300 lines
8.5 KiB
300 lines
8.5 KiB
local datafiles = require "datafiles"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
description = [[
Shows extra information about IPv6 addresses, such as embedded MAC or IPv4 addresses when available.
Some IP address formats encode extra information; for example some IPv6
addresses encode an IPv4 address or MAC address. This script can decode
these address formats:
* IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses,
* IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses,
* Teredo IPv6 addresses,
* 6to4 IPv6 addresses,
* IPv6 addresses using an EUI-64 interface ID,
* IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses,
* IPv4-translated IPv6 addresses and
* ISATAP Modified EUI-64 IPv6 addresses.
See RFC 4291 for general IPv6 addressing architecture and the
definitions of some terms.
-- @output
-- Nmap scan report for ::
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | IPv4-compatible:
-- |_ IPv4 address:
-- Nmap scan report for ::ffff:
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | IPv4-mapped:
-- |_ IPv4 address:
-- Nmap scan report for 2001:0:506:708:282a:3d75:fefd:fcfb
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | Teredo:
-- | Server IPv4 address:
-- | Client IPv4 address:
-- |_ UDP port: 49802
-- Nmap scan report for 2002:102:304::1
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | 6to4:
-- |_ IPv4 address:
-- Nmap scan report for fe80::a8bb:ccff:fedd:eeff
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | IPv6 EUI-64:
-- | MAC address:
-- | address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
-- |_ manuf: Unknown
-- Nmap scan report for 64:ff9b::c000:221
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | IPv4-embedded IPv6 address:
-- |_ IPv4 address:
-- Nmap scan report for ::ffff:0:c0a8:101
-- Host script results:
-- | address-info:
-- | IPv4-translated IPv6 address:
-- |_ IPv4 address:
-- * ISATAP. RFC 5214.
-- XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XX00:0000:5EFE:a.b.c.d
-- <table key="IPv4-mapped">
-- <elem key="IPv4 address"></elem>
-- </table>
-- <table key="IPv4-compatible">
-- <elem key="IPv4 address"></elem>
-- </table>
-- <table key="Teredo">
-- <elem key="Server IPv4 address"></elem>
-- <elem key="Client IPv4 address"></elem>
-- <elem key="UDP port">49802</elem>
-- </table>
-- <table key="6to4">
-- <elem key="IPv4 address"></elem>
-- </table>
-- <table key="IPv6 EUI-64">
-- <table key="MAC address">
-- <elem key="address">aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff</elem>
-- <elem key="manuf">Unknown</elem>
-- </table>
-- </table>
-- <table key="IPv4-embedded IPv6 address">
-- <elem key="IPv4 address"></elem>
-- </table>
-- <table key="IPv4-translated IPv6 address">
-- <elem key="IPv4 address"></elem>
-- </table>
author = "David Fifield"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"default", "safe"}
hostrule = function(host)
return true
-- Match an address (array of bytes) against a hex-encoded pattern. "XX" in the
-- pattern is a wildcard.
local function matches(addr, pattern)
local octet_patterns
octet_patterns = {}
for op in pattern:gmatch("([%xX][%xX])") do
octet_patterns[#octet_patterns + 1] = op
if #addr ~= #octet_patterns then
return false
for i = 1, #addr do
local a, op
a = addr[i]
op = octet_patterns[i]
if not (op == "XX" or a == tonumber(op, 16)) then
return false
return true
local function get_manuf(mac)
local catch = function() return "Unknown" end
local try = nmap.new_try(catch)
local mac_prefixes = try(datafiles.parse_mac_prefixes())
local prefix = string.upper(string.format("%02x%02x%02x", mac[1], mac[2], mac[3]))
return mac_prefixes[prefix] or "Unknown"
local function format_mac(mac)
local out = stdnse.output_table()
out.address = stdnse.format_mac(string.char(table.unpack(mac)))
out.manuf = get_manuf(mac)
return out
local function format_ipv4(ipv4)
local octets
octets = {}
for _, v in ipairs(ipv4) do
octets[#octets + 1] = string.format("%d", v)
return table.concat(octets, ".")
