Fixes -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning. Test: m Bug: 68236239 Change-Id: Ic440b9fcb9be97c316448b764f7110ef1f7eb525
It is an executable used to help parsing text format data to protobuf.
How to build, deploy, unit test
For the first time, build the test and create an empty directly on device:
root$ make -j incident_helper_test && adb shell mkdir /data/nativetest64/incident_helper_test
Run the test on a device
root$ mmm -j frameworks/base/cmds/incident_helper && \
adb push $OUT/data/nativetest64/incident_helper_test/* /data/nativetest64/incident_helper_test/ && \
adb shell /data/nativetest64/incident_helper_test/incident_helper_test 2>/dev/null
How to adapt proto changes
If add a new proto file, add it in Android.bp under frameworks/base/ and make incident helper
root$ make -j48 incident_helper