staging-public-group is a tag for putting resources that have been added during platform development, but have not yet been finalized, into a separate resource id namespace. R.java fields of staged resources are non-final, so when the SDK is finalized, applications using the android R.java will automatically use the new finalized resource id without having to recompile. Staged resources can exist either in the same type id as the type's non-staged counterpart or in a separate type id. Multiple staging-public-group tags each with a different type id can exist simultaneously, which allows for multiple versions of the platform to be developed at once. Bug: 183411093 Test: aapt2_tests Change-Id: Ibb6c84c3626751e33c6097f35a03e306bb85616a
652 lines
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652 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "androidfw/ConfigDescription.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "ResourceUtils.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "ValueVisitor.h"
#include "text/Unicode.h"
#include "trace/TraceBuffer.h"
#include "util/Util.h"
using ::aapt::text::IsValidResourceEntryName;
using ::android::ConfigDescription;
using ::android::StringPiece;
using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
namespace aapt {
const char* Overlayable::kActorScheme = "overlay";
namespace {
bool less_than_type(const std::unique_ptr<ResourceTableType>& lhs, ResourceType rhs) {
return lhs->type < rhs;
template <typename T>
bool less_than_struct_with_name(const std::unique_ptr<T>& lhs, const StringPiece& rhs) {
return lhs->name.compare(0, lhs->name.size(), rhs.data(), rhs.size()) < 0;
template <typename T>
bool greater_than_struct_with_name(const StringPiece& lhs, const std::unique_ptr<T>& rhs) {
return rhs->name.compare(0, rhs->name.size(), lhs.data(), lhs.size()) > 0;
template <typename T>
struct NameEqualRange {
bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr<T>& lhs, const StringPiece& rhs) const {
return less_than_struct_with_name<T>(lhs, rhs);
bool operator()(const StringPiece& lhs, const std::unique_ptr<T>& rhs) const {
return greater_than_struct_with_name<T>(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T, typename U>
bool less_than_struct_with_name_and_id(const T& lhs,
const std::pair<std::string_view, Maybe<U>>& rhs) {
if (lhs.id != rhs.second) {
return lhs.id < rhs.second;
return lhs.name.compare(0, lhs.name.size(), rhs.first.data(), rhs.first.size()) < 0;
template <typename T, typename Func, typename Elements>
T* FindElementsRunAction(const android::StringPiece& name, Elements& entries, Func action) {
const auto iter =
std::lower_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), name, less_than_struct_with_name<T>);
const bool found = iter != entries.end() && name == (*iter)->name;
return action(found, iter);
} // namespace
ResourceTable::ResourceTable(ResourceTable::Validation validation) : validation_(validation) {
ResourceTablePackage* ResourceTable::FindPackage(const android::StringPiece& name) const {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceTablePackage>(
name, packages, [&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceTablePackage* ResourceTable::FindOrCreatePackage(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceTablePackage>(name, packages, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : packages.emplace(iter, new ResourceTablePackage(name))->get();
template <typename Func, typename Elements>
static ResourceTableType* FindTypeRunAction(ResourceType type, Elements& entries, Func action) {
const auto iter = std::lower_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), type, less_than_type);
const bool found = iter != entries.end() && type == (*iter)->type;
return action(found, iter);
ResourceTableType* ResourceTablePackage::FindType(ResourceType type) const {
return FindTypeRunAction(type, types,
[&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceTableType* ResourceTablePackage::FindOrCreateType(ResourceType type) {
return FindTypeRunAction(type, types, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : types.emplace(iter, new ResourceTableType(type))->get();
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::CreateEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return entries.emplace(iter, new ResourceEntry(name))->get();
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::FindEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) const {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(
name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::FindOrCreateEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : entries.emplace(iter, new ResourceEntry(name))->get();
struct ConfigKey {
const ConfigDescription* config;
const StringPiece& product;
bool lt_config_key_ref(const std::unique_ptr<ResourceConfigValue>& lhs, const ConfigKey& rhs) {
int cmp = lhs->config.compare(*rhs.config);
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = StringPiece(lhs->product).compare(rhs.product);
return cmp < 0;
ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindValue(const ConfigDescription& config,
android::StringPiece product) {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
return nullptr;
const ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config,
android::StringPiece product) const {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
return nullptr;
ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindOrCreateValue(const ConfigDescription& config,
const StringPiece& product) {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
ResourceConfigValue* newValue =
values.insert(iter, util::make_unique<ResourceConfigValue>(config, product))->get();
return newValue;
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> ResourceEntry::FindAllValues(const ConfigDescription& config) {
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> results;
auto iter = values.begin();
for (; iter != values.end(); ++iter) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config) {
for (; iter != values.end(); ++iter) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config) {
return results;
bool ResourceEntry::HasDefaultValue() const {
const ConfigDescription& default_config = ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig();
// The default config should be at the top of the list, since the list is sorted.
