Frankengradients (linearly interpolated RGB, gamma interpolated alpha) look fantastic but unfortunately create sligh compatibility issues. For instance, a gradient from 0xffea1030 to 0x00ea1030 (opaque to alpha, with a single color) blended on top of 0xff101010 would not look the same as a single opaque gradient from 0xffea1030 to 0xff101010. The difference is hardly noticeable on simple gradients but it could cause confusion amongst app developers. Their life is hard enough as it is, let's be good to them. My crusade against the gamma world is not over and one day I shall be the victor. I am patience. Bug: 35485208 Test: UiRendering.ShaderTests, UiRendering.GradientTests, manual testing Change-Id: I8204e60cdf0a6b12dfe22638d30ca9622687000e
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* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "SkiaShader.h"
#include "Caches.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "Texture.h"
#include "hwui/Bitmap.h"
#include <SkMatrix.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Support
static constexpr GLenum gTileModes[] = {
GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, // == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode
GL_REPEAT, // == SkShader::kRepeat_Mode
GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT // == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode
static_assert(gTileModes[SkShader::kClamp_TileMode] == GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
"SkShader TileModes have changed");
static_assert(gTileModes[SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode] == GL_REPEAT,
"SkShader TileModes have changed");
static_assert(gTileModes[SkShader::kMirror_TileMode] == GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT,
"SkShader TileModes have changed");
* This function does not work for n == 0.
static inline bool isPowerOfTwo(unsigned int n) {
return !(n & (n - 1));
static inline void bindUniformColor(int slot, FloatColor color) {
glUniform4fv(slot, 1, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(&color));
static inline void bindTexture(Caches* caches, Texture* texture, GLenum wrapS, GLenum wrapT) {
caches->textureState().bindTexture(texture->target(), texture->id());
texture->setWrapST(wrapS, wrapT);
* Compute the matrix to transform to screen space.
* @param screenSpace Output param for the computed matrix.
* @param unitMatrix The unit matrix for gradient shaders, as returned by SkShader::asAGradient,
* or identity.
* @param localMatrix Local matrix, as returned by SkShader::getLocalMatrix().
* @param modelViewMatrix Model view matrix, as supplied by the OpenGLRenderer.
static void computeScreenSpaceMatrix(mat4& screenSpace, const SkMatrix& unitMatrix,
const SkMatrix& localMatrix, const mat4& modelViewMatrix) {
mat4 shaderMatrix;
// uses implicit construction
// again, uses implicit construction
screenSpace.loadMultiply(unitMatrix, shaderMatrix);
// Gradient shader matrix helpers
static void toLinearUnitMatrix(const SkPoint pts[2], SkMatrix* matrix) {
SkVector vec = pts[1] - pts[0];
const float mag = vec.length();
const float inv = mag ? 1.0f / mag : 0;
matrix->setSinCos(-vec.fY, vec.fX, pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY);
matrix->postTranslate(-pts[0].fX, -pts[0].fY);
matrix->postScale(inv, inv);
static void toCircularUnitMatrix(const float x, const float y, const float radius,
SkMatrix* matrix) {
const float inv = 1.0f / radius;
matrix->setTranslate(-x, -y);
matrix->postScale(inv, inv);
static void toSweepUnitMatrix(const float x, const float y, SkMatrix* matrix) {
matrix->setTranslate(-x, -y);
// Common gradient code
static bool isSimpleGradient(const SkShader::GradientInfo& gradInfo) {
return gradInfo.fColorCount == 2 && gradInfo.fTileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode;
// Store / apply
bool tryStoreGradient(Caches& caches, const SkShader& shader, const Matrix4 modelViewMatrix,
GLuint* textureUnit, ProgramDescription* description,
SkiaShaderData::GradientShaderData* outData) {
SkShader::GradientInfo gradInfo;
gradInfo.fColorCount = 0;
gradInfo.fColors = nullptr;
gradInfo.fColorOffsets = nullptr;
SkMatrix unitMatrix;
switch (shader.asAGradient(&gradInfo)) {
case SkShader::kLinear_GradientType:
description->gradientType = ProgramDescription::kGradientLinear;
toLinearUnitMatrix(gradInfo.fPoint, &unitMatrix);
case SkShader::kRadial_GradientType:
description->gradientType = ProgramDescription::kGradientCircular;
toCircularUnitMatrix(gradInfo.fPoint[0].fX, gradInfo.fPoint[0].fY,
gradInfo.fRadius[0], &unitMatrix);
case SkShader::kSweep_GradientType:
description->gradientType = ProgramDescription::kGradientSweep;
toSweepUnitMatrix(gradInfo.fPoint[0].fX, gradInfo.fPoint[0].fY, &unitMatrix);
// Do nothing. This shader is unsupported.
