bug:19967854 Separate properties from Caches, into static, RenderThread-only class. Also rewrites the means for java to set properties to correctly handle threading, and adds an override for profile bars so that SysUi doesn't clutter the screen with them. Change-Id: I6e21a96065f52b9ecc49d1a126244804ba106fa9
2548 lines
93 KiB
2548 lines
93 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "OpenGLRenderer.h"
#include "DeferredDisplayList.h"
#include "GammaFontRenderer.h"
#include "Glop.h"
#include "GlopBuilder.h"
#include "Patch.h"
#include "PathTessellator.h"
#include "Properties.h"
#include "RenderNode.h"
#include "renderstate/MeshState.h"
#include "renderstate/RenderState.h"
#include "ShadowTessellator.h"
#include "SkiaShader.h"
#include "Vector.h"
#include "VertexBuffer.h"
#include "utils/GLUtils.h"
#include "utils/PaintUtils.h"
#include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <SkCanvas.h>
#include <SkColor.h>
#include <SkShader.h>
#include <SkTypeface.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/StopWatch.h>
#include <private/hwui/DrawGlInfo.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#define EVENT_LOGD(...) eventMarkDEBUG(__VA_ARGS__)
#define EVENT_LOGD(...)
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Constructors/destructor
OpenGLRenderer::OpenGLRenderer(RenderState& renderState)
: mState(*this)
, mCaches(Caches::getInstance())
, mRenderState(renderState)
, mFrameStarted(false)
, mScissorOptimizationDisabled(false)
, mSuppressTiling(false)
, mFirstFrameAfterResize(true)
, mDirty(false)
, mLightCenter((Vector3){FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN})
, mLightRadius(FLT_MIN)
, mAmbientShadowAlpha(0)
, mSpotShadowAlpha(0) {
OpenGLRenderer::~OpenGLRenderer() {
// The context has already been destroyed at this point, do not call
// GL APIs. All GL state should be kept in Caches.h
void OpenGLRenderer::initProperties() {
char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
if (property_get(PROPERTY_DISABLE_SCISSOR_OPTIMIZATION, property, "false")) {
mScissorOptimizationDisabled = !strcasecmp(property, "true");
INIT_LOGD(" Scissor optimization %s",
mScissorOptimizationDisabled ? "disabled" : "enabled");
} else {
INIT_LOGD(" Scissor optimization enabled");
void OpenGLRenderer::initLight(const Vector3& lightCenter, float lightRadius,
uint8_t ambientShadowAlpha, uint8_t spotShadowAlpha) {
mLightCenter = lightCenter;
mLightRadius = lightRadius;
mAmbientShadowAlpha = ambientShadowAlpha;
mSpotShadowAlpha = spotShadowAlpha;
// Setup
void OpenGLRenderer::onViewportInitialized() {
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
mFirstFrameAfterResize = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::setupFrameState(float left, float top,
float right, float bottom, bool opaque) {
mState.initializeSaveStack(left, top, right, bottom, mLightCenter);
mOpaque = opaque;
mTilingClip.set(left, top, right, bottom);
void OpenGLRenderer::startFrame() {
if (mFrameStarted) return;
mFrameStarted = true;
discardFramebuffer(mTilingClip.left, mTilingClip.top, mTilingClip.right, mTilingClip.bottom);
mRenderState.setViewport(mState.getWidth(), mState.getHeight());
// Functors break the tiling extension in pretty spectacular ways
// This ensures we don't use tiling when a functor is going to be
// invoked during the frame
mSuppressTiling = mCaches.hasRegisteredFunctors()
|| mFirstFrameAfterResize;
mFirstFrameAfterResize = false;
debugOverdraw(true, true);
clear(mTilingClip.left, mTilingClip.top,
mTilingClip.right, mTilingClip.bottom, mOpaque);
void OpenGLRenderer::prepareDirty(float left, float top,
float right, float bottom, bool opaque) {
setupFrameState(left, top, right, bottom, opaque);
// Layer renderers will start the frame immediately
// The framebuffer renderer will first defer the display list
// for each layer and wait until the first drawing command
// to start the frame
if (currentSnapshot()->fbo == 0) {
} else {
void OpenGLRenderer::discardFramebuffer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
// If we know that we are going to redraw the entire framebuffer,
// perform a discard to let the driver know we don't need to preserve
// the back buffer for this frame.
if (mCaches.extensions().hasDiscardFramebuffer() &&
left <= 0.0f && top <= 0.0f && right >= mState.getWidth() && bottom >= mState.getHeight()) {
const bool isFbo = getTargetFbo() == 0;
const GLenum attachments[] = {
isFbo ? (const GLenum) GL_COLOR_EXT : (const GLenum) GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
isFbo ? (const GLenum) GL_STENCIL_EXT : (const GLenum) GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT };
glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 1, attachments);
void OpenGLRenderer::clear(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, bool opaque) {
if (!opaque) {
mRenderState.scissor().set(left, getViewportHeight() - bottom, right - left, bottom - top);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::startTilingCurrentClip(bool opaque, bool expand) {
if (!mSuppressTiling) {
const Snapshot* snapshot = currentSnapshot();
const Rect* clip = &mTilingClip;
if (snapshot->flags & Snapshot::kFlagFboTarget) {
clip = &(snapshot->layer->clipRect);
startTiling(*clip, getViewportHeight(), opaque, expand);
void OpenGLRenderer::startTiling(const Rect& clip, int windowHeight, bool opaque, bool expand) {
if (!mSuppressTiling) {
if(expand) {
// Expand the startTiling region by 1
int leftNotZero = (clip.left > 0) ? 1 : 0;
int topNotZero = (windowHeight - clip.bottom > 0) ? 1 : 0;
clip.left - leftNotZero,
windowHeight - clip.bottom - topNotZero,
clip.right - clip.left + leftNotZero + 1,
clip.bottom - clip.top + topNotZero + 1,
} else {
mCaches.startTiling(clip.left, windowHeight - clip.bottom,
clip.right - clip.left, clip.bottom - clip.top, opaque);
void OpenGLRenderer::endTiling() {
if (!mSuppressTiling) mCaches.endTiling();
bool OpenGLRenderer::finish() {
// When finish() is invoked on FBO 0 we've reached the end
// of the current frame
if (getTargetFbo() == 0) {
if (!suppressErrorChecks()) {
if (Properties::debugLevel & kDebugMemory) {
mFrameStarted = false;
return reportAndClearDirty();
void OpenGLRenderer::resumeAfterLayer() {
mRenderState.setViewport(getViewportWidth(), getViewportHeight());
debugOverdraw(true, false);
void OpenGLRenderer::callDrawGLFunction(Functor* functor, Rect& dirty) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) return;
Rect clip(mState.currentClipRect());
// Since we don't know what the functor will draw, let's dirty
// the entire clip region
if (hasLayer()) {
dirtyLayerUnchecked(clip, getRegion());
DrawGlInfo info;
info.clipLeft = clip.left;
info.clipTop = clip.top;
info.clipRight = clip.right;
info.clipBottom = clip.bottom;
info.isLayer = hasLayer();
info.width = getViewportWidth();
info.height = getViewportHeight();
bool prevDirtyClip = mState.getDirtyClip();
// setup GL state for functor
if (mState.getDirtyClip()) {
setStencilFromClip(); // can issue draws, so must precede enableScissor()/interrupt()
if (mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(true) || prevDirtyClip) {
mRenderState.invokeFunctor(functor, DrawGlInfo::kModeDraw, &info);
// Scissor may have been modified, reset dirty clip
mDirty = true;
// Debug
void OpenGLRenderer::eventMarkDEBUG(const char* fmt, ...) const {
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
va_list ap;
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, fmt, ap);
void OpenGLRenderer::eventMark(const char* name) const {
mCaches.eventMark(0, name);
void OpenGLRenderer::startMark(const char* name) const {
mCaches.startMark(0, name);
void OpenGLRenderer::endMark() const {
void OpenGLRenderer::debugOverdraw(bool enable, bool clear) {
mRenderState.debugOverdraw(enable, clear);
void OpenGLRenderer::renderOverdraw() {
if (Properties::debugOverdraw && getTargetFbo() == 0) {
const Rect* clip = &mTilingClip;
mState.firstSnapshot()->getViewportHeight() - clip->bottom,
clip->right - clip->left,
clip->bottom - clip->top);
// 1x overdraw
drawColor(mCaches.getOverdrawColor(1), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
// 2x overdraw
drawColor(mCaches.getOverdrawColor(2), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
// 3x overdraw
drawColor(mCaches.getOverdrawColor(3), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
// 4x overdraw and higher
mRenderState.stencil().enableDebugTest(4, true);
drawColor(mCaches.getOverdrawColor(4), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
// Layers
bool OpenGLRenderer::updateLayer(Layer* layer, bool inFrame) {
if (layer->deferredUpdateScheduled && layer->renderer
&& layer->renderNode.get() && layer->renderNode->isRenderable()) {
if (inFrame) {
debugOverdraw(false, false);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(inFrame || Properties::drawDeferDisabled)) {
} else {
if (inFrame) {
layer->debugDrawUpdate = Properties::debugLayersUpdates;
layer->hasDrawnSinceUpdate = false;
return true;
return false;
void OpenGLRenderer::updateLayers() {
// If draw deferring is enabled this method will simply defer
// the display list of each individual layer. The layers remain
// in the layer updates list which will be cleared by flushLayers().
