142 lines
4.9 KiB
142 lines
4.9 KiB
local brute = require "brute"
local creds = require "creds"
local http = require "http"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
description = [[
performs brute force password auditing against Wordpress CMS/blog installations.
This script uses the unpwdb and brute libraries to perform password guessing. Any successful guesses are
stored using the credentials library.
Wordpress default uri and form names:
* Default uri:<code>wp-login.php</code>
* Default uservar: <code>log</code>
* Default passvar: <code>pwd</code>
-- @usage
-- nmap -sV --script http-wordpress-brute <target>
-- nmap -sV --script http-wordpress-brute
-- --script-args 'userdb=users.txt,passdb=passwds.txt,http-wordpress-brute.hostname=domain.com,
-- http-wordpress-brute.threads=3,brute.firstonly=true' <target>
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open http syn-ack
-- | http-wordpress-brute:
-- | Accounts
-- | 0xdeadb33f:god => Login correct
-- | Statistics
-- |_ Perfomed 103 guesses in 17 seconds, average tps: 6
-- @args http-wordpress-brute.uri points to the file 'wp-login.php'. Default /wp-login.php
-- @args http-wordpress-brute.hostname sets the host header in case of virtual
-- hosting
-- @args http-wordpress-brute.uservar sets the http-variable name that holds the
-- username used to authenticate. Default: log
-- @args http-wordpress-brute.passvar sets the http-variable name that holds the
-- password used to authenticate. Default: pwd
-- @args http-wordpress-brute.threads sets the number of threads. Default: 3
-- Other useful arguments when using this script are:
-- * http.useragent = String - User Agent used in HTTP requests
-- * brute.firstonly = Boolean - Stop attack when the first credentials are found
-- * brute.mode = user/creds/pass - Username password iterator
-- * passdb = String - Path to password list
-- * userdb = String - Path to user list
-- @see http-form-brute.nse
author = "Paulino Calderon <calderon@websec.mx>"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"intrusive", "brute"}
portrule = shortport.http
local DEFAULT_WP_URI = "/wp-login.php"
local DEFAULT_WP_USERVAR = "log"
local DEFAULT_WP_PASSVAR = "pwd"
--This class implements the Driver class from the Brute library
Driver = {
new = function(self, host, port, options)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.hostname = stdnse.get_script_args('http-wordpress-brute.hostname')
o.http_options = {
no_cache = true,
header = {
-- nil just means not set, so default http.lua behavior
Host = stdnse.get_script_args('http-wordpress-brute.hostname')
o.host = host
o.port = port
o.uri = stdnse.get_script_args('http-wordpress-brute.uri') or DEFAULT_WP_URI
o.options = options
return o
connect = function( self )
-- This will cause problems, as there is no way for us to "reserve"
-- a socket. We may end up here early with a set of credentials
-- which won't be guessed until the end, due to socket exhaustion.
return true
login = function( self, username, password )
stdnse.debug2("HTTP POST %s%s", self.http_options.header.Host or stdnse.get_hostname(self.host), self.uri)
local response = http.post( self.host, self.port, self.uri, self.http_options,
nil, { [self.options.uservar] = username, [self.options.passvar] = password } )
-- This redirect is taking us to /wp-admin
if response.status == 302 then
return true, creds.Account:new( username, password, creds.State.VALID)
return false, brute.Error:new( "Incorrect password" )
disconnect = function( self )
return true
check = function( self )
local response = http.get( self.host, self.port, self.uri, self.http_options )
stdnse.debug1("HTTP GET %s%s", self.http_options.header.Host or stdnse.get_hostname(self.host), self.uri)
-- Check if password field is there
if ( response.status == 200 and response.body:match('type=[\'"]password[\'"]')) then
stdnse.debug1("Initial check passed. Launching brute force attack")
return true
stdnse.debug1("Initial check failed. Password field wasn't found")
return false
action = function( host, port )
local status, result, engine
local uservar = stdnse.get_script_args('http-wordpress-brute.uservar') or DEFAULT_WP_USERVAR
local passvar = stdnse.get_script_args('http-wordpress-brute.passvar') or DEFAULT_WP_PASSVAR
local thread_num = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args("http-wordpress-brute.threads")) or DEFAULT_THREAD_NUM
engine = brute.Engine:new( Driver, host, port, { uservar = uservar, passvar = passvar } )
engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME
status, result = engine:start()
return result