for (auto& config_value : values) {
if (config_value->config == default_config) {
return true;
return false;
// The default handler for collisions.
// Typically, a weak value will be overridden by a strong value. An existing weak
// value will not be overridden by an incoming weak value.
// There are some exceptions:
// Attributes: There are two types of Attribute values: USE and DECL.
// USE is anywhere an Attribute is declared without a format, and in a place that would
// be legal to declare if the Attribute already existed. This is typically in a
// <declare-styleable> tag. Attributes defined in a <declare-styleable> are also weak.
// DECL is an absolute declaration of an Attribute and specifies an explicit format.
// A DECL will override a USE without error. Two DECLs must match in their format for there to be
// no error.
ResourceTable::CollisionResult ResourceTable::ResolveValueCollision(Value* existing,
Value* incoming) {
Attribute* existing_attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(existing);
Attribute* incoming_attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(incoming);
if (!incoming_attr) {
if (incoming->IsWeak()) {
// We're trying to add a weak resource but a resource
// already exists. Keep the existing.
return CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
} else if (existing->IsWeak()) {
// Override the weak resource with the new strong resource.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
// The existing and incoming values are strong, this is an error
// if the values are not both attributes.
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
if (!existing_attr) {
if (existing->IsWeak()) {
// The existing value is not an attribute and it is weak,
// so take the incoming attribute value.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
// The existing value is not an attribute and it is strong,
// so the incoming attribute value is an error.
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
CHECK(incoming_attr != nullptr && existing_attr != nullptr);
// Attribute specific handling. At this point we know both
// values are attributes. Since we can declare and define
// attributes all-over, we do special handling to see
// which definition sticks.
if (existing_attr->IsCompatibleWith(*incoming_attr)) {
// The two attributes are both DECLs, but they are plain attributes with compatible formats.
// Keep the strongest one.
return existing_attr->IsWeak() ? CollisionResult::kTakeNew : CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
if (existing_attr->IsWeak() && existing_attr->type_mask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) {
// Any incoming attribute is better than this.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
if (incoming_attr->IsWeak() && incoming_attr->type_mask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) {
// The incoming attribute may be a USE instead of a DECL.
// Keep the existing attribute.
return CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
template <typename T, typename Comparer>
struct SortedVectorInserter : public Comparer {
std::pair<bool, typename std::vector<T>::iterator> LowerBound(std::vector<T>& el,
const T& value) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(el.begin(), el.end(), value, [&](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) {
return Comparer::operator()(lhs, rhs);
bool found =
it != el.end() && !Comparer::operator()(*it, value) && !Comparer::operator()(value, *it);
return std::make_pair(found, it);
T* Insert(std::vector<T>& el, T&& value) {
auto [found, it] = LowerBound(el, value);
if (found) {
return &*it;
return &*el.insert(it, std::move(value));
struct PackageViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceTablePackageView& lhs, const ResourceTablePackageView& rhs) {
return less_than_struct_with_name_and_id<ResourceTablePackageView, uint8_t>(
lhs, std::make_pair(rhs.name, rhs.id));
struct TypeViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceTableTypeView& lhs, const ResourceTableTypeView& rhs) {
return lhs.id != rhs.id ? lhs.id < rhs.id : lhs.type < rhs.type;
struct EntryViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceEntry* lhs, const ResourceEntry* rhs) {
return less_than_struct_with_name_and_id<ResourceEntry, ResourceId>(
*lhs, std::make_pair(rhs->name, rhs->id));
ResourceTableView ResourceTable::GetPartitionedView() const {
ResourceTableView view;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTablePackageView, PackageViewComparer> package_inserter;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTableTypeView, TypeViewComparer> type_inserter;
SortedVectorInserter<const ResourceEntry*, EntryViewComparer> entry_inserter;
for (const auto& package : packages) {
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceTablePackageView new_package{
package->name, entry->id ? entry->id.value().package_id() : Maybe<uint8_t>{}};
auto view_package = package_inserter.Insert(view.packages, std::move(new_package));
ResourceTableTypeView new_type{type->type,
entry->id ? entry->id.value().type_id() : Maybe<uint8_t>{}};
auto view_type = type_inserter.Insert(view_package->types, std::move(new_type));
if (entry->visibility.level == Visibility::Level::kPublic) {
// Only mark the type visibility level as public, it doesn't care about being private.
