# .bashrc by Skittles9823 2018 - 2019 # Terminal Mods export host=android export HOME=/ export HOSTNAME=$(getprop ro.product.device) export TERM=xterm export TMPDIR=/data/local/tmp export USER=$(id -un) export TERMINFO=/system/usr/share/terminfo # Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground. # Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when # it regains control. #65623 # http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/bash/FAQ (E11) shopt -s checkwinsize # Enable history appending instead of overwriting. #139609 shopt -s histappend # Expand the history size HISTFILESIZE=10000 HISTSIZE=100 # ... and ignore same sucessive entries. HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth rootcheck(){ ROOT= && [ $USER = root ] || ROOT="su -c" } cdn(){ cmd="" for (( i=0; i < $1; i++)) do cmd="$cmd../" done cd "$cmd" } setpriority(){ rootcheck case $2 in high) $ROOT cmd overlay set-priority $1 lowest $ROOT cmd overlay set-priority $1 highest;; low) $ROOT cmd overlay set-priority $1 highest $ROOT cmd overlay set-priority $1 lowest;; *) echo "Usage: setpriority overlay [option]" echo " " echo "Options:" echo " high - Sets the overlay to the highest priority" echo " low - Sets the overlay to the lowest priority";; esac } adbfi(){ rootcheck case $1 in on) $ROOT setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555 $ROOT stop adbd $ROOT start adbd echo "ADB over WiFi enabled";; off) $ROOT setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1 $ROOT stop adbd $ROOT start adbd echo "ADB over WiFi disabled";; stats) case `getprop service.adb.tcp.port` in -1) echo "off";; 5555) echo "on";; *) echo "off";; esac;; *) echo "Usage: adbfi [option]" echo " " echo "Options:" echo " on - Enables ADB over Wifi" echo " off - Disables ADB over WiFi" echo " stats - Gets current status";; esac } overlays(){ opt=$1 rootcheck [ "$2" ] || opt=null case $opt in enable) shift for i in $($ROOT cmd overlay list | grep -iE "^\[.*$1" | sed 's|\[.* ||g'); do $ROOT cmd overlay enable $i; done;; disable) shift for i in $($ROOT cmd overlay list | grep -iE "^\[.*$1" | sed 's|\[.* ||g'); do $ROOT cmd overlay disable $i; done;; list) shift overlayList=$($ROOT cmd overlay list | grep -iE "^\[.*$1") echo "$overlayList";; *) echo "Usage: overlays [option] (keyword)" echo " " echo "Options:" echo " enable - Enables all overlays that include the keyword in the packagename" echo " disable - Disables all overlays that include the keyword in the packagename" echo " list - Lists all overlays that include the keyword in the packagename";; esac } # establish colours for PS1 green="\e[1;32m\]" cyan="\e[1;36m\]" purple="\e[1;35m\]" blank="\e[m\]" # Sexy af PS1 rootcheck export PS1="${green}┌|\@${cyan} ${USER}${purple} at ${HOSTNAME} in \W \n${green}└─${blank} \$ " # Load aliases . "/system/etc/ccbins-aliases"