
320 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

local comm = require "comm"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
description = [[
Extracts information from Quake game servers and other game servers
which use the same protocol.
Quake uses UDP packets, which because of source spoofing can be used to amplify
a denial-of-service attack. For each request, the script reports the payload
amplification as a ratio. The format used is
-- @usage
-- nmap -n -sU -Pn --script quake1-info -pU:26000-26004 -- <target>
-- @output
-- 26000/udp open quake
-- | quake1-info:
-- | server info exchange payload amplification: 59/12=4.916667
-- | listen address:
-- | server name: An anonymous Debian server
-- | level name: dm1
-- | players: 1/8
-- | player table
-- | player 1: fragmeister
-- | player info exchange payload amplification: 49/6=8.166667
-- | client address:
-- | connect time: 55587 secs
-- | frags: -1
-- | shirt: green3
-- | pants: orange6
-- |_ protocol version: released (0x3)
-- @xmloutput
-- <elem key="server_ratio">59/12=4.916667</elem>
-- <elem key="listen_address"></elem>
-- <elem key="server_name">An anonymous Debian server</elem>
-- <elem key="level_name">dm1</elem>
-- <elem key="players">1/8</elem>
-- <table key="player_table">
-- <table key="player 1">
-- <elem key="player_ratio">49/6=8.166667</elem>
-- <elem key="name">fragmeister</elem>
-- <elem key="client_address"></elem>
-- <elem key="connect_time">55587 secs</elem>
-- <elem key="frags">-1</elem>
-- <elem key="shirt">green3</elem>
-- <elem key="pants">orange6</elem>
-- </table>
-- </table>
-- <elem key="protocol_version">released (0x3)</elem>
categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe", "version"}
author = "Ulrik Haugen"
copyright = "Linköpings universitet 2014, Ulrik Haugen 2014"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
--- Proceed with action on open/open|filtered udp ports in interval
-- [26000, 26004] and whatever Quake is listed under in nmap-services.
function portrule(host, port)
return (port.state == 'open' or port.state == 'open|filtered')
and port.protocol == 'udp'
and ((26000 <= port.number and port.number <= 26004)
or port.service == 'quake')
and nmap.version_intensity() >= 7
--- Like assert but put /message/ in the ERROR key in /results_table/ to
-- better suit collate_results and pass 0 as level to error to ensure
-- the error message will not be prefixed with file and line number.
-- /results_table/ may be left out.
local function assert_w_table(condition, message, results_table)
if condition then
return condition
results_table = results_table or {}
results_table.ERROR = message
error(results_table, 0)
-- Protocol constants and tables.
local ctrl_pkt_type = 0x8000
local ccreq_server_info = 0x02
local ccrep_server_info = 0x83
local ccreq_player_info = 0x03
local ccrep_player_info = 0x84
local game_name = "QUAKE"
local net_protocol_versions = {
[ 0x01 ] = "qtest1",
[ 0x02 ] = "unknown",
[ 0x03 ] = "released"
local net_protocol_released = 0x03
local color_codes = {
[ 0x0 ] = "gray0",
[ 0x1 ] = "brown1",
[ 0x2 ] = "lavender2",
[ 0x3 ] = "green3",
[ 0x4 ] = "red4",
[ 0x5 ] = "light green5",
[ 0x6 ] = "orange6",
[ 0x7 ] = "light brown7",
[ 0x8 ] = "violet8",
[ 0x9 ] = "pink9",
[ 0xa ] = "beige10",
[ 0xb ] = "green11",
[ 0xc ] = "yellow12",
[ 0xd ] = "blue13"
--- Request player info from /host/:/port/ for player /id/, return
-- player info as a table on success and raise an error on failure.
local function get_player_info(host, port, id)
local player_info = stdnse.output_table()
local req_pl = string.pack('>I2 I2 BB',
ctrl_pkt_type, -- packet type
2+2+1+1, -- packet length
ccreq_player_info, -- operation code
id - 1) -- player number (0 indexed)
-- iptables -m u32 --u32 '0x1c=0x80000006&&0x1d&0xff=0x03'
local status, rep_pl =, port, req_pl)
assert_w_table(status, "No response to request for player info")
assert_w_table(#rep_pl >= 4, "Response too small for packet header")
player_info.player_ratio = string.format("%d/%d=%f",
rep_pl:len(), req_pl:len(),
rep_pl:len()/req_pl:len() )
local rep_pkt_type, rep_pl_len, pos = string.unpack('>I2 I2', rep_pl)
assert_w_table(rep_pl_len == rep_pl:len(),
string.format("Incorrect reply packet length: %d"
.. " received, %d bytes in packet",
rep_pl_len, rep_pl:len()),
local term_pos = rep_pl_len + 1
assert_w_table(rep_pkt_type == ctrl_pkt_type,
"Bad reply packet type", player_info)
-- frags and connect_time are sent little endian:
local rep_opc, player_id, name, colors, frags, connect_time, client_address, pos = string.unpack('>BBzBxxx<i4I4>z', rep_pl, pos)
assert_w_table(pos == term_pos, "Error parsing reply (packet type/ length)",
assert_w_table(rep_opc == ccrep_player_info,
string.format("Incorrect operation code 0x%x in reply,"
.. " should be 0x%x",
rep_opc, ccrep_player_info),
player_info) = name
player_info.client_address = client_address
player_info.connect_time = string.format("%d secs", connect_time)
player_info.frags = frags
player_info.shirt = color_codes[colors >> 4] or "INVALID"
player_info.pants = color_codes[colors & 0x0f] or "INVALID"
return player_info
--- Request player info from /host/:/port/ for players [1,
-- /cur_players/], return player infos or errors in a table.