int count = mLayerUpdates.size();
if (count > 0) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::drawDeferDisabled)) {
startMark("Layer Updates");
} else {
startMark("Defer Layer Updates");
// Note: it is very important to update the layers in order
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Layer* layer = mLayerUpdates.itemAt(i).get();
updateLayer(layer, false);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::drawDeferDisabled)) {
void OpenGLRenderer::flushLayers() {
int count = mLayerUpdates.size();
if (count > 0) {
startMark("Apply Layer Updates");
// Note: it is very important to update the layers in order
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
void OpenGLRenderer::pushLayerUpdate(Layer* layer) {
if (layer) {
// Make sure we don't introduce duplicates.
// SortedVector would do this automatically but we need to respect
// the insertion order. The linear search is not an issue since
// this list is usually very short (typically one item, at most a few)
for (int i = mLayerUpdates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (mLayerUpdates.itemAt(i) == layer) {
void OpenGLRenderer::cancelLayerUpdate(Layer* layer) {
if (layer) {
for (int i = mLayerUpdates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (mLayerUpdates.itemAt(i) == layer) {
void OpenGLRenderer::flushLayerUpdates() {
ATRACE_NAME("Update HW Layers");
// Wait for all the layer updates to be executed
void OpenGLRenderer::markLayersAsBuildLayers() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayerUpdates.size(); i++) {
mLayerUpdates[i]->wasBuildLayered = true;
// State management
void OpenGLRenderer::onSnapshotRestored(const Snapshot& removed, const Snapshot& restored) {
bool restoreViewport = removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagIsFboLayer;
bool restoreClip = removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagClipSet;
bool restoreLayer = removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagIsLayer;
if (restoreViewport) {
mRenderState.setViewport(getViewportWidth(), getViewportHeight());
if (restoreClip) {
if (restoreLayer) {
endMark(); // Savelayer
ATRACE_END(); // SaveLayer
composeLayer(removed, restored);
// Layers
int OpenGLRenderer::saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint, int flags, const SkPath* convexMask) {
// force matrix/clip isolation for layer
flags |= SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag;
const int count = mState.saveSnapshot(flags);
if (!mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
createLayer(left, top, right, bottom, paint, flags, convexMask);
return count;
void OpenGLRenderer::calculateLayerBoundsAndClip(Rect& bounds, Rect& clip, bool fboLayer) {
const Rect untransformedBounds(bounds);
// Layers only make sense if they are in the framebuffer's bounds
if (bounds.intersect(mState.currentClipRect())) {
// We cannot work with sub-pixels in this case
// When the layer is not an FBO, we may use glCopyTexImage so we
// need to make sure the layer does not extend outside the bounds
// of the framebuffer
const Snapshot& previous = *(currentSnapshot()->previous);
Rect previousViewport(0, 0, previous.getViewportWidth(), previous.getViewportHeight());
if (!bounds.intersect(previousViewport)) {
} else if (fboLayer) {
mat4 inverse;
if (clip.intersect(untransformedBounds)) {
clip.translate(-untransformedBounds.left, -untransformedBounds.top);
} else {
} else {
void OpenGLRenderer::updateSnapshotIgnoreForLayer(const Rect& bounds, const Rect& clip,
bool fboLayer, int alpha) {
if (bounds.isEmpty() || bounds.getWidth() > mCaches.maxTextureSize ||
bounds.getHeight() > mCaches.maxTextureSize ||
(fboLayer && clip.isEmpty())) {
writableSnapshot()->empty = fboLayer;
} else {
writableSnapshot()->invisible = writableSnapshot()->invisible || (alpha <= 0 && fboLayer);
int OpenGLRenderer::saveLayerDeferred(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint, int flags) {
const int count = mState.saveSnapshot(flags);
if (!mState.currentlyIgnored() && (flags & SkCanvas::kClipToLayer_SaveFlag)) {
// initialize the snapshot as though it almost represents an FBO layer so deferred draw
// operations will be able to store and restore the current clip and transform info, and
// quick rejection will be correct (for display lists)
Rect bounds(left, top, right, bottom);
Rect clip;
calculateLayerBoundsAndClip(bounds, clip, true);
updateSnapshotIgnoreForLayer(bounds, clip, true, getAlphaDirect(paint));
if (!mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
writableSnapshot()->resetTransform(-bounds.left, -bounds.top, 0.0f);
writableSnapshot()->resetClip(clip.left, clip.top, clip.right, clip.bottom);
writableSnapshot()->initializeViewport(bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
writableSnapshot()->roundRectClipState = nullptr;
return count;
* Layers are viewed by Skia are slightly different than layers in image editing
* programs (for instance.) When a layer is created, previously created layers
* and the frame buffer still receive every drawing command. For instance, if a
* layer is created and a shape intersecting the bounds of the layers and the
* framebuffer is draw, the shape will be drawn on both (unless the layer was
* created with the SkCanvas::kClipToLayer_SaveFlag flag.)
* A way to implement layers is to create an FBO for each layer, backed by an RGBA
* texture. Unfortunately, this is inefficient as it requires every primitive to
* be drawn n + 1 times, where n is the number of active layers. In practice this
* means, for every primitive:
* - Switch active frame buffer
* - Change viewport, clip and projection matrix
* - Issue the drawing
* Switching rendering target n + 1 times per drawn primitive is extremely costly.
* To avoid this, layers are implemented in a different way here, at least in the
* general case. FBOs are used, as an optimization, when the "clip to layer" flag
* is set. When this flag is set we can redirect all drawing operations into a
* single FBO.
* This implementation relies on the frame buffer being at least RGBA 8888. When
* a layer is created, only a texture is created, not an FBO. The content of the
* frame buffer contained within the layer's bounds is copied into this texture
* using glCopyTexImage2D(). The layer's region is then cleared(1) in the frame
* buffer and drawing continues as normal. This technique therefore treats the
* frame buffer as a scratch buffer for the layers.
* To compose the layers back onto the frame buffer, each layer texture
* (containing the original frame buffer data) is drawn as a simple quad over
* the frame buffer. The trick is that the quad is set as the composition
* destination in the blending equation, and the frame buffer becomes the source
* of the composition.
* Drawing layers with an alpha value requires an extra step before composition.
* An empty quad is drawn over the layer's region in the frame buffer. This quad
* is drawn with the rgba color (0,0,0,alpha). The alpha value offered by the
* quad is used to multiply the colors in the frame buffer. This is achieved by
* changing the GL blend functions for the GL_FUNC_ADD blend equation to
* Because glCopyTexImage2D() can be slow, an alternative implementation might
* be use to draw a single clipped layer. The implementation described above
* is correct in every case.
* (1) The frame buffer is actually not cleared right away. To allow the GPU
* to potentially optimize series of calls to glCopyTexImage2D, the frame
* buffer is left untouched until the first drawing operation. Only when
* something actually gets drawn are the layers regions cleared.
bool OpenGLRenderer::createLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint, int flags, const SkPath* convexMask) {
LAYER_LOGD("Requesting layer %.2fx%.2f", right - left, bottom - top);
LAYER_LOGD("Layer cache size = %d", mCaches.layerCache.getSize());
const bool fboLayer = flags & SkCanvas::kClipToLayer_SaveFlag;
// Window coordinates of the layer
Rect clip;
Rect bounds(left, top, right, bottom);
calculateLayerBoundsAndClip(bounds, clip, fboLayer);
updateSnapshotIgnoreForLayer(bounds, clip, fboLayer, getAlphaDirect(paint));
// Bail out if we won't draw in this snapshot
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
return false;
Layer* layer = mCaches.layerCache.get(mRenderState, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
if (!layer) {
return false;
layer->texCoords.set(0.0f, bounds.getHeight() / float(layer->getHeight()),
bounds.getWidth() / float(layer->getWidth()), 0.0f);
layer->setConvexMask(convexMask); // note: the mask must be cleared before returning to the cache
// Save the layer in the snapshot
writableSnapshot()->flags |= Snapshot::kFlagIsLayer;
writableSnapshot()->layer = layer;
ATRACE_FORMAT_BEGIN("%ssaveLayer %ux%u",
fboLayer ? "" : "unclipped ",
layer->getWidth(), layer->getHeight());
if (fboLayer) {
return createFboLayer(layer, bounds, clip);
} else {
// Copy the framebuffer into the layer
if (!bounds.isEmpty()) {
if (layer->isEmpty()) {
// Workaround for some GL drivers. When reading pixels lying outside
// of the window we should get undefined values for those pixels.
