We used to replace elements in the default with elements from the overlay. This change causes us to empty the array first so if the overlay array is smaller we don't end up with elements from the default array showing through at the end of the array. Ex: [A,B,C] and overlay [D] should give [D] but used to give [D,B,C]. Original author: rgreenwalt Automated import of CL 144413
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537 lines
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// Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
// Build resource files from raw assets.
#include "StringPool.h"
#include "SourcePos.h"
#include <set>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class ResourceTable;
enum {
status_t compileXmlFile(const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
const sp<AaptFile>& target,
ResourceTable* table,
status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle,
const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
const sp<AaptFile>& in,
const ResTable_config& defParams,
const bool overwrite,
ResourceTable* outTable);
struct AccessorCookie
SourcePos sourcePos;
String8 attr;
String8 value;
AccessorCookie(const SourcePos&p, const String8& a, const String8& v)
class ResourceTable : public ResTable::Accessor
class Package;
class Type;
class Entry;
ResourceTable(Bundle* bundle, const String16& assetsPackage);
status_t addIncludedResources(Bundle* bundle, const sp<AaptAssets>& assets);
status_t addPublic(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const uint32_t ident);
status_t addEntry(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const String16& value,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* style = NULL,
const ResTable_config* params = NULL,
const bool doSetIndex = false,
const int32_t format = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY,
const bool overwrite = false);
status_t startBag(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const String16& bagParent,
const ResTable_config* params = NULL,
bool replace = false,
bool isId = false);
status_t addBag(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const String16& bagParent,
const String16& bagKey,
const String16& value,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* style = NULL,
const ResTable_config* params = NULL,
bool replace = false,
bool isId = false,
const int32_t format = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY);
bool hasBagOrEntry(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name) const;
bool hasBagOrEntry(const String16& ref,
const String16* defType = NULL,
const String16* defPackage = NULL);
bool appendComment(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const String16& comment,
bool onlyIfEmpty = false);
bool appendTypeComment(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const String16& comment);
size_t size() const;
size_t numLocalResources() const;
bool hasResources() const;
sp<AaptFile> flatten(Bundle*);
static inline uint32_t makeResId(uint32_t packageId,
uint32_t typeId,
uint32_t nameId)
return nameId | (typeId<<16) | (packageId<<24);
static inline uint32_t getResId(const sp<Package>& p,
const sp<Type>& t,
uint32_t nameId);
uint32_t getResId(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
bool onlyPublic = false) const;
uint32_t getResId(const String16& ref,
const String16* defType = NULL,
const String16* defPackage = NULL,
const char** outErrorMsg = NULL,
bool onlyPublic = false) const;
static bool isValidResourceName(const String16& s);
bool stringToValue(Res_value* outValue, StringPool* pool,
const String16& str,
bool preserveSpaces, bool coerceType,
uint32_t attrID,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* style = NULL,
String16* outStr = NULL, void* accessorCookie = NULL,
uint32_t attrType = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY);
status_t assignResourceIds();
status_t addSymbols(const sp<AaptSymbols>& outSymbols = NULL);
void addLocalization(const String16& name, const String8& locale);
status_t validateLocalizations(void);
status_t flatten(Bundle*, const sp<AaptFile>& dest);
void writePublicDefinitions(const String16& package, FILE* fp);
virtual uint32_t getCustomResource(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name) const;
virtual uint32_t getCustomResourceWithCreation(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const bool createIfNeeded);
virtual uint32_t getRemappedPackage(uint32_t origPackage) const;
virtual bool getAttributeType(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outType);
virtual bool getAttributeMin(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outMin);
virtual bool getAttributeMax(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outMax);
virtual bool getAttributeKeys(uint32_t attrID, Vector<String16>* outKeys);
virtual bool getAttributeEnum(uint32_t attrID,
const char16_t* name, size_t nameLen,
Res_value* outValue);
virtual bool getAttributeFlags(uint32_t attrID,
const char16_t* name, size_t nameLen,
Res_value* outValue);
virtual uint32_t getAttributeL10N(uint32_t attrID);
virtual bool getLocalizationSetting();
virtual void reportError(void* accessorCookie, const char* fmt, ...);
void setCurrentXmlPos(const SourcePos& pos) { mCurrentXmlPos = pos; }
class Item {
Item() : isId(false), format(ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY), bagKeyId(0), evaluating(false)
{ memset(&parsedValue, 0, sizeof(parsedValue)); }
Item(const SourcePos& pos,
bool _isId,
const String16& _value,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* _style = NULL,
int32_t format = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY);
Item(const Item& o) : sourcePos(o.sourcePos),
isId(o.isId), value(o.value), style(o.style),
format(o.format), bagKeyId(o.bagKeyId), evaluating(false) {
memset(&parsedValue, 0, sizeof(parsedValue));
~Item() { }
Item& operator=(const Item& o) {
sourcePos = o.sourcePos;
isId = o.isId;
value = o.value;
style = o.style;
format = o.format;
bagKeyId = o.bagKeyId;
parsedValue = o.parsedValue;
return *this;
SourcePos sourcePos;
mutable bool isId;
String16 value;
Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span> style;
int32_t format;
uint32_t bagKeyId;
mutable bool evaluating;
Res_value parsedValue;
class Entry : public RefBase {
Entry(const String16& name, const SourcePos& pos)
: mName(name), mType(TYPE_UNKNOWN),
mItemFormat(ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY), mNameIndex(-1), mPos(pos)
{ }
virtual ~Entry() { }
enum type {
String16 getName() const { return mName; }
type getType() const { return mType; }
void setParent(const String16& parent) { mParent = parent; }
String16 getParent() const { return mParent; }
status_t makeItABag(const SourcePos& sourcePos);
status_t emptyBag(const SourcePos& sourcePos);
status_t setItem(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& value,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* style = NULL,
int32_t format = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY,
const bool overwrite = false);
status_t addToBag(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& key, const String16& value,
const Vector<StringPool::entry_style_span>* style = NULL,
bool replace=false, bool isId = false,
int32_t format = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY);
// Index of the entry's name string in the key pool.