view_type->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
entry_inserter.Insert(view_type->entries, entry.get());
// The android runtime does not support querying resources when the there are multiple type ids
// for the same resource type within the same package. For this reason, if there are types with
// multiple type ids, each type needs to exist in its own package in order to be queried by name.
std::vector<ResourceTablePackageView> new_packages;
for (auto& package : view.packages) {
// If a new package was already created for a different type within this package, then
// we can reuse those packages for other types that need to be extracted from this package.
// `start_index` is the index of the first newly created package that can be reused.
const size_t start_index = new_packages.size();
std::map<ResourceType, size_t> type_new_package_index;
for (auto type_it = package.types.begin(); type_it != package.types.end();) {
auto& type = *type_it;
auto type_index_iter = type_new_package_index.find(type.type);
if (type_index_iter == type_new_package_index.end()) {
// First occurrence of the resource type in this package. Keep it in this package.
type_new_package_index.insert(type_index_iter, std::make_pair(type.type, start_index));
// The resource type has already been seen for this package, so this type must be extracted to
// a new separate package.
const size_t index = type_index_iter->second;
if (new_packages.size() == index) {
new_packages.emplace_back(ResourceTablePackageView{package.name, package.id});
type_new_package_index[type.type] = index + 1;
// Move the type into a new package
auto& other_package = new_packages[index];
type_inserter.Insert(other_package.types, std::move(type));
type_it = package.types.erase(type_it);
for (auto& new_package : new_packages) {
// Insert newly created packages after their original packages
auto [_, it] = package_inserter.LowerBound(view.packages, new_package);
view.packages.insert(++it, std::move(new_package));
return view;
bool ResourceTable::AddResource(NewResource&& res, IDiagnostics* diag) {
CHECK(diag != nullptr) << "Diagnostic pointer is null";
const bool validate = validation_ == Validation::kEnabled;
const Source source = res.value ? res.value->GetSource() : Source{};
if (validate && !res.allow_mangled && !IsValidResourceEntryName(res.name.entry)) {
<< "resource '" << res.name << "' has invalid entry name '" << res.name.entry);
return false;
if (res.id.has_value() && !res.id->first.is_valid()) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "trying to add resource '" << res.name << "' with ID "
<< res.id->first << " but that ID is invalid");
return false;
auto package = FindOrCreatePackage(res.name.package);
auto type = package->FindOrCreateType(res.name.type);
auto entry_it = std::equal_range(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), res.name.entry,
const size_t entry_count = std::distance(entry_it.first, entry_it.second);
ResourceEntry* entry;
if (entry_count == 0) {
// Adding a new resource
entry = type->CreateEntry(res.name.entry);
} else if (entry_count == 1) {
// Assume that the existing resource is being modified
entry = entry_it.first->get();
} else {
// Multiple resources with the same name exist in the resource table. The only way to
// distinguish between them is using resource id since each resource should have a unique id.
CHECK(res.id.has_value()) << "ambiguous modification of resource entry '" << res.name
<< "' without specifying a resource id.";
entry = entry_it.first->get();
for (auto it = entry_it.first; it != entry_it.second; ++it) {
CHECK((bool)(*it)->id) << "ambiguous modification of resource entry '" << res.name
<< "' with multiple entries without resource ids";
if ((*it)->id == res.id->first) {
entry = it->get();
if (res.id.has_value()) {
if (entry->id && entry->id.value() != res.id->first) {
if (res.id->second != OnIdConflict::CREATE_ENTRY) {
<< "trying to add resource '" << res.name << "' with ID " << res.id->first
<< " but resource already has ID " << entry->id.value());
return false;
entry = type->CreateEntry(res.name.entry);
entry->id = res.id->first;
if (res.visibility.has_value()) {
// Only mark the type visibility level as public, it doesn't care about being private.