// Unfortunately some drivers will turn the entire target texture black
// when reading outside of the window.
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, layer->getWidth(), layer->getHeight(),
glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
bounds.left, getViewportHeight() - bounds.bottom,
bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
// Enqueue the buffer coordinates to clear the corresponding region later
return true;
bool OpenGLRenderer::createFboLayer(Layer* layer, Rect& bounds, Rect& clip) {
writableSnapshot()->region = &writableSnapshot()->layer->region;
writableSnapshot()->flags |= Snapshot::kFlagFboTarget | Snapshot::kFlagIsFboLayer;
writableSnapshot()->fbo = layer->getFbo();
writableSnapshot()->resetTransform(-bounds.left, -bounds.top, 0.0f);
writableSnapshot()->resetClip(clip.left, clip.top, clip.right, clip.bottom);
writableSnapshot()->initializeViewport(bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
writableSnapshot()->roundRectClipState = nullptr;
debugOverdraw(false, false);
// Bind texture to FBO
// Initialize the texture if needed
if (layer->isEmpty()) {
layer->getTextureId(), 0);
// Expand the startTiling region by 1
startTilingCurrentClip(true, true);
// Clear the FBO, expand the clear region by 1 to get nice bilinear filtering
mRenderState.scissor().set(clip.left - 1.0f, bounds.getHeight() - clip.bottom - 1.0f,
clip.getWidth() + 2.0f, clip.getHeight() + 2.0f);
// Change the ortho projection
mRenderState.setViewport(bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());
return true;
* Read the documentation of createLayer() before doing anything in this method.
void OpenGLRenderer::composeLayer(const Snapshot& removed, const Snapshot& restored) {
if (!removed.layer) {
ALOGE("Attempting to compose a layer that does not exist");
Layer* layer = removed.layer;
const Rect& rect = layer->layer;
const bool fboLayer = removed.flags & Snapshot::kFlagIsFboLayer;
bool clipRequired = false;
mState.calculateQuickRejectForScissor(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom,
&clipRequired, nullptr, false); // safely ignore return, should never be rejected
mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(mScissorOptimizationDisabled || clipRequired);
if (fboLayer) {
// Detach the texture from the FBO
// Unbind current FBO and restore previous one
debugOverdraw(true, false);
if (!fboLayer && layer->getAlpha() < 255) {
SkPaint layerPaint;
drawColorRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, &layerPaint, true);
// Required below, composeLayerRect() will divide by 255
// When the layer is stored in an FBO, we can save a bit of fillrate by
// drawing only the dirty region
if (fboLayer) {
dirtyLayer(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, *restored.transform);
composeLayerRegion(layer, rect);
} else if (!rect.isEmpty()) {
dirtyLayer(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
// the layer contains screen buffer content that shouldn't be alpha modulated
// (and any necessary alpha modulation was handled drawing into the layer)
writableSnapshot()->alpha = 1.0f;
composeLayerRect(layer, rect, true);
// Failing to add the layer to the cache should happen only if the layer is too large
if (!mCaches.layerCache.put(layer)) {
LAYER_LOGD("Deleting layer");
void OpenGLRenderer::drawTextureLayer(Layer* layer, const Rect& rect) {
bool snap = !layer->getForceFilter()
&& layer->getWidth() == (uint32_t) rect.getWidth()
&& layer->getHeight() == (uint32_t) rect.getHeight();
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedUvQuad(nullptr, Rect(0, 1, 1, 0)) // TODO: simplify with VBO
.setFillTextureLayer(*layer, getLayerAlpha(layer))
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRectOptionalSnap(snap, rect)
void OpenGLRenderer::composeLayerRect(Layer* layer, const Rect& rect, bool swap) {
if (layer->isTextureLayer()) {
drawTextureLayer(layer, rect);
} else {
Blend::ModeOrderSwap modeUsage = swap ?
Blend::ModeOrderSwap::Swap : Blend::ModeOrderSwap::NoSwap;
const Matrix4& transform = swap ? Matrix4::identity() : *currentTransform();
bool snap = !swap
&& layer->getWidth() == static_cast<uint32_t>(rect.getWidth())
&& layer->getHeight() == static_cast<uint32_t>(rect.getHeight());
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedUvQuad(nullptr, layer->texCoords)
.setFillLayer(layer->getTexture(), layer->getColorFilter(), getLayerAlpha(layer), layer->getMode(), modeUsage)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), transform, false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRectOptionalSnap(snap, rect)
* Issues the command X, and if we're composing a save layer to the fbo or drawing a newly updated
* hardware layer with overdraw debug on, draws again to the stencil only, so that these draw
* operations are correctly counted twice for overdraw. NOTE: assumes composeLayerRegion only used
* by saveLayer's restore
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::debugOverdraw && getTargetFbo() == 0 && COND)) { \
} \
// This class is purely for inspection. It inherits from SkShader, but Skia does not know how to
// use it. The OpenGLRenderer will look at it to find its Layer and whether it is opaque.
class LayerShader : public SkShader {
LayerShader(Layer* layer, const SkMatrix* localMatrix)
: INHERITED(localMatrix)
, mLayer(layer) {
virtual bool asACustomShader(void** data) const override {
if (data) {
*data = static_cast<void*>(mLayer);
return true;
virtual bool isOpaque() const override {
return !mLayer->isBlend();
virtual void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor[], int count) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("LayerShader should never be drawn with raster backend.");
virtual void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("LayerShader should never be flattened.");
virtual Factory getFactory() const override {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("LayerShader should never be created from a stream.");
return nullptr;
// Unowned.
