Jack Palevich 27f8002e59 Add an Android-specific static OpenGL ES 1.1 Java API.
This change adds four new public classes that expose a static OpenGL ES 1.1 API:



 + The static API is slightly faster (1% to 4%) than the existing Interface based JSR239 API.
 + The static API is similar to the C API, which should make it easier to import C-based
   example code.
 + The static API provides a clear path for adding new OpenGL ES 1.1 extensions
   and OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs, neither of which currently have a JSR standard.


  import static android.opengl.GLES10.*;



Note that it is possible to mix-and-match calls to both the static and JSR239 APIs.
This works because neither API maintains state. They both call through to the same underlying

Implementation details:

This change enhances the "glgen" "gen" script to generate both the original JSR239 and
new static OpenGL ES APIs. The contents of the generated JSR239 classes remained the same as before,
so there is no need to check in new versions of the generated JSR239 classes.

As part of this work the gen script was updated to be somewhat more robust, and to
work with git instead of perforce. The script prints out commands to git add the generated files,
but leaves it up to the script runner to actually execute those commands.
2009-04-16 15:20:55 -07:00

39 lines
2.5 KiB

void glBindFramebufferOES ( GLint target, GLint framebuffer )
void glBindRenderbufferOES ( GLint target, GLint renderbuffer )
void glBindTexture ( GLint target, GLint texture )
void glBlendEquation ( GLint mode )
void glBlendEquationSeparate ( GLint modeRGB, GLint modeAlpha )
void glBlendFuncSeparate ( GLint srcRGB, GLint dstRGB, GLint srcAlpha, GLint dstAlpha )
GLint glCheckFramebufferStatusOES ( GLint target )
void glCompressedTexImage2D ( GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data )
void glCopyTexImage2D ( GLint target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height, GLint border )
void glDeleteFramebuffersOES ( GLint n, GLint *framebuffers )
void glDeleteRenderbuffersOES ( GLint n, GLint *renderbuffers )
void glEnable ( GLint cap )
void glFramebufferRenderbufferOES ( GLint target, GLint attachment, GLint renderbuffertarget, GLint renderbuffer )
void glFramebufferTexture2DOES ( GLint target, GLint attachment, GLint textarget, GLint texture, GLint level )
void glGenerateMipmapOES ( GLint target )
void glGenFramebuffersOES ( GLint n, GLint *framebuffers )
void glGenRenderbuffersOES ( GLint n, GLint *renderbuffers )
void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES ( GLint target, GLint attachment, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glGetIntegerv ( GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glGetTexGenfv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLfloat *params )
void glGetTexGeniv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glGetTexGenxv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint *params )
GLboolean glIsFramebufferOES ( GLint framebuffer )
GLboolean glIsRenderbufferOES ( GLint renderbuffer )
void glRenderbufferStorageOES ( GLint target, GLint internalformat, GLint width, GLint height )
void glStencilOp ( GLint fail, GLint zfail, GLint zpass )
void glTexEnvf ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLfloat param )
void glTexEnvfv ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLfloat *params )
void glTexEnvx ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLint param )
void glTexEnvxv ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glTexGenf ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLfloat param )
void glTexGenfv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLfloat *params )
void glTexGeni ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint param )
void glTexGeniv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glTexGenx ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint param )
void glTexGenxv ( GLint coord, GLint pname, GLint *params )
void glTexParameterf ( GLint target, GLint pname, GLfloat param )