local function do_ipv4(addr)
-- intentionally empty
-- EUI-64 from MAC, RFC 4291.
local function decode_eui_64(eui_64)
if eui_64[4] == 0xff and eui_64[5] == 0xfe then
return { (eui_64[1] ~ 0x02),
eui_64[2], eui_64[3], eui_64[6], eui_64[7], eui_64[8] }
local function do_ipv6(addr)
local label
local output
output = stdnse.output_table()
if matches(addr, "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001") then
-- ::1 is localhost. Not much to report.
return nil
elseif matches(addr, "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- RFC 4291
local ipv4 = { addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16] }
return {["IPv4-compatible"]= { ["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4) } }
elseif matches(addr, "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- RFC 4291
local ipv4 = { addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16] }
return {["IPv4-mapped"]= { ["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4) } }
elseif matches(addr, "2001:0000:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- Teredo, RFC 4380.
local server_ipv4 = { addr[5], addr[6], addr[7], addr[8] }
-- RFC 5991 makes the flags mostly meaningless.
local flags = addr[9] * 256 + addr[10]
local obs_port = addr[11] * 256 + addr[12]
local obs_client_ipv4 = { addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16] }
local port, client_ipv4
-- Invert obs_port.
port = obs_port ~ 0xffff
-- Invert obs_client_ipv4.
client_ipv4 = {}
for _, octet in ipairs(obs_client_ipv4) do
client_ipv4[#client_ipv4 + 1] = octet ~ 0xff
output["Server IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(server_ipv4)
output["Client IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(client_ipv4)
output["UDP port"] = tostring(port)
return {["Teredo"] = output}
elseif matches(addr, "0064:ff9b:XXXX:XXXX:00XX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX") then
--IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses. RFC 6052, Section 2
--skip addr[9]
if matches(addr,"0064:ff9b:0000:0000:0000:0000:XXXX:XXXX") then
local ipv4 = {addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif addr[5] ~= 0x01 then
local ipv4 = {addr[5], addr[6], addr[7], addr[8]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif addr[6] ~= 0x22 then
local ipv4 = {addr[6], addr[7], addr[8], addr[10]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif addr[7] ~= 0x03 then
local ipv4 = {addr[7], addr[8], addr[10], addr[11]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif addr[8] ~= 0x44 then
local ipv4 = {addr[8], addr[10], addr[11], addr[12]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif addr[10] == 0x00 and addr[11] == 0x00 and addr[12] == 0x00 then
local ipv4 = {addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16]}
return {["IPv4-embedded IPv6 address"]= {["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)}}
elseif matches(addr, "0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0000:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- IPv4-translated IPv6 addresses. RFC 2765, Section 2.1
return {["IPv4-translated IPv6 address"]=
{["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4( {addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16]})}}
elseif matches(addr, "XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XX00:0000:5efe:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- ISATAP. RFC 5214, Appendix A
-- XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XX00:0000:5EFE:a.b.c.d
return {["ISATAP Modified EUI-64 IPv6 Address"]=
{["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4( {addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16]})}}
-- These following use common handling for the Interface ID part
-- (last 64 bits).
if matches(addr, "2002:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX") then
-- 6to4, RFC 3056.
local ipv4 = { addr[3], addr[4], addr[5], addr[6] }
label = "6to4"
output["IPv4 address"] = format_ipv4(ipv4)
local mac = decode_eui_64({ addr[9], addr[10], addr[11], addr[12],
addr[13], addr[14], addr[15], addr[16] })
if mac then
output["MAC address"] = format_mac(mac)
if not label then
label = "IPv6 EUI-64"
if label then
return {[label]= output}
-- else no match
action = function(host)
local addr_s, addr_t
addr_s = host.bin_ip
addr_t = { string.byte(addr_s, 1, #addr_s) }
if #addr_t == 4 then
return do_ipv4(addr_t)
elseif #addr_t == 16 then
return do_ipv6(addr_t)