Layer* mLayer;
typedef SkShader INHERITED;
void OpenGLRenderer::composeLayerRegion(Layer* layer, const Rect& rect) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(layer->region.isEmpty())) return; // nothing to draw
if (layer->getConvexMask()) {
save(SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
// clip to the area of the layer the mask can be larger
clipRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
SkPaint paint;
paint.setColor(SkColorSetARGB(int(getLayerAlpha(layer) * 255), 0, 0, 0));
// create LayerShader to map SaveLayer content into subsequent draw
SkMatrix shaderMatrix;
shaderMatrix.setTranslate(rect.left, rect.bottom);
shaderMatrix.preScale(1, -1);
LayerShader layerShader(layer, &shaderMatrix);
// Since the drawing primitive is defined in local drawing space,
// we don't need to modify the draw matrix
const SkPath* maskPath = layer->getConvexMask();
DRAW_DOUBLE_STENCIL(drawConvexPath(*maskPath, &paint));
if (layer->region.isRect()) {
DRAW_DOUBLE_STENCIL(composeLayerRect(layer, layer->regionRect));
// standard Region based draw
size_t count;
const android::Rect* rects;
Region safeRegion;
if (CC_LIKELY(hasRectToRectTransform())) {
rects = layer->region.getArray(&count);
} else {
safeRegion = Region::createTJunctionFreeRegion(layer->region);
rects = safeRegion.getArray(&count);
const float texX = 1.0f / float(layer->getWidth());
const float texY = 1.0f / float(layer->getHeight());
const float height = rect.getHeight();
TextureVertex quadVertices[count * 4];
TextureVertex* mesh = &quadVertices[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const android::Rect* r = &rects[i];
const float u1 = r->left * texX;
const float v1 = (height - r->top) * texY;
const float u2 = r->right * texX;
const float v2 = (height - r->bottom) * texY;
// TODO: Reject quads outside of the clip
TextureVertex::set(mesh++, r->left, r->top, u1, v1);
TextureVertex::set(mesh++, r->right, r->top, u2, v1);
TextureVertex::set(mesh++, r->left, r->bottom, u1, v2);
TextureVertex::set(mesh++, r->right, r->bottom, u2, v2);
Rect modelRect = Rect(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedIndexedQuads(&quadVertices[0], count * 6)
.setFillLayer(layer->getTexture(), layer->getColorFilter(), getLayerAlpha(layer), layer->getMode(), Blend::ModeOrderSwap::NoSwap)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRectSnap(rect.left, rect.top, modelRect)
DRAW_DOUBLE_STENCIL_IF(!layer->hasDrawnSinceUpdate, renderGlop(glop));
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRegionRectsDebug(const Region& region) {
size_t count;
const android::Rect* rects = region.getArray(&count);
uint32_t colors[] = {
0x7fff0000, 0x7f00ff00,
0x7f0000ff, 0x7fff00ff,
int offset = 0;
int32_t top = rects[0].top;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (top != rects[i].top) {
offset ^= 0x2;
top = rects[i].top;
SkPaint paint;
paint.setColor(colors[offset + (i & 0x1)]);
Rect r(rects[i].left, rects[i].top, rects[i].right, rects[i].bottom);
drawColorRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, paint);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRegionRects(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint, bool dirty) {
Vector<float> rects;
SkRegion::Iterator it(region);
while (!it.done()) {
const SkIRect& r = it.rect();
drawColorRects(rects.array(), rects.size(), &paint, true, dirty, false);
void OpenGLRenderer::dirtyLayer(const float left, const float top,
const float right, const float bottom, const Matrix4& transform) {
if (hasLayer()) {
Rect bounds(left, top, right, bottom);
dirtyLayerUnchecked(bounds, getRegion());
void OpenGLRenderer::dirtyLayer(const float left, const float top,
const float right, const float bottom) {
if (hasLayer()) {
Rect bounds(left, top, right, bottom);
dirtyLayerUnchecked(bounds, getRegion());
void OpenGLRenderer::dirtyLayerUnchecked(Rect& bounds, Region* region) {
if (bounds.intersect(mState.currentClipRect())) {
android::Rect dirty(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
if (!dirty.isEmpty()) {
void OpenGLRenderer::clearLayerRegions() {
const size_t quadCount = mLayers.size();
if (quadCount == 0) return;
if (!mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
// Doing several glScissor/glClear here can negatively impact
// GPUs with a tiler architecture, instead we draw quads with
// the Clear blending mode
// The list contains bounds that have already been clipped
// against their initial clip rect, and the current clip
// is likely different so we need to disable clipping here
bool scissorChanged = mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(false);
Vertex mesh[quadCount * 4];
Vertex* vertex = mesh;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < quadCount; i++) {
const Rect& bounds = mLayers[i];
Vertex::set(vertex++, bounds.left, bounds.top);
Vertex::set(vertex++, bounds.right, bounds.top);
Vertex::set(vertex++, bounds.left, bounds.bottom);
Vertex::set(vertex++, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
// We must clear the list of dirty rects before we
// call clearLayerRegions() in renderGlop to prevent
// stencil setup from doing the same thing again
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshIndexedQuads(&mesh[0], quadCount)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), Matrix4::identity(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(0, 0, Rect(currentSnapshot()->getClipRect()))
renderGlop(glop, false);
if (scissorChanged) mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(true);
} else {
// State Deferral
bool OpenGLRenderer::storeDisplayState(DeferredDisplayState& state, int stateDeferFlags) {
const Rect& currentClip = mState.currentClipRect();
const mat4* currentMatrix = currentTransform();
if (stateDeferFlags & kStateDeferFlag_Draw) {
// state has bounds initialized in local coordinates
if (!state.mBounds.isEmpty()) {
Rect clippedBounds(state.mBounds);
// NOTE: if we ever want to use this clipping info to drive whether the scissor
// is used, it should more closely duplicate the quickReject logic (in how it uses
// snapToPixelBoundaries)
if (!clippedBounds.intersect(currentClip)) {
// quick rejected
return true;
state.mClipSideFlags = kClipSide_None;
if (!currentClip.contains(state.mBounds)) {
int& flags = state.mClipSideFlags;
// op partially clipped, so record which sides are clipped for clip-aware merging
if (currentClip.left > state.mBounds.left) flags |= kClipSide_Left;
if (currentClip.top > state.mBounds.top) flags |= kClipSide_Top;
if (currentClip.right < state.mBounds.right) flags |= kClipSide_Right;
if (currentClip.bottom < state.mBounds.bottom) flags |= kClipSide_Bottom;
} else {
// Empty bounds implies size unknown. Label op as conservatively clipped to disable
// overdraw avoidance (since we don't know what it overlaps)
state.mClipSideFlags = kClipSide_ConservativeFull;
state.mClipValid = (stateDeferFlags & kStateDeferFlag_Clip);
if (state.mClipValid) {
// Transform and alpha always deferred, since they are used by state operations
// (Note: saveLayer/restore use colorFilter and alpha, so we just save restore everything)
state.mAlpha = currentSnapshot()->alpha;
// always store/restore, since it's just a pointer
state.mRoundRectClipState = currentSnapshot()->roundRectClipState;
return false;
void OpenGLRenderer::restoreDisplayState(const DeferredDisplayState& state, bool skipClipRestore) {
writableSnapshot()->alpha = state.mAlpha;
writableSnapshot()->roundRectClipState = state.mRoundRectClipState;
if (state.mClipValid && !skipClipRestore) {
writableSnapshot()->setClip(state.mClip.left, state.mClip.top,
state.mClip.right, state.mClip.bottom);
* Merged multidraw (such as in drawText and drawBitmaps rely on the fact that no clipping is done
* in the draw path. Instead, clipping is done ahead of time - either as a single clip rect (when at
* least one op is clipped), or disabled entirely (because no merged op is clipped)
* This method should be called when restoreDisplayState() won't be restoring the clip
void OpenGLRenderer::setupMergedMultiDraw(const Rect* clipRect) {
if (clipRect != nullptr) {
writableSnapshot()->setClip(clipRect->left, clipRect->top, clipRect->right, clipRect->bottom);
} else {
writableSnapshot()->setClip(0, 0, mState.getWidth(), mState.getHeight());
bool enableScissor = (clipRect != nullptr) || mScissorOptimizationDisabled;
// Clipping
void OpenGLRenderer::setScissorFromClip() {
Rect clip(mState.currentClipRect());
if (mRenderState.scissor().set(clip.left, getViewportHeight() - clip.bottom,
clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight())) {
void OpenGLRenderer::ensureStencilBuffer() {
// Thanks to the mismatch between EGL and OpenGL ES FBO we
// cannot attach a stencil buffer to fbo0 dynamically. Let's
// just hope we have one when hasLayer() returns false.
if (hasLayer()) {
void OpenGLRenderer::attachStencilBufferToLayer(Layer* layer) {
// The layer's FBO is already bound when we reach this stage
if (!layer->getStencilRenderBuffer()) {
// GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering doesn't like it if a renderbuffer
// is attached after we initiated tiling. We must turn it off,
// attach the new render buffer then turn tiling back on
RenderBuffer* buffer = mCaches.renderBufferCache.get(
layer->getWidth(), layer->getHeight());
startTiling(layer->clipRect, layer->layer.getHeight());
static void handlePoint(std::vector<Vertex>& rectangleVertices, const Matrix4& transform,
float x, float y) {
Vertex v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
transform.mapPoint(v.x, v.y);
static void handlePointNoTransform(std::vector<Vertex>& rectangleVertices, float x, float y) {
Vertex v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRectangleList(const RectangleList& rectangleList) {
int quadCount = rectangleList.getTransformedRectanglesCount();
std::vector<Vertex> rectangleVertices(quadCount * 4);
Rect scissorBox = rectangleList.calculateBounds();
for (int i = 0; i < quadCount; ++i) {
const TransformedRectangle& tr(rectangleList.getTransformedRectangle(i));
const Matrix4& transform = tr.getTransform();
Rect bounds = tr.getBounds();
if (transform.rectToRect()) {
if (!bounds.intersect(scissorBox)) {
} else {
handlePointNoTransform(rectangleVertices, bounds.left, bounds.top);
handlePointNoTransform(rectangleVertices, bounds.right, bounds.top);
handlePointNoTransform(rectangleVertices, bounds.left, bounds.bottom);
handlePointNoTransform(rectangleVertices, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
} else {
handlePoint(rectangleVertices, transform, bounds.left, bounds.top);
handlePoint(rectangleVertices, transform, bounds.right, bounds.top);
handlePoint(rectangleVertices, transform, bounds.left, bounds.bottom);
handlePoint(rectangleVertices, transform, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
mRenderState.scissor().set(scissorBox.left, getViewportHeight() - scissorBox.bottom,
scissorBox.getWidth(), scissorBox.getHeight());
Glop glop;
Vertex* vertices = &rectangleVertices[0];
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshIndexedQuads(vertices, rectangleVertices.size() / 4)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), Matrix4::identity(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(0, 0, scissorBox)
void OpenGLRenderer::setStencilFromClip() {
if (!Properties::debugOverdraw) {
if (!currentSnapshot()->clipIsSimple()) {
int incrementThreshold;
EVENT_LOGD("setStencilFromClip - enabling");
// NOTE: The order here is important, we must set dirtyClip to false
// before any draw call to avoid calling back into this method
const ClipArea& clipArea = currentSnapshot()->getClipArea();
bool isRectangleList = clipArea.isRectangleList();
if (isRectangleList) {
incrementThreshold = clipArea.getRectangleList().getTransformedRectanglesCount();
} else {
incrementThreshold = 0;
// Clean and update the stencil, but first make sure we restrict drawing
// to the region's bounds
bool resetScissor = mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(true);
if (resetScissor) {
// The scissor was not set so we now need to update it
// stash and disable the outline clip state, since stencil doesn't account for outline
bool storedSkipOutlineClip = mSkipOutlineClip;
mSkipOutlineClip = true;
SkPaint paint;
if (isRectangleList) {
} else {
// NOTE: We could use the region contour path to generate a smaller mesh
// Since we are using the stencil we could use the red book path
// drawing technique. It might increase bandwidth usage though.