return false;
description->hasGradient = true;
description->isSimpleGradient = isSimpleGradient(gradInfo);
computeScreenSpaceMatrix(outData->screenSpace, unitMatrix,
shader.getLocalMatrix(), modelViewMatrix);
// re-query shader to get full color / offset data
std::unique_ptr<SkColor[]> colorStorage(new SkColor[gradInfo.fColorCount]);
std::unique_ptr<SkScalar[]> colorOffsets(new SkScalar[gradInfo.fColorCount]);
gradInfo.fColors = &colorStorage[0];
gradInfo.fColorOffsets = &colorOffsets[0];
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!description->isSimpleGradient)) {
outData->gradientSampler = (*textureUnit)++;
#error Need to convert gradInfo.fColorOffsets to float!
outData->gradientTexture = caches.gradientCache.get(
gradInfo.fColors, gradInfo.fColorOffsets, gradInfo.fColorCount);
outData->wrapST = gTileModes[gradInfo.fTileMode];
} else {
outData->gradientSampler = 0;
outData->gradientTexture = nullptr;
return true;
void applyGradient(Caches& caches, const SkiaShaderData::GradientShaderData& data,
const GLsizei width, const GLsizei height) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(data.gradientTexture)) {
bindTexture(&caches, data.gradientTexture, data.wrapST, data.wrapST);
glUniform1i(caches.program().getUniform("gradientSampler"), data.gradientSampler);
} else {
bindUniformColor(caches.program().getUniform("startColor"), data.startColor);
bindUniformColor(caches.program().getUniform("endColor"), data.endColor);
glUniform2f(caches.program().getUniform("screenSize"), 1.0f / width, 1.0f / height);
glUniformMatrix4fv(caches.program().getUniform("screenSpace"), 1,
GL_FALSE, &[0]);
bool tryStoreBitmap(Caches& caches, const SkShader& shader, const Matrix4& modelViewMatrix,
GLuint* textureUnit, ProgramDescription* description,
SkiaShaderData::BitmapShaderData* outData) {
SkBitmap bitmap;
SkShader::TileMode xy[2];
if (!shader.isABitmap(&bitmap, nullptr, xy)) {
return false;
// TODO: create hwui-owned BitmapShader.
Bitmap* hwuiBitmap = static_cast<Bitmap*>(bitmap.pixelRef());
outData->bitmapTexture = caches.textureCache.get(hwuiBitmap);
if (!outData->bitmapTexture) return false;
outData->bitmapSampler = (*textureUnit)++;
const float width = outData->bitmapTexture->width();
const float height = outData->bitmapTexture->height();
description->hasBitmap = true;
description->hasLinearTexture = outData->bitmapTexture->isLinear();
description->isShaderBitmapExternal = hwuiBitmap->isHardware();
// gralloc doesn't support non-clamp modes
if (hwuiBitmap->isHardware() || (!caches.extensions().hasNPot()
&& (!isPowerOfTwo(width) || !isPowerOfTwo(height))
&& (xy[0] != SkShader::kClamp_TileMode || xy[1] != SkShader::kClamp_TileMode))) {
// need non-clamp mode, but it's not supported for this draw,
// so enable custom shader logic to mimic
description->useShaderBasedWrap = true;
description->bitmapWrapS = gTileModes[xy[0]];
description->bitmapWrapT = gTileModes[xy[1]];
outData->wrapS = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
outData->wrapT = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
} else {
outData->wrapS = gTileModes[xy[0]];
outData->wrapT = gTileModes[xy[1]];
computeScreenSpaceMatrix(outData->textureTransform, SkMatrix::I(), shader.getLocalMatrix(),
outData->textureDimension[0] = 1.0f / width;
outData->textureDimension[1] = 1.0f / height;
return true;
void applyBitmap(Caches& caches, const SkiaShaderData::BitmapShaderData& data) {
bindTexture(&caches, data.bitmapTexture, data.wrapS, data.wrapT);
glUniform1i(caches.program().getUniform("bitmapSampler"), data.bitmapSampler);
glUniformMatrix4fv(caches.program().getUniform("textureTransform"), 1, GL_FALSE,
glUniform2fv(caches.program().getUniform("textureDimension"), 1, &data.textureDimension[0]);
SkiaShaderType getComposeSubType(const SkShader& shader) {
// First check for a gradient shader.
