522 lines
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522 lines
13 KiB
-- Unit testing support for NSE libraries.
-- This library will import all NSE libraries looking for a global variable
-- <code>test_suite</code>. This must be a callable that returns true or false
-- and the number of tests that failed. For convenience, the
-- <code>unittest.TestSuite</code> class has this property, and tests can be
-- added with <code>add_test</code>. Example:
-- <code>
-- local data = {"foo", "bar", "baz"}
-- test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new()
-- test_suite:add_test(equal(data[2], "bar"), "data[2] should equal 'bar'")
-- </code>
-- The library is driven by the unittest NSE script.
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local nsedebug = require "nsedebug"
local listop = require "listop"
_ENV = stdnse.module("unittest", stdnse.seeall)
local libs = {
--"strict", -- behaves oddly
-- This script-arg is documented in the unittest script to avoid cluttering
-- NSEdoc of all the libraries which include this one.
local am_testing = stdnse.get_script_args('unittest.run')
---Check whether tests are being run
-- Libraries can use this function to avoid the overhead of creating tests if
-- the user hasn't chosen to run them. Unittesting is turned on with the
-- <code>unittest.run</code> script-arg.
-- @return true if unittests are being run, false otherwise.
function testing()
return am_testing
-- Run tests provided by NSE libraries
-- @param to_test A list (table) of libraries to test. If none is provided, all
-- libraries are tested.
run_tests = function(to_test)
am_testing = true
if to_test == nil then
to_test = libs
local fails = stdnse.output_table()
for _,lib in ipairs(to_test) do
stdnse.debug1("Testing %s", lib)
local status, thelib = pcall(require, lib)
if not status then
stdnse.debug1("Failed to load %s: %s", lib, thelib)
local failed = 0
if rawget(thelib,"test_suite") ~= nil then
failed = thelib.test_suite()
if failed ~= 0 then
fails[lib] = failed
return fails
--- The TestSuite class
-- Holds and runs tests.
TestSuite = {
--- Creates a new TestSuite object
-- @name TestSuite.new
-- @return TestSuite object
new = function(self)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
o.tests = {}
return o
--- Set up test environment. Override this.
-- @name TestSuite.setup
setup = function(self)
return true
--- Tear down test environment. Override this.
-- @name TestSuite.teardown
teardown = function(self)
return true
--- Add a test.
-- @name TestSuite.add_test
-- @param test Function that will be called with the TestSuite object as its only parameter.
-- @param description A description of the test being run
add_test = function(self, test, description)
self.tests[#self.tests+1] = {test, description}
--- Run tests.
-- Runs all tests in the TestSuite, and returns the number of failures.
-- @name TestSuite.__call
-- @return failures The number of tests that failed
-- @return tests The number of tests run
__call = function(self)
local failures = 0
local passes = 0
for _,test in ipairs(self.tests) do
stdnse.debug2("| Test: %s...", test[2])
local status, note = test[1](self)
local result
local lvl = 2
if status then
result = "Pass"
passes = passes + 1
result = "Fail"
lvl = 1
if nmap.debugging() < 2 then
stdnse.debug1("| Test: %s...", test[2])
failures = failures + 1
if note then
stdnse.debug(lvl, "| \\_result: %s (%s)", result, note)
stdnse.debug(lvl, "| \\_result: %s", result)
stdnse.debug1("|_%d of %d tests passed", passes, #self.tests)
return failures, #self.tests
--- Test creation helper function.
-- Turns a simple function into a test factory.
-- @param test A function that returns true or false depending on test
-- @param fmt A format string describing the failure condition using the
-- arguments to the test function
-- @return function that generates tests suitable for use in add_test
make_test = function(test, fmt)
return function(...)
local args={...}
local nargs = select("#", ...)
return function(suite)
if not test(table.unpack(args,1,nargs)) then
return false, string.format(fmt, table.unpack(listop.map(nsedebug.tostr, args),1,nargs))
return true
--- Test for nil
-- @param value The value to test
-- @return bool True if the value is nil, false otherwise.
is_nil = function(value)
return value == nil
is_nil = make_test(is_nil, "Expected nil, got %s")
--- Test for not nil
-- @param value The value to test
-- @return bool True if the value is not nil, false otherwise.
not_nil = function(value)
return value ~= nil
not_nil = make_test(not_nil, "Expected not nil, got %s")
--- Test for Lua type
-- @param typ The type that value should be
-- @param value The value to test
-- @return bool True if type(value) == typ
type_is = function (typ, value)
return type(value) == typ
type_is = make_test(type_is, "Value is not a '%s': %s")
--- Test tables for equality, 1 level deep
-- @param a The first table to test
-- @param b The second table to test
-- @return bool True if #a == #b and a[i] == b[i] for every i<#a, false otherwise.
table_equal = function(a, b)
return function (suite)
if #a ~= #b then
return false, "Length not equal"
for i, v in ipairs(a) do
if b[i] ~= v then
return false, string.format("%s ~= %s at position %d", v, b[i], i)
return true
--- Test associative tables for equality, 1 level deep
-- @param a The first table to test
-- @param b The second table to test
-- @return bool True if a[k] == b[k] for all k in a and b
keys_equal = function(a, b)
return function (suite)
local seen = {}
for k, v in pairs(a) do
if b[k] ~= v then
return false, ("%s ~= %s at key %s"):format(v, b[k], k)
seen[k] = true
for k, v in pairs(b) do
if not seen[k] then
return false, ("Key %s not present in table a"):format(k)
return true
--- Test two values for equality, recursively if necessary.
