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-- This library implements a minimal subset of the BitCoin protocol
-- It currently supports the version handshake and processing Addr responses.
-- The library contains the following classes:
-- * NetworkAddress - Contains functionality for encoding and decoding the
-- BitCoin network address structure.
-- * Request - Classs containing BitCoin client requests
-- o Version - The client version exchange packet
-- * Response - Class containing BitCoin server responses
-- o Version - The server version exchange packet
-- o VerAck - The server version ACK packet
-- o Addr - The server address packet
-- o Inv - The server inventory packet
-- * Helper - The primary interface to scripts
--@author Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
--@author Andrew Orr <andrew@andreworr.ca>
--@copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
-- Version 0.2
-- Created 11/09/2011 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
-- Revised 17/02/2012 - v0.2 - fixed count parsing
-- - changed version/verack handling to support
-- February 20th 2012 bitcoin protocol switchover
local ipOps = require "ipOps"
local match = require "match"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local os = require "os"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local openssl = stdnse.silent_require('openssl')
_ENV = stdnse.module("bitcoin", stdnse.seeall)
-- A class that supports the BitCoin network address structure
NetworkAddress = {
-- Creates a new instance of the NetworkAddress class
-- @param host table as received by the action method
-- @param port table as received by the action method
-- @return o instance of NetworkAddress
new = function(self, host, port)
local o = {
host = "table" == type(host) and host.ip or host,
port = "table" == type(port) and port.number or port,
service = NetworkAddress.NODE_NETWORK,
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Creates a new instance of NetworkAddress based on the data string
-- @param data string of bytes
-- @return na instance of NetworkAddress
fromString = function(data)
assert(26 == #data, "Expected 26 bytes of data")
local na = NetworkAddress:new()
local ipv6_prefix, ipv4_addr
na.service, ipv6_prefix, ipv4_addr, na.port = string.unpack("<I8 c12 c4 >I2", data)
if ipv6_prefix == "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff" then
-- IPv4
na.host = ipOps.str_to_ip(ipv4_addr)
na.host = ipOps.str_to_ip(ipv6_prefix .. ipv4_addr)
return na
-- Converts the NetworkAddress instance to string
-- @return data string containing the NetworkAddress instance
__tostring = function(self)
local ipv6_addr = ipOps.ip_to_str(self.host)
return string.pack("<I8 c16 >I2", self.service, ipv6_addr, self.port )
-- The request class container
Request = {
-- The version request
Version = {
-- Creates a new instance of the Version request
-- @param host table as received by the action method
-- @param port table as received by the action method
-- @param lhost string containing the source IP
-- @param lport number containing the source port
-- @return o instance of Version
new = function(self, host, port, lhost, lport)
local o = {
host = host,
port = port,
lhost= lhost,
lport= lport,
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Converts the Version request to a string
-- @return data as string
__tostring = function(self)
local magic = 0xD9B4BEF9
local cmd = "version"
local len = 85
-- ver: 0.4.0
local ver = 0x9c40
cmd = cmd .. ('\0'):rep(12 - #cmd)
local services = 1
local timestamp = os.time()
local ra = NetworkAddress:new(self.host, self.port)
local sa = NetworkAddress:new(self.lhost, self.lport)
local nodeid = openssl.rand_bytes(8)
local useragent = "\0"
local lastblock = "\0\0\0\0"
-- Construct payload in order to calculate checksum for the header
local payload = (string.pack("<I4 I8 I8", ver, services, timestamp)
.. tostring(ra) .. tostring(sa) .. nodeid .. useragent .. lastblock)
-- Checksum is first 4 bytes of sha256(sha256(payload))
local checksum = openssl.digest("sha256", payload)
checksum = openssl.digest("sha256", checksum)
-- Construct the header without checksum
local header = string.pack("<I4 c12 I4", magic, cmd, len)
-- After 2012-02-20, version messages require checksums
header = header .. checksum:sub(1,4)
return header .. payload
-- The GetAddr request
GetAddr = {
-- Creates a new instance of the Version request
-- @param host table as received by the action method
-- @param port table as received by the action method
-- @param lhost string containing the source IP
-- @param lport number containing the source port
-- @return o instance of Version
new = function(self, host, port, lhost, lport)
local o = {
host = host,
port = port,
lhost= lhost,
lport= lport,
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Converts the Version request to a string
-- @return data as string
__tostring = function(self)
local magic = 0xD9B4BEF9
local cmd = "getaddr"
local len = 0
local chksum = 0xe2e0f65d
cmd = cmd .. ('\0'):rep(12 - #cmd)
return string.pack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", magic, cmd, len, chksum)
VerAck = {
new = function(self)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
__tostring = function(self)
local cmd = "verack"
cmd = cmd .. ('\0'):rep(12 - #cmd)
return string.pack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", 0xD9B4BEF9, cmd, 0, 0xe2e0f65d)
-- The pong message is sent in response to a ping message.
