171 lines
6.2 KiB
171 lines
6.2 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: KixTart 95, Kix2001 Windows script language http://kixtart.org/
" Maintainer: Richard Howarth <rhowarth@sgb.co.uk>
" Last Change: 2003 May 11
" URL: http://www.howsoft.demon.co.uk/
" KixTart files identified by *.kix extension.
" Amendment History:
" 26 April 2001: RMH
" Removed development comments from distro version
" Renamed "Kix*" to "kix*" for consistancy
" Changes made in preperation for VIM version 5.8/6.00
" Handle arrays highlighting
" Handle object highlighting
" The next two may not be possible:
" Work out how to error too many "(", i.e. (() should be an error.
" Similarly, "if" without "endif" and similar constructs should error.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn keyword kixTODO TODO FIX XXX contained
" Case insensitive language.
syn case ignore
" Kix statements
syn match kixStatement "?"
syn keyword kixStatement beep big break
syn keyword kixStatement call cd cls color cookie1 copy
syn keyword kixStatement del dim display
syn keyword kixStatement exit
syn keyword kixStatement flushkb
syn keyword kixStatement get gets global go gosub goto
syn keyword kixStatement md
syn keyword kixStatement password play
syn keyword kixStatement quit
syn keyword kixStatement rd return run
syn keyword kixStatement set setl setm settime shell sleep small
syn keyword kixStatement use
" Kix2001
syn keyword kixStatement debug function endfunction redim
" Simple variables
syn match kixNotVar "\$\$\|@@\|%%" transparent contains=NONE
syn match kixLocalVar "\$\w\+"
syn match kixMacro "@\w\+"
syn match kixEnvVar "%\w\+"
" Destination labels
syn match kixLabel ":\w\+\>"
" Identify strings, trap unterminated strings
syn match kixStringError +".*\|'.*+
syn region kixDoubleString oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=kixLocalVar,kixMacro,kixEnvVar,kixNotVar
syn region kixSingleString oneline start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=kixLocalVar,kixMacro,kixEnvVar,kixNotVar
" Operators
syn match kixOperator "+\|-\|\*\|/\|=\|&\||"
syn keyword kixOperator and or
" Kix2001
syn match kixOperator "=="
syn keyword kixOperator not
" Numeric constants
syn match kixInteger "-\=\<\d\+\>" contains=NONE
syn match kixFloat "-\=\.\d\+\>\|-\=\<\d\+\.\d\+\>" contains=NONE
" Hex numeric constants
syn match kixHex "\&\x\+\>" contains=NONE
" Other contants
" Kix2001
syn keyword kixConstant on off
" Comments
syn match kixComment ";.*$" contains=kixTODO
" Trap unmatched parenthesis
syn match kixParenCloseError ")"
syn region kixParen oneline transparent start="(" end=")" contains=ALLBUT,kixParenCloseError
" Functions (Builtin + UDF)
syn match kixFunction "\w\+("he=e-1,me=e-1 contains=ALL
" Trap unmatched brackets
syn match kixBrackCloseError "\]"
syn region kixBrack transparent start="\[" end="\]" contains=ALLBUT,kixBrackCloseError
" Clusters for ALLBUT shorthand
syn cluster kixIfBut contains=kixIfError,kixSelectOK,kixDoOK,kixWhileOK,kixForEachOK,kixForNextOK
syn cluster kixSelectBut contains=kixSelectError,kixIfOK,kixDoOK,kixWhileOK,kixForEachOK,kixForNextOK
syn cluster kixDoBut contains=kixDoError,kixSelectOK,kixIfOK,kixWhileOK,kixForEachOK,kixForNextOK
syn cluster kixWhileBut contains=kixWhileError,kixSelectOK,kixIfOK,kixDoOK,kixForEachOK,kixForNextOK
syn cluster kixForEachBut contains=kixForEachError,kixSelectOK,kixIfOK,kixDoOK,kixForNextOK,kixWhileOK
syn cluster kixForNextBut contains=kixForNextError,kixSelectOK,kixIfOK,kixDoOK,kixForEachOK,kixWhileOK
" Condtional construct errors.
syn match kixIfError "\<if\>\|\<else\>\|\<endif\>"
syn match kixIfOK contained "\<if\>\|\<else\>\|\<endif\>"
syn region kixIf transparent matchgroup=kixIfOK start="\<if\>" end="\<endif\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixIfBut
syn match kixSelectError "\<select\>\|\<case\>\|\<endselect\>"
syn match kixSelectOK contained "\<select\>\|\<case\>\|\<endselect\>"
syn region kixSelect transparent matchgroup=kixSelectOK start="\<select\>" end="\<endselect\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixSelectBut
" Program control constructs.
syn match kixDoError "\<do\>\|\<until\>"
syn match kixDoOK contained "\<do\>\|\<until\>"
syn region kixDo transparent matchgroup=kixDoOK start="\<do\>" end="\<until\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixDoBut
syn match kixWhileError "\<while\>\|\<loop\>"
syn match kixWhileOK contained "\<while\>\|\<loop\>"
syn region kixWhile transparent matchgroup=kixWhileOK start="\<while\>" end="\<loop\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixWhileBut
syn match kixForNextError "\<for\>\|\<to\>\|\<step\>\|\<next\>"
syn match kixForNextOK contained "\<for\>\|\<to\>\|\<step\>\|\<next\>"
syn region kixForNext transparent matchgroup=kixForNextOK start="\<for\>" end="\<next\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixForBut
syn match kixForEachError "\<for each\>\|\<in\>\|\<next\>"
syn match kixForEachOK contained "\<for each\>\|\<in\>\|\<next\>"
syn region kixForEach transparent matchgroup=kixForEachOK start="\<for each\>" end="\<next\>" contains=ALLBUT,@kixForEachBut
" Expressions
syn match kixExpression "<\|>\|<=\|>=\|<>"
" Default highlighting.
" Set default highlight only if it doesn't already have a value.
hi def link kixDoubleString String
hi def link kixSingleString String
hi def link kixStatement Statement
hi def link kixRepeat Repeat
hi def link kixComment Comment
hi def link kixBuiltin Function
hi def link kixLocalVar Special
hi def link kixMacro Special
hi def link kixEnvVar Special
hi def link kixLabel Type
hi def link kixFunction Function
hi def link kixInteger Number
hi def link kixHex Number
hi def link kixFloat Number
hi def link kixOperator Operator
hi def link kixExpression Operator
hi def link kixParenCloseError Error
hi def link kixBrackCloseError Error
hi def link kixStringError Error
hi def link kixWhileError Error
hi def link kixWhileOK Conditional
hi def link kixDoError Error
hi def link kixDoOK Conditional
hi def link kixIfError Error
hi def link kixIfOK Conditional
hi def link kixSelectError Error
hi def link kixSelectOK Conditional
hi def link kixForNextError Error
hi def link kixForNextOK Conditional
hi def link kixForEachError Error
hi def link kixForEachOK Conditional
let b:current_syntax = "kix"
" vim: ts=8 sw=2