Trevor Johns 682c24e228 Resolve merge conflicts of a5060ee to nyc-dev
This undoes the automerger skip which occured in
commit e740c84dc32180214a7fd157105d6c18d30408ee and
replays it as a standard (NOT -s ours) merge.

Change-Id: If5a47be26f73d6a0735c425cd66310a3e2a89086
2016-04-19 02:03:59 -07:00

185 lines
6.6 KiB

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"title": "Gaming Everywhere",
"category": "",
"summary": "東京ゲームショウ 2014 の基調講演より。",
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"type": "youtube"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Playtime Tokyo",
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"summary": "アプリビジネスのノウハウを各担当者が講演しました。",
"url": "",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "",
"type": "youtube"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Android Wear 関連の動画に日本語字幕が付きました",
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"url": "",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
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"image": "",
"type": "blog"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Android Studio 1.0 をリリースしました",
"category": "",
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"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "",
"type": "blog"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Google Play 開発者サービス 6.5 のご紹介",
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"url": "",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "",
"type": "blog"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Alpha and Beta Testing",
"category": "",
"summary": "アプリのローンチにまつわるリスクを最小限にするために必須のツールです。[英語コンテンツ]",
"url": "intl/ja/distribute/googleplay/developer-console.html#alpha-beta",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "images/gp-dc-ab.png",
"type": "distribute"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Finding Success on Google Play",
"category": "",
"summary": "Google Play での成功の秘訣がこの一冊に。[英語コンテンツ]",
"url": "intl/ja/distribute/googleplay/guide.html",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "distribute/images/play_dev_guide_b.jpg",
"type": "distribute"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Google Play アプリ ポリシー センター",
"category": "",
"summary": "",
"url": "",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "",
"type": "distribute"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Wear App Quality",
"category": "",
"summary": "いよいよウェアラブルの時代が到来。[英語コンテンツ]",
"url": "intl/ja/distribute/essentials/quality/wear.html",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "distribute/images/gp-wear-quality.png",
"type": "distribute"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Google Cloud Platform が支える、新感覚リアルタイム RPG ユニゾンリーグ - 株式会社エイチームの GCP 導入事例",
"category": "",
"summary": "スケーラブルなバックエンドを実現する Google Cloud Platform の最新導入事例。",
"url": "",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "",
"type": "distribute"
"lang": "ja",
"title": "Monetize with Ads",
"category": "",
"summary": "アプリ内広告成功のコツがここに。[英語コンテンツ]",
"url": "intl/ja/distribute/monetize/ads.html",
"group": "",
"keywords": [],
"tags": [],
"image": "distribute/images/advertising.jpg",
"type": "distribute"
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"title": "Secrets to App Success on Google Play",
"summary": "Get the updated guide full of useful features, tips, and best practices that will help you grow a successful app or game business on Google Play.",
* Static metadata collections.
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