Doris Liu 1d8e194661 Make AVD thread safe
This CL introduces staging properties to VectorDrawable, which holds
properties coming from UI thread. When staging properties are changed,
they are marked dirty, and the staging properties then get pushed to
RenderThread at sync point. In cases where no staging property has
been changed, at sync point we sync the render thread properties back
to staging properties to reflect the latest render thread animation
value change.

Also, update Vector Drawable bitmap only when it's dirty

Bug: 27343970
Bug: 27385912
Bug: 27263667
Bug: 27927674
Bug: 27774383

Change-Id: Ia864f5400a53a08dbfb284fae581fb1aac4fff87
2016-04-04 14:40:17 -07:00

211 lines
6.0 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <SkCamera.h>
#include <SkMatrix.h>
#include <private/hwui/DrawGlInfo.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/LinearAllocator.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <androidfw/ResourceTypes.h>
#include "Debug.h"
#include "CanvasProperty.h"
#include "DeferredDisplayList.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "RenderProperties.h"
#include <vector>
class SkBitmap;
class SkPaint;
class SkPath;
class SkRegion;
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
class DeferredDisplayList;
class DisplayListOp;
class DisplayListCanvas;
class OpenGLRenderer;
class Rect;
class Layer;
struct RecordedOp;
struct RenderNodeOp;
typedef RecordedOp BaseOpType;
typedef RenderNodeOp NodeOpType;
class DrawRenderNodeOp;
typedef DisplayListOp BaseOpType;
typedef DrawRenderNodeOp NodeOpType;
* Holds data used in the playback a tree of DisplayLists.
struct PlaybackStateStruct {
PlaybackStateStruct(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, int replayFlags, LinearAllocator* allocator)
: mRenderer(renderer)
, mReplayFlags(replayFlags)
, mAllocator(allocator) {}
OpenGLRenderer& mRenderer;
const int mReplayFlags;
// Allocator with the lifetime of a single frame. replay uses an Allocator owned by the struct,
// while defer shares the DeferredDisplayList's Allocator
// TODO: move this allocator to be owned by object with clear frame lifecycle
LinearAllocator * const mAllocator;
SkPath* allocPathForFrame() {
return mRenderer.allocPathForFrame();
struct DeferStateStruct : public PlaybackStateStruct {
DeferStateStruct(DeferredDisplayList& deferredList, OpenGLRenderer& renderer, int replayFlags)
: PlaybackStateStruct(renderer, replayFlags, &(deferredList.mAllocator)),
mDeferredList(deferredList) {}
DeferredDisplayList& mDeferredList;
struct ReplayStateStruct : public PlaybackStateStruct {
ReplayStateStruct(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, Rect& dirty, int replayFlags)
: PlaybackStateStruct(renderer, replayFlags, &mReplayAllocator),
mDirty(dirty) {}
Rect& mDirty;
LinearAllocator mReplayAllocator;
* Functor that can be used for objects with data in both UI thread and RT to keep the data
* in sync. This functor, when added to DisplayList, will be call during DisplayList sync.
struct PushStagingFunctor {
PushStagingFunctor() {}
virtual ~PushStagingFunctor() {}
virtual void operator ()() {}
* Data structure that holds the list of commands used in display list stream
class DisplayList {
friend class DisplayListCanvas;
friend class RecordingCanvas;
struct Chunk {
// range of included ops in DisplayList::ops()
size_t beginOpIndex;
size_t endOpIndex;
// range of included children in DisplayList::children()
size_t beginChildIndex;
size_t endChildIndex;
// whether children with non-zero Z in the chunk should be reordered
bool reorderChildren;
// index of DisplayListOp restore, after which projected descendants should be drawn
int projectionReceiveIndex;
const LsaVector<Chunk>& getChunks() const { return chunks; }
const LsaVector<BaseOpType*>& getOps() const { return ops; }
const LsaVector<NodeOpType*>& getChildren() const { return children; }
const LsaVector<const SkBitmap*>& getBitmapResources() const { return bitmapResources; }
const LsaVector<Functor*>& getFunctors() const { return functors; }
const LsaVector<PushStagingFunctor*>& getPushStagingFunctors() { return pushStagingFunctors; }
size_t addChild(NodeOpType* childOp);
void ref(VirtualLightRefBase* prop) {
size_t getUsedSize() {
return allocator.usedSize();
bool isEmpty() {
return ops.empty();
return !hasDrawOps;
// allocator into which all ops and LsaVector arrays allocated
LinearAllocator allocator;
LinearStdAllocator<void*> stdAllocator;
LsaVector<Chunk> chunks;
LsaVector<BaseOpType*> ops;
// list of Ops referring to RenderNode children for quick, non-drawing traversal
LsaVector<NodeOpType*> children;
// Resources - Skia objects + 9 patches referred to by this DisplayList
LsaVector<const SkBitmap*> bitmapResources;
LsaVector<const SkPath*> pathResources;
LsaVector<const Res_png_9patch*> patchResources;
LsaVector<std::unique_ptr<const SkPaint>> paints;
LsaVector<std::unique_ptr<const SkRegion>> regions;
LsaVector< sp<VirtualLightRefBase> > referenceHolders;
// List of functors
LsaVector<Functor*> functors;
// List of functors that need to be notified of pushStaging. Note that this list gets nothing
// but a callback during sync DisplayList, unlike the list of functors defined above, which
// gets special treatment exclusive for webview.
LsaVector<PushStagingFunctor*> pushStagingFunctors;
bool hasDrawOps; // only used if !HWUI_NEW_OPS
void cleanupResources();
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android