// The last parameter is important: we are not drawing in the color buffer
// so we don't want to dirty the current layer, if any
drawRegionRects(clipArea.getClipRegion(), paint, false);
if (resetScissor) mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(false);
mSkipOutlineClip = storedSkipOutlineClip;
// Draw the region used to generate the stencil if the appropriate debug
// mode is enabled
// TODO: Implement for rectangle list clip areas
if (Properties::debugStencilClip == StencilClipDebug::ShowRegion
&& !clipArea.isRectangleList()) {
drawRegionRects(currentSnapshot()->getClipRegion(), paint);
} else {
EVENT_LOGD("setStencilFromClip - disabling");
* Returns false and sets scissor enable based upon bounds if drawing won't be clipped out.
* @param paint if not null, the bounds will be expanded to account for stroke depending on paint
* style, and tessellated AA ramp
bool OpenGLRenderer::quickRejectSetupScissor(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint) {
bool snapOut = paint && paint->isAntiAlias();
if (paint && paint->getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style) {
float outset = paint->getStrokeWidth() * 0.5f;
left -= outset;
top -= outset;
right += outset;
bottom += outset;
bool clipRequired = false;
bool roundRectClipRequired = false;
if (mState.calculateQuickRejectForScissor(left, top, right, bottom,
&clipRequired, &roundRectClipRequired, snapOut)) {
return true;
// not quick rejected, so enable the scissor if clipRequired
mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(mScissorOptimizationDisabled || clipRequired);
mSkipOutlineClip = !roundRectClipRequired;
return false;
void OpenGLRenderer::debugClip() {
if (!currentSnapshot()->clipRegion->isEmpty()) {
SkPaint paint;
drawRegionRects(*(currentSnapshot()->clipRegion, paint);
void OpenGLRenderer::renderGlop(const Glop& glop, bool clearLayer) {
// TODO: It would be best if we could do this before quickRejectSetupScissor()
// changes the scissor test state
if (clearLayer) clearLayerRegions();
if (mState.getDirtyClip()) {
if (mRenderState.scissor().isEnabled()) {
if (!mRenderState.stencil().isWriteEnabled()) {
// TODO: specify more clearly when a draw should dirty the layer.
// is writing to the stencil the only time we should ignore this?
dirtyLayer(glop.bounds.left, glop.bounds.top, glop.bounds.right, glop.bounds.bottom);
mDirty = true;
// Drawing
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRenderNode(RenderNode* renderNode, Rect& dirty, int32_t replayFlags) {
// All the usual checks and setup operations (quickReject, setupDraw, etc.)
// will be performed by the display list itself
if (renderNode && renderNode->isRenderable()) {
// compute 3d ordering
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::drawDeferDisabled)) {
ReplayStateStruct replayStruct(*this, dirty, replayFlags);
renderNode->replay(replayStruct, 0);
// Don't avoid overdraw when visualizing, since that makes it harder to
// debug where it's coming from, and when the problem occurs.
bool avoidOverdraw = !Properties::debugOverdraw;
DeferredDisplayList deferredList(mState.currentClipRect(), avoidOverdraw);
DeferStateStruct deferStruct(deferredList, *this, replayFlags);
renderNode->defer(deferStruct, 0);
deferredList.flush(*this, dirty);
} else {
// Even if there is no drawing command(Ex: invisible),
// it still needs startFrame to clear buffer and start tiling.
* Important note: this method is intended to draw batches of bitmaps and
* will not set the scissor enable or dirty the current layer, if any.
* The caller is responsible for properly dirtying the current layer.
void OpenGLRenderer::drawBitmaps(const SkBitmap* bitmap, AssetAtlas::Entry* entry,
int bitmapCount, TextureVertex* vertices, bool pureTranslate,
const Rect& bounds, const SkPaint* paint) {
Texture* texture = entry ? entry->texture : mCaches.textureCache.get(bitmap);
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
// TODO: remove layer dirty in multi-draw callers
// TODO: snap doesn't need to touch transform, only texture filter.
bool snap = pureTranslate;
const float x = floorf(bounds.left + 0.5f);
const float y = floorf(bounds.top + 0.5f);
int textureFillFlags = static_cast<int>((bitmap->colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType)
? TextureFillFlags::kIsAlphaMaskTexture : TextureFillFlags::kNone);
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedMesh(vertices, bitmapCount * 6)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, textureFillFlags, paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), Matrix4::identity(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRectOptionalSnap(snap, x, y, Rect(0, 0, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()))
void OpenGLRenderer::drawBitmap(const SkBitmap* bitmap, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(0, 0, bitmap->width(), bitmap->height())) {
Texture* texture = getTexture(bitmap);
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
int textureFillFlags = static_cast<int>((bitmap->colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType)
? TextureFillFlags::kIsAlphaMaskTexture : TextureFillFlags::kNone);
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, textureFillFlags, paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRectSnap(Rect(0, 0, texture->width, texture->height))
void OpenGLRenderer::drawBitmapMesh(const SkBitmap* bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight,
const float* vertices, const int* colors, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (!vertices || mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
float left = FLT_MAX;
float top = FLT_MAX;
float right = FLT_MIN;
float bottom = FLT_MIN;
const uint32_t elementCount = meshWidth * meshHeight * 6;
std::unique_ptr<ColorTextureVertex[]> mesh(new ColorTextureVertex[elementCount]);
ColorTextureVertex* vertex = &mesh[0];
std::unique_ptr<int[]> tempColors;
if (!colors) {
uint32_t colorsCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1);
tempColors.reset(new int[colorsCount]);
memset(tempColors.get(), 0xff, colorsCount * sizeof(int));
colors = tempColors.get();
Texture* texture = mRenderState.assetAtlas().getEntryTexture(bitmap);
const UvMapper& mapper(getMapper(texture));
for (int32_t y = 0; y < meshHeight; y++) {
for (int32_t x = 0; x < meshWidth; x++) {
uint32_t i = (y * (meshWidth + 1) + x) * 2;
float u1 = float(x) / meshWidth;
float u2 = float(x + 1) / meshWidth;
float v1 = float(y) / meshHeight;
float v2 = float(y + 1) / meshHeight;
mapper.map(u1, v1, u2, v2);
int ax = i + (meshWidth + 1) * 2;
int ay = ax + 1;
int bx = i;
int by = bx + 1;
int cx = i + 2;
int cy = cx + 1;
int dx = i + (meshWidth + 1) * 2 + 2;
int dy = dx + 1;
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[dx], vertices[dy], u2, v2, colors[dx / 2]);
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[ax], vertices[ay], u1, v2, colors[ax / 2]);
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[bx], vertices[by], u1, v1, colors[bx / 2]);
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[dx], vertices[dy], u2, v2, colors[dx / 2]);
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[bx], vertices[by], u1, v1, colors[bx / 2]);
ColorTextureVertex::set(vertex++, vertices[cx], vertices[cy], u2, v1, colors[cx / 2]);
left = fminf(left, fminf(vertices[ax], fminf(vertices[bx], vertices[cx])));
top = fminf(top, fminf(vertices[ay], fminf(vertices[by], vertices[cy])));
right = fmaxf(right, fmaxf(vertices[ax], fmaxf(vertices[bx], vertices[cx])));
bottom = fmaxf(bottom, fmaxf(vertices[ay], fmaxf(vertices[by], vertices[cy])));
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom)) {
if (!texture) {
texture = mCaches.textureCache.get(bitmap);
if (!texture) {
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
* TODO: handle alpha_8 textures correctly by applying paint color, but *not*
* shader in that case to mimic the behavior in SkiaCanvas::drawBitmapMesh.