-- This function checks that both values are indistinguishable in all
-- but memory location.
-- @param a The first value to test.
-- @param b The second value to test
-- @return bool True if values are indistinguishable, false otherwise.
-- @return note Nil if values are indistinguishable, description of
-- distinguishability otherwise.
identical = function(a, b)
return function(suite)
local function _identical(val1, val2, path)
local table_size = function(tbl)
local count = 0
for k in pairs(tbl) do
count = count + 1
return count
-- Both values must be of the same type
local t1, t2 = type(val1), type(val2)
if t1 ~= t2 then
return false, string.format("Types of %s are not equal: %s ~= %s", path, t1, t2)
-- For non-tables, we can make a direct comparison.
if t1 ~= "table" then
if val1 ~= val2 then
return false, string.format("Values of %s are not equal: %s ~= %s", path, val1, val2)
return true
-- For tables, we must first check that they are of equal size.
local len1, len2 = table_size(val1), table_size(val2)
if len1 ~= len2 then
return false, string.format("Sizes of %s are not equal: %s ~= %s", path, len1, len2)
-- Finally, we must recursively check all of the values in the tables.
for k,v in pairs(val1) do
-- Check that the key's value is identical in both tables, passing
-- along the path of keys we have taken to get here.
local status, note = _identical(val1[k], val2[k], string.format('%s["%s"]', path, k))
if not status then
return false, note
return true
return _identical(a, b, "<top>")
--- Test for equality
-- @param a The first value to test
-- @param b The second value to test
-- @return bool True if a == b, false otherwise.
equal = function(a, b)
return a == b
equal = make_test(equal, "%s not equal to %s")
--- Test for inequality
-- @param a The first value to test
-- @param b The second value to test
-- @return bool True if a != b, false otherwise.
not_equal = function(a, b)
return a ~= b
not_equal = make_test(not_equal, "%s unexpectedly equal to %s")
--- Test for truth
-- @param value The value to test
-- @return bool True if value is a boolean and true
is_true = function(value)
return value == true
is_true = make_test(is_true, "Expected true, got %s")
--- Test for falsehood
-- @param value The value to test
-- @return bool True if value is a boolean and false
is_false = function(value)
return value == false
is_false = make_test(is_false, "Expected false, got %s")
--- Test less than
-- @param a The first value to test
-- @param b The second value to test
-- @return bool True if a < b, false otherwise.
lt = function(a, b)
return a < b
lt = make_test(lt, "%s not less than %s")
--- Test less than or equal to
-- @param a The first value to test
-- @param b The second value to test
-- @return bool True if a <= b, false otherwise.
lte = function(a, b)
return a <= b
lte = make_test(lte, "%s not less than %s")
--- Test length
-- @param t The table to test
-- @param l The length to test
-- @return bool True if the length of t is l
length_is = function(t, l)
return #t == l
length_is = make_test(length_is, "Length of %s is not %s")
--- Expected failure test
-- @param test The test to run
-- @return function A test for expected failure of the test
expected_failure = function(test)
return function(suite)
if test(suite) then
return false, "Test unexpectedly passed"
return true, "Test failed as expected"
if not testing() then
return _ENV
-- Self test
test_suite = TestSuite:new()
test_suite:add_test(is_nil(test_suite["asdfdoesnotexist"]), "Nonexistent key does not exist")
test_suite:add_test(equal(1+1336, 7 * 191), "Arithmetically equal expressions are equal")
test_suite:add_test(not_equal( true, "true" ), "Boolean true not equal to string \"true\"")
test_suite:add_test(is_true("test" == "test"), "Boolean expression evaluates to true")
test_suite:add_test(is_false(1.9999 == 2.0), "Boolean expression evaluates to false")
test_suite:add_test(lt(1, 999), "1 < 999")
test_suite:add_test(lte(8, 8), "8 <= 8")
test_suite:add_test(expected_failure(not_nil(nil)), "Test expected to fail fails")
test_suite:add_test(expected_failure(expected_failure(is_nil(nil))), "Test expected to succeed does not fail")
test_suite:add_test(keys_equal({one=1,two=2,[3]="three"},{[3]="three",one=1,two=2}), "identical tables are identical")
test_suite:add_test(expected_failure(keys_equal({one=1,two=2},{[3]="three",one=1,two=2}), "dissimilar tables are dissimilar"))
test_suite:add_test(identical(0, 0), "integer === integer")
test_suite:add_test(identical(nil, nil), "nil === nil")
test_suite:add_test(identical({}, {}), "{} === {}")
test_suite:add_test(type_is("table", {}), "{} is a table")
test_suite:add_test(length_is(test_suite.tests, 16), "Number of tests is 16")
return _ENV;