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-- ASN.1 functions.
-- Large chunks of this code have been ripped right out from <code>snmp.lua</code>.
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
-- @author Patrik Karlsson
-- @class module
-- @name asn1
-- Version 0.3
-- Created 01/12/2010 - v0.1 - Created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
-- Revised 01/28/2010 - v0.2 - Adapted to create a framework for SNMP, LDAP and future protocols
-- Revised 02/02/2010 - v0.3 - Changes: o Re-designed so that ASN1Encoder and ASN1Decoder are separate classes
-- o Each script or library should now create its own Encoder and Decoder instance
local math = require "math"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
_ENV = stdnse.module("asn1", stdnse.seeall)
Universal = 0,
Application = 64,
ContextSpecific = 128,
Private = 192
--- The decoder class
ASN1Decoder = {
new = function(self,o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
--- Tells the decoder to stop if it detects an error while decoding.
-- This should probably be the default, but some scripts depend on being
-- able to decode stuff while lacking proper ASN1 decoding functions.
-- @name ASN1Decoder.setStopOnError
-- @param val boolean, true if decoding should stop on error,
-- otherwise false (default)
setStopOnError = function(self, val)
self.stoponerror = val
--- Registers the base simple type decoders
-- @name ASN1Decoder.registerBaseDecoders
registerBaseDecoders = function(self)
self.decoder = {}
-- Boolean
self.decoder["\x01"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
local val = string.byte(encStr, pos)
return val ~= 0, pos + 1
-- Integer
self.decoder["\x02"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
return self.decodeInt(encStr, elen, pos)
-- Octet String
self.decoder["\x04"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
return string.unpack("c" .. elen, encStr, pos)
-- Null
self.decoder["\x05"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
return false, pos
-- Object Identifier
self.decoder["\x06"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
return self:decodeOID( encStr, elen, pos )
-- Context specific tags
self.decoder["\x30"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
return self:decodeSeq(encStr, elen, pos)
--- Table for registering additional tag decoders.
-- Each index is a tag number as a hex string. Values are ASN1 decoder
-- functions.
-- @name tagDecoders
-- @class table
-- @see asn1.decoder
--- Template for an ASN1 decoder function.
-- @name asn1.decoder
-- @class function
-- @param self The ASN1Decoder object
-- @param encStr Encoded string
-- @param elen Length of the object in bytes
-- @param pos Current position in the string
-- @return The decoded object
-- @return The position after decoding
--- Allows for registration of additional tag decoders
-- @name ASN1Decoder.registerTagDecoders
-- @param tagDecoders table containing decoding functions
-- @see tagDecoders
registerTagDecoders = function(self, tagDecoders)
for k, v in pairs(tagDecoders) do
self.decoder[k] = v
--- Decodes the ASN.1's built-in simple types
-- @name ASN1Decoder.decode
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The decoded value(s).
-- @return The position after decoding
decode = function(self, encStr, pos)
local etype, elen
local newpos = pos
etype, newpos = string.unpack("c1", encStr, newpos)
elen, newpos = self.decodeLength(encStr, newpos)
if self.decoder[etype] then
return self.decoder[etype]( self, encStr, elen, newpos )
stdnse.debug1("no decoder for etype: %s", stdnse.tohex(etype))
return nil, newpos
-- Decodes length part of encoded value according to ASN.1 basic encoding
-- rules.
-- @name ASN1Decoder.decodeLength
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The length of the following value.
-- @return The position after decoding.
decodeLength = function(encStr, pos)
local elen, newpos = string.unpack('B', encStr, pos)
if (elen > 128) then
elen = elen - 128
local elenCalc = 0
local elenNext
for i = 1, elen do
elenCalc = elenCalc * 256
elenNext, newpos = string.unpack('B', encStr, newpos)
elenCalc = elenCalc + elenNext
elen = elenCalc
return elen, newpos
-- Decodes a sequence according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules.
-- @name ASN1Decoder.decodeSeq
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param len Length of sequence in bytes.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The decoded sequence as a table.