int32_t getNameIndex() const { return mNameIndex; }
void setNameIndex(int32_t index) { mNameIndex = index; }
const Item* getItem() const { return mType == TYPE_ITEM ? &mItem : NULL; }
const KeyedVector<String16, Item>& getBag() const { return mBag; }
status_t generateAttributes(ResourceTable* table,
const String16& package);
status_t assignResourceIds(ResourceTable* table,
const String16& package);
status_t prepareFlatten(StringPool* strings, ResourceTable* table);
ssize_t flatten(Bundle*, const sp<AaptFile>& data, bool isPublic);
const SourcePos& getPos() const { return mPos; }
String16 mName;
String16 mParent;
type mType;
Item mItem;
int32_t mItemFormat;
KeyedVector<String16, Item> mBag;
int32_t mNameIndex;
uint32_t mParentId;
SourcePos mPos;
struct ConfigDescription : public ResTable_config {
ConfigDescription() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
size = sizeof(ResTable_config);
ConfigDescription(const ResTable_config&o) {
*static_cast<ResTable_config*>(this) = o;
size = sizeof(ResTable_config);
ConfigDescription(const ConfigDescription&o) {
*static_cast<ResTable_config*>(this) = o;
ConfigDescription& operator=(const ResTable_config& o) {
*static_cast<ResTable_config*>(this) = o;
size = sizeof(ResTable_config);
return *this;
ConfigDescription& operator=(const ConfigDescription& o) {
*static_cast<ResTable_config*>(this) = o;
return *this;
inline bool operator<(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) < 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) <= 0; }
inline bool operator==(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) == 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) != 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>(const ConfigDescription& o) const { return compare(o) > 0; }
class ConfigList : public RefBase {
ConfigList(const String16& name, const SourcePos& pos)
: mName(name), mPos(pos), mPublic(false), mEntryIndex(-1) { }
virtual ~ConfigList() { }
String16 getName() const { return mName; }
const SourcePos& getPos() const { return mPos; }
void appendComment(const String16& comment, bool onlyIfEmpty = false);
const String16& getComment() const { return mComment; }
void appendTypeComment(const String16& comment);
const String16& getTypeComment() const { return mTypeComment; }
// Index of this entry in its Type.