switch (shader.asAGradient(nullptr)) {
case SkShader::kNone_GradientType:
// Not a gradient shader. Fall through to check for other types.
case SkShader::kLinear_GradientType:
case SkShader::kRadial_GradientType:
case SkShader::kSweep_GradientType:
return kGradient_SkiaShaderType;
// This is a Skia gradient that has no SkiaShader equivalent. Return None to skip.
return kNone_SkiaShaderType;
// The shader is not a gradient. Check for a bitmap shader.
if (shader.isABitmap()) {
return kBitmap_SkiaShaderType;
return kNone_SkiaShaderType;
void storeCompose(Caches& caches, const SkShader& bitmapShader, const SkShader& gradientShader,
const Matrix4& modelViewMatrix, GLuint* textureUnit,
ProgramDescription* description, SkiaShaderData* outData) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!tryStoreBitmap(caches, bitmapShader, modelViewMatrix,
textureUnit, description, &outData->bitmapData),
"failed storing bitmap shader data");
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!tryStoreGradient(caches, gradientShader, modelViewMatrix,
textureUnit, description, &outData->gradientData),
"failing storing gradient shader data");
bool tryStoreCompose(Caches& caches, const SkShader& shader, const Matrix4& modelViewMatrix,
GLuint* textureUnit, ProgramDescription* description,
SkiaShaderData* outData) {
SkShader::ComposeRec rec;
if (!shader.asACompose(&rec)) return false;
const SkiaShaderType shaderAType = getComposeSubType(*rec.fShaderA);
const SkiaShaderType shaderBType = getComposeSubType(*rec.fShaderB);
// check that type enum values are the 2 flags that compose the kCompose value
if ((shaderAType & shaderBType) != 0) return false;
if ((shaderAType | shaderBType) != kCompose_SkiaShaderType) return false;
mat4 transform;
computeScreenSpaceMatrix(transform, SkMatrix::I(), shader.getLocalMatrix(), modelViewMatrix);
if (shaderAType == kBitmap_SkiaShaderType) {
description->isBitmapFirst = true;
storeCompose(caches, *rec.fShaderA, *rec.fShaderB,
transform, textureUnit, description, outData);
} else {
description->isBitmapFirst = false;
storeCompose(caches, *rec.fShaderB, *rec.fShaderA,
transform, textureUnit, description, outData);
description->shadersMode = rec.fBlendMode;
return true;
void SkiaShader::store(Caches& caches, const SkShader& shader, const Matrix4& modelViewMatrix,
GLuint* textureUnit, ProgramDescription* description,
SkiaShaderData* outData) {
if (tryStoreGradient(caches, shader, modelViewMatrix,
textureUnit, description, &outData->gradientData)) {
outData->skiaShaderType = kGradient_SkiaShaderType;
if (tryStoreBitmap(caches, shader, modelViewMatrix,
textureUnit, description, &outData->bitmapData)) {
outData->skiaShaderType = kBitmap_SkiaShaderType;
if (tryStoreCompose(caches, shader, modelViewMatrix,
textureUnit, description, outData)) {
outData->skiaShaderType = kCompose_SkiaShaderType;
// Unknown/unsupported type, so explicitly ignore shader
outData->skiaShaderType = kNone_SkiaShaderType;
void SkiaShader::apply(Caches& caches, const SkiaShaderData& data,
const GLsizei width, const GLsizei height) {
if (!data.skiaShaderType) return;
if (data.skiaShaderType & kGradient_SkiaShaderType) {
applyGradient(caches, data.gradientData, width, height);
if (data.skiaShaderType & kBitmap_SkiaShaderType) {
applyBitmap(caches, data.bitmapData);
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android