According to the spec (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html): When Request-URI is used to identify a resource on an origin server or gateway, the absolute path of the URI MUST be transmitted as the Request-URI. Before the change,the proxy sent absolute_uri, which is used to send HTTP requests to proxies: “The absoluteURI form is REQUIRED when the request is being made to a proxy.” Related Bug 18776631 Other changes: 1. Remove proxy-connection header when the request is sent to an origin server. 2. Added “connection = close” header to indicate that the origin server needs to close the connection right after the response. Currently, our proxy does not support keep-alive (persistent) connections because it analyses only the first request for a given connection and; therefore, cannot perform required request content substitutions. 3. Fixed an issue when a non-numeric host port number resulted in forwarding requests to default 443 port for SSL connections, e.g. request to https://google.com:ZZZ, would be translated to https://google.com:443. 4. Fixed an issue when the proxy tries to establish direct connection to the origin server even when it is not supposed to do that according to PAC. That happened when PAC returned a proxy server that is not available. 5. Prevent ProxyServer from crashing when PacService throws an exception by intercepting all exception types. Change-Id: I7d50b13b4cb24199a690a53c1925e87c15a8d45b