168 lines
6.3 KiB
168 lines
6.3 KiB
local nmap = require "nmap"
local http = require "http"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local table = require "table"
description = [[
Attempts to obtain information from Trane Tracer SC devices. Trane Tracer SC
is an intelligent field panel for communicating with HVAC equipment controllers
deployed across several sectors including commercial facilities and others.
The information is obtained from the web server that exposes sensitive content to
unauthenticated users.
Tested on Trane Tracer SC version 4.40.1211 and below.
* http://websec.mx/publicacion/blog/Scripts-de-Nmap-para-Trane-Tracer-SC-HVAC
-- @usage nmap -p80 --script trane-info.nse <target>
-- @output
-- | http-trane-info:
-- | serverName: XXXXX
-- | serverTime: 2017-09-24T01:03:08-05:00
-- | serverBootTime: 2017-08-03T02:06:39-05:00
-- | vendorName: Trane
-- | productName: Tracer SC
-- | productVersion: v4.20.1128 (release)
-- | kernelVersion: 2.6.30_HwVer12AB-hydra
-- | hardwareType: HwVer12AB
-- | hardwareSerialNumber: XXXXX
-- | devices:
-- |
-- | isOffline: false
-- | equipmentUri: /equipment/dac/generic/1
-- | displayName: RTU-01
-- | equipmentFamily: AirHandler
-- | roleDocument: BCI-I_9a8c9b8116cd392fc0b4a233405f3f5964fa6b885809c810a8d0ed5478XXXXXX__RTU_Ipak_VAV
-- | deviceName: RTU-01
-- @xmloutput
-- <elem key="serverName">XXXXX </elem>
-- <elem key="serverTime">2017-09-24T01:05:28-05:00 </elem>
-- <elem key="serverBootTime">2017-08-03T02:06:39-05:00 </elem>
-- <elem key="vendorName">Trane </elem>
-- <elem key="productName">Tracer SC </elem>
-- <elem key="productVersion">v4.20.1128 (release) </elem>
-- <elem key="kernelVersion">2.6.30_HwVer12AB-hydra </elem>
-- <elem key="hardwareType">HwVer12AB </elem>
-- <elem key="hardwareSerialNumber">XXXXX </elem>
-- <table key="devices">
-- <table>
-- <elem key="equipmentUri">/equipment/dac/generic/1 </elem>
-- <elem key="equipmentFamily">AirHandler </elem>
-- <elem key="deviceName">RTU-01 </elem>
-- <elem key="isOffline">false </elem>
-- <elem key="roleDocument">BCI-I_9a8c9b8116cd392fc0b4a233405f3f5964fa6b885809c810a8d0ed5478XXXXX__RTU_Ipak_VAV </elem>
-- <elem key="displayName">RTU-01 </elem>
-- </table></table>
author = "Pedro Joaquin <pjoaquin()websec.mx>"
license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"discovery", "version", "safe"}
portrule = function(host, port)
return (shortport.http(host,port) and nmap.version_intensity() >= 7)
local function GetInformation(host, port)
local output = stdnse.output_table()
--Get information from /evox/about
local uri = '/evox/about'
local response = http.get(host, port, uri)
if response['status-line'] and response['status-line']:match("200") then
--Verify parsing of XML from /evox/about
local deviceType = response['body']:match('serverName" val=([^<]*)/>')
if not deviceType then
stdnse.debug1("Problem with XML parsing of /evox/about")
return nil,"Problem with XML parsing of /evox/about"
--Parse information from /evox/about
local keylist = {"serverName","serverTime","serverBootTime","vendorName","productName","productVersion","kernelVersion","hardwareType","hardwareSerialNumber"}
for _,key in ipairs(keylist) do
stdnse.debug2("Looking for : "..key)
output[key] = response['body']:match(key..'" val=([^<]*)/>')
stdnse.debug2("Found : "..output[key])
output[key] = output[key]:gsub('"', "")
--Get information from /evox/equipment/installedSummary
local uri = '/evox/equipment/installedSummary'
local response = http.get(host, port, uri)
if response['status-line'] and response['status-line']:match("200") then
--Verify parsing of XML from /evox/equipment/installedSummary
local error = response['body']:match('Error code: 00017')
if error then
stdnse.debug1("/evox/equipment/installedSummary is not available")
local equipmentUri = response['body']:match('equipmentUri" val=([^<]*)/>')
if not equipmentUri then
stdnse.debug1("Problem with XML parsing")
if not error then
--Parse information from /evox/equipment/installedSummary
local keylist = {"equipmentUri","displayName","deviceName","equipmentFamily","roleDocument","isOffline"}
local _,lastequipmentUri = response['body']:find(".*equipmentUri")
stdnse.debug2("lastequipmentUri : "..lastequipmentUri)
local count = 1
local nextequipmentUri = 1
local devices = {}
while nextequipmentUri < lastequipmentUri do
local device = {}
for _,key in ipairs(keylist) do
stdnse.debug2("Looking for : "..key)
device[key] = response['body']:match(key..'" val=([^<]*)/>',nextequipmentUri)
if not device[key] then
device[key] = "Not available"
device[key] = device[key]:gsub('"', "")
stdnse.debug2("Found : ".. device[key])
_,nextequipmentUri = response['body']:find("equipmentUri",nextequipmentUri)
table.insert(devices, device)
count = count + 1
output["devices"] = devices
stdnse.debug2("status-line: "..response['status-line'])
local error = response['status-line']:match('Error')
if error then
stdnse.debug2("Request returned a network error.")
return nil, "Request returned a network error."
-- Set the port version
port.version.name = "http"
port.version.name_confidence = 10
port.version.product = output["productName"]
port.version.version = output["productVersion"]
port.version.devicetype = output["hardwareType"]
table.insert(port.version.cpe, "cpe:/h:".. output["vendorName"] .. ":" .. output["productName"])
nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched")
return output
action = function(host,port)
-- Identify servers that answer 200 to invalid HTTP requests and exit as these would invalidate the tests
local status_404, result_404, _ = http.identify_404(host,port)
if ( status_404 and result_404 == 200 ) then
stdnse.debug1("Exiting due to ambiguous response from web server on %s:%s. All URIs return status 200.", host.ip, port.number)
return nil
return GetInformation(host, port)