if (res.visibility->level == Visibility::Level::kPublic) {
type->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
if (res.visibility->level > entry->visibility.level) {
// This symbol definition takes precedence, replace.
entry->visibility = res.visibility.value();
if (res.visibility->staged_api) {
entry->visibility.staged_api = entry->visibility.staged_api;
if (res.overlayable.has_value()) {
if (entry->overlayable_item) {
<< "duplicate overlayable declaration for resource '" << res.name << "'");
<< "previous declaration here");
return false;
entry->overlayable_item = res.overlayable.value();
if (res.allow_new.has_value()) {
entry->allow_new = res.allow_new.value();
if (res.value != nullptr) {
auto config_value = entry->FindOrCreateValue(res.config, res.product);
if (!config_value->value) {
// Resource does not exist, add it now.
config_value->value = std::move(res.value);
} else {
// When validation is enabled, ensure that a resource cannot have multiple values defined for
// the same configuration.
auto result = validate ? ResolveValueCollision(config_value->value.get(), res.value.get())
: CollisionResult::kKeepBoth;
switch (result) {
case CollisionResult::kKeepBoth:
// Insert the value ignoring for duplicate configurations
entry->values.push_back(util::make_unique<ResourceConfigValue>(res.config, res.product));
entry->values.back()->value = std::move(res.value);
case CollisionResult::kTakeNew:
// Take the incoming value.
config_value->value = std::move(res.value);
case CollisionResult::kConflict:
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "duplicate value for resource '" << res.name << "' "
<< "with config '" << res.config << "'");
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "resource previously defined here");
return false;
case CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal:
return true;
Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> ResourceTable::FindResource(const ResourceNameRef& name) const {
ResourceTablePackage* package = FindPackage(name.package);
if (package == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceTableType* type = package->FindType(name.type);
if (type == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceEntry* entry = type->FindEntry(name.entry);
if (entry == nullptr) {
return {};
return SearchResult{package, type, entry};
Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> ResourceTable::FindResource(const ResourceNameRef& name,
ResourceId id) const {
ResourceTablePackage* package = FindPackage(name.package);
if (package == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceTableType* type = package->FindType(name.type);
if (type == nullptr) {
return {};
auto entry_it = std::equal_range(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), name.entry,
for (auto it = entry_it.first; it != entry_it.second; ++it) {
if ((*it)->id == id) {
return SearchResult{package, type, it->get()};
return {};
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> ResourceTable::Clone() const {
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> new_table = util::make_unique<ResourceTable>();
for (const auto& pkg : packages) {
ResourceTablePackage* new_pkg = new_table->FindOrCreatePackage(pkg->name);
for (const auto& type : pkg->types) {
ResourceTableType* new_type = new_pkg->FindOrCreateType(type->type);
new_type->visibility_level = type->visibility_level;
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceEntry* new_entry = new_type->CreateEntry(entry->name);
new_entry->id = entry->id;
new_entry->visibility = entry->visibility;
new_entry->allow_new = entry->allow_new;
new_entry->overlayable_item = entry->overlayable_item;
for (const auto& config_value : entry->values) {
ResourceConfigValue* new_value =
new_entry->FindOrCreateValue(config_value->config, config_value->product);
return new_table;
NewResourceBuilder::NewResourceBuilder(const ResourceNameRef& name) {
res_.name = name.ToResourceName();
NewResourceBuilder::NewResourceBuilder(const std::string& name) {
ResourceNameRef ref;
CHECK(ResourceUtils::ParseResourceName(name, &ref)) << "invalid resource name: " << name;
res_.name = ref.ToResourceName();
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetValue(std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
android::ConfigDescription config,
std::string product) {
res_.value = std::move(value);
res_.config = std::move(config);
res_.product = std::move(product);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetId(ResourceId id, OnIdConflict on_conflict) {
res_.id = std::make_pair(id, on_conflict);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
res_.visibility = std::move(visibility);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetOverlayable(OverlayableItem overlayable) {
res_.overlayable = std::move(overlayable);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetAllowNew(AllowNew allow_new) {
res_.allow_new = std::move(allow_new);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetAllowMangled(bool allow_mangled) {
res_.allow_mangled = allow_mangled;
return *this;
NewResource NewResourceBuilder::Build() {
return std::move(res_);
} // namespace aapt