Pong = {
new = function(self)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
__tostring = function(self)
local magic = 0xD9B4BEF9
local cmd = "pong"
local len = 0
local chksum = 0xe2e0f65d
cmd = cmd .. ('\0'):rep(12 - #cmd)
return string.pack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", magic, cmd, len, chksum)
-- The response class container
Response = {
Header = {
size = 24,
new = function(self)
local o = {
magic = 0,
cmd = "",
length = 0,
checksum = 0,
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
parse = function(data)
local header = Response.Header:new()
local cmd
header.magic, cmd, header.length, header.checksum = string.unpack(">I4 c12 I4 I4", data)
header.cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
return header
Alert = {
type = "Alert",
-- Creates a new instance of Version based on data string
-- @param data string containing the raw response
-- @return o instance of Version
new = function(self, data)
local o = {
data = data,
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Parses the raw data and builds the Version instance
parse = function(self)
local pos = Response.Header.size + 1
self.header = Response.Header.parse(self.data)
local data
pos, data = Util.decodeVarString(self.data, pos)
-- TODO: Alert decoding goes here
-- The version response message
Version = {
-- Creates a new instance of Version based on data string
-- @param data string containing the raw response
-- @return o instance of Version
new = function(self, data)
local o = { data = data }
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Parses the raw data and builds the Version instance
parse = function(self)
local ra, sa, cmd, nodeid, pos
-- After 2012-02-20, version messages contain checksums
self.magic, cmd, self.len, self.checksum, self.ver_raw, self.service,
self.timestamp, ra, sa, nodeid,
pos = string.unpack("<I4 c12 I4 I4 I4 I8 I8 c26 c26 c8", self.data)
pos, self.user_agent = Util.decodeVarString(self.data, pos)
self.lastblock, pos = string.unpack("<I4", self.data, pos)
self.nodeid = stdnse.tohex(nodeid)
self.cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
local function decode_bitcoin_version(n)
if ( n < 31300 ) then
local minor, micro = n // 100, n % 100
return ("0.%d.%d"):format(minor, micro)
local minor, micro = n // 10000, (n // 100) % 100
return ("0.%d.%d"):format(minor, micro)
self.ver = decode_bitcoin_version(self.ver_raw)
self.sa = NetworkAddress.fromString(sa)
self.ra = NetworkAddress.fromString(ra)
-- The verack response message
VerAck = {
-- Creates a new instance of VerAck based on data string
-- @param data string containing the raw response
-- @return o instance of Version
new = function(self, data)
local o = { data = data }
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Parses the raw data and builds the VerAck instance
parse = function(self)
local cmd
-- After 2012-02-20, VerAck messages contain checksums
self.magic, cmd, self.checksum = string.unpack("<I4 c12 I4", self.data)
self.cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
-- The Addr response message
Addr = {
-- Creates a new instance of VerAck based on data string
-- @param data string containing the raw response
-- @return o instance of Addr
new = function(self, data, version)
local o = { data = data, version=version }
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Parses the raw data and builds the Addr instance
parse = function(self)
local pos, count
local cmd
self.magic, cmd, self.len, self.chksum, pos = string.unpack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", self.data)
self.cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
pos, count = Util.decodeVarInt(self.data, pos)
self.addresses = {}
for c=1, count do
if ( self.version > 31402 ) then
local timestamp, data
timestamp, data, pos = string.unpack("<I4 c26", self.data, pos)
local na = NetworkAddress.fromString(data)
table.insert(self.addresses, { ts = timestamp, address = na })
-- The inventory server packet
Inv = {
-- Creates a new instance of Inv based on data string
-- @param data string containing the raw response
-- @return o instance of Inv
new = function(self, data, version)
local o = { data = data, version=version }
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Parses the raw data and builds the Inv instance
parse = function(self)
local cmd
self.magic, cmd, self.len, self.chksum = string.unpack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", self.data)
self.cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
-- TODO parse inv_vect
-- Receives the packet and decodes it
-- @param socket socket connected to the server
-- @param version number containing the server version
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return response instance of response packet if status is true
-- err string containing the error message if status is false
recvPacket = function(socket, version)
local status, header = socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(24), true)
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to read the packet header"
local magic, cmd, len, checksum = string.unpack("<I4 c12 I4 I4", header)
local data = ""
cmd = string.unpack("z", cmd)
-- the verack and ping has no payload
if ( 0 ~= len ) then
status, data = socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(len), true)
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to read the packet header"
-- The ping message is sent primarily to confirm that the TCP/IP connection is still valid.