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshColoredTexturedMesh(mesh.get(), elementCount)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, static_cast<int>(TextureFillFlags::kNone), paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(0, 0, Rect(left, top, right, bottom))
void OpenGLRenderer::drawBitmap(const SkBitmap* bitmap, Rect src, Rect dst, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(dst)) {
Texture* texture = getTexture(bitmap);
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
Rect uv(fmax(0.0f, src.left / texture->width),
fmax(0.0f, src.top / texture->height),
fmin(1.0f, src.right / texture->width),
fmin(1.0f, src.bottom / texture->height));
int textureFillFlags = static_cast<int>((bitmap->colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType)
? TextureFillFlags::kIsAlphaMaskTexture : TextureFillFlags::kNone);
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedUvQuad(texture->uvMapper, uv)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, textureFillFlags, paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPatch(const SkBitmap* bitmap, const Patch* mesh,
AssetAtlas::Entry* entry, float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint) {
if (!mesh || !mesh->verticesCount || quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom)) {
Texture* texture = entry ? entry->texture : mCaches.textureCache.get(bitmap);
if (!texture) return;
// 9 patches are built for stretching - always filter
int textureFillFlags = static_cast<int>(TextureFillFlags::kForceFilter);
if (bitmap->colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType) {
textureFillFlags |= TextureFillFlags::kIsAlphaMaskTexture;
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, textureFillFlags, paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRectSnap(left, top, Rect(0, 0, right - left, bottom - top)) // TODO: get minimal bounds from patch
* Important note: this method is intended to draw batches of 9-patch objects and
* will not set the scissor enable or dirty the current layer, if any.
* The caller is responsible for properly dirtying the current layer.
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPatches(const SkBitmap* bitmap, AssetAtlas::Entry* entry,
TextureVertex* vertices, uint32_t elementCount, const SkPaint* paint) {
Texture* texture = entry ? entry->texture : mCaches.textureCache.get(bitmap);
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
// TODO: get correct bounds from caller
// 9 patches are built for stretching - always filter
int textureFillFlags = static_cast<int>(TextureFillFlags::kForceFilter);
if (bitmap->colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType) {
textureFillFlags |= TextureFillFlags::kIsAlphaMaskTexture;
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedIndexedQuads(vertices, elementCount)
.setFillTexturePaint(*texture, textureFillFlags, paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), Matrix4::identity(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(0, 0, Rect(0, 0, 0, 0))
void OpenGLRenderer::drawVertexBuffer(float translateX, float translateY,
const VertexBuffer& vertexBuffer, const SkPaint* paint, int displayFlags) {
// not missing call to quickReject/dirtyLayer, always done at a higher level
if (!vertexBuffer.getVertexCount()) {
// no vertices to draw
bool fudgeOffset = displayFlags & kVertexBuffer_Offset;
bool shadowInterp = displayFlags & kVertexBuffer_ShadowInterp;
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, shadowInterp)
.setFillPaint(*paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), fudgeOffset)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(translateX, translateY, vertexBuffer.getBounds())
* Renders a convex path via tessellation. For AA paths, this function uses a similar approach to
* that of AA lines in the drawLines() function. We expand the convex path by a half pixel in
* screen space in all directions. However, instead of using a fragment shader to compute the
* translucency of the color from its position, we simply use a varying parameter to define how far
* a given pixel is from the edge. For non-AA paths, the expansion and alpha varying are not used.
* Doesn't yet support joins, caps, or path effects.
void OpenGLRenderer::drawConvexPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint* paint) {
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;
// TODO: try clipping large paths to viewport
PathTessellator::tessellatePath(path, paint, *currentTransform(), vertexBuffer);
drawVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, paint);
* We create tristrips for the lines much like shape stroke tessellation, using a per-vertex alpha
* and additional geometry for defining an alpha slope perimeter.
* Using GL_LINES can be difficult because the rasterization rules for those lines produces some
* unexpected results, and may vary between hardware devices. Previously we used a varying-base
* in-shader alpha region, but found it to be taxing on some GPUs.
* TODO: try using a fixed input buffer for non-capped lines as in text rendering. this may reduce
* memory transfer by removing need for degenerate vertices.
void OpenGLRenderer::drawLines(const float* points, int count, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored() || count < 4) return;
count &= ~0x3; // round down to nearest four
VertexBuffer buffer;
PathTessellator::tessellateLines(points, count, paint, *currentTransform(), buffer);
const Rect& bounds = buffer.getBounds();
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom)) {
int displayFlags = paint->isAntiAlias() ? 0 : kVertexBuffer_Offset;
drawVertexBuffer(buffer, paint, displayFlags);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPoints(const float* points, int count, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored() || count < 2) return;
count &= ~0x1; // round down to nearest two
VertexBuffer buffer;
PathTessellator::tessellatePoints(points, count, paint, *currentTransform(), buffer);
const Rect& bounds = buffer.getBounds();
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom)) {
int displayFlags = paint->isAntiAlias() ? 0 : kVertexBuffer_Offset;
drawVertexBuffer(buffer, paint, displayFlags);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawColor(int color, SkXfermode::Mode mode) {
// No need to check against the clip, we fill the clip region
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) return;
Rect clip(mState.currentClipRect());
SkPaint paint;
drawColorRect(clip.left, clip.top, clip.right, clip.bottom, &paint, true);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawShape(float left, float top, PathTexture* texture,
const SkPaint* paint) {
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
const float x = left + texture->left - texture->offset;
const float y = top + texture->top - texture->offset;
drawPathTexture(texture, x, y, paint);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRoundRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
float rx, float ry, const SkPaint* p) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()
|| quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom, p)
|| PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(*p)) {
if (p->getPathEffect() != nullptr) {
PathTexture* texture = mCaches.pathCache.getRoundRect(
right - left, bottom - top, rx, ry, p);
drawShape(left, top, texture, p);
} else {
const VertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = mCaches.tessellationCache.getRoundRect(
*currentTransform(), *p, right - left, bottom - top, rx, ry);
drawVertexBuffer(left, top, *vertexBuffer, p);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawCircle(float x, float y, float radius, const SkPaint* p) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()
|| quickRejectSetupScissor(x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, p)
|| PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(*p)) {
if (p->getPathEffect() != nullptr) {
PathTexture* texture = mCaches.pathCache.getCircle(radius, p);
drawShape(x - radius, y - radius, texture, p);
} else {
SkPath path;
if (p->getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style) {
path.addCircle(x, y, radius + p->getStrokeWidth() / 2);
} else {
path.addCircle(x, y, radius);
drawConvexPath(path, p);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawOval(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* p) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()
|| quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom, p)
|| PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(*p)) {
if (p->getPathEffect() != nullptr) {
PathTexture* texture = mCaches.pathCache.getOval(right - left, bottom - top, p);
drawShape(left, top, texture, p);
} else {
SkPath path;
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
if (p->getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style) {
rect.outset(p->getStrokeWidth() / 2, p->getStrokeWidth() / 2);