-- @return The position after decoding.
decodeSeq = function(self, encStr, len, pos)
local seq = {}
local sPos = 1
local sStr, newpos = string.unpack("c" .. len, encStr, pos)
while (sPos < len) do
local newSeq
newSeq, sPos = self:decode(sStr, sPos)
if ( not(newSeq) and self.stoponerror ) then break end
table.insert(seq, newSeq)
return seq, newpos
-- Decode one component of an OID from a byte string. 7 bits of the component
-- are stored in each octet, most significant first, with the eighth bit set in
-- all octets but the last. These encoding rules come from
-- http://luca.ntop.org/Teaching/Appunti/asn1.html, section 5.9 OBJECT
decode_oid_component = function(encStr, pos)
local octet
local n = 0
octet, pos = string.unpack("B", encStr, pos)
n = n * 128 + (0x7F & octet)
until octet < 128
return n, pos
--- Decodes an OID from a sequence of bytes.
-- @name ASN1Decoder.decodeOID
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param len Length of sequence in bytes.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The OID as an array.
-- @return The position after decoding.
decodeOID = function(self, encStr, len, pos)
local last
local oid = {}
local octet
last = pos + len - 1
if pos <= last then
oid._snmp = '\x06'
octet, pos = string.unpack("B", encStr, pos)
oid[2] = math.fmod(octet, 40)
octet = octet - oid[2]
oid[1] = octet//40
while pos <= last do
local c
c, pos = self.decode_oid_component(encStr, pos)
oid[#oid + 1] = c
return oid, pos
-- Decodes an Integer according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules.
-- @name ASN1Decoder.decodeInt
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param len Length of integer in bytes.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The decoded integer.
-- @return The position after decoding.
decodeInt = function(encStr, len, pos)
if len > 16 then
stdnse.debug2("asn1: Unable to decode %d-byte integer at %d", len, pos)
return nil, pos
return string.unpack(">i" .. len, encStr, pos)
--- The encoder class
ASN1Encoder = {
new = function(self)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
-- Encodes an ASN1 sequence
-- @name ASN1Encoder.encodeSeq
-- @param seqData A string of sequence data
-- @return ASN.1 BER-encoded sequence
encodeSeq = function(self, seqData)
-- 0x30 = 00110000 = 00 1 10000
-- hex binary Universal Constructed value Data Type = SEQUENCE (16)
return "\x30" .. self.encodeLength(#seqData) .. seqData
-- Encodes a given value according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules for SNMP
-- packet creation.
-- @name ASN1Encoder.encode
-- @param val Value to be encoded.
-- @return Encoded value.
encode = function(self, val)
local vtype = type(val)
if self.encoder[vtype] then
return self.encoder[vtype](self,val)
return nil
return ''
--- Table for registering additional tag encoders.
-- Each index is a lua type as a string. Values are ASN1 encoder
-- functions.
-- @name tagEncoders
-- @class table
-- @see asn1.encoder
--- Template for an ASN1 encoder function.
-- @name asn1.encoder
-- @param self The ASN1Encoder object
-- @param val The value to encode
-- @return The encoded object
-- @class function
--- Allows for registration of additional tag encoders
-- @name ASN1Decoder.registerTagEncoders
-- @param tagEncoders table containing encoding functions
-- @see tagEncoders
registerTagEncoders = function(self, tagEncoders)
for k, v in pairs(tagEncoders) do
self.encoder[k] = v
--- Registers the base ASN.1 Simple types encoders
-- * boolean
-- * integer (Lua number)
-- * string
-- * null (Lua nil)
-- @name ASN1Encoder.registerBaseEncoders
registerBaseEncoders = function(self)
self.encoder = {}
-- Boolean encoder
self.encoder['boolean'] = function( self, val )
if val then
return '\x01\x01\xFF'
return '\x01\x01\x00'
-- Table encoder
self.encoder['table'] = function( self, val )
assert('table' == type(val), "val is not a table")
assert(#val.type > 0, "Table is missing the type field")
assert(val.value ~= nil, "Table is missing the value field")
return stdnse.fromhex(val.type) .. self.encodeLength(#val.value) .. val.value
-- Integer encoder
self.encoder['number'] = function( self, val )
local ival = self.encodeInt(val)
local len = self.encodeLength(#ival)
return "\x02" .. len .. ival
-- Octet String encoder
self.encoder['string'] = function( self, val )
local len = self.encodeLength(#val)
return "\x04" .. len .. val
-- Null encoder
self.encoder['nil'] = function( self, val )
return '\x05\x00'
-- Encode one component of an OID as a byte string. 7 bits of the component are
-- stored in each octet, most significant first, with the eighth bit set in all
-- octets but the last. These encoding rules come from
-- http://luca.ntop.org/Teaching/Appunti/asn1.html, section 5.9 OBJECT
encode_oid_component = function(n)
local parts = {}
parts[1] = string.char(n % 128)
while n >= 128 do
n = n >> 7
parts[#parts + 1] = string.char(n % 128 + 0x80)
return string.reverse(table.concat(parts))
-- Encodes an Integer according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules.