local function get_player_table(host, port, cur_players)
local player_table = stdnse.output_table()
for id = 1, cur_players do
-- At this point we have established that the target is a Quake
-- game server so lost ccreq or ccrep player info packets are
-- merely noted in the output, they don't abort the script.
local status, player_info = pcall(get_player_info, host, port, id)
player_table[string.format("player %d", id)] = player_info
return player_table
--- Request server info and possibly player infos from /host/:/port/,
-- return server info and any player infos as a table on success and
-- raise an error on failure.
local function get_server_info(host, port)
local server_info = stdnse.output_table()
local req_pl = string.pack('>I2I2BzB',
ctrl_pkt_type, -- packet type
2+2+1+game_name:len()+1+1, -- packet length
ccreq_server_info, -- operation code
net_protocol_released) -- net protocol version
-- iptables -m u32 --u32 '0x1c=0x8000000c&&0x20=0x02515541&&0x24=0x4b450003'
local status, rep_pl =, port, req_pl)
assert_w_table(status, "No response to request for server info")
assert_w_table(#rep_pl >= 4, "Response too small for packet header")
nmap.set_port_state(host, port, 'open')
server_info.server_ratio = string.format("%d/%d=%f",
rep_pl:len(), req_pl:len(),
local rep_pkt_type, rep_pl_len, pos = string.unpack('>I2 I2', rep_pl)
assert_w_table(rep_pkt_type == ctrl_pkt_type,
string.format("Bad reply packet type 0x%x, expected 0x%x",
rep_pkt_type, ctrl_pkt_type), server_info)
assert_w_table(rep_pl_len == rep_pl:len(),
string.format("Bad reply packet length: %d received,"
.. " %d bytes in packet",
rep_pl_len, rep_pl:len()), server_info)
local term_pos = rep_pl_len + 1
local rep_opc, pos = string.unpack('>B', rep_pl, pos)
assert_w_table(rep_opc == ccrep_server_info,
string.format("Bad operation code 0x%x in reply,"
.. " expected 0x%x",
rep_opc, ccrep_server_info), server_info)
local server_address, server_host_name, level_name, cur_players, max_players, net_protocol_version, pos = string.unpack('>zzzBBB', rep_pl, pos)
assert_w_table(pos == term_pos, "Error parsing reply (packet type/length)",
server_info) = "quake"
port.version.product = "Quake 1 server"
port.version.version = net_protocol_versions[net_protocol_version]
nmap.set_port_version(host, port)
local player_table = get_player_table(host, port, cur_players)
server_info.listen_address = server_address
server_info.server_name = server_host_name
server_info.level_name = level_name
server_info.players = string.format("%d/%d", cur_players, max_players)
server_info.player_table = player_table
server_info.protocol_version = string.format(
"%s (0x%x)",
net_protocol_versions[net_protocol_version], net_protocol_version)
return server_info
--- Return a function from structured to unstructured output indenting
-- nested tables /offset/ or two spaces with special treatment of name
-- keys and optionally using /xlate_key/ to format keys.
local function make_formatter(offset, xlate_key)
offset = offset or 2
xlate_key = xlate_key or function(key) return key:gsub("_", " ") end
--- Format /results_table/ as a string starting /indent/ or zero
-- steps from the margin for the name key and adding offset steps
-- for other table contents and again for the contents of nested
-- tables.
local function formatter(results_table, indent)
indent = indent or 0
local output = {}
if then
string.format("%s%s", ({ [ false ] = ": ",
[ true ] = "\n" })[indent == 0],
for key, value in pairs(results_table) do
-- name is printed already
if key ~= 'name' then
if type(value) == 'table' then
string.rep(" ", indent + offset),
table.insert(output, formatter(value, indent + offset))
string.format("\n%s%s: %s",
string.rep(" ", indent + offset),
xlate_key(key), value))
return table.concat(output, '')
return formatter
--- Use /formatter/ to produce unstructured output from
-- /results_table/ considering /status/. Return structured and
-- unstructured output.
local function collate_results(formatter, status, results_table)
if not status and nmap.debugging() < 1 then
return nil
return results_table, formatter(results_table)
--- Nmap entry point.
function action(host, port)
local xlate_table = {
player_ratio = "player info exchange payload amplification",
server_ratio = "server info exchange payload amplification",
local function xlate_key(key)
return xlate_table[key] or key:gsub("_", " ")
return collate_results(make_formatter(nil, xlate_key),
pcall(get_server_info, host, port))