If a shared library exposes an attribute and a client uses the attribute in its own styleable, the value of the lib attribute resource id in the client styleable must be fixed with the correct package id at runtime. Since the client will not have an onResourcesLoaded to call, the client should directly reference the attribute resource field in its styleable. Bug: 147674078 Test: aapt2_tests Change-Id: I8e64bb2d3165a7072e2604fe1730b248545978f4
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "io/Io.h"
#include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h"
#include "process/SymbolTable.h"
#include "text/Printer.h"
namespace aapt {
class AnnotationProcessor;
class ClassDefinition;
class MethodDefinition;
// Options for generating onResourcesLoaded callback in R.java.
struct OnResourcesLoadedCallbackOptions {
// Other R classes to delegate the same callback to (with the same package ID).
std::vector<std::string> packages_to_callback;
struct JavaClassGeneratorOptions {
// Specifies whether to use the 'final' modifier on resource entries. Default is true.
bool use_final = true;
// If set, generates code to rewrite the package ID of resources.
// Implies use_final == true. Default is unset.
Maybe<OnResourcesLoadedCallbackOptions> rewrite_callback_options;
enum class SymbolTypes {
SymbolTypes types = SymbolTypes::kAll;
// A list of JavaDoc annotations to add to the comments of all generated classes.
std::vector<std::string> javadoc_annotations;
// Generates the R.java file for a resource table and optionally an R.txt file.
class JavaClassGenerator {
JavaClassGenerator(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table,
const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& options);
// Writes the R.java file to `out`. Only symbols belonging to `package` are written.
// All symbols technically belong to a single package, but linked libraries will
// have their names mangled, denoting that they came from a different package.
// We need to generate these symbols in a separate file. Returns true on success.
bool Generate(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate, io::OutputStream* out,
io::OutputStream* out_r_txt = nullptr);
bool Generate(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const android::StringPiece& output_package_name, io::OutputStream* out,
io::OutputStream* out_r_txt = nullptr);
const std::string& GetError() const;
static std::string TransformToFieldName(const android::StringPiece& symbol);
bool SkipSymbol(Visibility::Level state);
bool SkipSymbol(const Maybe<SymbolTable::Symbol>& symbol);
// Returns the unmangled resource entry name if the unmangled package is the same as
// package_name_to_generate. Returns nothing if the resource should be skipped.
Maybe<std::string> UnmangleResource(const android::StringPiece& package_name,
const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const ResourceEntry& entry);
bool ProcessType(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const ResourceTablePackage& package, const ResourceTableType& type,
ClassDefinition* out_type_class_def, MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method_def,
text::Printer* r_txt_printer);
// Writes a resource to the R.java file, optionally writing out a rewrite rule for its package
// ID if `out_rewrite_method` is not nullptr.
void ProcessResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
const ResourceEntry& entry, ClassDefinition* out_class_def,
MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method, text::Printer* r_txt_printer);
// Writes a styleable resource to the R.java file, optionally writing out a rewrite rule for
// its package ID if `out_rewrite_method` is not nullptr.
// `package_name_to_generate` is the package
bool ProcessStyleable(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
const Styleable& styleable,
const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
ClassDefinition* out_class_def, MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method,
text::Printer* r_txt_printer);
IAaptContext* context_;
ResourceTable* table_;
JavaClassGeneratorOptions options_;
std::string error_;
inline const std::string& JavaClassGenerator::GetError() const {
return error_;
} // namespace aapt