept ncacn_http on any port for now, we might want to limit it to
-- certain port ranges in the future.
['ncacn_http'] = function(host, port) return true end,
portaction = function(host, port)
local ok = false
if ( port.version.name_confidence <= 3 ) then
if ( portchecks[port.protocol][port.number] ) then
ok = portchecks[port.protocol][port.number](host, port)
if ( not(ok) and servicechecks[port.service] ) then
ok = servicechecks[port.service](host, port)
if ( not(ok) and port.service and
( port.service == svc_table[port.protocol][port.number] or
"unknown" == svc_table[port.protocol][port.number] or
not(svc_table[port.protocol][port.number]) ) ) then
ok = true
if ( not(ok) ) then
return ("%s unexpected on port %s/%d"):format(port.service, port.protocol, port.number)
local Actions = {
hostrule = hostaction,
portrule = portaction
-- execute the action function corresponding to the current rule
action = function(...) return Actions[SCRIPT_TYPE](...) end