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local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local math = require "math"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local os = require "os"
local string = require "string"
local sslcert = require "sslcert"
local tls = require "tls"
local datetime = require "datetime"
description = [[
Retrieves a target host's time and date from its TLS ServerHello response.
In many TLS implementations, the first four bytes of server randomness
are a Unix timestamp. The script will test whether this is indeed true
and report the time only if it passes this test.
Original idea by Jacob Appelbaum and his TeaTime and tlsdate tools:
* https://github.com/ioerror/TeaTime
* https://github.com/ioerror/tlsdate
-- @usage
-- nmap <target> --script=ssl-date
-- @output
-- 5222/tcp open xmpp-client syn-ack
-- |_ssl-date: 2012-08-02T18:29:31Z; +4s from local time.
-- @xmloutput
-- <elem key="date">2012-08-02T18:29:31+00:00</elem>
-- <elem key="delta">4</elem>
author = {"Aleksandar Nikolic", "nnposter"}
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"discovery", "safe", "default"}
dependencies = {"https-redirect"}
portrule = function(host, port)
return shortport.ssl(host, port) or sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port)
-- Miscellaneous script-wide constants
local conn_timeout = 5 -- connection timeout (seconds)
local max_clock_skew = 90*60 -- maximum acceptable difference between target
-- and scanner clocks to avoid additional
-- testing (seconds)
local max_clock_jitter = 5 -- maximum acceptable target clock jitter
-- Logically should be 50-100% of conn_timeout
-- (seconds)
local detail_debug = 2 -- debug level for printing detailed steps
--- Function that sends a client hello packet
-- target host and returns the response
--@args host The target host table.
--@args port The target port table.
--@return status true if response, false else.
--@return response if status is true.
local client_hello = function(host, port)
local sock, status, response, err, cli_h
-- Craft Client Hello
cli_h = tls.client_hello()
-- Connect to the target server
local specialized_function = sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port)
if not specialized_function then
sock = nmap.new_socket()
sock:set_timeout(1000 * conn_timeout)
status, err = sock:connect(host, port)
if not status then
stdnse.debug("Can't connect: %s", err)
return false
status,sock = specialized_function(host,port)
if not status then
return false
repeat -- only once
-- Send Client Hello to the target server
status, err = sock:send(cli_h)
if not status then
stdnse.debug("Couldn't send: %s", err)
-- Read response
status, response, err = tls.record_buffer(sock)
if not status then
stdnse.debug("Couldn't receive: %s", err)
until true
return status, response
-- extract time from ServerHello response
local extract_time = function(response)
local i, record = tls.record_read(response, 1)
if record == nil then
stdnse.debug("Unknown response from server")
return nil
if record.type == "handshake" then
for _, body in ipairs(record.body) do
if body.type == "server_hello" then
return true, body.time
stdnse.debug("Server response was not server_hello")
return nil
-- Retrieve a timestamp from a TLS port and compare it to the scanner clock
-- @param host TLS host
-- @param port TLS port
-- @return Timestamp sample object or nil (if the operation failed)
local get_time_sample = function (host, port)
-- Send crafted client hello
local rstatus, response = client_hello(host, port)
local stm = os.time()
if not (rstatus and response) then return nil end
-- extract time from response
local tstatus, ttm = extract_time(response)
if not tstatus then return nil end
stdnse.debug(detail_debug, "TLS sample: %s", datetime.format_timestamp(ttm, 0))
return {target=ttm, scanner=stm, delta=os.difftime(ttm, stm)}
local result = { STAGNANT = "stagnant",
ACCEPTED = "accepted",
REJECTED = "rejected" }
-- Obtain a new timestamp sample and validate it against a reference sample
-- @param host TLS host
-- @param port TLS port
-- @param reftm Reference timestamp sample
-- @return Result code
-- @return New timestamp sample object or nil (if the operation failed)
local test_time_sample = function (host, port, reftm)
local tm = get_time_sample(host, port)
if not tm then return nil end
local tchange = os.difftime(tm.target, reftm.target)
local schange = os.difftime(tm.scanner, reftm.scanner)
local status =
-- clock cannot run backwards or drift rapidly
(tchange < 0 or math.abs(tchange - schange) > max_clock_jitter)
and result.REJECTED
-- the clock did not advance
or tchange == 0
and result.STAGNANT
-- plausible enough
or result.ACCEPTED
stdnse.debug(detail_debug, "TLS sample verdict: %s", status)
return status, tm
action = function(host, port)
local tm = get_time_sample(host, port)
if not tm then
return stdnse.format_output(false, "Unable to obtain data from the target")
if math.abs(tm.delta) > max_clock_skew then
-- The target clock differs substantially from the scanner
-- Let's take another sample to eliminate cases where the TLS field
-- contains either random or fixed data instead of the timestamp
local reftm = tm
local status
status, tm = test_time_sample(host, port, reftm)
if status and status == result.STAGNANT then
-- The target clock did not advance between the two samples (reftm, tm)
-- Let's wait long enough for the target clock to advance
-- and then re-take the second sample
status, tm = test_time_sample(host, port, reftm)
if not status then
return nil
if status ~= result.ACCEPTED then
return {}, "TLS randomness does not represent time"
datetime.record_skew(host, tm.target, tm.scanner)
local output = {
date = datetime.format_timestamp(tm.target, 0),
delta = tm.delta,
return output,
string.format("%s; %s from scanner time.", output.date,
datetime.format_difftime(os.date("!*t", tm.target),
os.date("!*t", tm.scanner)))