drawConvexPath(path, p);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawArc(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint* p) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()
|| quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom, p)
|| PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(*p)) {
// TODO: support fills (accounting for concavity if useCenter && sweepAngle > 180)
if (p->getStyle() != SkPaint::kStroke_Style || p->getPathEffect() != nullptr || useCenter) {
PathTexture* texture = mCaches.pathCache.getArc(right - left, bottom - top,
startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, p);
drawShape(left, top, texture, p);
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
if (p->getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style) {
rect.outset(p->getStrokeWidth() / 2, p->getStrokeWidth() / 2);
SkPath path;
if (useCenter) {
path.moveTo(rect.centerX(), rect.centerY());
path.arcTo(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle, !useCenter);
if (useCenter) {
drawConvexPath(path, p);
// See SkPaintDefaults.h
#define SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit SkIntToScalar(4)
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* p) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()
|| quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom, p)
|| PaintUtils::paintWillNotDraw(*p)) {
if (p->getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style) {
// only fill style is supported by drawConvexPath, since others have to handle joins
if (p->getPathEffect() != nullptr || p->getStrokeJoin() != SkPaint::kMiter_Join ||
p->getStrokeMiter() != SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit) {
PathTexture* texture =
mCaches.pathCache.getRect(right - left, bottom - top, p);
drawShape(left, top, texture, p);
} else {
SkPath path;
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
if (p->getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style) {
rect.outset(p->getStrokeWidth() / 2, p->getStrokeWidth() / 2);
drawConvexPath(path, p);
} else {
if (p->isAntiAlias() && !currentTransform()->isSimple()) {
SkPath path;
path.addRect(left, top, right, bottom);
drawConvexPath(path, p);
} else {
drawColorRect(left, top, right, bottom, p);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawTextShadow(const SkPaint* paint, const char* text,
int bytesCount, int count, const float* positions,
FontRenderer& fontRenderer, int alpha, float x, float y) {
TextShadow textShadow;
if (!getTextShadow(paint, &textShadow)) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("failed to query shadow attributes");
// NOTE: The drop shadow will not perform gamma correction
// if shader-based correction is enabled
ShadowTexture* texture = mCaches.dropShadowCache.get(
paint, text, bytesCount, count, textShadow.radius, positions);
// If the drop shadow exceeds the max texture size or couldn't be
// allocated, skip drawing
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
const float sx = x - texture->left + textShadow.dx;
const float sy = y - texture->top + textShadow.dy;
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setFillShadowTexturePaint(*texture, textShadow.color, *paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRect(Rect(sx, sy, sx + texture->width, sy + texture->height))
bool OpenGLRenderer::canSkipText(const SkPaint* paint) const {
float alpha = (hasTextShadow(paint) ? 1.0f : paint->getAlpha()) * currentSnapshot()->alpha;
return MathUtils::isZero(alpha)
&& PaintUtils::getXfermode(paint->getXfermode()) == SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPosText(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count,
const float* positions, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (text == nullptr || count == 0 || mState.currentlyIgnored() || canSkipText(paint)) {
// NOTE: Skia does not support perspective transform on drawPosText yet
if (!currentTransform()->isSimple()) {
float x = 0.0f;
float y = 0.0f;
const bool pureTranslate = currentTransform()->isPureTranslate();
if (pureTranslate) {
x = floorf(x + currentTransform()->getTranslateX() + 0.5f);
y = floorf(y + currentTransform()->getTranslateY() + 0.5f);
FontRenderer& fontRenderer = mCaches.fontRenderer->getFontRenderer(paint);
fontRenderer.setFont(paint, SkMatrix::I());
int alpha;
SkXfermode::Mode mode;
getAlphaAndMode(paint, &alpha, &mode);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(hasTextShadow(paint))) {
drawTextShadow(paint, text, bytesCount, count, positions, fontRenderer,
alpha, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Pick the appropriate texture filtering
bool linearFilter = currentTransform()->changesBounds();
if (pureTranslate && !linearFilter) {
linearFilter = fabs(y - (int) y) > 0.0f || fabs(x - (int) x) > 0.0f;
const Rect& clip(pureTranslate ? writableSnapshot()->getClipRect() : writableSnapshot()->getLocalClip());
Rect bounds(FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f);
TextDrawFunctor functor(this, x, y, pureTranslate, alpha, mode, paint);
if (fontRenderer.renderPosText(paint, &clip, text, 0, bytesCount, count, x, y,
positions, hasLayer() ? &bounds : nullptr, &functor)) {
dirtyLayer(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, *currentTransform());
mDirty = true;
bool OpenGLRenderer::findBestFontTransform(const mat4& transform, SkMatrix* outMatrix) const {
if (CC_LIKELY(transform.isPureTranslate())) {
return false;
} else if (CC_UNLIKELY(transform.isPerspective())) {
return true;
* Input is a non-perspective, scaling transform. Generate a scale-only transform,
* with values rounded to the nearest int.
float sx, sy;
transform.decomposeScale(sx, sy);
roundf(fmaxf(1.0f, sx)),
roundf(fmaxf(1.0f, sy)));
return true;
int OpenGLRenderer::getSaveCount() const {
return mState.getSaveCount();
int OpenGLRenderer::save(int flags) {
return mState.save(flags);
void OpenGLRenderer::restore() {
void OpenGLRenderer::restoreToCount(int saveCount) {
void OpenGLRenderer::translate(float dx, float dy, float dz) {
mState.translate(dx, dy, dz);
void OpenGLRenderer::rotate(float degrees) {
void OpenGLRenderer::scale(float sx, float sy) {
mState.scale(sx, sy);
void OpenGLRenderer::skew(float sx, float sy) {
mState.skew(sx, sy);
void OpenGLRenderer::setMatrix(const Matrix4& matrix) {
void OpenGLRenderer::concatMatrix(const Matrix4& matrix) {
bool OpenGLRenderer::clipRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkRegion::Op op) {
return mState.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom, op);
bool OpenGLRenderer::clipPath(const SkPath* path, SkRegion::Op op) {
return mState.clipPath(path, op);
bool OpenGLRenderer::clipRegion(const SkRegion* region, SkRegion::Op op) {
return mState.clipRegion(region, op);
void OpenGLRenderer::setClippingOutline(LinearAllocator& allocator, const Outline* outline) {
mState.setClippingOutline(allocator, outline);
void OpenGLRenderer::setClippingRoundRect(LinearAllocator& allocator,
const Rect& rect, float radius, bool highPriority) {
mState.setClippingRoundRect(allocator, rect, radius, highPriority);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawText(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count, float x, float y,
const float* positions, const SkPaint* paint, float totalAdvance, const Rect& bounds,
DrawOpMode drawOpMode) {
if (drawOpMode == DrawOpMode::kImmediate) {
// The checks for corner-case ignorable text and quick rejection is only done for immediate
// drawing as ops from DeferredDisplayList are already filtered for these
if (text == nullptr || count == 0 || mState.currentlyIgnored() || canSkipText(paint) ||
quickRejectSetupScissor(bounds)) {
const float oldX = x;
const float oldY = y;
const mat4& transform = *currentTransform();
const bool pureTranslate = transform.isPureTranslate();
if (CC_LIKELY(pureTranslate)) {
x = floorf(x + transform.getTranslateX() + 0.5f);
y = floorf(y + transform.getTranslateY() + 0.5f);
int alpha;
SkXfermode::Mode mode;
getAlphaAndMode(paint, &alpha, &mode);
FontRenderer& fontRenderer = mCaches.fontRenderer->getFontRenderer(paint);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(hasTextShadow(paint))) {
fontRenderer.setFont(paint, SkMatrix::I());
drawTextShadow(paint, text, bytesCount, count, positions, fontRenderer,
alpha, oldX, oldY);
const bool hasActiveLayer = hasLayer();
// We only pass a partial transform to the font renderer. That partial
// matrix defines how glyphs are rasterized. Typically we want glyphs
// to be rasterized at their final size on screen, which means the partial
// matrix needs to take the scale factor into account.
// When a partial matrix is used to transform glyphs during rasterization,
// the mesh is generated with the inverse transform (in the case of scale,
// the mesh is generated at 1.0 / scale for instance.) This allows us to
// apply the full transform matrix at draw time in the vertex shader.
// Applying the full matrix in the shader is the easiest way to handle
// rotation and perspective and allows us to always generated quads in the
// font renderer which greatly simplifies the code, clipping in particular.
