88 lines
3.1 KiB
88 lines
3.1 KiB
# Usage: _numbers [compadd options] [-t tag] [-f|-N] [-u units] [-l min] [-m max] \
# [-d default] ["description"] [unit-suffix...]
# -t : specify a tag (defaults to 'numbers')
# -u : indicate the units, e.g. seconds
# -l : lowest possible value
# -m : maximum possible value
# -d : default value
# -N : allow negative numbers (implied by range including a negative)
# -f : allow decimals (float)
# For a unit-suffix, an initial colon indicates a unit that asserts the default
# otherwise, colons allow for descriptions, e.g:
# :s:seconds m:minutes h:hours
# unit-suffixes are not sorted by the completion system when listed
# Specify them in order of magnitude, this tends to be ascending unless
# the default is of a higher magnitude, in which case, descending.
# So for, example
# bytes kB MB GB
# s ms us ns
# Where the compadd options include matching control or suffixes, these
# are applied to the units
# For each unit-suffix, the format style is looked up with the
# unit-suffixes tag and the results concatenated. Specs used are:
# x : the suffix
# X : suffix description
# d : indicate suffix is for the default unit
# i : list index
# r : reverse list index
# The latter three of these are useful with ternary expressions.
# _description is called with the x token set to make the completed
# list of suffixes available to the normal format style
local desc tag range suffixes suffix suffixfmt pat='<->' partial=''
local -a expl formats
local -a default max min keep tags units
local -i i
local -A opts
zparseopts -K -D -A opts M+:=keep q:=keep s+:=keep S+:=keep J+: V+: 1 2 o+: n F: x+: X+: \
t:=tags u:=units l:=min m:=max d:=default f=type e=type N=type
desc="${1:-number}" tag="${tags[2]:-numbers}"
(( $# )) && shift
[[ -n ${(M)type:#-f} ]] && pat='(<->.[0-9]#|[0-9]#.<->|<->)' partial='(|.)'
[[ -n ${(M)type:#-N} || $min[2] = -* || $max[2] = -* ]] && \
pat="(|-)$pat" partial="(|-)$partial"
if (( $#argv )) && compset -P "$pat"; then
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:units" list-separator sep || sep=--
_description -V units expl unit
disp=( ${${argv#:}/:/ $sep } )
compadd -M 'r:|/=* r:|=*' -d disp "$keep[@]" "$expl[@]" - ${${argv#:}%%:*}
elif [[ -prefix $~pat || $PREFIX = $~partial ]]; then
formats=( "h:$desc" )
(( $#units )) && formats+=( m:${units[2]} ) desc+=" ($units[2])"
(( $#min )) && range="$min[2]-"
(( $#max )) && range="${range:--}$max[2]"
[[ -n $range ]] && formats+=( r:$range ) desc+=" ($range)"
(( $#default )) && formats+=( o:${default[2]} ) desc+=" [$default[2]]"
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:unit-suffixes" format suffixfmt || \
for ((i=0;i<$#;i++)); do
zformat -f suffix "$suffixfmt" "x:${${argv[i+1]#:}%%:*}" \
"X:${${argv[i+1]#:}#*:}" "d:${#${argv[i+1]}[1]#:}" \
i:i r:$(( $# - i - 1))
[[ -n $suffixes ]] && formats+=( x:$suffixes )
_description -x $tag expl "$desc" $formats
[[ $compstate[insert] = *unambiguous* ]] && compstate[insert]=
compadd "$expl[@]"
return 0
return 1