int32_t getEntryIndex() const { return mEntryIndex; }
void setEntryIndex(int32_t index) { mEntryIndex = index; }
void setPublic(bool pub) { mPublic = pub; }
bool getPublic() const { return mPublic; }
void setPublicSourcePos(const SourcePos& pos) { mPublicSourcePos = pos; }
const SourcePos& getPublicSourcePos() { return mPublicSourcePos; }
void addEntry(const ResTable_config& config, const sp<Entry>& entry) {
mEntries.add(config, entry);
const DefaultKeyedVector<ConfigDescription, sp<Entry> >& getEntries() const { return mEntries; }
const String16 mName;
const SourcePos mPos;
String16 mComment;
String16 mTypeComment;
bool mPublic;
SourcePos mPublicSourcePos;
int32_t mEntryIndex;
DefaultKeyedVector<ConfigDescription, sp<Entry> > mEntries;
class Public {
Public() : sourcePos(), ident(0) { }
Public(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& _comment,
uint32_t _ident)
: sourcePos(pos),
comment(_comment), ident(_ident) { }
Public(const Public& o) : sourcePos(o.sourcePos),
comment(o.comment), ident(o.ident) { }
~Public() { }
Public& operator=(const Public& o) {
sourcePos = o.sourcePos;
comment = o.comment;
ident = o.ident;
return *this;
SourcePos sourcePos;
String16 comment;
uint32_t ident;
class Type : public RefBase {
Type(const String16& name, const SourcePos& pos)
: mName(name), mFirstPublicSourcePos(NULL), mPublicIndex(-1), mIndex(-1), mPos(pos)
{ }
virtual ~Type() { delete mFirstPublicSourcePos; }
status_t addPublic(const SourcePos& pos,
const String16& name,
const uint32_t ident);
String16 getName() const { return mName; }
sp<Entry> getEntry(const String16& entry,
const SourcePos& pos,
const ResTable_config* config = NULL,
bool doSetIndex = false);
const SourcePos& getFirstPublicSourcePos() const { return *mFirstPublicSourcePos; }
int32_t getPublicIndex() const { return mPublicIndex; }
int32_t getIndex() const { return mIndex; }
void setIndex(int32_t index) { mIndex = index; }
status_t applyPublicEntryOrder();
const SortedVector<ConfigDescription>& getUniqueConfigs() const { return mUniqueConfigs; }
const DefaultKeyedVector<String16, sp<ConfigList> >& getConfigs() const { return mConfigs; }
const Vector<sp<ConfigList> >& getOrderedConfigs() const { return mOrderedConfigs; }
const SourcePos& getPos() const { return mPos; }
String16 mName;
SourcePos* mFirstPublicSourcePos;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, Public> mPublic;
SortedVector<ConfigDescription> mUniqueConfigs;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, sp<ConfigList> > mConfigs;
Vector<sp<ConfigList> > mOrderedConfigs;
int32_t mPublicIndex;
int32_t mIndex;
SourcePos mPos;
class Package : public RefBase {
Package(const String16& name, ssize_t includedId=-1);
virtual ~Package() { }
String16 getName() const { return mName; }
sp<Type> getType(const String16& type,
const SourcePos& pos,
bool doSetIndex = false);
ssize_t getAssignedId() const { return mIncludedId; }
const ResStringPool& getTypeStrings() const { return mTypeStrings; }
uint32_t indexOfTypeString(const String16& s) const { return mTypeStringsMapping.valueFor(s); }
const sp<AaptFile> getTypeStringsData() const { return mTypeStringsData; }
status_t setTypeStrings(const sp<AaptFile>& data);
const ResStringPool& getKeyStrings() const { return mKeyStrings; }
uint32_t indexOfKeyString(const String16& s) const { return mKeyStringsMapping.valueFor(s); }
const sp<AaptFile> getKeyStringsData() const { return mKeyStringsData; }
status_t setKeyStrings(const sp<AaptFile>& data);
status_t applyPublicTypeOrder();
const DefaultKeyedVector<String16, sp<Type> >& getTypes() const { return mTypes; }
const Vector<sp<Type> >& getOrderedTypes() const { return mOrderedTypes; }
status_t setStrings(const sp<AaptFile>& data,
ResStringPool* strings,
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, uint32_t>* mappings);
const String16 mName;
const ssize_t mIncludedId;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, sp<Type> > mTypes;
Vector<sp<Type> > mOrderedTypes;
sp<AaptFile> mTypeStringsData;
sp<AaptFile> mKeyStringsData;
ResStringPool mTypeStrings;
ResStringPool mKeyStrings;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, uint32_t> mTypeStringsMapping;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, uint32_t> mKeyStringsMapping;
void writePublicDefinitions(const String16& package, FILE* fp, bool pub);
sp<Package> getPackage(const String16& package);
sp<Type> getType(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const SourcePos& pos,
bool doSetIndex = false);
sp<Entry> getEntry(const String16& package,
const String16& type,
const String16& name,
const SourcePos& pos,
const ResTable_config* config = NULL,
bool doSetIndex = false);
sp<const Entry> getEntry(uint32_t resID,
const ResTable_config* config = NULL) const;
const Item* getItem(uint32_t resID, uint32_t attrID) const;
bool getItemValue(uint32_t resID, uint32_t attrID,
Res_value* outValue);
String16 mAssetsPackage;
sp<AaptAssets> mAssets;
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, sp<Package> > mPackages;
Vector<sp<Package> > mOrderedPackages;
uint32_t mNextPackageId;
bool mHaveAppPackage;
bool mIsAppPackage;
size_t mNumLocal;
SourcePos mCurrentXmlPos;
Bundle* mBundle;
// key = string resource name, value = set of locales in which that name is defined
map<String16, set<String8> > mLocalizations;
class ResourceFilter
ResourceFilter() : mData(), mContainsPseudo(false) {}
status_t parse(const char* arg);
bool match(int axis, uint32_t value);
bool match(const ResTable_config& config);
inline bool containsPseudo() { return mContainsPseudo; }
KeyedVector<int,SortedVector<uint32_t> > mData;
bool mContainsPseudo;