if( cmd == "ping" ) then
local req = Request.Pong:new()
local status, err = socket:send(tostring(req))
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to send \"Pong\" reply to server"
return Response.recvPacket(socket, version)
return Response.decode(header .. data, version)
-- Decodes the raw packet data
-- @param data string containing the raw packet
-- @param version number containing the server version
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return response instance of response packet if status is true
-- err string containing the error message if status is false
decode = function(data, version)
local magic, cmd = string.unpack("<I4 z", data)
if ( "version" == cmd ) then
return true, Response.Version:new(data)
elseif ( "verack" == cmd ) then
return true, Response.VerAck:new(data)
elseif ( "addr" == cmd ) then
return true, Response.Addr:new(data, version)
elseif ( "inv" == cmd ) then
return true, Response.Inv:new(data)
elseif ( "alert" == cmd ) then
return true, Response.Alert:new(data)
return true, ("Unknown command (%s)"):format(cmd)
Util = {
varIntLen = {
[0xfd] = 2,
[0xfe] = 4,
[0xff] = 8,
-- Decodes a variable length int
-- @param data string of data
-- @param pos the location within the string to decode
-- @return pos the new position
-- @return count number the decoded argument
decodeVarInt = function(data, pos)
local count, pos = string.unpack("B", data, pos)
if count >= 0xfd then
count, pos = string.unpack("<I" .. Util.varIntLen[count], data, pos)
return pos, count
decodeVarString = function(data, pos)
local count, pos = string.unpack("B", data, pos)
local str
if count < 0xfd then
str, pos = string.unpack("s1", data, pos - 1)
str, pos = string.unpack("<s" .. Util.varIntLen[count], data, pos)
return pos, str
-- The Helper class used as a primary interface to scripts
Helper = {
-- Creates a new Helper instance
-- @param host table as received by the action method
-- @param port table as received by the action method
-- @param options table containing additional options
-- <code>timeout</code> - the socket timeout in ms
-- @return instance of Helper
new = function(self, host, port, options)
local o = {
host = host,
port = port,
options = options or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Connects to the BitCoin Server
-- @return status true on success false on failure
-- @return err string containing the error message in case status is false
connect = function(self)
self.socket = nmap.new_socket()
self.socket:set_timeout(self.options.timeout or 10000)
local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port)
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, err
status, self.lhost, self.lport = self.socket:get_info()
return status, (status and nil or self.lhost)
-- Performs a version handshake with the server
-- @return status, true on success false on failure
-- @return version instance if status is true
-- err string containing an error message if status is false
exchVersion = function(self)
if ( not(self.socket) ) then
return false
local req = Request.Version:new(
self.host, self.port, self.lhost, self.lport
local status, err = self.socket:send(tostring(req))
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to send \"Version\" request to server"
local version
status, version = Response.recvPacket(self.socket)
if not status or not version then
return false, "Failed to read \"Version\" response from server: " .. (version or "nil")
elseif version.cmd ~= "version" then
return false, ('"Version" request got %s from server'):format(version.cmd)
if ( version.ver_raw > 29000 ) then
local status, verack = Response.recvPacket(self.socket)
local verack = Request.VerAck:new()
local status, err = self.socket:send(tostring(verack))
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to send \"Version\" request to server"
self.version = version.ver_raw
return status, version
getNodes = function(self)
local req = Request.GetAddr:new(
self.host, self.port, self.lhost, self.lport
local status, err = self.socket:send(tostring(req))
if ( not(status) ) then
return false, "Failed to send \"GetAddr\" request to server"
local status, response = Response.recvPacket(self.socket, self.version)
local all_addrs = {}
local limit = 10
-- Usually sends an addr response with 1 address,
-- then some other stuff like getheaders or ping,
-- then one with hundreds of addrs.
while status and #all_addrs <= 1 and limit > 0 do
limit = limit - 1
status, response = Response.recvPacket(self.socket, self.version)
if status and response.cmd == "addr" then
for _, addr in ipairs(response.addresses) do
all_addrs[#all_addrs+1] = addr
return #all_addrs > 0, all_addrs
-- Reads a message from the server
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return response instance of response packet if status is true
-- err string containing the error message if status is false
readMessage = function(self)
assert(self.version, "Version handshake has not been performed")
return Response.recvPacket(self.socket, self.version)
-- Closes the connection to the server
-- @return status true on success false on failure
-- @return err code, if status is false
close = function(self)
return self.socket:close()
return _ENV;