SkMatrix fontTransform;
bool linearFilter = findBestFontTransform(transform, &fontTransform)
|| fabs(y - (int) y) > 0.0f
|| fabs(x - (int) x) > 0.0f;
fontRenderer.setFont(paint, fontTransform);
// TODO: Implement better clipping for scaled/rotated text
const Rect* clip = !pureTranslate ? nullptr : &mState.currentClipRect();
Rect layerBounds(FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f);
bool status;
TextDrawFunctor functor(this, x, y, pureTranslate, alpha, mode, paint);
// don't call issuedrawcommand, do it at end of batch
bool forceFinish = (drawOpMode != DrawOpMode::kDefer);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint->getTextAlign() != SkPaint::kLeft_Align)) {
SkPaint paintCopy(*paint);
status = fontRenderer.renderPosText(&paintCopy, clip, text, 0, bytesCount, count, x, y,
positions, hasActiveLayer ? &layerBounds : nullptr, &functor, forceFinish);
} else {
status = fontRenderer.renderPosText(paint, clip, text, 0, bytesCount, count, x, y,
positions, hasActiveLayer ? &layerBounds : nullptr, &functor, forceFinish);
if ((status || drawOpMode != DrawOpMode::kImmediate) && hasActiveLayer) {
if (!pureTranslate) {
dirtyLayerUnchecked(layerBounds, getRegion());
drawTextDecorations(totalAdvance, oldX, oldY, paint);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawTextOnPath(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count,
const SkPath* path, float hOffset, float vOffset, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (text == nullptr || count == 0 || mState.currentlyIgnored() || canSkipText(paint)) {
// TODO: avoid scissor by calculating maximum bounds using path bounds + font metrics
FontRenderer& fontRenderer = mCaches.fontRenderer->getFontRenderer(paint);
fontRenderer.setFont(paint, SkMatrix::I());
int alpha;
SkXfermode::Mode mode;
getAlphaAndMode(paint, &alpha, &mode);
TextDrawFunctor functor(this, 0.0f, 0.0f, false, alpha, mode, paint);
const Rect* clip = &writableSnapshot()->getLocalClip();
Rect bounds(FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MAX / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f, FLT_MIN / 2.0f);
if (fontRenderer.renderTextOnPath(paint, clip, text, 0, bytesCount, count, path,
hOffset, vOffset, hasLayer() ? &bounds : nullptr, &functor)) {
dirtyLayer(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, *currentTransform());
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPath(const SkPath* path, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) return;
PathTexture* texture = mCaches.pathCache.get(path, paint);
if (!texture) return;
const AutoTexture autoCleanup(texture);
const float x = texture->left - texture->offset;
const float y = texture->top - texture->offset;
drawPathTexture(texture, x, y, paint);
mDirty = true;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawLayer(Layer* layer, float x, float y) {
if (!layer) {
mat4* transform = nullptr;
if (layer->isTextureLayer()) {
transform = &layer->getTransform();
if (!transform->isIdentity()) {
bool clipRequired = false;
const bool rejected = mState.calculateQuickRejectForScissor(
x, y, x + layer->layer.getWidth(), y + layer->layer.getHeight(),
&clipRequired, nullptr, false);
if (rejected) {
if (transform && !transform->isIdentity()) {
EVENT_LOGD("drawLayer," RECT_STRING ", clipRequired %d", x, y,
x + layer->layer.getWidth(), y + layer->layer.getHeight(), clipRequired);
updateLayer(layer, true);
mRenderState.scissor().setEnabled(mScissorOptimizationDisabled || clipRequired);
if (CC_LIKELY(!layer->region.isEmpty())) {
if (layer->region.isRect()) {
composeLayerRect(layer, layer->regionRect));
} else if (layer->mesh) {
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshTexturedIndexedQuads(layer->mesh, layer->meshElementCount)
.setFillLayer(layer->getTexture(), layer->getColorFilter(), getLayerAlpha(layer), layer->getMode(), Blend::ModeOrderSwap::NoSwap)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewOffsetRectSnap(x, y, Rect(0, 0, layer->layer.getWidth(), layer->layer.getHeight()))
DRAW_DOUBLE_STENCIL_IF(!layer->hasDrawnSinceUpdate, renderGlop(glop));
if (layer->debugDrawUpdate) {
layer->debugDrawUpdate = false;
SkPaint paint;
drawColorRect(x, y, x + layer->layer.getWidth(), y + layer->layer.getHeight(), &paint);
layer->hasDrawnSinceUpdate = true;
if (transform && !transform->isIdentity()) {
mDirty = true;
// Draw filters
void OpenGLRenderer::setDrawFilter(SkDrawFilter* filter) {
// We should never get here since we apply the draw filter when stashing
// the paints in the DisplayList.
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("OpenGLRenderer does not directly support DrawFilters");
// Drawing implementation
Texture* OpenGLRenderer::getTexture(const SkBitmap* bitmap) {
Texture* texture = mRenderState.assetAtlas().getEntryTexture(bitmap);
if (!texture) {
return mCaches.textureCache.get(bitmap);
return texture;
void OpenGLRenderer::drawPathTexture(PathTexture* texture, float x, float y,
const SkPaint* paint) {
if (quickRejectSetupScissor(x, y, x + texture->width, y + texture->height)) {
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setFillPathTexturePaint(*texture, *paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), *currentTransform(), false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRect(Rect(x, y, x + texture->width, y + texture->height))
// Same values used by Skia
#define kStdStrikeThru_Offset (-6.0f / 21.0f)
#define kStdUnderline_Offset (1.0f / 9.0f)
#define kStdUnderline_Thickness (1.0f / 18.0f)
void OpenGLRenderer::drawTextDecorations(float underlineWidth, float x, float y,
const SkPaint* paint) {
// Handle underline and strike-through
uint32_t flags = paint->getFlags();
if (flags & (SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag | SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag)) {
SkPaint paintCopy(*paint);
if (CC_LIKELY(underlineWidth > 0.0f)) {
const float textSize = paintCopy.getTextSize();
const float strokeWidth = fmax(textSize * kStdUnderline_Thickness, 1.0f);
const float left = x;
float top = 0.0f;
int linesCount = 0;
if (flags & SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag) linesCount++;
if (flags & SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag) linesCount++;
const int pointsCount = 4 * linesCount;
float points[pointsCount];
int currentPoint = 0;
if (flags & SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag) {
top = y + textSize * kStdUnderline_Offset;
points[currentPoint++] = left;
points[currentPoint++] = top;
points[currentPoint++] = left + underlineWidth;
points[currentPoint++] = top;
if (flags & SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag) {
top = y + textSize * kStdStrikeThru_Offset;
points[currentPoint++] = left;
points[currentPoint++] = top;
points[currentPoint++] = left + underlineWidth;
points[currentPoint++] = top;
drawLines(&points[0], pointsCount, &paintCopy);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawRects(const float* rects, int count, const SkPaint* paint) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) {
drawColorRects(rects, count, paint, false, true, true);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawShadow(float casterAlpha,
const VertexBuffer* ambientShadowVertexBuffer, const VertexBuffer* spotShadowVertexBuffer) {
if (mState.currentlyIgnored()) return;
// TODO: use quickRejectWithScissor. For now, always force enable scissor.
SkPaint paint;
paint.setAntiAlias(true); // want to use AlphaVertex
// The caller has made sure casterAlpha > 0.
float ambientShadowAlpha = mAmbientShadowAlpha;
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::overrideAmbientShadowStrength >= 0)) {
ambientShadowAlpha = Properties::overrideAmbientShadowStrength;
if (ambientShadowVertexBuffer && ambientShadowAlpha > 0) {
paint.setARGB(casterAlpha * ambientShadowAlpha, 0, 0, 0);
drawVertexBuffer(*ambientShadowVertexBuffer, &paint, kVertexBuffer_ShadowInterp);
float spotShadowAlpha = mSpotShadowAlpha;
if (CC_UNLIKELY(Properties::overrideSpotShadowStrength >= 0)) {
spotShadowAlpha = Properties::overrideSpotShadowStrength;
if (spotShadowVertexBuffer && spotShadowAlpha > 0) {
paint.setARGB(casterAlpha * spotShadowAlpha, 0, 0, 0);
drawVertexBuffer(*spotShadowVertexBuffer, &paint, kVertexBuffer_ShadowInterp);
void OpenGLRenderer::drawColorRects(const float* rects, int count, const SkPaint* paint,
bool ignoreTransform, bool dirty, bool clip) {
if (count == 0) {
float left = FLT_MAX;
float top = FLT_MAX;
float right = FLT_MIN;
float bottom = FLT_MIN;
Vertex mesh[count];
Vertex* vertex = mesh;
for (int index = 0; index < count; index += 4) {
float l = rects[index + 0];
float t = rects[index + 1];
float r = rects[index + 2];
float b = rects[index + 3];
Vertex::set(vertex++, l, t);
Vertex::set(vertex++, r, t);
Vertex::set(vertex++, l, b);
Vertex::set(vertex++, r, b);
left = fminf(left, l);
top = fminf(top, t);
right = fmaxf(right, r);
bottom = fmaxf(bottom, b);
if (clip && quickRejectSetupScissor(left, top, right, bottom)) {
const Matrix4& transform = ignoreTransform ? Matrix4::identity() : *currentTransform();
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setMeshIndexedQuads(&mesh[0], count / 4)
.setFillPaint(*paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), transform, false)
.setModelViewOffsetRect(0, 0, Rect(left, top, right, bottom))
void OpenGLRenderer::drawColorRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
const SkPaint* paint, bool ignoreTransform) {
const Matrix4& transform = ignoreTransform ? Matrix4::identity() : *currentTransform();
Glop glop;
GlopBuilder(mRenderState, mCaches, &glop)
.setFillPaint(*paint, currentSnapshot()->alpha)
.setTransform(currentSnapshot()->getOrthoMatrix(), transform, false)
.setModelViewMapUnitToRect(Rect(left, top, right, bottom))
void OpenGLRenderer::getAlphaAndMode(const SkPaint* paint, int* alpha,
SkXfermode::Mode* mode) const {
getAlphaAndModeDirect(paint, alpha, mode);
*alpha *= currentSnapshot()->alpha;
float OpenGLRenderer::getLayerAlpha(const Layer* layer) const {
return (layer->getAlpha() / 255.0f) * currentSnapshot()->alpha;
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android