Adam Lesinski 282e181b58 Revert "Move frameworks/base/tools/ to frameworks/tools/"
This reverts commit 9f6a119c8aa276432ece4fe2118bd8a3c9b1067e.
2014-01-27 10:31:04 -08:00

101 lines
2.8 KiB

// Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utility>
#include "DirectoryWalker.h"
#include "MockDirectoryWalker.h"
#include "FileFinder.h"
using namespace android;
using std::pair;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "\n\n STARTING FILE FINDER TESTS" << endl;
String8 path("ApiDemos");
// Storage to pass to findFiles()
KeyedVector<String8,time_t> testStorage;
// Mock Directory Walker initialization. First data, then sdw
Vector< pair<String8,time_t> > data;
data.push( pair<String8,time_t>(String8("hello.png"),3) );
data.push( pair<String8,time_t>(String8("world.PNG"),3) );
data.push( pair<String8,time_t>(String8("foo.pNg"),3) );
// Neither of these should be found
data.push( pair<String8,time_t>(String8("hello.jpg"),3) );
data.push( pair<String8,time_t>(String8(".hidden.png"),3));
DirectoryWalker* sdw = new StringDirectoryWalker(path,data);
// Extensions to look for
Vector<String8> exts;
errno = 0;
// Make sure we get a valid mock directory walker
// Make sure we finish without errors
cout << "Checking DirectoryWalker...";
assert(sdw != NULL);
cout << "PASSED" << endl;
// Make sure we finish without errors
cout << "Running findFiles()...";
bool findStatus = FileFinder::findFiles(path,exts, testStorage, sdw);
cout << "PASSED" << endl;
const size_t SIZE_EXPECTED = 3;
// Check to make sure we have the right number of things in our storage
cout << "Running size comparison: Size is " << testStorage.size() << ", ";
cout << "Expected " << SIZE_EXPECTED << "...";
if(testStorage.size() == SIZE_EXPECTED)
cout << "PASSED" << endl;
else {
cout << "FAILED" << endl;
// Check to make sure that each of our found items has the right extension
cout << "Checking Returned Extensions...";
bool extsOkay = true;
String8 wrongExts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE_EXPECTED; ++i) {
String8 testExt(testStorage.keyAt(i).getPathExtension());
if (testExt != ".png") {
wrongExts += testStorage.keyAt(i);
wrongExts += "\n";
extsOkay = false;
if (extsOkay)
cout << "PASSED" << endl;
else {
cout << "FAILED" << endl;
cout << "The following extensions didn't check out" << endl << wrongExts;
// Clean up
delete sdw;
if(errno == 0) {
cout << "ALL TESTS PASSED" << endl;
} else {
cout << errno << " TESTS FAILED" << endl;
return errno;