ztenghui 2e023f3827 Make sure the theta is correctly represented and incoming polygon is CW for shadow.
Now the theta = 0 should be on +x axis.
And cos(theta) should correctly represent x value.
Without this fix, the poly theta (from atan2) can be wrongly rotated 90 degrees.

Also, make sure the incoming polygon is CW for the shadow system.
This fix visual artifacts in recent regression for spot shadows.


Change-Id: I9bbf54db094e7f133326da4dae4610962da849c1
2014-04-28 16:43:13 -07:00

327 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "OpenGLRenderer"
#include <math.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include "AmbientShadow.h"
#include "ShadowTessellator.h"
#include "Vertex.h"
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
* Calculate the shadows as a triangle strips while alpha value as the
* shadow values.
* @param isCasterOpaque Whether the caster is opaque.
* @param vertices The shadow caster's polygon, which is represented in a Vector3
* array.
* @param vertexCount The length of caster's polygon in terms of number of
* vertices.
* @param centroid3d The centroid of the shadow caster.
* @param heightFactor The factor showing the higher the object, the lighter the
* shadow.
* @param geomFactor The factor scaling the geometry expansion along the normal.
* @param shadowVertexBuffer Return an floating point array of (x, y, a)
* triangle strips mode.
VertexBufferMode AmbientShadow::createAmbientShadow(bool isCasterOpaque,
const Vector3* vertices, int vertexCount, const Vector3& centroid3d,
float heightFactor, float geomFactor, VertexBuffer& shadowVertexBuffer) {
const int rays = SHADOW_RAY_COUNT;
VertexBufferMode mode = kVertexBufferMode_OnePolyRingShadow;
// Validate the inputs.
if (vertexCount < 3 || heightFactor <= 0 || rays <= 0
|| geomFactor <= 0) {
ALOGW("Invalid input for createAmbientShadow(), early return!");
return mode; // vertex buffer is empty, so any mode doesn't matter.
Vector<Vector2> dir; // TODO: use C++11 unique_ptr
float rayDist[rays];
float rayHeight[rays];
calculateRayDirections(rays, vertices, vertexCount, centroid3d, dir.editArray());
// Calculate the length and height of the points along the edge.
// The math here is:
// Intersect each ray (starting from the centroid) with the polygon.
for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
int edgeIndex;
float edgeFraction;
float rayDistance;
calculateIntersection(vertices, vertexCount, centroid3d, dir[i], edgeIndex,
edgeFraction, rayDistance);
rayDist[i] = rayDistance;
if (edgeIndex < 0 || edgeIndex >= vertexCount) {
ALOGW("Invalid edgeIndex!");
edgeIndex = 0;
float h1 = vertices[edgeIndex].z;
float h2 = vertices[((edgeIndex + 1) % vertexCount)].z;
rayHeight[i] = h1 + edgeFraction * (h2 - h1);
// The output buffer length basically is roughly rays * layers, but since we
// need triangle strips, so we need to duplicate vertices to accomplish that.
AlphaVertex* shadowVertices =
// Calculate the vertex of the shadows.
// The math here is:
// Along the edges of the polygon, for each intersection point P (generated above),
// calculate the normal N, which should be perpendicular to the edge of the
// polygon (represented by the neighbor intersection points) .
// Shadow's vertices will be generated as : P + N * scale.
const Vector2 centroid2d = Vector2(centroid3d.x, centroid3d.y);
for (int rayIndex = 0; rayIndex < rays; rayIndex++) {
Vector2 normal(1.0f, 0.0f);
calculateNormal(rays, rayIndex, dir.array(), rayDist, normal);
// The vertex should be start from rayDist[i] then scale the
// normalizeNormal!
Vector2 intersection = dir[rayIndex] * rayDist[rayIndex] +
// outer ring of points, expanded based upon height of each ray intersection
float expansionDist = rayHeight[rayIndex] * heightFactor *
intersection.x + normal.x * expansionDist,
intersection.y + normal.y * expansionDist,
// inner ring of points
float opacity = 1.0 / (1 + rayHeight[rayIndex] * heightFactor);
AlphaVertex::set(&shadowVertices[rays + rayIndex],
// If caster isn't opaque, we need to to fill the umbra by storing the umbra's
// centroid in the innermost ring of vertices.
if (!isCasterOpaque) {
mode = kVertexBufferMode_TwoPolyRingShadow;
float centroidAlpha = 1.0 / (1 + centroid3d.z * heightFactor);
AlphaVertex centroidXYA;
AlphaVertex::set(&centroidXYA, centroid2d.x, centroid2d.y, centroidAlpha);
for (int rayIndex = 0; rayIndex < rays; rayIndex++) {
shadowVertices[2 * rays + rayIndex] = centroidXYA;
for (int i = 0; i < SHADOW_VERTEX_COUNT; i++) {
ALOGD("ambient shadow value: i %d, (x:%f, y:%f, a:%f)", i, shadowVertices[i].x,
shadowVertices[i].y, shadowVertices[i].alpha);
return mode;
* Generate an array of rays' direction vectors.
* To make sure the vertices generated are clockwise, the directions are from PI
* to -PI.
* @param rays The number of rays shooting out from the centroid.
* @param vertices Vertices of the polygon.
* @param vertexCount The number of vertices.
* @param centroid3d The centroid of the polygon.
* @param dir Return the array of ray vectors.
void AmbientShadow::calculateRayDirections(const int rays, const Vector3* vertices,
const int vertexCount, const Vector3& centroid3d, Vector2* dir) {
// If we don't have enough rays, then fall back to the uniform distribution.
