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local nmap = require "nmap"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
description = [[
Wakes a remote system up from sleep by sending a Wake-On-Lan packet.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script broadcast-wake-on-lan --script-args broadcast-wake-on-lan.MAC='00:12:34:56:78:9A'
-- @output
-- Pre-scan script results:
-- | broadcast-wake-on-lan:
-- |_ Sent WOL packet to: 10:9a:dd:a8:40:24
-- @args broadcast-wake-on-lan.MAC The MAC address of the remote system to wake up
-- @args broadcast-wake-on-lan.address The broadcast address to which the WoL packet is sent.
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"broadcast", "safe"}
local MAC = stdnse.get_script_args("broadcast-wake-on-lan.MAC")
local address = stdnse.get_script_args("broadcast-wake-on-lan.address")
prerule = function()
-- only run if we are ipv4 and have a MAC
return (MAC ~= nil and nmap.address_family() == "inet")
-- Creates the WoL packet based on the remote MAC
-- @param mac string containing the MAC without delimiters
-- @return packet string containing the raw packet
local function createWOLPacket(mac)
return "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" .. string.rep(stdnse.fromhex(mac), 16)
local function fail (err) return stdnse.format_output(false, err) end
action = function()
local MAC_hex
if ( MAC:match("%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x") ) then
MAC_hex = MAC:gsub(":", "")
elseif( MAC:match("%x%x%-%x%x%-%x%x%-%x%x%-%x%x%-%x%x") ) then
MAC_hex = MAC:gsub("-", "")
return fail("Failed to process MAC address")
local host = { ip = address or "" }
local port = { number = 9, protocol = "udp" }
local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp")
-- send two packets, just in case
for i=1,2 do
local packet = createWOLPacket(MAC_hex)
local status, err = socket:sendto(host, port, packet)
if ( not(status) ) then
return fail("Failed to send packet")
return stdnse.format_output(true, ("Sent WOL packet to: %s"):format(MAC))