217 lines
7.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local tn3270 = require "tn3270"
local brute = require "brute"
local creds = require "creds"
local unpwdb = require "unpwdb"
local io = require "io"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local string = require "string"
local stringaux = require "stringaux"
local table = require "table"
description = [[
Attempts to enumerate Logical Units (LU) of TN3270E servers.
When connecting to a TN3270E server you are assigned a Logical Unit (LU) or you can tell
the TN3270E server which LU you'd like to use. Typically TN3270E servers are configured to
give you an LU from a pool of LUs. They can also have LUs set to take you to a specific
application. This script attempts to guess valid LUs that bypass the default LUs you are
assigned. For example, if a TN3270E server sends you straight to TPX you could use this
script to find LUs that take you to TSO, CICS, etc.
--@args lulist Path to list of Logical Units to test.
-- Defaults the initial Logical Unit TN3270E provides, replacing the
-- last two characters with <code>00-99</code>.
--@args lu-enum.path Folder used to store valid logical unit 'screenshots'
-- Defaults to <code>None</code> and doesn't store anything. This stores
-- all valid logical units.
-- nmap --script lu-enum -p 23 <targets>
-- nmap --script lu-enum --script-args lulist=lus.txt,
-- lu-enum.path="/home/dade/screenshots/" -p 23 -sV <targets>
-- 23/tcp open tn3270 syn-ack IBM Telnet TN3270 (TN3270E)
-- | lu-enum:
-- | Logical Units:
-- | LU:BSLVLU69 - Valid credentials
-- |_ Statistics: Performed 7 guesses in 7 seconds, average tps: 1.0
-- @changelog
-- 2019-02-04 - v0.1 - created by Soldier of Fortran
author = "Philip Young aka Soldier of Fortran"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"intrusive", "brute"}
portrule = shortport.port_or_service({23,992}, "tn3270")
--- Saves the TN3270E terminal screen to disk
-- @param filename string containing the name and full path to the file
-- @param data contains the data
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return err string containing error message if status is false
local function save_screens( filename, data )
local f = io.open( filename, "w")
if not f then return false, ("Failed to open file (%s)"):format(filename) end
if not(f:write(data)) then return false, ("Failed to write file (%s)"):format(filename) end
return true
--- Compares two screens and returns the difference as a percentage
-- @param1 the original screen
-- @param2 the screen to compare to
local function screen_diff( orig_screen, current_screen )
if orig_screen == current_screen then return 100 end
if #orig_screen == 0 or #current_screen == 0 then return 0 end
local m = 1
for i = 1 , #orig_screen do
if orig_screen:byte(i) == current_screen:byte(i) then
m = m + 1
return (m/1920)*100
Driver = {
new = function(self, host, port, options)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.host = host
o.port = port
o.options = options
o.tn3270 = tn3270.Telnet:new()
return o
connect = function( self )
return true
disconnect = function( self )
self.tn3270 = nil
login = function (self, user, pass) -- pass is actually the username we want to try
local path = self.options['path']
local original = self.options['no_lu']
local threshold = 90
stdnse.verbose(2,"Trying Logical Unit: %s", pass)
local status, err = self.tn3270:initiate(self.host,self.port)
if not status then
stdnse.debug(2,"Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err )
stdnse.verbose(2, "Invalid LU: %s",string.upper(pass))
return false, brute.Error:new( "Invalid Logical Unit" )
if path ~= nil then
stdnse.verbose(2,"Writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt")
local status, err = save_screens(path..string.upper(pass)..".txt",self.tn3270:get_screen())
if not status then
stdnse.verbose(2,"Failed writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt")
stdnse.debug(3, "compare results: %s ", tostring(screen_diff(original, self.tn3270:get_screen_raw())))
if screen_diff(original, self.tn3270:get_screen_raw()) > threshold then
stdnse.verbose(2,'Same Screen for LU: %s',string.upper(pass))
return false, brute.Error:new( "Invalid Logical Unit" )
stdnse.verbose(2,"Valid Logical Unit: %s",string.upper(pass))
return true, creds.Account:new("LU", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID)
--- Tests the target to see if we can connect with TN3270E
-- @param host host NSE object
-- @param port port NSE object
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
local function lu_test( host, port )
local tn = tn3270.Telnet:new()
local status, err = tn:initiate(host,port)
if not status then
stdnse.debug(1,"[lu_test] Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err )
return false
stdnse.debug(2,"[lu_test] Displaying initial TN3270 Screen:")
tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- prints TN3270 screen to debug
if tn.state == tn.TN3270E_DATA then -- Could make a function in the library 'istn3270e'
stdnse.debug(1,"[lu_test] Orig screen: %s", tn:get_screen_raw())
return true, tn:get_lu(), tn:get_screen_raw()
return false, 'Not in TN3270E Mode. LU not supported.', ''
-- Checks if it's a valid Logical Unit name
local valid_lu = function(x)
return (string.len(x) <= 8 and string.match(x,"[%w@#%$]"))
-- iterator function
function iter(t)
local i, val
return function()
i, val = next(t, i)
return val
action = function(host, port)
local lu_id_file = stdnse.get_script_args("lulist")
local path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.path') -- Folder for screen grabs
local logical_units = {}
lu_id_file = ((lu_id_file and nmap.fetchfile(lu_id_file)) or lu_id_file)
local status, lu, orig_screen = lu_test( host, port )
if status then
if not lu_id_file then
-- we have to do this here because we don't have an LU to use for the template until now
stdnse.debug(3, "No LU list provided, auto generating a list using template: %s##", lu:sub(1, (#lu-2)))
for i=1,99 do
table.insert(logical_units, lu:sub(1, (#lu-2)) .. string.format("%02d", i))
for l in io.lines(lu_id_file) do
local cleaned_line = string.gsub(l,"[\r\n]","")
if not cleaned_line:match("#!comment:") then
table.insert(logical_units, cleaned_line)
-- Make sure we pass the original screen we got to the brute
local options = { no_lu = orig_screen, path = path }
if path ~= nil then stdnse.verbose(2,"Saving Screenshots to: %s", path) end
local engine = brute.Engine:new(Driver, host, port, options)
engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME
engine:setPasswordIterator(unpwdb.filter_iterator(iter(logical_units), valid_lu))
engine.options.passonly = true
engine.options:setTitle("Logical Units")
local status, result = engine:start()
return result
stdnse.debug(1,"Not in TN3270E mode, LU not supported.")
return lu