if (vertexCount * 2 > rays) {
float deltaAngle = 2 * M_PI / rays;
for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
dir[i].x = cosf(M_PI - deltaAngle * i);
dir[i].y = sinf(M_PI - deltaAngle * i);
// If we have enough rays, then we assign each vertices a ray, and distribute
// the rest uniformly.
float rayThetas[rays];
const int uniformRayCount = rays - vertexCount;
const float deltaAngle = 2 * M_PI / uniformRayCount;
// We have to generate all the vertices' theta anyway and we also need to
// find the minimal, so let's precompute it first.
// Since the incoming polygon is clockwise, we can find the dip to identify
// the minimal theta.
float polyThetas[vertexCount];
int maxPolyThetaIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
polyThetas[i] = atan2(vertices[i].y - centroid3d.y,
vertices[i].x - centroid3d.x);
if (i > 0 && polyThetas[i] > polyThetas[i - 1]) {
maxPolyThetaIndex = i;
// Both poly's thetas and uniform thetas are in decrease order(clockwise)
// from PI to -PI.
int polyThetaIndex = maxPolyThetaIndex;
float polyTheta = polyThetas[maxPolyThetaIndex];
int uniformThetaIndex = 0;
float uniformTheta = M_PI;
for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
// Compare both thetas and pick the smaller one and move on.
bool hasThetaCollision = abs(polyTheta - uniformTheta) < MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA;
if (polyTheta > uniformTheta || hasThetaCollision) {
if (hasThetaCollision) {
// Shift the uniformTheta to middle way between current polyTheta
// and next uniform theta. The next uniform theta can wrap around
// to exactly PI safely here.
// Note that neither polyTheta nor uniformTheta can be FLT_MAX
// due to the hasThetaCollision is true.
uniformTheta = (polyTheta + M_PI - deltaAngle * (uniformThetaIndex + 1)) / 2;
ALOGD("Shifted uniformTheta to %f", uniformTheta);
rayThetas[i] = polyTheta;
polyThetaIndex = (polyThetaIndex + 1) % vertexCount;
if (polyThetaIndex != maxPolyThetaIndex) {
polyTheta = polyThetas[polyThetaIndex];
} else {
// out of poly points.
polyTheta = - FLT_MAX;
} else {
rayThetas[i] = uniformTheta;
if (uniformThetaIndex < uniformRayCount) {
uniformTheta = M_PI - deltaAngle * uniformThetaIndex;
} else {
// out of uniform points.
uniformTheta = - FLT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
ALOGD("No. %d : %f", i, rayThetas[i] * 180 / M_PI);
// TODO: Fix the intersection precision problem and remvoe the delta added
// here.
dir[i].x = cosf(rayThetas[i] + MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA);
dir[i].y = sinf(rayThetas[i] + MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA);
* Calculate the intersection of a ray hitting the polygon.
* @param vertices The shadow caster's polygon, which is represented in a
* Vector3 array.
* @param vertexCount The length of caster's polygon in terms of number of vertices.
* @param start The starting point of the ray.
* @param dir The direction vector of the ray.
* @param outEdgeIndex Return the index of the segment (or index of the starting
* vertex) that ray intersect with.
* @param outEdgeFraction Return the fraction offset from the segment starting
* index.
* @param outRayDist Return the ray distance from centroid to the intersection.
void AmbientShadow::calculateIntersection(const Vector3* vertices, int vertexCount,
const Vector3& start, const Vector2& dir, int& outEdgeIndex,
float& outEdgeFraction, float& outRayDist) {
float startX = start.x;
float startY = start.y;
float dirX = dir.x;
float dirY = dir.y;
// Start the search from the last edge from poly[len-1] to poly[0].
int p1 = vertexCount - 1;
for (int p2 = 0; p2 < vertexCount; p2++) {
float p1x = vertices[p1].x;
float p1y = vertices[p1].y;
float p2x = vertices[p2].x;
float p2y = vertices[p2].y;
// The math here is derived from:
// f(t, v) = p1x * (1 - t) + p2x * t - (startX + dirX * v) = 0;
// g(t, v) = p1y * (1 - t) + p2y * t - (startY + dirY * v) = 0;
float div = (dirX * (p1y - p2y) + dirY * p2x - dirY * p1x);
if (div != 0) {
float t = (dirX * (p1y - startY) + dirY * startX - dirY * p1x) / (div);
if (t > 0 && t <= 1) {
float t2 = (p1x * (startY - p2y)
+ p2x * (p1y - startY)
+ startX * (p2y - p1y)) / div;
if (t2 > 0) {
outEdgeIndex = p1;
outRayDist = t2;
outEdgeFraction = t;
p1 = p2;
* Calculate the normal at the intersection point between a ray and the polygon.
* @param rays The total number of rays.
* @param currentRayIndex The index of the ray which the normal is based on.
* @param dir The array of the all the rays directions.
* @param rayDist The pre-computed ray distances array.
* @param normal Return the normal.
void AmbientShadow::calculateNormal(int rays, int currentRayIndex,
const Vector2* dir, const float* rayDist, Vector2& normal) {
int preIndex = (currentRayIndex - 1 + rays) % rays;
int postIndex = (currentRayIndex + 1) % rays;
Vector2 p1 = dir[preIndex] * rayDist[preIndex];
Vector2 p2 = dir[postIndex] * rayDist[postIndex];
// Now the rays are going CW around the poly.
Vector2 delta = p2 - p1;
if (delta.length() != 0) {
// Calculate the normal , which is CCW 90 rotate to the delta.
normal.x = - delta.y;
normal.y = delta.x;
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android