-- @name ASN1Encoder.encodeInt
-- @param val Value to be encoded.
-- @return Encoded integer.
encodeInt = function(val)
local lsb = 0
if val > 0 then
local valStr = ""
while (val > 0) do
lsb = math.fmod(val, 256)
valStr = valStr .. string.pack("B", lsb)
val = math.floor(val/256)
if lsb > 127 then -- two's complement collision
valStr = valStr .. "\0"
return string.reverse(valStr)
elseif val < 0 then
local i = 1
local tcval = val + 256 -- two's complement
while tcval <= 127 do
tcval = tcval + 256^i * 255
i = i+1
local valStr = ""
while (tcval > 0) do
lsb = math.fmod(tcval, 256)
valStr = valStr .. string.pack("B", lsb)
tcval = math.floor(tcval/256)
return string.reverse(valStr)
else -- val == 0
return '\0'
-- Encodes the length part of a ASN.1 encoding triplet using the "primitive,
-- definite-length" method.
-- @name ASN1Encoder.encodeLength
-- @param len Length to be encoded.
-- @return Encoded length value.
encodeLength = function(len)
if len < 128 then
return string.char(len)
local parts = {}
while len > 0 do
parts[#parts + 1] = string.char(len % 256)
len = len >> 8
assert(#parts < 128)
return string.char(#parts + 0x80) .. string.reverse(table.concat(parts))
--- Converts a BER encoded type to a numeric value
-- This allows it to be used in the encoding function
-- @param class number - see <code>BERCLASS<code>
-- @param constructed boolean (true if constructed, false if primitive)
-- @param number numeric
-- @return number to be used with <code>encode</code>
function BERtoInt(class, constructed, number)
local asn1_type = class + number
if constructed == true then
asn1_type = asn1_type + 32
return asn1_type
-- Converts an integer to a BER encoded type table
-- @param i number containing the value to decode
-- @return table with the following entries:
-- * <code>class</code>
-- * <code>constructed</code>
-- * <code>primitive</code>
-- * <code>number</code>
function intToBER( i )
local ber = {}
if i & BERCLASS.Application == BERCLASS.Application then
ber.class = BERCLASS.Application
elseif i & BERCLASS.ContextSpecific == BERCLASS.ContextSpecific then
ber.class = BERCLASS.ContextSpecific
elseif i & BERCLASS.Private == BERCLASS.Private then
ber.class = BERCLASS.Private
ber.class = BERCLASS.Universal
if i & 32 == 32 then
ber.constructed = true
ber.number = i - ber.class - 32
ber.primitive = true
ber.number = i - ber.class
return ber
local unittest = require 'unittest'
if not unittest.testing() then
return _ENV
test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new()
local decode_tests = {
{unittest.is_false, "\x01\x01\x00", nil, "decode false"},
{unittest.is_true, "\x01\x01\x01", nil, "decode true"},
{unittest.is_true, "\x01\x01\xff", nil, "decode true (not 1)"},
{unittest.equal, "\x02\x01\x01", 1, "decode integer"},
{unittest.equal, "\x02\x02\xff\xff", -1, "decode negative integer"},
{unittest.equal, "\x02\x03\x01\x00\x02", 65538, "decode integer"},
{unittest.equal, "\x04\x04nmap", "nmap", "decode octet string"},
{unittest.is_false, "\x05\x00", nil, "decode null as false"},
{unittest.identical, "\x06\x09\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x0D\x01\x09\x04\x31",
{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9, 4, _snmp="\x06"}, "decode OID"
{unittest.identical, "\x30\x09\x02\x01\x01\x02\x01\xff\x02\x01\x42",
{1, -1, 0x42}, "decode sequence"
local test_decoder = ASN1Decoder:new()
for _, test in ipairs(decode_tests) do
test_suite:add_test(test[1](test_decoder:decode(test[2], 1), test[3]), test[4])
return _ENV;